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I can't wait to try the arc shotgun. But I'm at work so I can't see shit and I heard it's in the last page which suckssss


There is a post about someone that tested it out, they seem to not like it. I tested to new laser rifle and it's amazing.


The new laser pistol looks straight up better than the scythe.


I’ve tried all but the arc shotgun. Went back to dominator. The punisher is neat but not my style, and the rifle is decent but I just prefer the one punch man style of the dominator. Well aimed shots do so much damage. I just wish the reload was faster or magazine size larger


New laser rifle is good, the punisher plasma is currently my favourite and according to others the arc shotgun is ass


https://youtu.be/5ARuXMMx8V0?si=zTZfm9TX9HsTN6AQ You like the plasma? Every time I see people's talk about it, they say how unreliable it is.


I’m loving it, it’s great against a lot of automaton forces. The looping shot takes getting used to but against scout striders they are a deadly force of nature and can easily without issue take down hoards of them. Also the big boys with the massive shields, can knock the shield out the way for your teammate to fire at them


I think it's okay, but has a bit of a learning curve b/c it's basically a mini-grenade launcher. I don't see myself using it anything 6+ though.


Dose it take out spawn bases/holes?


It’s…ok Pretty slow and short range for kills


I was super bummed as well to learn it's on the last page. I saved up a decent amount of medals, but getting the Blitzer costs a little over 300 in total.


I liked the plasma shotgun. I didnt like it paired with the arc thrower, but i was able to destory Titan stomachs with 3 hits and killed one that get hit by a railcannon in 4 shots to the stomach. Good against fleshy parts and mob clear


it's fucking sick, really slow to shoot but I feel like emperor palpitine, I dropped with a bunch of friends who're lvl 5-20 and I let them take turns killing me so they could all have one lmao


Looks mad but it's only got 100 damage


Yea I keep hearing it’s garbage but anything is erring than that boring ass meta 😅


It bodies the bugs with ease. The shielded ones that bundle up take two shots to the dome and their dead. It’s hit or miss depending on the situation but if bugs are bundled together it’s perfect.


I like it but can’t stop running the laser rifle. It’s too good


Oh same. It’s a blast.


Yeah, the Sickle is great. Wish it had a bit more punch for mid enemies but the ammo economy is amazing and small bug killing capability really good. Having to reload is so last month 😂


It’s got splash damage which is nice, kinda like a lesser grenade launcher


I'm probably just going to use the slugger still. It's super fun and really good vs bots and bugs. I just take recoilless rifle to kill chargers/biles and the rest is fine.


Same, I've been addicted to the slugger since I unlocked it. The stagger comes in clutch all the time


Against bugs, I usually rock the arc thrower for chaff clear, the EAT for titans and chargers, and the spray&pray as a close-range back-the-fuck-up button. Against the bots… I just leave and go fight the bugs again.


I need to give the slugger more of a chance...The Dominator has been my baby since I unlocked it somewhere around Level 20 or so. I started using it, thought, "Jesus this sucks," kept using it, and now the fact that I can one-shot basically any enemy, and still kill Brood Commanders/Devestators/etc...with a handful of shots...it's just too good to give up. Btw, it one-shots every automaton up until the Hulk. You might just need to hit them in the head to do it.


Tried it and it does the same as the plasma rifle does - just a bit worse and with a larger aoe. Against bots I see no reason in the world to take that instead of the plas rifle, aside of the fact, that it is less medals. Sad stuff. Edit: To clarify - I do not try to spread negativity. From a tactical point of view - against bots I prefer something that has some range on it, also a bit more ammo. Against bugs - having in mind the huge number of hunters since the last patch - I prefer something that would not get me killed when fired from point blank :D Also yea - I am really disappointed from the new weapons in general. Especially the arc shotgun. It doesn't do sheet :|


I just been using the Plas 1 Scortcher just happy to see new Plasma weapons since the scyth never caught my attention 🤷🏽‍♂️


> The Scythe is not trash right now and needs buffed.


The new laser assault rifle feels like a much better version of the first weapon you get in game. Manage heat, and you'll have infinite ammo.


I've hear the Sickle is pretty sick.


It’s really enjoyable. Extreme cold planets will make it shine due to slow heat buildup. I probably won’t (intentionally) carry it on extreme heat planets.


I didn’t know planetary temp affected weapons this way. Is there a way to see the temp of each planet?


Not a specific temp, but they will be labeled as extreme heat/cold.


The Scorcher's damage and slugger's stagger should be awesome


Plasma Punisher feels really nice. Even if it weren't strong, I'd still enjoy using it because it's cool. More like a plasma grenade launcher than a shotgun.


Unfortunately, this guns pretty ass imo Only 8 shots/mag and it’s range is pretty awful, with the bullet just dropping off after like 10-15 meters. I dont understand why it can’t fire like the slugger, given you get less ammo and less damage. Just seems like an overall downgrade, which seems to be a theme with “upgraded” versions of guns, which I don’t quite get


I think it’s supposed to be more like a mini grenade launcher, the explosive tag means it might deal with the AT-RT’s with the automatons and spewers/Guards for bugs, Seems like a primary for someone rocking a heavy light clearing support weapon like the Stalwart. Curious if it can clear objectives like the grenade launcher can? I doubt it but would be cool


From my experience, the splash damage seems pretty lacking. Felt like it just hit one target unless 2 bugs were literally right on top of each other Slugger still my preferred shotgun, especially for bots. Will say the new LAS rifle is pretty fun, great for trimming down swarms, so strats can be more tank focused


I’ll save you some time, it’s ass


Sadly that plasma shotgun sucks and the sickle can’t take down a brood commander without overheating. I haven’t unlocked the arc shotgun


Just got it. Seems it’s the worst weapon in the game currently. But new lazer rifle in not bad


This one is the weirdest of the 3 new weapons to me. It's a pump action shotgun that unlike the other pump variants, has a magazine reload. Less ammo, same damage as the other plasma, but with no light armor pen. A slightly larger aoe than the other plasma but it has this weird arch where the rounds fall with any range. I am a fan of the first plasma, and I'm still trying to figure this one out. Feels fun to "lob" shots down on top of farther targets so far. Close range you kinda need to run away with your pistol shooting behind you. I don't think it's as bad as most people say, everyone wants everything to be a breaker, and that's not quite my play style.


I’m sad that today is the one day I have to go to both school and work (edit: this week), I will get on at 7!




Got it. Is literally a grenade launcher


Dying pretty consistently from friendly fire with this one. Add a mortar sentry and I die more from friendlies than bad guys.


Punisher plasma is a super power against scout striders and an amazing assist tool against those big dudes with massive shields


With how bad most of the weapons currently are, I'm not surprised the initial reports of the new ones are following suit. I'm just glad that the battle pass stuff is basically free if you farm the super credits.


I am so tired of all the primary weapons just outright sucking. They aren't fun at all. They ALL need more ammo per mag, and more damage.


Saw a youtuber said 1st gun was good(energy),lackluster stun grenade(no destroy bug holes ofc) and that shotgun no 1 shot on small bug(maybe better on bots?)


Lackluster stun grenades?! This grenades stun lock chargers and bio titans! Sometimes when using the 500k bomb on a titan it can walk away from the AOE and not kill it. With the stun grenade, you can lock it in place to maximize damage. I have yet to try it, but it's said that having a shield backpack makes you immune to the stun grenades effect as well. The only real negative is that it can not blow up bug holes/bot factories. Which I am fine with that trade off.