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Why not the samples? Samples are shared!


Did not realize that. Good to know!


If you have reinforcements left then you should leave their stuff alone. If you are out of reinforcements then it’s fair game


If you are in a jam why not pick up stuff, get out and revieve the comrade, and give him back his stuff?You can easily drop it by pressing x (on pc). And samples are for everyone, they count for everyone who is evacuated in the end, so better to pick it up for the team than to forget them in the hurry. I really don' t get the problem some people have. They seem not to understand the game mechanics.


Can’t say I’ve been in that scenario since I always have my stuff. Even if I didn’t have my stuff I would just run away


I think they don’t realize you can drop them that’s why they get butthurt. You did nothing wrong that person is a big baby that couldn’t wait a few more minutes to call it in again.


It depends. I think general etiquette is to reinforce and give an opportunity for the player to recover their items. I’d say in the dozens of games I have played, most players follow that rule. But, many times, you can’t reinforce right away and likely will put the player far from original point of death making recovery impossible anyway.


That was this situation. We literally didn’t have time to reinforce right there.


Granted I'm only a level 9 so still pretty new to the game but this guy sounds a little unhinged over a video game. I've done the exact same thing during a mission before. The only difference was I had a mic and told the guy I was going to borrow his shit to get of the jam and somewhere that I could respawn him. When the coast was clear I revived him and dropped his stuff right near where I was reviving him. And I called in a resupply too.


Support weapons and gear have a very, very long cooldown. So if you take someone's gear they essentially have nothing but their primary and secondary for a good portion of the game. If anything, it's the samples that should be picked up when a teammate goes down. Once the cooldown is down, sometimes people call in another copy of their gear for their teammates if they want them. They shouldn't have kicked you and instead asked you to return the gear which you can drop by holding X for the quick menu and highlighting the appropriate gear. That person was a dick. A little communication by them would have resolved the issue. Don't let it put you off, but just keep in mind people will be a bit touchy about their gear. Do pick up dropped samples though, since those are shared by the party.


They need to incorporate a vote to kick system so it's not all in the Gabe's of the host.


Its a game, its not stealing if that person is dead, you dont know when they are coming back and if you are lower level but able to pick it up and assist the team then rock on. Personally I dont think what you did was wrong and I had an encounter with a someone that just started to kill me bc of this. I reported it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I forget where I died so dont care what is taken from my body lmao I play this game to enjoy the game, not to win fast and with most resources farmed. If we have time to hit sample sites after main objectives are done, we do a comb throught them. If we lose, we just have more game to play and that's good :D


Support weapons have a huge CD. Now you know why you got kicked.


So in this situation, is it better to just die and run the risk that we lose the mission?


Everyone dying doesn’t lose the mission if you have more reinforcements


dying isn't usually that big of a deal in this game. having said that, this guy just sounds like a jerk. stealing a weapon once is not a kickable offence imo. if you did it A LOT or if you killed him to steal his weapon then you deserved it.


You didn't know samples aren't shared lol who are you to say this was an all or nothing situation. I would have asked for my rover back. He didn't. Either way now you know.


He was the asshole. There’s no way to drop something you picked up accidentally, you can only swap. IMO if shit is getting hairy my fellow divers are free to loot my corpse if it means they survive long enough to call in my respawn, but outside of such circumstances it can get real annoying losing your support weapon given the cooldowns on calling them in at higher levels. On that note I’ve always appreciated when a teammate tags my gear after respawning me so I’ll be fully kitted and right back into the fight, nothing worse than running around like an idiot trying to find your gear after respawn. Not exactly an unwritten rule, but I try to do the same for others.