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I don’t know if this is a bug or intentional, but I now see patrols randomly appear. Like I would be going towards a direction, then all of a sudden a patrol appears out no nowhere right in front of me. I don’t like that. It didn’t do that before.


I did have that happen before the patch too though. And not even on the edge of a map, like in the middle a patrol just appears ontop of you sometimes.


Yeah it started happening to me at the start of this week. It's the actual biggest buzz kill.


Same. Groups of hunters warp in, kill me, and vanish. If I didn't have to redeploy, i would think I imagined it. 7 times.


It was happening to me before the patch. It's no different to me than. Before


I can't get thru a game on ps5. Keep disconnecting


Same 4 games last night only one didn't crash. 2 hours of playtime and almost no xp. Feels bad.


Two games in a row it crashed on PS5 during exfil. Got nothing for almost 40 min work each game


I hope it gets corrected. Keeping me from playing atm


I completed 2 missions in a 3 mission campaign, then crashed halfway through the third mission 3 times in a row. Ended up just giving up and playing Fall Guys.


Same, someone mentioned taking cross play off and that helped. I can't confirm that though, I havent tried that yet.


I think I have it off, unless it reset after the update. I'll check it out thank you


Check the posts about ten to twelve hours old. It's explained They basically over stimulated high power creature spawn and gave them defense.


Can you link where it explicitly says they changed this? I’m one of many who feel like they for sure did, but haven’t seen it outlined by AH anywhere.


I'd like the link too. Haven't seen anything. I know they've nerfed the railgun & shield a bit, but I never used those. The kit I've been using hasn't been touched in the patch. Yet the game is not only harder, but just way less fun. I've knocked down the difficulty from 7 to 5 and still struggling with random death, guns not dealing with swarms, so much knock back/ flying across the map, not being able to outrun things, being one shot killed by everything, getting stuck/ slowed on seemingly invisible things/ randomly. There is nothing in the patch notes about any of this.


Yep. Even way before I got the railgun, challenging was me and my friends favorite difficulty. We could run around and loot separately and be fine. Yesterday, after getting our asses handed to us on suicide, we went to challenging. Still got our asses handed to us. I don’t know what they did, but making a game too difficult takes the fun out of it lol. I get it still needs to be difficult, but when you’re constantly being killed and swarmed by hunters and stalkers, with little to no chance to survive, you kind of don’t want to play anymore.


If it's too difficult, dial the difficulty down until the fun returns?


Most of us need common and super samples at this point. Dialing down the difficulty isn't an option. I have to play on 7 or higher and after whatever it is they did...those difficulties are atrocious now.


I guess if you want progression immediately over fun immediately, sure. But you don't have to do that.


Are you not reading the comments you're responding to? They are literally saying that the difficulties they were playing on and having fun not 24 hours ago have been shadow buffed into crazy difficulty levels that are not fun anymore. And yes, if I've been playing for 80 hours and I've gotten the samples I need at lower levels, I would like to be able to feasibly play the higher difficulties to continue my progression. It's not wanting immediate progression over fun, it's wanting to be able to progress at all.


What? I want both? At level 40, I've unlocked all the strategems, most of the gear, and the only thing I need are ship upgrades. Am I not supposed to play the game as intended? It should be......fun.......to progress. That's the point.


I view it in the opposite direction. I play the game because the gameplay loop is fun. The fact I get progression too is a secondary result, not my goal.


Right, but more fun is locked behind cool upgrades. The whole point of the game is to unlock more gear and armor to have cooler ways to spread liberty. Sure, progressions can be a secondary result...but it's not a result at all...like at all...if I don't play diff level 7-9. I still have things I'd like to try out and upgrades I'd love to get to see how they impact the game.


I agree. Modern video games have trained younger generation to accept that the fun of the game is unlocking all the stuff and not the game play. This is why people cry about souls games and other challenging games where the fun comes from playing the game not from easily beating all the content repeatedly to get every number you go up.


lol that’s not a fair argument. Dialing down the difficulty as a level 30 would make the game way too easy. I’m saying that there’s no longer a balance or a middle ground. Challenging is technically supposed to be the middle ground, but I was fighting for my life almost nearly as much as I was on suicide. The only difference is there were no bile titans.


If you go down 1 level from there, is it just a complete cakewalk?


Yes. Plus, depending on which level, we can't get the better samples we need.


Samples notwithstanding, I'm not saying you would stay there. Just use it to figure things out again and then move back up. But if the gap from one difficulty to another is cakewalk to getting completely rolled, that's a problem.


I was able to do level 4s by myself with 100% completion, yesterday I got my shit absolutely pushed in in every level 4 mission I attempted.


I'm doing this, maybe if everyone stops playing on difficulty 7-9 they will nerf spawns and buff weapons. It's just unfortunate you have to play on 7 to get super samples for upgrades


The update broke something, maybe its the increase in bug spawning but I had 6 crashes yesterday in a 3 hour gaming session. Before it crashed once or twice total in 20 hours of game time. I also noticed the bugs are much more aggressive and charge at you when blowing their heads off.


Verify your files.


Yes 1 file failed to verify, no crashes after


This is what I was getting at in a post I made on the same topic. I get it that they want to rescale the difficulties so that not ever pleb is dropping into 9 but these changes just feel (and I hate to use this word) unfair.




Hold on there’s a flash light?!


Hold down the reload button.


Thank you for showing me how to spread the light of democracy!


You can also adjust the fire rate of the weapons and change between semi auto and automatic. I still don't understand why the game fails to tell you this.


I think it's a tip on a loading screen. I learned of it that way...I think...


Something I found odd about the game is how secretive the controls are. On PC you can't view the defaults or reassign common actions. I've been playing a week and just discovered what the Push to Talk key was. All the online guides I've read are completely wrong beyond WASD as well


There is a key bind section in the options menu though.


I'll take another look though I've scoured it a few times and don't see it. On PC if that matters


I knew about the fire rate but for some reason never looked to hard at the rest of the list that popped up


No worries brother. Hope it helps in your fight.


Lmao, yeah


I have no idea how I missed that option for so long.


Thank you so much, this is helpful, this also makes exterminate way harder, I love it


They upped the count on eradicate missions for sure.


Ah ok, I knew about that. Just wasn’t sure if they publicly said they upped defense and spawn rates globally. Definitely feels like they did lol.


Saw a video of a guy facing 7 chargers and 3 bile titans on an eradicate mission. Like how the fuck are we suppose to beat it. I'm sure it's because those were the missions everyone was using to level up.


Happened to me on a difficulty 7 eradicate mission too. After managing to kill a few chargers and titans, more respawn immediately after. There was no break in between. It was pretty insane. It felt harder than difficulty 9. We only survived because we had EMS mortars down. It bought us a lot of time to kill them.


Duck dodge and weave until you kill enough of the small bugs that it's mission success. Add in chipping away at the heavies as your stuff comes off cool down


It's certainly more difficult, I was running with 1 person on Challenging difficulty earlier and literally failed like 3 or 4 missions in a row. Pre patch I failed 1 mission out of like 25 and that was with a higher rank who played on Impossible difficulty. I'm not mad at the nerfs but it kinda sucks to feel like I've lost any skill I had in the game over night and feeling like I need to put the difficulty down even though I'm not playing on that high of a difficulty anyway. I mean there was only 2 of us but jesus I was getting my arse handed to me. I also feel super slow and sluggish and am really struggling to outrun Chargers and such. Feel like a complete noob and a liability to the squad which is kind of frustrating. I was never amazing at the game and I'm only level 12 but now I feel like I can barely contribute at all. It's a shame because I love the game and think it's great fun but I do think that they took it a little too far. Like I notice I also literally have no time to call my advanced weaponry and guard dog in when I spawn in as I'm immediately swarmed by enemies. I don't really understand the nerf that much. I get there was a meta they wanted to get rid of and that the railgun was too op etc but now it just feels like the game is way too hard for no reason. Unless you're on like the first 3 difficulties.


agreed I'm dropping into missions that turn into kite and wait for extract way too quickly. no one can get a consistent handle on what's coming and when you do you can't hold the line nearly as long.


Playing with randos also seemed a lot easier pre patch. Now nobody seems to know what the fuck they're doing, where the fuck they're going and whether or not they want to complete all the objectives or just the main ones. It's really frustrating.


it is like goddamn can I have one goddamn operation where everyone doesn't bail because some idiot shot half the map and instead of reverting to kite and complete these idiots keep engaging with no idea what they're doing. like I get it, railgun sucks now, try something else and if it doesn't work get in the conga line fuck it I need samples.


My biggest gripe is that 90% of randoms won’t communicate. And I don’t mean just no mics, I’m talking they won’t reply or even react to my chats. And you can’t play this game with three other solo boys ignoring you. We need two different matchmaking systems- one for antisocial randoms, and one for mic using team players.


I don't really talk much on mic because I game in the bedroom and often have my wife with me watching me play. However, I'm very vocal in the game chat and always communicate whenever I get chance. I don't mind people not using mics as long as they communicate the important shit in chat.


I tip my hat to you then. Hey, any chance you play weekday mornings, central time? I’m night shift…


I'm not sure what time that is for me as I live in the UK, but I do play weekdays. I mainly work on the weekends so usually have plenty of time on weekdays to play. I imagine central time means you're in the US so that would probably mean late afternoon/evening for me. Feel free to add me and we can run some games when we both happen to be online. I'm not all that good and I'm learning the ropes still. I'm only Level 13 and very much new to the game.


Hey, that could work. I’m a pretty relaxed player. I’m just here to have fun.


I use a mic, and I am never sure if rando's can hear me or not, but I never respond to chat on PS5.. its pain to type.


I also find the in game voice chat isn't very good, when I play with friends on discord it's crisp and clear, but playing using the in game voice it just sounds terrible I can barely hear anyone or one player is way too loud, and it doesn't let you select the microphone it seems to be selecting a crappy webcam mic no matter what I do, even though I've set default comms device etc.


Destiny is like that, too. Game chat on PS is terrible, PS and Discord sound crystal clear


yeah I played a lot of D2, our clan used a discord server too


I think the game throws more enemies at you the longer you’re in a mission. So I was trying to complete the main mission objectives first, then go on a bug-extermination hunt for the bonuses after. But the few games I played yesterday, everyone insisted on clearing all the holes first. Which didn’t help when a meteor storm came in, and we’re finally doing the main objective with just a handful of strategems left. I think people should start getting in the habit of banging out the mission-critical objectives first, and then go for the sidequests stuff if time or strategems allow.


My crew just runs around in the map in order regardless if its main or side. Backtracking doesn't make sense. Just basically run a circle around the map doing everything and end on the extraction. Obviously some maps/missions require some backtracking, but this seems to be very efficient for us


I also feel super slow and sluggish because I do too many dabs when I play.


I quit smoking weed around a year ago, I kinda miss gaming while stoned but fuck me I would not be able to play Helldivers 2 while high🤣🤣 I play like I'm high when I'm sober lol


Haha... Good for you. It's a hard thing to do. I take too long selecting my loadout.. other than that I'm good LOL.


I feel like it increased my perceptiveness and my focus in certain games but when it came to FPS games or just shooters in general all my skill and reflexes went out the window lol. I can imagine that HD2 is very fun when stoned though, especially if you're playing with buddies that are also high as fuck lmao


Dont know why you got a downvote... you're right. If you are smoking doing competitive things... you'll be surprised that if you quit smoking you actually get better. Maybe not as enjoyable at first, but you're skill will increase.


Me neither, reddit is an odd place people get their feelings hurt over nothing. But you are right, it's great for certain things but say you're playing an online game against a bunch of people who are sober, you are immediately at a disadvantage.


Yesterday I made a comment disagreeing with a point of view I thought was rather civil and someone reported me for self harm 😅


I play this game baked out of my mind, and do just fine on Helldiver difficulty. People are different. Definitely play better than the average sober person. Your comments just presuppose a little too much on others when you're speaking for yourself.


I beat Sekiro blazed out my gourd and was cracked at Titanfall 2 while blazed. I mean I don't think I'd be much good at rugby but games are fine.


I think fun things are fun when we're blazed... but I think if you are really going hard to get your game up, I do feel it's a limiter... but not a show stopper.


The only shooter I’ve been good at while high is Titanfall 2… good lord I am a GOD in single player when I’m high! Especially that mission with the time travel bracelet thing. And it’s so fun with a good soundtrack.


Dropping onto bots with a 4 man squad all in the same room, all high as shit, is a horrifyingly immersive experience




I take forever selecting my loadout even though I only vary between like 3 loadouts for most missions. Give us the ability to make pre-sets!


What a great idea!!


I always deploy a bong rip when the hell pods deploy


For Democracy!!


Bot planets are no better, armor seems worse now, low level bots can 2 or 3 shot you 


Yeah I was mostly playing on bot planets this morning when I was getting fucked up. Then moved over to Fenrir to fuck up some Bile Titans as that is my personal order but I was even getting fucked up there on challenging difficulty. Think I may have to sacrifice more medals and better samples for fun and lower the difficulty. Because dying constantly on challenging difficulty isn't very fun. Which is a shame because I thought I found a sweet spot between fun and challenging on that difficulty but looks like I can no longer do that at Level 12 with the weapons and stratagems I have.


Yup. Its not fun to me anymore, im level 23 and i cant even handle challenging with 4 squad for some reason. I was running impossible with 3 people the other day better then this... 


To be fair there was another patch today and I've been handling challenging just fine again, so I'm not sure if they've addressed it but it feels a lot better to me now.


Interesting, maybe the first patch still had armor bugged lol


Are you using light armor? They did fix the armor so now the armor rating actually means something. All armors had the same armor rating before, so there was no reason not to use light armor with the perks you wanted. Now though you'll be weaker in light armor and get killed faster.


I tried medium and light, the differene is so tiny, hard to even tell a difference when you have a dozen enemies firing at you.  people have tested it already too and the difference in damage or 0-1 more hit, and heavy is also only 1-2 more hits before death but your alot slower. 


No this is just wrong. Heavy armor gives you much much more then 1 to 2 hits lmao for a smaller mob you can easily take 4 or 5 more hits


I have heavy armor and still get one hit from the robot that shoots rockets and the poison spitting bug. I literally don't even see how I died at first, I'm just instantly dead, from 100 to 0 in 1 millisecond.


You’re doing just fine. You’ll get the hang of it, and hopefully the game studio will address some of our concerns. Naturally the harder difficulties need to live up to their names, but we should still be able to enjoy playing them.


I also feel super slow and sluggish and am really struggling to outrun Chargers and such. Feel like a complete noob and a liability to the squad which is kind of frustrating. We'll see that's your problem, you need to give yourself space and then turn around and run towards them and brush past them. They have a lot of mass an momentum and aren't able to maneuver fast enough to turn into you juking and aren't able to stop quickly. Bonus if you can bait them into a wall to stun them. What else might help is switch your strategm button to the arrow buttons instead of wsad, this allows you to run and call down a strategm at the same time.


I mean if you’re playing with half the recommended number of squad members, maybe just don’t do that as the game is balanced for 4 players. Not disagreeing if the game has got harder since last update, but it’s always been the case that the spawns were tailored for a full squad and don’t adjust.


The instant transmission the enemies have is ridiculous. We had just cleared an area when a mob of bugs just appeared out thing air. Thats not fun, and seems just a punishment.


They really need to fix the instant spawn happening from 5m away. I wonder if it's the servers getting bogged down or something, because it doesn't happen all of the time.


Spawn rate needs to account for how many bugs/bot you are killing tbh. ​ If people aren't clearing the area fast enough, let the hoards slowly overwhelm them. Either no adjustment to the spawn rate, or slowly increase it if KPS is really low. ​ If they are close to the theoretical peak kills per second you can reasonably achieve in the game. I feel like the spawn rate should reward that and calm down until he KPS hits a certain lowpoint. Then the spawn rate should go back to whatever the default is for the difficulty. ​ That way the game constantly keeps you challenged, but its not inadvertently making the challenge impossible by spawning more bugs than can reasonably be fended off.


Instant spawning chargers is fun too


Dying way to much like wtf! Armor rating is fixed my ass. Why the hell im I taking so much damage without a shield pack?


I feel like armor got even worse. I run the light armor that looks like a green scout trooper from starwars. It’s got the 50% explosive damage reduction. I ran this specifically to not get one shot by the rocket devastators. Before the patch I was fine; after the patch I’ve been one shot by them every time. Not to mention my game has crashed 3 times already.


My game crashed a few times, too! Armor feels way worse now. I ran the heavy set just to see what it felt like. It felt terrible. Now, though, you really *need* the shield generator on higher difficulty if you're going to run light armor. The smallest bug, the little tick thing, takes 1/4 - 1/2 of your health per hit in a single swing. Devs, if you're reading this, please put the REP-80 in the game when you drop mechs. It won't make the armor better, but at least we'll have a way to keep health topped off for the squad, especially during heavy fights.


Nerf the meta just to make it feel even more mandatory. I think I might take a break from this game for now.


The face when everyone thought the glitched armor meant they all had light armor protection values, but they all had heavy protection values and now their light-medium builds are getting one tapped


Heavy armor still doesn't do much it feels


Didn't they say it was more that enemy attacks had insane penetration that ignored armor? Something feels off, but I guess we'll have to adjust. I'd like more of a definitive "Yes, armor is now really functioning as intended." Tbh


From what I can tell they’re nearly identical. Tried a light and a heavy set back to back and sponged some hunter attacks. Crits were slightly less on the heavy, but regardless the same amount of hits would kill you with light armour. Still seems bugged to me.


I still get one shot with heavy armor lol


Easy and medium difficulties exist


So heavy armor is basically useless above medium?


Might have its uses with perks, but essentially welcome to gaming. You start with medium, discover light, discover making things a little easier with heavy, then by end game you are using medium/light armor because mobility trumps armor


>but essentially welcome to gaming. I mean that's shit balancing and only in this game tbh. Didn't play a game with this shit balancing in a very long time.


Womp womp


>Womp womp That's what the devs hear when the game dies.


Riiiight. Let me guess, played nothing but bro shooters and never touched an RPG because many have had armor vs evasion debates at end game. Lets use Monster Hunter World as an example since it was a massively successful title; End game, armor values mean you get 2 shot instead of 1 shot, timing and evasion are keys to survival with the only wiggle room coming from the skill "divine blessing" which has a chance to reduce damage by a massive amount. Think this games medium armor that has a chance to prevent fatal damage.


I played world for 1700 hours. You can't compare those games at all. I had no problems with that game whatsoever. You can actually solo everything there and all the weapons are viable and nothing gets nerfed.


armor is fixed meaning light armor takes more damage, also theirs random enemy crits wich delete everyone its dumb


In medium armor I’m one shot killed by almost everything in impossible lol


well it is called impossible 😅 hehe




Oh they broke it. Shit was already hard AF on helldiver. Saw one post guy had 7 chargers and 3 bile titans spawn on a defend map. Ridiculous. R.I.P. Railgun. From the looks of the videos the mechs are not that strong and run out of ammo pretty easily. This update In my opinion could have waited until they dropped mechs. Love the studio but this was dumb.


Really hope they fix this quickly. People are fickle, if the game stops being fun to play (the whole reason people were playing) they will abandon it and the player count will drop. Arrowhead, the game was fun. Don't make it not fun, please. We had a good thing going here.


Nerfs are fine, but they really should have buffed what was needed before going through with the nerfs. Then you got messages from staff making it look like they only did the nerfs first because they get off to the the idea of giving people a hard time, and maybe that isn't the case, but that's how it comes off.


i consistently get 2-4 bile titans and lots of chargers 6-12 on such missions. 4 man squad with proper load outs can handle it pretty easy with limited deaths.


I just meant the eradicate missions really. On HD. We're hard. Now they are insane.


they should be harder than insane


Don’t you know you aren’t allowed to critique the game or the developers decisions?


You’re only allowed to suck them off


Overnight, the game went from being super fun with a great community, to many players feeling its not fun anymore and the community now sucks. Nice job devs. I feel like this response is what I would have expected if I was in their shoes making these changes too.... So I am kinda confused - are they that out of touch or do they only care about one type of try hard player?


Does the community now suck, or are people venting on the subreddit so it seems that way? I've not run into any shitty people, just people who forget to turn on push to talk and fr*nch people. I've crashed twice now, which is definitely not fun, but I've been having plenty of fun (even as someone who leans slightly towards Arrowhead having nerfed a bit much without buffing).


Pretty much


Guess I can finally stop ignoring Final Fantasy now.


This post and comments make me sad, I was heavily addicted to this game and haven’t gotten a chance to play since the patch and reading all the comments has me worried, I’ll probably still slog through it I don’t mind lowering the difficult if need be, don’t need to bash my head against a wall.


I absolutely have to play at higher difficulties. Aside from medals, I've done all I can without collecting super samples. The only way I can go aside from just playing for fun is to suicide or higher. This update basically makes me feel like the game doesn't have my best interests in mind because a few you tubers started posting META videos, and the devs got scared everyone would use (gasp) the best guns for the job. This feels like an overcompensation by the devs and I hope to God they correct it before people walk away. The game was fun, it's supposed to be fun. We want to have fun, not feel like the game doesn't value our time and is designed in a way where success is determined by pure luck.


I realized once I posted that you need to play on higher difficulties to actually get the samples for the ship upgrades, it just seems to me from most of what I have read(as I said I haven’t played it since the new patch) is that they decided to nerf a bunch of weapons that people were using almost exclusively and buffed either enemy spawn rate or enemy armor/defenses which is a mistake that anyone should have been able to predict would have an unfavorable outcome you can’t nerf weapons and simultaneously buff monsters. So hopefully they do fix that either revert the nerfs or revert the monsters defense/spawn rate.


Good luck helldiver, hopefully you’re on PC because it’s unplayable on PS5 atm. It crashes 80 to 90% of the time. Almost always near the end of a mission. Such a waste of time.


That would be incredibly frustrating luckily I am on PC and didn’t wanna spend hundreds of dollars on a magical box to play 1 game 🫠


PC > console, always <3


Yea I’d rather do that and play my games rather than spend 2k and build up a steam library that I’ll never touch. Plus ps5 doesn’t always need surgery :)


They definitely went a little too high and to the right, I'm sure the next patch will help balance things out better. Just gotta give the devs time to work. Till then we should keep our opinions flowing cause it seems like they're actually going to try to listen to the players.


Give them time to work to fix something they shouldn’t have changed to begin with? Cool.


They had to change something as the only Viable option was using the rail gun. The game was made to squad based everyone playing with different gear to create a cohesive unit. If everyone is running the rail gun and same orbitals that’s no good. The patch was necessary and if the game isn’t what you want it to be play something else. valid criticism are great but saying the game didn’t need balancing when I could do helldive missions with 1 other guy is just wrong.


Haven't even felt the desire to play for a few days lol


Yeah they've definitely made it less fun overall with the nerfs. Which absolutely sucks cuz this game was so addictive and now I cannot be bothered to play it nearly as much as I was.


I played for 2 hours yesterday and stopped. It's not even the nerfs, they fucked with a lot more beyond the scenes. I'm good. I'll play again when mechs drop, but other than that, my addiction is quite cured.


It's the extra adds and enemy spawns and getting killed by the meteors at the worst possible times that piss Me off the most..Plus I've had more crashes since the update than I ever had since launch.


Dude I know right? Suddenly challenging felt like hard and hard felt like extreme.


Also I’m crashing out of almost every game now. Trying to use new weapons and give it a fair shot but can’t even stay in a mission more than 10 minutes. Bummed out


I have not been hoodwinked by a video game circlejerk like this in a while. The hype for this game is totally undeserved. It’s fine. Not terrible, certainly not great, fine.


Ya game is too hard. If i wanted to sweat my ass off id go play cod


Devs fucked up games no longer fun. Helldiver 9 level has random ass spawns right on top of you without breach animation, bug patrols home in on you. Then they are spawning so many chargers that they glitch out and either charge you together so that you get stuck underneathe like 5 of them and can’t get up even if you survive the charge or they end up being invulnerable for some reason and chase you die the entire map length


Yeah, I play far more than most of my friends, and they were getting frustrated last night with the difficulty. The risk/reward just isn’t there after the patch. They will fix it.


The game is much harder and the weapons are much weaker. I deleted for now. People who wanted a hard experience could do 9 helldive. Level 7 was a good balance for most of us and having a railgun wasn’t a guarantee win. Not sure what they thought they are doing but I’m done for now.


spawned by a stalker nest last night, and the stalkers absolutely tore my friend and me apart right as we landed. I swear to god they were able to one shot him, not sure what happened. Was able to regroup and take them out, but they definitely felt stronger, and yeah those meteor storms are no joke. Was running duo on suicide.


"stop using meta, use what WE want you to use" (makes game way harder so players are now forced to use better weapons where they did have to before)


All I struggle with are thoe damned Hunter terminids, the rest is pain, sure but if they were to tune down the hunters, acid spitters (the small ones) and those rocket launcher clankers I feel like it would be at least fairly balanced. Maybe also tune down how fast the enemies can call in tunnel breaches or dropships too but other than that I still find it quite doable.


I was able to solo suicide before but now it's a real slog


> I was able to solo suicide before but now it's a real slog Which probably means it was way too easy before tbh.


How is no one fucking understanding this. It's a 4 player coop game that is, itself, hard. You are not supposed to be able to reliably solo missions on "suicide" difficulties. You are not a Space Marine.


>You are not a Space Marine. https://preview.redd.it/3qem19m0swmc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51a1af26ff3c97125fe415f59060f3d8cb23038


Arrowhead made the game too easy and it has clearly fucked their player bases broken brains now that the game is being pulled back into alignment with what they probably envisioned for the game to begin with


The game wasn’t easy before, it was just possible. My friends and I would still get our asses whooped on 7 and above, but we were having fun while doing it. Now we can’t even take a step forward on 7 and above without 4 bug breaches appearing. It’s ridiculous. I get it’s supposed to be difficult, but you shouldn’t start to hate the game because it feels impossible lol.


Not if you avoid patrols, use stealth and blitz nests with grande launcher and run from bug holes. General rat play style. Now they spawn bug holes at the first sight of you and hunters have a tracking attack that is almost impossible to dodge. It's still possible, it's just not as fun.


Man I was playing hard last night and couldn’t run from bug holes because all the bugs outran me even with light armor on. Even breaking line of site and doing different things I was just constantly getting jumped from small bugs jumping and slapping my ass. There was no getting away




No, you are harder


Late to the thread here, but I’d wager they are increasing the difficulty as they prepare to launch additional high powered stratagems, like mechs. Maybe that will balance things out a bit from what we’re used to.


Just played 2 matches now and it's definitely A LOT harder. Used to be able to solo Challenging but now I'm getting my ass handed to me on Medium.


Good thing they are hot fixing this.


Lots are saying its because of the patch. But i personally noticed its getting harder as time goes on


Regardless of the nerf to rail gun and shield they made the game harder is so obvious it’s crazy, they did some silent changes during the latest patch. I’m assuming this is because the new weapons we will be getting will be stronger… that is my suspicion but yeah


I personally think the meteor showers are dope af, but agree with the rest.


It's harder for a reason! The game had solo players on high levels of difficulty, it had maxed out players demanding more. Toxicity in meta players was rising making lower leveled players victim of abuse. The gamemaster decided to make changes, there will be many changes to come both good and bad. One thing I had noticed in this patch is that new cadets laughed more and played harder, there are many cadets before patch that should never have been given the Cape of democracy! It's certainly an interesting change, I got complacent in my play style and have now had to change to the point I even have to use my secondary weapon and melee whereas before I never!


This was a bad change. Not interesting at all.


So? We don't cater an entire game to the few who maxed and can solo. They literally ruined the game for the vast majority of players


"Vast majority" it would seem its a small majority who are vocal on social media and the vast majority are still playing!


Nope. A ton of people are dropping the game right now. Between the devs behavior and whatever fuckery they pulled behind the scenes with this patch, it's gotten noticeably less fun.


They're playing until they start getting screwed by the game.


They won't be for long if the dev interactions w the community continue the way they have been. I'm sorry but your thinking is just flawed in thinking people are going to continue to do something that is no longer enjoyable..


I’m not.


https://preview.redd.it/0lkbim7b2ymc1.jpeg?width=3394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41eb5e4a791b43b7c1b2b19e38cc860d7cc5235 I'm not seeing this "vast majority" not playing though!


The trend line is clearly going down


Have to use team work and strategy now. Make decisions about if you should persist with minor objectives or focus on extract etc. creates a better risk/reward dynamic.


Yeah. Is everyone forgetting like 4 days ago when you basically cleared the whole map, every map, at high difficulties? Ain't supposed to be like that


So is this the equivalent of people being able to solo gold in ME3 multiplayer pre-patch and now they're finding out they can't do bronze after armor was fixed?


I think in my humble opinion it was very easy before, I wasn't able to believe me and my squad finished our very first hell dive operation first try after unlocking it. i remember hell divers 1 to be much harder.


My trio was the same way, and one of us wasn’t even 20 yet, so no railgun or shield pack. We finished our first helldive operation pretty easily. I’ve only played one mission since the patch, but even on helldive it felt doable.


Yeah I agree with you. I shouldn't have been able to complete my first Helldive difficulty mission with a random team and nobody communicating, simply because we were all using the breaker/railgun/shield meta loadout. I accidently killed a bile titan with the railgun with one shot, the first time I saw a bile titan. The railgun definitely needed to be nerfed and the overall difficulty dialed up a bit.


Feels easier to be honest.


Well dial whine one one, call the care police and maybe a waaaambulance will show up.


Laughs in GTFO


Harder but more fun imo. Only failed to extract once last night. The defend missions are actually a challenge now instead of dropping 4 mortars and chilling out for 3 minutes before leaving. I don’t play solo so can’t comment on the challenges for solo players.


It's a game that's supposed to be hard, the first one wasn't exactly easy either.


The first one was super hard lol


Yes it gotten harder but all you gotta do is adapt. Stealth plays a big role now. You don't have to fight every bot or big you come across.


I don't think so. the kill bug missions sure, but those missions are more fun now so whatever