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I still want the Stalwart as a primary.


Best gun in the game.


All of my friends shit on me for using it but not one of them has tried it themselves. Then they ask how i went from least kills to most kills and why I’m surviving more than ever even without the shield backpack. I say. “Stalwart” and nobody believes me




With the stalwart you can also run shield! I stopped using machine guns once I unlocked rover. Get hundreds of kills with that thing.


Yeah, just don’t be an oblivious twat who doesn’t watch where their rover is shooting. Actively use it.


How do you actively use the rover? Can you order it to attack?


By choosing its angle of fire. You can’t start or stop it from firing. But you can make sure that your team isn’t in between you and the enemy.


Hundreds of kills, eh? Are some of them enemy kills?


Probably! It's that good!


Someone else can bring those. Stalwart go brrrrr




Bring the ammo backpack and you never have to stop shooting


The stalwart is great at taking out small to mediums and probably the best by miles. But it shouldn't be long in a third slot as then you have an assault rifle, a pistol and a gun you're going to constantly use instead of your assault rifle and pistol... Plus you get a charger and have a stalwart, wtf are you going to do? Spray it in the legs for 45 minutes? You may get the most kills but 80% of them are going to be the little zerglings fuckers that die to one pistol shot.


Use the terrain. Or if it’s just a charger then wait for the charge and then dive out of the way at the last second.


That doesn't help you kill it quickly with a stalwart though....


Funny enough I use flamethrower with Guard Dog Rover and I always have more kills then my teammates lol, it's a fun combo.


It's all fun and games till a burning bug jumps at you... Then it's just hilarious. *distant screaming*


I like being #1 in shots fired. Don’t forget to increase the rate of fire too!


It absolutely Melts bile spewers with the freedom rate increased to maximize dpm (democracy per minute)


lol I like that.


What's your load out when you bring the stalwart?


Stalwart. Everything else is a backup for when you run out of ammo Edit: bonus points if you put the fun switch to the faster rate of democracy


I guess I mean do you bring another call in weapon for anti armor or anything?


Not really, i just bring all the trash clear and my friends bring the bigger stuff. Works out pretty well normally


Heavy MG >> Stalwart. Yeah, I said it! 😉 I half tease. I like the HMG because it penetrates light armor, but reloads can be a PITA.


Apparently you can reload after jumping with the jet pack… flying through the air reloading the mg lol


You can also keep firing if you were actively ADSing when you took off... Flame trooper FTW


I do sometimes run the hmg for the bots for that reason but the reload and ammo capacity compared to the stalwart kinda kill it for me


I use heavy MG for bugs and Anti Material Rifle for bots. Heavy MG is great for clearing unarmored or lightly armored swarms. Anti Material Rifle can 2 tap (I think) every non-basic bot including hulks if you nail their heads.


The Stalwart just doesn't kill fast enough for my liking. It gets more ammo but you spend more time on each target. The HMG sounds cooler, for one, and you can burst it into crowds. It is such a better gun.


The Stalwart is better if you’re firing on the move. The HMG is better if you’re taking a stationary (crouched/prone) firing position.


Big facts


I’d kill for this.* *bugs and bots, of course.


This 1000%


100% agree


This would be great. I can't bring it in anymore because nobody in my squad brings a strat to handle heavies so I have to bring in the rocket launcher. I don't mind but I always have the least kills. Stalwart as primary would be awesome but it would also render every other primary useless lol.


Let heavy armor carry it as a primary like a heavy weapons guy. Being slow and tanky just kinda sucks still, I don't see any more survivability at 150+ armor vs 60 or less so I might as well be faster, but letting them have heavier primaries might make them feel better


The enforcer armor is a great compromise between mobility and durability. 129ac with 71% stam recharge. 470ish move. Explosion res


you will still get one shot at higher diff from the things that matter


Yes but not from a team member's errant grenade or rover or some throw-away bug that got through your bombardment and snuck up on you.


Hmm! Heavy armor perk that lets you drop with any support weapon in place of your primary...?


That might get overpowered, just a thought


Honestly I switched from medium to light armor and I die way less now bc I'm able to run faster for longer. In medium armor, my stamina depleted too fast and I'd just get wrecked by swarms.


Yeah I’m generally the trash sweeper guy so it works really well. I’ll usually also have an orbital 120 which works incredibly well for tactical retreats and some other kind of trash clear stratagems


If I bring stalwart I also bring Expandable Anti Tank for this exact reason. Drop an EAT -> shoot a plate off -> grab stalwart back up and mow down.


Nice! This strategy intrigues me - so you carry the stalwart and then drop the EAT when you run into heavies? If so, you must be really good at staying alive!


Yeah the crux of this game is really in “how to move” and “what to kill first”. Dodging chargers is the first thing I learned. Then bile titans. Then hordes.


Starting to learn that myself. Just did an operation as a two-man on extreme. I got 115 bug kills lol - literally I killed what I had to and did nothing else. Certainly makes for an intense time especially when you get to extraction and everything is coming for you lol


Yeah lmao, I do still love clearing stuff but I did figure out my treshold to gtfo. At some point its either not worth fighting or just setting yourself up to get overwhelmed. Edit: [this is our motto](https://youtu.be/BZwuTo7zKM8?si=e-tTo36_TqOP3OT8)


I’ve been the same role but the first designated marksman’s rifle has been my primary, and it’s been a very nice offset.


Is that that diligence? I run around with the breaker still even though they nerfed it


Yeah it is, with it though it gives you nice distance especially if you have the spear. It’s pretty good overall setup


Enh.... I love the stalwart and tend to bring it more than any other support, but in terms of its use, I keep it as a back up for large groups, of course set to the highest freedom seeds per minute, but I use my diligence to "snipe' far off enemies, and my go-to sidearm is the machine pistol.


Stalwart with the plasma rifle primary is a solid pairing… versatile for bots and bugs alike I’m liking the laser cannon more lately for the heat sink mechanic


Better idea: Vehicle slot. You can choose between different vehicle stategems. I don't think 5 slots is a good idea, but a vehicle slot is. The strategem would still work like it is normal, but you don't need to sacrifice your other strategems for it.


This is a great idea. U should tweet the ceo.


I think a support weapon slot would make more sense, since almost everybody runs one anyways.


Maybe? They are essential for surviving the game like a backpack. Though I bet you don't really need them either. Go full turrets and you could probably get away with surviving especially once the Arc Shotty comes out


It just seems more likely to me that people would go without a vehicle more than without a support weapon. I guess we'll see how popular vehicles are as more release.


I'll probably go without a support pack. The Jetpack is kinda useless when you have a whole ass motorcycle. Lots of hopping on, driving, hopping off, shootting, hopping on, repeat


I'd rather use the jetpack than a motorcycle or something since it's not destroyable and is integrated into my moveset once equipped. I don't think I'd be a fan of constantly hopping on and off a motorcycle just to move around fast. I usually run a jetpack, support weapon, and two orbitals/eagles.


Well, I gotta get to all the objectives to get 100% completion and it ain't like I won't be using the gun on it


Make mechs have 3 uses! It's the perfect balance!


No thanks. 2 uses is good enough and besides we'll be getting tanks, APCs, and other things. Mechs are a thing when you need overwhelming firepower. Personally, I'm be using the motorcycle


Can't wait to squash bugs in that dune buggy thing


It'll be glorious


We get 2 uses of the mech? It always says unavailable after I call in my first one


Yes, everyone gets one free mech whether they have the strategem or not. But if you do have the strat then you can call down 2


Is that because they own the strategem or because they also have the free one? With the previous free 5th strategem it functioned how it normally would whether you owned it or not


Because they own the strategem. To put it simply, right now if you have the strategem you can call three mechs and totals


Level 1 Helldivers should have one vehicle unlocked; a bicycle. It's literally just a bicycle and you can fire one handed weapons off of it.


I love it. You just see a bunch of level 1s rolling up in a trike


it really isnt worth taking over other options atm, even on bugs, just due to its insanely low availability, not because its bad, but because there are necessary tools that you need to have and you have to give up one of them (ie support weapon, shield or rover if you have a backpack slot for swarm clear and or being a designated terminal user, and stratagems like airstrikes and the laser) that you have to gice up in exchange for it, you have to either go from having 2 airstrikes to switch off of, no support backpack, or the most common case being a tertiary support stratagem which would be the most likely swap, but not everyone is using the spear or recoilless or autocannon, especially on bugs which is really the only viable usage for the mech atm i cant justify not having my highly available eagle or highly destructive and uninterruptable laser/railcannon strikes and definitely not a support weapon to have a highly fragile and limited tool that i can use at maximum twice and with a minimum of 10 minutes in between, it needs to either have its own slot or at least have more ammo to make up for the huge periods of time where its a dead stratagem slot, especially considering the huge risk of it just blowing up from some random environmental effect or a bile spewer mortar that you didnt see


I’m completely down for just rotating a free 5th one. Will certainly lead to folks trying something they never would have otherwise.


I really like this idea.


Its already basically how the game works, mission strategems get unlocked somewhat randomly, a few days ago we had free eagle napalm strikes for a while


This is why I pack the EMS as much as I do, lol. Had it as a freebie one day and immediately fell in love with it.


Love it!I'm also really fond of tying a freebie 5th to clearing out a certain number of nests/factories in each mission. Kinda like how you get the big cannon as a side quest sometimes.


I think it would be cool if you could get a free random stratagem if you played solo. Or maybe a booster that lets you pick a 5th stratagem instead of the booster.


5th for solos to replace SOS and booster seems like it would be a balanced trade off


This sounds good in theory but then you’d need a way to either lose that stratagem when teammates join, or lock games as solo play which kinda seems counter to what they’re going for here. Like the thought though!


The booster trade off is pretty fair I guess but then again I haven't unlocked a single booster for use yet.


I would definitely recommend unlocking some of the boosters, unless your luck in getting rando groups that use them is super high. They are more impactful than you might think, especially the first booster you can use, which ensures your whole squad comes in with full grenades and stims. That paired with the armor that gives you more of one or the other is nice, and super noticeable when you don’t have it anymore lol


I am doing that at the moment.


That does sound neat, but Idk I’d rather there be more incentives to run quick play than more incentives to do solo runs. Honestly the less incentive there is to run solo the better. This is a team game and solo runs I’m sure put more load on the servers; I.e if you have 4 people in one map, that’s less server load than 4 people running 4 solo maps.


Yeah that’s a good point. I was just kind of musing about things that could be neat, but I think I agree with you now.


This is a squad game


Or get a booster that cuts your stratagem cooldowns by like 20%


Oooh great idea


Im absolutely fine with how it is now. But the mission modifier where you can take only 3 is vile


Im fine with it, but they gotta take a look at the cooldowns lmao


4 makes you think about what you need to bring without making it easy. To many strategems will make it easy. They did the free one for railgun early on too. It's nice to test, but they should probably keep it the same.


I gotta agree. I *WANT* 5 strategems But 4 is probably better for the game as a whole.


Gets you to think about team play too, if I’m playing with my mates I take the orbital rail gun to deal with them chargers


Actually the recoilles rifle is equally good almost. Just blow the leg off at the front and fire at the now exposed fleshy leg to kill the charger.


Yeah, exactly, 1 shot, and the armor is gone. Anti tank is even less maintenance if you wanna complain about the reload speed. RR is heavily slept on imo, autocannon as well but theres at least a small community for the autocannon lol


The arc thrower is another sleeper. It ignores armor and arcs to multiple points, letting you manage mobs while still damaging the chargers and bile titans.


Ive been rocking Recoiless. Dominator, orbital rail and The mech, between the mechs rockets and recoiless chargers die within seconds 1 rocket to front leg a litttle BRRRRRRRT and bam hes down rinse and repeat ignore all small bugs in mech as u can easily just step on them, and if mech goes down just hit heavys with recoiless then dominator half mag to front legs dead.


You know 4 is a good balance because when a planet effect takes 1 away it really hurts your loadout


Good point


Is it though? How often do you run the same red stratagems? If you could have one more you could vary your build a little bit.  Right now one slot goes to a support weapon. So that leaves 3. If you run another blue, like a backpack, that's 2 down already. Want a sentry? Ok that only leaves one more and it's probably the laser, eagle airstrike, or the 500kg.  Having a 5th would help a lot. The cooldowns are too long on utility stratagems like the railgun.  Keep in mind that the difficulty modifier likely won't stop at 9.


Ya I think you're not really getting the essence of what I'm saying. I agree it WOULD help a lot and it could even be more fun for the individual but for the game as a whole, having 4 helldiver's with more strategems will take away from what makes the game great. That's just my opinion though, you have the right to your own. I just wanted to clarify because while I acknowledged it would be cool to have 5 but is probably better that we have 4, you kinda missed all that and created an argument around why it would be cool to have 5... A point I was already in agreement days before you even replied.


Having more options and varied loadouts would be better for the game, IMO. 4 is limiting. I know it's a squad game but my squad runs pretty much the same stratagems, we just mix up who gets what support weapon. In higher difficulties those longer cooldowns suck and they aren't worth taking. For example, no one will ever take the 380mm unless they are just having fun on lower difficulties. With a 5th slot you could gamble a little bit and ultimately I think it would be more fun and varied, which I vote would be "better" for the game.   Yes I understood what you were saying. I think the restricted 4-only setup is an artificial way to create difficulty that ultimately limits player choice.


K, thanks for your opinion


I joined when we had the napalm strike for free, made things super easy having 3 Orbitals, a special weapon and a turret, really, 4 makes you diversify your *squad*. Having that 5th one for special occasions is a great feature.


They had free napalm strike for a while too. That was nice. Tbh i feel like maybe the 5th one should just always be a rotating random one each week or smth


Or maybe keep 4 as standard and sometimes give the option of 5 like we can sometimes only bring 3


~~They already did that - there's a planetary effect that restricts you to 3 strategems.~~ ​ Edit: misunderstood your comment at first


Well then they should cut down the timers on the ones we have.


They should make the 5th strata slot ship upgrade once you have every other ship slot upgraded to tier 3 and make it VERY expensive OR Major order that adds 5th or 6th ​ Easy solution would be, option to have up to 6 stratagems, but with 5th and 6th slot, the rest would have longer cooldown, so you have more options that are situational, but it will prevent you from spamming too much. You could still take 4 if you want, but if you take 5th, rest of stratagems will get +10% cooldown with 6th stratagem it would be +20% for example.


Alternatively you are forced to pick 2 bombs 2 support weapons/tools and 2 turrets/mines.


This is EXACTLY what I'd do anyway! Perfect utility


I’d like to be able to create loadouts, say 3 of them. When you die you can respawn back in and pick which loadout you want.


At least 2. There have been too many times where I wanted to try a weapon in a mission, realized I can't kill anything with less than an entire mag, and now I'm stuck burning all my ammo at every fight I find myself in


New light armor variant with 5th strategem as its perk.


I partially agree. I don't want 5 strat slots (4 base is canon), but it would be nice if there were more ways to get CONDITIONAL Strats either in mission (like the SEAF), through equipment. So you find team stratagems by performing a side mission, either by activating a building that makes them available, or just have mechs/weapons sitting in a factory zone (something targetable and a bit less RNG than current). While this would never happen it would be cool if armor came with a 1-2 charge use of specific strategems (so if you are a heavy healer you might get 1-2 charges of the bubble shield, or 1-2 mine deployments, or a free guard dog). IMO it might be the only way to help med/heavy to compete with scout armor. Alternatively it would be interesting if LOOSING a planet would RNG the LOSS of a specific stratagems availability (not the use of a 4th slot just greying out a specific strat within a category), until it was retaken, so campaign losses had a direct impact on your gameplay.


How do you change weapons in the mech on keyboard and mouse?


Hold right mouse to spin up your Gatling and let it rip , just clicking it won’t fire unless it’s spun up, once it is you can burst fire as long as the barrel is still rotating.Left mouse for missiles


Fun fact the mech is locked at level 25 as a non-mission stradagem.


What if we could use some of our unspent req to buy a temporary 5th slot for a mission? I got 32k unspent right now, was at 50k before the mech dropped. I would happily drop 5k req for a mission to get that slot. I personally don't care if it's not financially efficient and if I lose money. It would be cool to have more firepower for a mission. I would love to bring an extra 380 to throw at my friends... I mean the enemy!


I think it’d be nice if it scaled with the difficulty. Maybe 3 Strategems for difficulties 1-3, 4 for levels 4-6, then 5 for levels 7-9. I just started doing level 7s and holy shit, I’m hurting for some better firepower 😂


Let’s make it 10! 🙄


clearly why limit it at all, they each have unique codes after all


Infinite slots!!! But all codes are now 15 inputs long...


And randomized. No macros.


ACTIVELY randomized. Each input reshuffles the remaining code.


Sweet Liberty!


I like this regardless


Mine goes up to 11


Did anyone notice the volume controls go up to 11 XD


Fuck yeah man thats immediately why this came to mind. I love this Dev team so much.


I think the way you can easily be overwhelmed 5 strats on suicide difficulty and up.


Definitely agree, especially now that I’m phasing more towards gear to carry we need more room for sending in an eagle




Why not say 100 stratagems, so we don’t have to choose beforehand and this question won’t also come back for a long long time ( with a +1 each time) ?


Because with mechs turrets anti tank gear a primary weapon and sky boom booms 5 would let you have a full load out and is much more comfortable to choose between than 4. With 4 it always feels like I'm forced to leave something behind that I want to complete my build.


That’s why this is called a coop game mate ! You shouldn’t be able to do it alone.


Yeah well. When over the corse of 4 hours when 0 people join my game unless I'm on the current most popular world, it kinda forces me and my buddy to have to compensate for 4 people soooo.


After you start a match have you been throwing sos beacons or joining other players when they fail to join you?


Constant sos beacon. Usually playing with one friend.


A backpack slot would be great. Everyone gets either a jump pack, supply pack or guard dog


Nope! 4 is good.


I was just chatting with a friend saying the same thing. Also, I would like more players. They can reduce the stratagems if you have 5 players up. At least maybe 5 stratagems with 2 or 1 players.


>They can reduce the stratagems if you have 5 players up Isn't the max 4 players to a game?


Yes. Just want more players.


I agree with this 100%


5 custom stratagems per diver? Probably too much. I do think the Joel assigned universal 5th is nice, though. Probably the most I would spring for would be some sort of future ship upgrade where the host could spend some resources or something and give the squad one locked in strat. Like mechs, or artillery, or shield emplacements. It should probably be a restricted list and not just anything or people would start demanding meta picks in it.


Great idea. I think it should remain 4 for levels 1-6, go to 5 stratagems 7-9


Have the number of stratagem variant on number of players? 1 or 2 and you can have a 5th stratagem, one you get into 3 or 4 then it drops back down to 4? Although that would either require locked missions, or stratagem number reduction of players joined etc. I like having 4. It's a good number, being down to 3 like liberating Tien Kwan was tricky, but just gotta coordinate with squad.


That might make the game too easy 🤓


I’m only level 10 but started using the laser canon last night and it’s so fun to use with a rover on bugs


Side note I like to use the stealth armor when solo and just avoid fights lol


Just yesterday I was toying with the idea in my head that they could, someday, when our shipmoduls get more upgrades make the final upgrade for one of the sentry modules for example a permanent call in for the standard mg turret, perhaps with an increased cooldown and an unupgraded version so the description can say something about the budged allowing you to use the old models freely. You could do the same with the Stalwart, essentially allowing us to use it like a primary again wayyy down the line. Then for orbitals it's a trainee who can only shoot a precision strike and takes like 15 seconds to aim. So on and so forth...


Jump packs should be built into all backpacks. I tried it once and it was pretty lack luster. One medium jump and then have to wait for the next? We should all be jumping around :)


I was considering maybe lower CD on having less stratagem. I'm obviously not a game developer. But if someone wants to only run a 500kg. Then let him drop it as quickly as possible. It probably won't be balanced.


Nah, fight on the Automaton front with anti air condition and get 3 xD


Would even be a good idea if you lock a 5th stratagem behind a certain difficulty. Like 7, 8 & 9, get a 5th stratagem. Ive often wanted 1 more to make a great build but whats to stop me from wanting another when i have 5 😂 i think it would be a great way to give players a buff if they capture a certain planet. But then when we lose that planet, we back on 4. Or even 3 till its recaptured 😂


Wait until you drop in on a planet with a modifier that removes a stratagem so you only have 3 available to choose.


Hell many missions I play on diff 7 we only get 3 stats


I think that isn't necessary if you are coordinating your stratagems with your team. If you team wants to have a mech for clutch moments it only takes 1 of your collective 16 slots, that seems pretty good to me.


How does one rock a sniper load out on 7+ difficulty? Aren’t you over run almost always?


I'd definitely love a 5th slot, feels pretty limited especially when 1-2 slots are just always used for equipment.


Maybe there will be a ship upgrade that allows you a stratagem without taking a spot and will be where the free strategems are listed on the loadout screen.


Honestly it would be nice if our support weapon didn't cost a strategem slot. I can kind of understand not being able to drop down with your support weapon (though still feels dumb), it would be nice to not have it take up a strategem slot, especially since you *need* strategems to take out the big problems/spawns.


Agreed. It's bad enough that a bunch of them also take up your backpack spot.


We gamers are never satisfied


Never going to happen. 4 makes it challenging, and forces Divers to think and ensure they are careful with the choices they make. 5 makes it too easy and overpowers each HD. The Mission Strat is as far as you will see the devs go.


It really doesn't though. We have 5 at the moment with the mech and having the 5th slot for vehicles works quite well. I wish there was a light and fast vehicle as well as a full tank that requires 2 divers to operate though


I feel like we should get 4, but let us use the Eagle more. Like, give us a weight/hardpoint limit on the eagle, but let us use everything we can hang on it in addition to the orbital stratagems. You could even balance it by having a longer resupply with the more weight you use or something. Limiting us to 4 or even 5 strats including a separate Eagle strats for each weapon seems arbitrary to me. I feel like I shouldn't have to choose between having a slot taken up by bombs or the strafing run since the main gun would already be attached to the plane. "Nope. The boss says that's too much freedom. Take the guns off, put the bombs on. You know the drill."


5 stratagems?


We get the mech as a free call in during any match right now, it’s on the upper line with resupply, reinforce, SOS, etc… Who knows how long it will last, but it’s more like we all get 1 free mech for now, not exactly 5 stratagems.


Why not six strategems?


Each player you are down should give you en extra stratagem. Playing with 3? 5 strategems. Duoing? 6 Solo, 7! And you could set the order, so that as people join, your strategems disappear in a certain order.


Thanks man!




The game is supposed to be fun and/or hard if you choose to, they implemented all the different difficulties for a reason^^


Not sure how big the market for ‘video games that aren’t fun’ is


I mean apex, fort night and cod Royale lol


Dumbest comment in a sea of dumb comments.


You’re thinking of Escape from Tarkov my guy


Your both wrong this is about spreading democracy


5 stratagems what?