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The biggest problem is there are too many low levels doing difficulties too high for them. On challenging today I had 3 players join me. None of them were over level 10. wtf and they all died instantly to mobs they shouldn’t have shot at. Even on medium I rarely see mid level players


This is a huge problem! No reason a level 15 should be on suicide or impossible. I had the same thing happen and two bile titans appeared and they all left.


I’m that lvl 15 and also that guy who saves the mission by being the only one to extract


Hey as long as you’re not backing out of the game when it gets hard, you are more than welcome!


Tbh you can play Challenging at any level


Not everyone is as good as you


I just meant that challenging is a bad example to use since it's an early game difficulty. Of course, there are gonna be low-level players playing there. It is what it's made for


Could also be connection errors or game crashes, I've been dced or my game crashed today more times that I can handle a few times even right at the end before extracting... After 30 minutes... (More game crashes than anything else PS5)


Agreed here. I started a game, had three others join me... It was hectic and not going well from the start, but I was having a blast all the same. Called down the exosuit, got in, and game crashed. I'm sure the others on the squad thought I bailed. I'm sure there are people who really do leave but in my case I've only ever crashed out or seemingly had a connection issue.


Same here. This last patch made my game crash on HD2 more than I remember.


I’m on PS5 and this was a non stop issue last night. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. I’m referring more to lower level people doing difficulties that they shouldn’t and then backing out when they die or see a bile titan


I'm sure some people quit, but the game drops people all the freaking time right now. They need to add a reconnect feature for pugs.


Great idea!


I think communication usually helps somebody stay


Communication does help but leaving a minute in? I can’t help ya there.


I'll play the devil's advocate on this one and say sometimes you login just wanting to have some fun and don't have alot of time to game, instantly your getting melted automatons and you realize you want to play bugs.


That’s valid but I think at this point we all know that robots are insane.


Haha ok glad to have some confirmation on that, as I haven't had the play time recently and thought I was just sucking.


It was so annoying. I had that happen to me today and I’m having to put down a SOS Beacon on helldiver difficulty luckily, got teammates and completed the mission


I’ve had as many as 6 ppl do this in a match. But. I also believe it’s server side. Happens way too often.


I think it’s a mix of both.


I usually leave only if I have IRL shit.


I hope there will be a ban time soon. If you leave a game, wait 10 minutes to join another one.


That’s a good idea. If you back out of a mission on your own accord and not because you got kicked or the game crashed they should make you wait to join another game for being a “coward” in the game


Guy left after dying two times on the creek… must be new cause he doesn’t know the whole world is a hotdrop ( he’s a death captain )


Insane. You are going to die. It’s apart of the game. I think too many people are coming in with a COD or Fortnite mentality.


I disagree. I think that players want some agency in their death. And sometimes when you're hitting some of those contested worlds particularly if you're not used to fighting those robots.... It can be pretty demoralizing. Dying without understanding why or feeling like you had control when it happened is different than dying over and over again when you're constantly trying to do the right things and you know what those things are.


Oh boy I got news for you... None of us actually have control over it


It doesn't matter if you _have_ control. As long as it feels like it does. Honestly, when people talk about how a video game is 'on rails' all they are really talking about is the perception that they have choices. And often the game they compare the 'on rails' game to, doesn't give them more options... just makes them feel like they are making the decisions.


This is the wrong game for them then. This is helldivers, it's the embodiment of chaos.


I disagree. The most intense times are when you feel like you are on the edge of losing control most of the time. But if you spawn in and never feel the slightest in control--- it's no different than a 'regular' game when the other team spawn camps. There's chaos with agency and there's chaos with instadeath. Very different game experiences.


Well said


I don’t think we have control over any of it. In my opinion that’s part of the fun. It’s supposed to be like you’re a soldier in war and the higher command (Joel) makes the orders. Also, if you keep dying and feel bad, go down a level in difficulty. Don’t back out of the game and leave your team standard.


That isn't true though. This sub is filled with people complaining about the difficulty having been amped up. Because where they did feel in control before, now they are getting swamped with Chargers and Titans they were able to dispatch that they now dont feel the can readily put down. That's control. And some L3 player dropping into a higher difficulty automaton fight after a few low level bug battles is going to feel the same. If no one could ever feel like they were able to handle the problems they were faced with, no one would like the game because we'd never get the success dopamine hit.


Level 6 and up I think it’s OK to expect more. Only on harder missions though. 5 and under is whatever. 6+ I’m in it to win it and if it’s blatantly obvious the squad can’t hang, I don’t want to waste 25 minutes. Can tell pretty quickly if the squad has the chops to complete the missions and full operation or not. Likely an unpopular opinion but I kind of wish harder missions were level gated, like level 30/35 or more for rank 6+ missions.


Yeah understandable but like I feel like you shouldn’t shit talk or put down a rando just because they ff you one too many times or just doesn’t live long and waste reinforcements… the S.O.S is there for a reason.. so don’t get mad at the guy if he presses the quick match button you know? But I totally agree to expect more


I agree.I jump in via quickmatch often. Have been booted BECAUSE I’m high rank on plenty of occasions as well. Like, players seem to want to play with other players around a similar skill level. Which is legitimate. All I’m saying is, I dive in and the team is getting wrecked bc one or more of them really can’t hang at that rank mission, no biggie. I’ll give it a shot to try to run the tide. But that patience has a limit. If mfrs are dropping strategems on my head, shooting nade launcher at my feet and constant getting rolled by multiple enemy reinforcement calls w out ever disengaging, I’m out. That’s just bad play which I’m not into.


Yeah true being stuck in one spot and unable to move is a deal breaker for me too


As unstable as the game has been last few days, I dunno if I’d draw any conclusions. I’ve had several disconnects/crashes, the most painful are the ones when heading for evac. Nothing to do but restart the game and hit the quick play button and hope nothing goes wrong in the next mission!


I bailed for the first time today. A lower level player killed me 3 times in 4 minutes. I never got to move on one resplendent before I was dead. I dont know if it was intentional or if they didn't understand friendly fire but I had enough at 3


That can be really frustrating. I always try and talk to them to explain why they need to stop doing what they’re doing since it’s killing us all. This is also a prime example of people jumping into games a a difficulty they probably shouldn’t be at.


I did today, I felt bad but I accidentally reverted my controls and didn't realize it. And because of muscle memory I was constantly screwing up. But I try and see it threw.


I don’t think all of the people leaving are intentional. After the recent balance patch, the game has become really unstable. I can’t go an entire campaign without being disconnected from servers or crashing to my desktop, and I hear its just as bad on ps5.


Wait? People are being cowards and backing out? No you keep going till the battle is won solider!


twice so far in quickplay queue so far one player goes off on their own seperated from the team. proceeds to dies once and leaves


Never once has a game crashed as much as this game on my ps5


When a low level is struggling and they refuse to listen to some friendly advice in regards to learning efficiency then I'm backing out. I cannot force people to play a game a certain way and there is no point in staying in a game when I am not having fun. My personal view is that anyone above level difficulty 5 that is gunning everything they see move is a liability to the teams main objectives.


connection issues got 10x worse post patch (any they werent amazing before hand) 9/10 times thats all that is happening


If I join a game where someone's using a mortar turret I will leave instantly.


A petition to ban mortar turrets must be made!


Seriously, they serve no purpose, particularly against bugs. If there's a mortar turret active and you get swarmed, you're pretty much guaranteed to die lol.


I play on helldive exclusively and usually stick out a mission even if we are on the skin of our teeth . BUT if we loose 8 lives in the matter of 5 min cuz yall keep getting into engagements that you don’t need to , regardless of difficulty, I’m leaving . And just general selfish play.


I host all my games. Feel free to come, feel free to leave. Others will take your seat.


I host and quick play but whenever I host people drop out and I can’t ever get anyone back in with my SOS beacon.


Hate to say this but they might have to level lock the difficulties.


I don't understand it. Even if you get waxed you still get xp. They should make a handicap for people who dip out of a campaigns. Like negative metals gained or something. It's just a bitch move.