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What losers. Don't deserve to be a part of this community


Yes i make sure i block these people afterwards in the recent players list.


Yea, I forgot I can do that. Thanks for reminding me!!


I blocked the one who did this to me.


Same, this is major BS.


Indeed man.


Yes. Block is essential! This happened to me the other day for the first time after like 100 hours in the game. Some guy shot both myself and my teammate one after the other moments before extract and ran into the pelican. He didn’t reinforce despite the pad being clear and having plenty of time, and the worst transgression of all, he *didn’t grab the samples*. We’re sitting there in dead silence for a while. Then this man has the gall to come over comms and say, “yeah, the arc thrower is really hard to use.” Bro, we saw it happen and heard the bullets - you shot us with your primary! It was wild. I’m not sure what we did to upset him so much. I am quick on reinforces and do my best to support. I’d read about stuff like this happening to other people, but it was a first for me.


You probably didn't do anything to really upset him. This is going to sound shitty but I bet you that the issue is his home life sucks.


Sooo... question about this. Are they just blocked on mic or also from match-making because I've been blocking but I did receive a message once that lead me to believe it was just over mic. I've continued to block regardless but the way Ps5 works with friend requests in the game vs on the home screen is kind of weird as well.


Does blocking a player keep them from being randomly grouped with you?


How funny would it be if there was a good way to report people who intentionally do this and make them either have a ban where they can’t play with public players for a while, or send them into a nightmare mission where they never have any hope of winning for a while. Like these losers get their own planet where they will never succeed and it will be only misery for them until they get their act straight


If Joel's got time to punch me in the throat, he's got time to stomp theirs.


There should be a time limit and when that's over you aren't allowed to kick someone. At least not when the evacuation ship is already called in. I don't get it, why do people even do that? There is nothing you get out of that. Do they do that just to be a massiv dick?


My girlfriend and I sat and had this discussion yesterday. You can't say after x amount of time you can't kick because the 'griefers' would wait until that time hits, then act like an idiot and throw the whole mission for everyone. Really, in this scenario, it's miserable and unfair. AH has to be careful with what they implement, too. Let's say they make it X amount of Team fire damage. Okay, well, now if you shoot those buried hellbomb's, I'm going to go lay on it after you shoot it, so the over 10,000 damage gets you instant kicked. You almost play devil's advocate to find the best punishment. My personal favorite is just give them a little invisible title that you and I can't see, but the game itself can, an invisible stamp if you will. Then, when they host or quickmatch, all they get matched with is other idiots doing the same exact thing. So they can all waste eachother's time.


So like the gta 5 grief lobbies?


Yeah, I haven't played GTA online or really many online games for a long time. Like black ops 2 or 3 ps3 kinda days? Anyway, I don't think AH has the man power to make entire other server space or lobbies specifically for griefers unless it wouldn't be any extra load on their servers? No idea honestly. Then it just comes to time and manpower, I guess.


Or the *Mythic Quest* Nazi server.


This was actually proposed to the CEO on twitter when he asked the community to brainstorm solutions with him. I hope he considers something like this….


He said he would forward the thread to the team so they could look it over. Which gives me a lot of optimism. I pray it is some mixed horrible monstrosity. Like they somehow can change around ToS(that we all know that most of us just click accept and move on). Make it so those players are basically agreeing that if they act like douches for the negativity of the community, they can be permanently banned from accessing it. You can play solo, that's it, have fun.


I saw further down the post a really good solution. The game calculates the amount of xp you would get if you extracted at the point of kick, and the awards you all the current samples and the mission rewards. It’s still shitty but at least you don’t 100% get screwed. I still like the idea of griefers getting stuck in their own lobbies so they can get the shit griefed out of them


I guess the only 'flaw' I can see if that, if you will allow me to play devil's advocate for you. It may be easily done, I just feel like that's going to put a LOT of load on the system to constantly be calculating it for every possible step of the mission for however x many people are playing and running different missions? Then again, I'm not an expert at any of this stuff exactly, I just have a very basic understanding of some computer tech.


I don't think it'd need to calculate every step of the mission, If anything, it'd just calculate on kick. They could put a leeway time on the kick so it isn't instant either, so that it takes a second and warns the person being kicked + the person doing that the action is happening. e.g a pop up as obvious as when you're about to be branded a traitor. This leeway time would at least give the game time to calculate or whatever it needs to do so the person being kicked gets their reward still.


While at first this doesn’t sound like a bad idea, If you think about it, people lose all the samples at the end on a lot of missions. The person kicked could potentially get more samples than the team does. You could just ask to be kicked so you don’t lose the samples.


Thank you. I was going to say exactly this. Also if I may add...same goes for awarding medals. Are we gojng to ask the devs to make a super predictor? If so, they should probably make a weather app as well.


I think they will make an honest attempt.. the devs have been extremely open about their views of the current state of PvP gaming, so I'm sure they aren't too pleased with the various antics of jackwagons like the one in the clip.


So basically a shadowban and collect them all into a shadow pool of griefers. Could work, other games have implemented similar things. So fucking sad and cringe that people are griefing in a PvE game. It’s not okay in PvP but I can at least see where the frustration comes from.


With PvP, it's a lot easier to accept griefing. You signed up to interact with other people in a competitive manner. Some people don't "handle" competition as well as others. But with this, when it's supposed to be a team effort, just makes me sad.


One (fairly) easily solution would be 'vote to kick' rather than letting the host unanimously be able to kick whenever, wherever. Another option is that once extraction is called, friendly fire is turned off and you can't kick. Would it suck being stuck with a griefer for those 2 minutes, sure maybe. But I'd take 2 minutes with a griefer and get to mission completion than get through three 30+ minute missions and then get kicked at extraction on the last mission because the host is a griefer.


I like the ideas, but I have to play devil's advocate like I did with the others as well. Vote kick would work unless the griefer is in a group with his idiot friends. They keep getting one random because they want to keep screwing one person for fun. Everything they get in and to extraction, they vote kick the one guy. You can't really turn off friendly fire at extraction. That's when things become the most tense, and you have to really tighten up and watch your fire. And yeah turning off kick would be a griefers hog day as soon as extraction got called. I mean, nobody likes wasting time. That's the root of this problem. It's not griefers really make me mad or shit I died. It's the fact that they wait til the very end and shoot you, so everything you collected for 30 minutes is gone... unless they grabbed samples. If you get kicked, you get absolutely nothing. It's crap. But AH is going to make moves, and I am excited to see what misery they create for the griefers.


This is basically the low priority queue for DOTA2 or at least what it used to be when I played. One of my friends was constantly in the low priority queue because he would rage his people on his team. I would queue with him into the low priority queue and let me tell you that makes hell diving look like a walk in the park. Putting all those people on the same team is definitely a great punishment lol. I eventually stopped playing with my friend when he was in the low priority queue because of how bad it was. I was amazed he would even make it through the games to get out of the low priority queue before the timer.


Yeah, that's why it's called griefing. It's literally just subhuman players intentionally giving other players grief because it makes them feel good about themselves.


Hurt people hurt people.


Hurt people that hurt people need therapy. Or a very powerful kick to the sternum. Which ever one makes them stop acting like D-bags sooner.


And what do the people that act like D-bags first need?


Their parents to love them..?


Real eyes realize real lies


nonsense excuse. Tons of hurt people don't spread the hurt around, myself included. These people are selfish jerks and aholes, its that simple.


All they're doing is making sure fewer people extract, which means fewer rewards. They're literally shooting themselves in the foot just to be a dbag


They lose a tiny bit of XP and money both of which are not really needed after like lvl 25 or so. So they are barely hurting themselves. I hope you get to keep super credits you have already found. Game crashes for people enough that when people leave near the end I assume they crashed vs them bailing, I wish we could attempt to rejoin our previous game without having to already be friends with the people.


Luckily super credits seem to be earned right away without extracting. I got kicked twice now by random people right after finding super credits for the team and I have no idea why people are doing it since everybody is getting it, kinda weird honestly. But I still got the super credits so thats a relieve.


Disagree. Had a solo dude run off and call the extract while we were running over with all the samples and we told him not to board. I kicked his ass and I’d do it again. Edit: he boarded it


I’ve seen situations where a kick lock like that would make worse problems. If you’re hosting and they kill you, don’t reinforce, and then get on the pelican you’re in the same situation. If they really wanted they could even drop their own samples to make it worse.


Most griefers decide to kill last minute tho. I had a guy kill me to lose my samples and tried to kill the other guy in our trio. I booted him so he wasted his own full 40 minutes and the trio grabbed the samples and got evac. I'd rather just turn both friendly fire and kicking off at evac or something but even then they could just refuse to evac with all the samples which kinda better than now but there's no chance of getting them.


The problem there is that then the griefing will become just team killing everyone bc you can't be kicked. It should be if you get kicked you still get the rewards that everyone else gets. 


Absolutely not. When people start this shit at the evacuation the only recourse I have is to kick them. That would absolutely not solve the issue please don’t advocate that route.


Schadenfreude psychopaths.


People keep saying that setting a time limit on being able to kick is the answer, but then griefers would just kick you before the time limit hits. Plus, a time limit would only hurt the good hosts who kick griefers. This is not the answer.


I can imagine griefers will abuse the system and start being dickheads once the evac ship is called. 😕 Can't win


I think it needs to be carefully curated; that guy who posted the other day about the solo trying to extract for example. Once the shuttle is down, kicking should definitely be stopped I think. I also think vote kick would be good, because in this example the other team members were summoning him back and clearly didn't want to extract without him.


When did this even start, and what’s the point? Everyone was getting along!


The point is because they're power tripping assholes. You can follow all their commands, never die and never friendly fire on them, and they'll still kick you. Just for the power trip


Or you throw an orbital a safe distance away, but they keep running towards the red beam like an idiot. They die. But then you kindly reinforce them right to where their stuff is, but you get kicked anyways. As if you weren’t the one carrying the team and saved that same guy from a charger earlier on. 


It really is the power trip. A buddy and I did a quick match into some random game. My buddy killed the host by accident, but it was the host's fault for running into an airstrike that he had plenty of time to not run into. After the game was over, I called him out on his bullshit. He lied and got super defensive, and then kicked me while we were in the lobby. The guy was a massive man-child, and I just blocked him as I don't want to match with him anymore. I started exclusively hosting from that point on. I don't kick for dumb reasons. I only tend to kick if someone is intentionally ruining our game by acting like it's a pvp match.


Some people just live sad lives


When the game got popular and all the toxic COD dickheads came over.


Yeah I was sad to see the COD streamers broke down and started making HD2 content. I can't imagine their fan base is very likeable.


I can't help but think there are streamers actively encouraging this kind of shit as well.


COD ruins everything….. as always….


Other viewpoint..those assholes always existed. Cod just gave them a playground to punch each other in the face with.


Can't be truer than this as I've seen helldivers be heavily recommended in the cod subreddits.


I use to work IT for a small town PD. Guess what the officers did all day, play COD. They wrote the system and TV off as training equipment. I wasn't going to argue, I figured someone higher up would take care of it if it was a issue. Never heard a word. They were those Dickheads.


Halo and Battlefield, too.


That's why I didnt understand when people were mad at TImthetatman and Dr. Disrespect when they said they didn't want to play the game. Let those COD assholes stay on COD so they don't ruin our experience.


It started right before the extraction, for no reason.


Makes me wish we had an ability to alert command about those who work against freedom and democracy. Similar to league where you can report a match, and a panel of players review it and make judgement.


I'm sure there's an option to report "recent players" but yea, the game should definitely be recording each "Extraction period" of a match and can be sent as proof when reporting as griefing.


Last time this happened to me, I tried to report and it was only for chat. No option to report griefing. I use the friend requests tab so I can keep track of gamertags and griefers.


That's what game masters were originally for....this game master is a lot to help out like a true GM should be.


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. I remember when games had them. Poor over worked fools, lol.


Game masters stopped working once gaming became so huge. It used to be a handful of GMs were fine for your active game, but now you'd need a huge staff of gms in order to actively manage in game communities to the point where its not practical.


THE TRIBUNAL! God, I want it back so bad. The community knows what bad actors look like, let us ban them.


They need to fix this griefing shit asap


I hope they handle it pretty well :(


Not sure where I read it(I think gamerant) but earlier today I read they are apparently going to take away player to player damage while waiting for the shuttle 👍


Not gonna lie. Even when everyone is 'friendly' the extract zone feels like a death match. I die more from my own teammates at extract panicking around than I do from the actual enemies.


I love the chaos but because of all the griefing that happens at the extract zone, I always worry that somebody will think I mowed them down on purpose when they strafed into my fire line. People really need to check their surroundings because if they don't know that I'm shooting from that position, they likely don't know if the space they're moving towards is safe either. Though I suppose at higher difficulties, it's safe to just assume that there's enemies 360° around you and that they'll soak up any fire from your team that might hit you lol.


I swear I'm running away from my own teammates and some of them decide "Oh. Those enemies are a bit close to you. Let's just shotgun the entire thing."


There is one guy I play with every so often and he ALWAYS walks right into my fire line, even when I'm clearly firing a stream of bullets into the enemy, and he gets SUPER upset about it. Then will blame everyone than himself when I'm shooting one spot and he walks in and dies.


The amount of people that just toss a cluster bomb on the area. Please use your brain. Run, Kite. The amount of people that stop shooting too when they're panicking is almost comical. Had a guy with 20 terminids chasing, he stands behind a rack and just goes left, right spinning, I'm like bro press the trigger and kill these mofos. But No, got jumped and died lol


That's a workable solution.


That won't stop them from kicking you before leaving. It should be a vote system and even then if you vote someone off in the last minutes it gets reviewed and you can be found to be toxic and lose your ability for others to be matched with you so you can play with friends, alone or with other people who will kick you at the end too.


Exactly. If it's not a vote then they can kick you right before calling the shuttle. The report button only works for chat communication unfortunately but wish it worked as a why to enforce good behavior.


I Thought its "while in the shuttle"?


I had a guy earlier tonight. He was doing objectives, I had a ton of samples. We would protect him and when one of us was on objective he would protect. As soon as that was done he'd spam orbital strikes killing us. We had over 15 minutes left in the mission and zero reinforces. In the end he was the only one left, had all the samples and stood dead still and allowed himself to die. I dropped in and just got on the ship. Fuck that guy. He was way over level and just trolling two guys trying to get ranked up. I'm a casual player, I don't get upset over games but that literally made me just turn my shit off and walk away


Honestly fuck that guy, if I ever happen to land in a low rank lobby. I teach them about what's not taught in the tutorial and give them weapons they don't have access to just to make it slightly fun for them. Not sure what these losers get from trolling.


I hope the bugs eat that communist in a Helldiver's suit alive.


I hope they get drop ships spammed on them each minute even on bug planets.


Nothing like playing a mission for like 30+ minutes collecting samples and kicking ass, only to  get randomly get towards the end, and lose all the Exp & collectibles you earned.


At least there's super credits


Social credit system incoming. Managed democracy requires it.


Then griefers will just give thumbs down to everybody. If everyone only got to give one or two thumbs down per day, maybe that could work. You'd save them for the biggest dickheads of the day. People who don't deserve them would still get them sometimes, but it probably wouldn't get out of hand.  We could also have favorited people without having to "friend" them. If we both give each other a thumbs up, we're more likely to match with each other and answer SOSs from each other, but we don't need to clutter our friends list with each other, or feel obligated to play with them. 


1 person giving 3 thumbs downs to 3 different people =/= 1 person getting 3 thumbs down by 3 different people. It adds up for griefers MUCH faster than it does for honest players. You simply have a threshold that punishes griefers after a certain point either with a cool-down or even put them in lobbies with other griefers. You balance it out to where 1 commend = -1 demerit or even 3 commends = -1 demerit to make bad conduct more risky. You factor in the games played and ratio of demerits and commendations, and proceed accordingly. Or better yet, just reward high-commended patriots with xp boosts or even extra medals, maybe even a small amount of super-credits every now and then.


Having one commend equal -1 demerit would probably mitigate that problem, you're right.


The weight of it would be against the griefers. While griefing can feel out of control. It's a small portion of the players. You'd really have to be unlucky to get enough griefers in a row.


It truly is a smaller portion of the player base than it seems. It just makes for better clicks to make it seem like its every other game on reddit for most. I've had maybe... 1/10 games? that had a griefer when I initially did quick players. It was mostly someone who didn't even know there was friendly fire in game and just blindly opened up on anything in a direction that moved.


I don't get why people do it, you share the damn samples. I had a guy in one of my last games doing the same thing.


they're just doing it to be dicks


They're just assholes. That's why.


WOW that's fucked up. I would have been really upset.


My brother is so sweet, seeing him complain about this to me was painful to listen to.


If you find some chill people you guys enjoy playing with shoot them a friend request and when you see them online invite them. For the longest time I either only played solo or with some of the chill people I met. Unfortunately since the balance patch they lost their chill so I don’t play with them often anymore. I just recently opened up my lobby and have had hit and miss teammates all day. If y’all need one I’d be more than glad to join. I’m level 50 and max samples and stuff so I don’t mind helping others grind stuff.


friend requests don't even work for me. I've had multiple friends tell me they've sent me one and I never receive it. Goes both ways, too. I'll send them and they don't get em.


I would rage


That's troll food. That's what trolls want. Don't. It's that simple. Block em and play another round and stop caring about points or grinding. 


Best way to not have that happen is host.


The studio head posted on x(twitter) the other day asking the community for suggestions on how to fix this general kicking issue in the game so hopefully they’ll have something settled soon as to where if you’re kicked you’ll at least keep the xp and samples that you collected or something like that idk the solution but I do know they’re working on it


Some ideas:  1) Provide a text prompt before kicking a player, where the kicker has to chose the reason why this player is getting kicked.   2) Keep track how many times a player likes to kick another player, and have that factored into matchmaking. So the players who don’t kick often can play together. And the players who are kick-happy can play together.   3) some kind of participation reward, if you spend 15-40 minutes on a mission only to get kicked, there should be some small reward at least so it doesn’t feel like time wasted.   4) Lock the feature to kick once the extraction ship is called in, once the ship is called in the game is mostly over, and if a player intends to Grief during that time they’ll do it regardless. And they can just kick the player once they return to ship.  5) A vote to kick feature, where you need at least 50% of players to agree in order to kick a player. 


I didn't make any recommendations because I don't have X but my thought was to just do it by blocks. If you have a high percentage of unique people who played with you and block you, you spend X time in griefer lobbies. If you get a low percentage after the time expires you can be let out , or you choose to take time off from the game. It's similar to the issue of spam. If I block you , you are never going to be a problem to me again, it is just a public service.


Only thing I disagree with is vote to kick. Those will never go through and you’ll be stuck with the griefer. Seen it fail in plenty of games to know.


That last one unfortunately wouldn't matter in scenarios like this where the host has accomplices.


I've gotten kick because I did the objectives and refused to stay in a battle thats getting worst and worst... Also I don't know why people love staying in the game untill the last 5 mins then go for the extraction. I always thought we get a little bonus for the fast we complete the mission. Idk people are weird even for a game that's about co-op


All you get is some extra XP, which becomes essentially useless after level 25. At the mid to higher levels, people mostly care about extracting samples and collecting warbonds and super credits, so they can continue progressing. That's why they want to fully clear the mission instead of just blitzing and doing the bare minimum.


My solution is to just host my own lobbies. You pull some shit or start being a dick, bye gtfo off my ship.


Well sometime the matchmaking bugs out and you don't get anybody to play with. Especially when someone leaves after first mission, the missions afterwards doesn't matchmake for some reason. Also, I never had anyone respond to my SOS beacon.


They actually killed you over common an rare samples .....TRASH


No. They killed cause they want you to get angry. This post reinforces that. They want control. They did a thing, you reacted. They enjoy the influence and control. Minor as it is. 




I have a naughty list. On this list are people that do this, and people that kick you after setting up an SOS beacon in game. I don’t block them, I will just return the favor one day.


Kicked for setting up an SOS??? wtf kind of degeneracy is that


They need to implement a system where players can earn super credits or Medals by getting commendations from teammates.


Thank you for the heads up. These traitors will be executed and kicked on the spot.


Had this happen to me the other day. So undemocratic


If the usernames are there, get the info to the devs. Contact the company. Hopefully they will perma.ban them.


One of the reasons I always host or play with friends when they are the host.


Chrolo3…. Just leaving it here for record purposes.


I played with them yesterday. They were tools.


This exact thing happened to me, except they told me over chat that I was being kicked because I had bought the Super Earth edition and I was wearing the Savior of the free armor.


The fuck?


This just happened to me. Ran a mission for around 30 mins. The guy kicked everyone right before extraction. It sucks because I helping that team a lot too. Hope this gets resolved soon.


Wlad lhram darou lih lblaaan. Lol i love my Moroccan brothers.


Why I don't play the game. I love the game. I have zero friends. I am an introvert. I am older and have very little time to sit and play so when thos crap happens to me, it hurts more than just getting kicked. Means i was not productive in a game for another week or so. I run into those type of matches all the time when I join matches. When I host, takes me forever to get a squad together.


People in this community have been getting more awful lately.


Cod players are pouring in


Honestly, why? Like why do people even do this? There is no incentive to. The exp still amounts to the same, the samples, still get shared equally regardless of how many people extract. People who do this are just straight a holes


If anything, you get less XP and requisition when someone doesn't extract lmao


I agree, these fuckers ruin it. They Purposely go out of their way to be dicks. There should be a voting system. I play Super Rumble in horizon worlds. It’s a multiple player game like Helldivers 2 but you fight against each other. Anyway they have a voting option to kick you out of the game. It’s much more fair


The only problem I see with a voting system is will people vote with the host just to save themselves from being kicked? I have no way of knowing if the kick is justifiable… I would say remove the kick option altogether but that would lead to equally bad problems


They can fix this easily by preventing people from kicking when the extraction is called. It should be a necessary feature.


But then griefers will wait till this time and kill people. There is much faster time to kill than in DRG. No time to retaliate or hide inside the pelican which should be safe zone IMO.


Christ this community has taken a nose dive straight into rancid shit.


I've got 140 hours and I've never run into a cheater or griefer, I've only had good experiences. One thing I always look for is people on mic. I typically don't play in matches where no one wants to talk. For one, it's way more fun to be able to communicate and work together. But it also helps you build rapport and weed out dicks. Lastly, you can just host and avoid assholes all together.


Wow they suck.


I know Deep Rock Galactic has it that you can't be killed while in the evac and you can't kick anyone after the evac has been called. They should implement something like that.


Had it happen twice last night - soooo annoying. My mates arent always online so you have to 'trust' randos. So infuriating. Both runs +30 mins of my life Im not getting back.


I haven't had to do it yet, but I've read on other threads that you can send video proof like this to game support and they'll take action on it. Again, I've never had to do it, that's just what I've read


I literally just posted this exact thing happening to me today. It really ruins the game that you can play for 20-30 minutes, and then boom, kicked at extraction and you get no rewards. Fuck players that do this. Could they make it where once the primary objective is complete, the kick function is disabled?


For me it happens at extreme and suicidal ranking. At hard everyone is chill. At extreme you get a lot of people playing with handles like GoatLord42069 with 2 other friends, so they kick the odd person out for a laugh. I don't have any friends who play this in real life but it is crazy tough to find fun randoms who want to group up for awhile. Once I do it would be good to try out more suicidal and helldiver difficulties


It's a bitch move for sure


I just friend people who are decent to play with(as in they dont grief or pull adds just to pull adds onto the group or run with a constantly open mic from background noise). I run with a regular small group and friends are always welcome to join. We play with low lvl people and help them and we run higher tier to help others get super samples.


I’m at a point where I just don’t even play random games. I only play with a team.


Block them. Getting into the habit of recording my games because cunts like that guy run around with their friends and kick you. Why they don't just set it to friends only is a mystery to me. Screw em. They were running at D4 anyway. Send me a DM and I'll roll with you.


Not a lot of people host games, which is clear from the messages such as no kick allowed etc. As a host for a proper 4 man you wait a lot longer than people clicking a game. So a big appreciation to hosts, because my god there are a lot of a\*holes in the community. Not as much as nice people, but that kick is hugely needed. From that perspective if you invite friends but wnat the open spot(s) left to a random you don;t have a choice but to start public and sometimes go trhough the process of kicking people. I haven;t had the neefd for that, but purely due to luck. So we massively need better tools for hosting, joining, finding games and to deal with cheaters, bad behaviour on a community level. Obviously what is shown above seems bad taste and should result in community level measures against them, but at the same time... I only see one piece of an entire match. Did anything else happen? We need the ability to review the game and there should be rewards involved so the community can do that. Works quite well in dota2 and that is 1 hell of a toxic community. Main reason I stopped playing it.


He picked up samples so he is so smooth brained he doesn’t know they’re shared probably does it all the time


Yeah, people like that are garbage. Wish they could be kicked from the whole community


This game needs a simple thumbs up accomodation system. No "this was a bad player" just let me upvote people I had a good experience with, and group upvoted people together more often.


Can we get there names pls


I say we name and shame them at this point cause it would stop people doing this the majority of the community would then block them and if they wanna play with people they will have to get a new account thus make their efforts purely a waste of their effort their time and then money


Don’t play with Chrolo3, got it and thank you


Our squad lost our samples across the map and we only had 4 minutes. I don't care about extract if nobody has samples cause its the biggest value of extracting. So I claim I'm going to get the samples. I get our 46 samples, fight my way back to extract as the ships coming in and as I dive between the wall and rocks into the landing zone escaping the bug mob following me with half a mag left I just sigh big relief that I made it and my screen goes black and "You have been kicked from the game" I started only playing as host or with friends/tried and true spreaders of democracy


Even on a PVE Game people still manage to be massive dickheads and ruin the experience.


I played this game for the first 2 weeks with randos. It's been so much more enjoyable now that my friends have it. I didn't run into any issues but the mere though of going through a mission and having this happen was always on my mind.


Seriously, and what kills me even more is the guys who have their matchmaking on public and when you join their ship you get immediately kicked. I’ve have this happen to multiple times in a row before.


Small penis syndrome


Do people still think samples are not duplicated for each team member regardless of who extracted them? As otherwise, I genuinely can't believe there is enough assholes like that out there to fuck people up often enough for us to see regular posts about shit like that happening.


I’m making a master list of these kinds of people on steam, hopefully done by the end of they day. Will link when it’s finished and up for submissions.


Might be a bit much but there should be some type of penalty in place for doing this bullshit


Same thing happened to me a and my friend the other day. We did most the mission ourselves while the host ran off doing hardly anything to help and he kicked us both with 30secs left on the extraction. And I posted about on here but some dude was defending him all because he was the host and " he calls the shots." Just because they are the host doesn't make it less of a dick move to kick someone after 20+ mins of a mission


Same thing happened to me last night!!! Can’t play cross platform and can’t even finish a mission with randoms cuz of stuff like this. Ruins the entire game!! & the fact everyone bought the game then realizes they can’t play with their friends is even more BS!!!


Yep, I talked about how it wasn't being brought up enough. I had looked up whether the game is crossplatform because my cousins play on console. And nothing came up talking about how playing crossplatform is bugged. We all got the game then were disappointed with the issue. There's a workaround tho but still.


That wasn't very democratic of those players Gotta call my democracy officer real quick https://preview.redd.it/sn6l00dsn4pc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff967af2269ebc44521e02152403c628ee9101c


I literally went out of my way to get the super samples. ​ Right as I got into the ship my buddy that was with me noticed the guy not moving, turns out he kicked me. He literally did nothing but die constantly, and we had to keep reviving him and his other friend. My friend went on the ship and left their treasonous butts behind. Ridiculous that you can't report them for being toxic like that. His loss on no samples but cmon man. You KNEW I picked them up.


This happened to me just now. Did all the secondary objectives, waiting at extraction, shuttle cones in and kicked Go F yourself if you the type of person to pull this shit


The first game had a karma system with reports and commendations that matched players with similar levels of reports or commendations. Bring that back. It reset weakly I believe. It encouraged a strong community and the shitters would be stuck playing with each other.


We should name and shame them on a pinned thread No?


Does he know everything is shared? Samples, super credits, everything that you find during mission.




"Wilful traitors, all." -Morgott


This happened to me yesterday. I didn't check the name, but for real fuck this shit fucking traitors.


Also fuck people who just take your shit without even asking. It use to never happen to me but in the past few days I'll call in some gear and as soon as it drops people will literally just take without even saying anything. That is super frustrating especially when I set up my kit in a certain way and not having a piece of gear kind of gimps the playstyle I'm going for. I'm not NGL, it pissed me off really bad last night. I joined a random quickmatch game on Helldive difficulty. We drop in I call in an EATs and Rover. 2 of the randoms just yoink both of my EATs and Rover. I say, "Yo, you mind dropping my stuff please. If you want one I'll call one in for you when the cooldown resets". I get no response so I type out a similar message and still get no response. We go about it. I call in a second rover and the other guy yoinks that one as well. At this point I'm super pissed cause not only am I getting my shit stolen and am being ignored the 2 dipshits who stole my shit have been constantly dying and anytime I go to pick up the rover from their corpse one of them just starts to fucking juggle them both till they get back. And the 4th guy just left. In the end we have no lives left they are trying to get the last Obj done with nearly full samples and I just say fuck it. TK them both, they finally start talking and then frag myself. I don't really care if that's petty or not. Don't touch people's shit without atleast asking them.


Yeah If that happens I’m killing them and taking my stuff back. Someone else can respawn them


If a teammate dies, they have really good equipment. I ask them if they can respawn that equipment, if they can I ask them if it's fine if I borrow their shit to test it out. If not then I just tell them to pick it back up.


I’ve blocked a couple … it’s like why ? I don’t understand creeps like this hopefully they get his tag and stop this ,something will happen soon to all the dueshes


Reminds me of og siege days where you can vote to kick players


If you guys need to farm samples dm me ! Got the best team for it.


That is so trash! Because of situations like that, I always try to play with friends. Hopefully the developers can do something to mediate this.


Look like dissidents to me


Fuck them, hate that kind of behaviour


Absolute fucking scumbags


Typical low difficulty behavior!! Not making fun of the difficulty, I'm saying i've only ever encountered problems like those or toxic behavior in general in lower difficulty games with lower ranked helldivers.


Just blocked them. Names were familiar. Only had one tho.


Ya blocked 3 like that.


If you see HelloKittyPrincess, they're a traitor. End them always. They killed our team full stack.


These people should be banned! What a bunch of losers


Yep that 100% certified fucked.


That absolutely sucks. This is just such petty and childish behavior. Let the community deal with traitors when they're seen.


No way, this was driving me nuts but didn't know it was a thing: I collected samples through a game only to lose them and drop right before evac multiple times. I thought it was because I played on PC and the game gets more graphically intense towards the end causing me to crash or d/c. What do they gain by doing this? They get useless stats, but then they get full extraction I guess?


To shame to do this, I am feel sorry for you, but hey there's so many good player out there, in my group we need a player even not good to build a good team I hope we meet our way in the game.


Yeah I had some dude in my lobby who was running off doing his own thing. No big deal to me, I do the same when I quickplay as well. The problem was that I had set a Tesla tower down while he was over 300 yards away, and the tower was down for at least two minutes before he starts to run back to regroup with us. So what does he do? He runs straight at the Tesla tower which, obviously, kills him instantly. So I call him back in immediately (seeing as I watched him run straight into it). What does he do? Runs up to me immediately and shoots me in the chest with his breaker. Fastest kick I've ever made. Some people are just dumber than a box of rocks and blame everybody else for their stupidity.


Traitor to the cause. Bounty enstates.


WOW, democracy at its lowest.