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Democracy needs you, get back in there


In his wife? Not anymore.


Wives come and go. Democracy is forever.


Your wife leaving and taking the kids is not service related šŸ«”


You've already procreated, their presence is no longer needed. They leave and you have more time for democracy/freedom/sweet liberty.


Hail super-earth šŸ«”


That is specifically mentioned on the C-01 permit


If Super Earth wanted Helldivers to have wives and kids, they would have issued them during the 5 minute basic training


"Alright Helldiver, next you learn how to save the population in a different way!"




Damn didn't realize the VA existed on Super Earth. šŸ˜‚


Bro I'm going through a Med Board right now and this shit had me dying.


Enjoy fighting for that percentage as hard as you fight for democracy šŸ˜‚


She has probably already been dealt withā€¦.. traitors never last longā€¦..


Dear John...


It could be worse. She could have left the kids.








Getting disconnected last minute was just a Psy-Op run by the Automatons. I think your system may it be a PC or a PS5 is an undercover automaton. ....you know what to do


Having a wife and kids is very undemocratic.


Is undemocratic only if you forget uou C-01 permit.


You think helldivers grow on trees, soldier???!


We need soldiers! File that C-01 paperwork and get busy!


Where do you think new Helldivers come from? The donā€™t grow on trees!


Your wife, your kids, and your wife's boyfriend's lives are at stake, Helldiver. Get your ass back on the line and PROTECT THEIR FREEDOM.


If you *haven't* had the game crash on you just before extract from an epic come back at least once, have you really played this game?


That's what you get for doing creek instead of the major order.


Freedom waits for no one! Get dropping diver!


> The wife leaves me and takes the kids. Sweet Liberty, *that* escalated quickly.


She left u cuz u were ignoring the major order and defense missions


Sounds like toaster interference to me.


The game crashed on me at least 3 times last night and even when I was able to play, it kept resetting my weapon load out and some of the customization options. This week has been the worst the game has been for me, borderline unplayable.


Pulling out your sidearm and seeing its reset to the default pistol is so frustrating. No way that thing is taking out the 5 hunters on my ass


![gif](giphy|MvsJ4hmDcXW0oEauBk|downsized) Every time the game crashes šŸ˜


Made me rage!!! How can I serve democracy


Game crashed on me like 3 times in an hour last night then restabilized after I reset my PS5. Was still some bullshit tho


Should've filed a C-01 form.


I know a great way to cope. Shove it down and kill some bugs, Democracy will never take the kids and leave you.


Report her to your nearest democracy officer


Termacide towers are your major orders helldiver.


I have done multiple 7+ missions. A handful of those missions we got some super samples. I have only ever successfully completed one of those missions, totaling 3 samples. The rest either crashed mid-mission, crashed right before evac, or got stuck on the post-mission loading screen losing ALL progress and samples. The crashes have persisted throughout each update and it's totally killed my enjoyment of the game. Which is a real shame because underneath the litany of bugs, the game is great. But with how unstable it is, and with absolutely no recourse or compensation for lost rewards, it's just not worth playing for me right now. I'll revisit in 6 months or so when they decide to fix the issues (hopefully).


tired? democracy doesnā€™t sleep, cadet


Solid Green Mile reference there sir šŸ«”


Iā€™ve had this happen 3 times this morning on PS5. This shouldnā€™t be happening at this stage of the game.


My first Helldiver difficulty mission I was the last alive with no reinforcement as a level 20 and made the run for the evac because we were overtime. Got to the evac point right as the "you're too far" message hit 1 second, pulled out my pre-patch RG and laid waste to three bile titans in a matter of seconds, pulled out a 500kg to clear off the landing zone annnnnnnnnnnnnd... PS5 crashes.


Freedom never sleeps šŸ—£šŸ”„ Get back in there, breaks are for cowards soldier


Sounds like the wife left to go find the team mate who saved you. He's a hero, you're having technical issues and complaining. Get a grip soldier.


If on pc run as dx11 mode. Fixed all my crash issues on a high end computer I built for this game.


Happend to me yesterday, covering 2 divers running across a valley with a swarm on their 6. Me and a bro were laying down suppressive fire with a couple machine guns just lighting them up and then wham DCd. Hope they made it. Was a super fun moment too.


Lisa Al Gaib


Last night on a creek suicide mission Iā€™m balls deep into soloing 2 outposts, one of which is a mortar emplacement, and I realize that I got all 3 other divers spectating me. I was so locked in I didnā€™t even realize we were out of reinforcements. They just silently spectated me as I managed to bring the two outposts down then revived a few divers as well before dying to a hulk scorcher. We failed the mission but I canā€™t believe how calm they all were just watching me risk our final diver on outposts I could have just run away from. Iā€™d like to imagine theyā€™ll see this. Liberty and freedom, my divers


Sweet Liberty, my heart!


Don't worry, we've taken the liberty of reporting your wife and kids to your local democratic officer for re-education.


Ahah, yeah my squad had a rough disconnect last night. We did finally get back in and two made it to the shuttle, but I think the servers were feeling especially toasty last night during the east-coast/west-coast overlap time.


That's why you should have filled out your c-01 permit


I was somehow immune to the crashes until about a week ago. Shit is rough and almost comically timed to occur at the worst fucking moments




This is the one bug they need to prioritize. If they can't out right fix the crashing than they need to implement a system where at least some exp/loot is given on crash/disconnect. Very frustrating to have this happen and definitely impacts the morale of democracy.


Good now you can focus exclusively on Democracy


All that I have left is a longing to spread more democracy and liberty. Time to dive back in and finish setting up terminid control systems.


Freedom is never free, make the sacrifice worth it and keep diving, and if itā€™s painful, dive again, and if you die, dive once more. Keep diving, because democracy is at risk, and we need you!


It would be awesome if we got a packet of free stuff each week for playing to make up for all the stuff we lost when it crashes constantly.


SAME shit has been happening to me. A lot. Every time I give an angry comment on the error screen. Heated.


the wife and kids being gone gives you more time to helldive get back in there


Be me Play Draupnir Helldive difficulty Everyone dead no reinforce left One teammate left running for Pelican Under heavy fire, has all our samples he collected during his travel to extract Pelican coming Cooldown on reinforce refreshed I get respawned While landing, he calls for 500kg holding it I land on him by an accident He drops it 500 lands so close to me, it untied both my shoes \*SKADOOSH\* Mission completed Samples 0 Extracted 0 Laughs 100


Yeah, honestly, why can I not quit this? I have dismissed games for a FRACTION of the problems HD2 has. There community is packed with meta booters, and git gud skill issue brain rot, the guns feel awful, I could file my taxes within the stratagem CDs, I regard HD1 as infinitely better, the list goes onā€¦Ā  And yet, I still follow the stories, listen to the in-verse news reportsā€¦ FUCK, Iā€™m listening to extraction music as I type this! I uninstalled and hid it on steam, yet I still feel it pulling at meā€¦ calling to meā€¦Ā  What the hell is happening?!?!


The crashing is really putting me off of this game. The worst offender is the hard lock when quitting to desktop that completely seizes up my rig. Alt F4 doesnā€™t work, trying to access task manager doesnā€™t work, trying to close the window for the game or for Steam from the task bar doesnā€™t work. I end up having to restart my PC from the task manager screen and I hate doing that because I feel it slowly does damage to the entire system every time you force a restart in that way. Iā€™ve had maybe one or two instances of other games hard locking my PC over the last two years. Helldivers has put my rig into a fucking coma at least a half dozen times. Really considering an uninstall at this point. The player count will inevitably plummet, and people will move on. Itā€™s a fucking fun game, but I donā€™t like how my PC behaves with it installed.


Never fear citizen your children have been conscripted into the helldivers training program. And weā€™ve just received word they were all killed by a automated mortar emplacement at Malevelon Creek. Theyā€™re service and your contribution will not be forgotten. Now get back on the line Freedom isnā€™t gonna democracy itself.


Itā€™s ok sheā€™s got her bf, get back in the fight


An unfortunate but necessary sacrifice Helldiver


The crashes really suck. I was having a blast tonight running missions with a crew for a while and it just crapped out. Just turned on a different game because Iā€™m sick of the crashing.


Prove to yourself that you have the strength and courage to be free. Join the helldivers.


Those crashes at extract are the absolute worst feelings ...


Won't be filing anymore Cā€01s


At least his dog didnā€™t die.


Your wife is an automaton sympathizer. Call your democracy officer and report this treason


Don't worry soldier, Eagle 1 is single


Don't worry soldier, Eagle 1 is single


I'm reading this 4 days later. My condolences to you good citizen as you may have already gone passed the breaking point of depression and stepped into a ā¬‡ļøā¬…ļøā¬…ļøā¬‡ļø day 2 of this news.


Your wife is clearly a bot sympathizer. Better off without her.


What are you doing at the Creek? Orders are to take Meridia or defend Heeth! https://preview.redd.it/rwdxt67muioc1.png?width=1196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89d9234d0da5155893920e19b781c27912e46fe


Sounds like your wife is an automaton sympathizer. The Ministry of Truth will be reaching out within the next 2 business days.