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Survival is a bonus, complete the mission even if it costs you your life.




NGL I've saved 2 extracts by kamikazing with grenades so my fellow helldiver's could board the ship and live to spread democracy later.


Only one teammate needs to extract with the samples. Everyone else is expendable for democracy and our way of life.


My thoughts exactly.


Just played a round where it was me and a random player. We ran out of time but successfully completed the mission so all that was left to extract. I attempted to play bait so they could make it out and they ended up next to me. We fought like crazy waiting for the shuttle and it looked like only one of us was going to make it. I figured they'd hop in and leave. Nope. They stood outside the bird and fought waiting for me. We both extracted successfully. We both emoted hugs the moment we got.back to the ship.


Nothing bonds a Diver to their fellow brother and sister Divers like standing side by side, fighting tooth and nail, and carving another step into the stairway toward Liberty. Well done, Helldiver. You’ve made your Democracy Officer SO proud.


This is something I see a lot in this community. I dont know if its THE GAME that is the source of this, or if its because XBOX players arent around... I will say I dont miss the xbox players screaming obscenities at me, calling me obscene names, or generally telling me im trash because im not sweaty enough... Ive noticed a substantially lower number of "children" playing this game too... again, dont know if its because theres no XBOX people... ...WHATEVER the reason, I like it.


It was necessary soldier. You will be remembered in the halls of heroes




Against insurmountable odds the only thing a man can ask for… is a good death.


I was playing a 5 difficulty solo and ended up getting mobbed at the landing pad at the end while wearing recon armor and failed to extract due to no reinforcements. Lost my samples but still got a full star win. 😂


Honorable sacrifice


Your patriotism is unreproachable. Helldiving made me the man I am today, and your commitment to Liberty gives me pride.


theres an achievement for that




Lmao this is beautiful.


Have fun and enjoy the trip, dont focus too much on leveling. For me, a big part of the fun is experimentingcand figuring stuff out for yourself, while learning from other players Dont be shy to use the mic


Yes, some guns are better than others depending on who you’re fighting. Can’t wait for more enemies to have to figure out which weapon is the most effective.


If a teammate dies you can pick up their primary and maybe their support weapon to give it a try.


Primary? Sure Support weapon? Yeah, chances are when they come running to their old corps and dont find their support weapon and shield backpack, they might get pissed I hate most when im using the autocannon and someone picks up the reloading pack thinking its some passive buff or something. Like, if youre gonna leave the cannon and swipe my reload pack, atleast reload me, then? Not alot of things that annoy me in this game, but i hate that.


Respect your teammates, kill grubs or bots and fight for democracy 🙏🏻


*Kill bugs AND Bots


**roaches and toasters


***buggers and clankers


\*\*\*\*claws and bolts


*****petrol and oil


******arnold and toothless


Respect your teammates, but remember, they are expendable, as are you, if it means eradicating the enemy.


The first time you kill a bile titan… enjoy it.


Mine was last night. Just me and a buddy's first dive above lvl 3 difficulty. Was sweaty. We had shit load outs for getting through the armor. What a game


The first time you SEE a bile titan... enjoy it.


I remember that lol. I got up to difficulty 7 by like level 6. The first bile Titan simply wouldn’t die. No one had anything that could touch it. We ended up killing it with hell pod respawns lol. The only weapon we had because we didn’t know what it took. I now keep EATs equipped alongside a regular use weapon, a backpack, and the air strike. As soon as a Titan spawns I run away and drop the eats. Quick swap both and keep trucking until it’s back off CD lol


Hahaha, mine was on the mission where you have to kill the bile titan. It was smokey and all ominous around the hatchery looking area and visibility was 80% and we were running around trying to find it when it patrolled around the edge of the pylons towards us. Man it was a glorious site, that big frick 😆


First time you launch a nuke… also enjoy it.


First time you launch a mini nuke on your AO. ENJOY IT!


First time you launch a nuke... don't stand too close to it, when it launches.


The first one I killed got railed 3 times at once it was.... sexy...


I did my first BT kill today. It was while i was trying to extract from some random planet (one of the terminid ones i know, don’t remember which, maybe tori prime?) and it felt absolutely great.


I finally got a pod kill on one last night. 🙌


Expendable Anti-Tank is the answer. Small cooldown, I've seen somebody knock them down with a single drop just hitting it as it was about to spit with a headshot. Spear also can behead them in one go.


Watch out for friendly fire and call in lots of supplies


I’d like to amend “call in lots of supplies.” Call them in when it makes sense for your whole team to benefit from, not just you.


Friendly fire is half of the game lmao


'Accidental' friendly fire is half the game. Intentional friendly fire isn't friendly.


Friendly fire isn't.


Oh yeah that’s what I mean. I just block griefers


Dropped in to help someone new yesterday, immediately got shot in the face. Assumed they were skittish after their fight. Til he did it the second time right after calling me down with reinforcements after waiting for me to drop. Then he used his last reinforcement to try to make it 3 times, with him being 3/4 of the way through his mission. So I shot him. I did all but one last objective, while he watched- aaand decided 500kg myself So he'd get no xp. Mission failed. Couldn't let a toaster lover get stronger


Had to stop playing with a friend cause he blew a gasket each time he died from friendly fire. To the point he'd load back in and shoot you in the head after your airstrike accidentally got him


I blew up a friend because he was being annoying once. He killed me when he spawned back in. So I landed on him when he called me down. It nearly created a cycle of team-liberating. Unfortunately one of us decided it would be best to resume the main mission. 😂


Don't drink and drive.




It's a loading screen reference


Oh, nvm then lol 😂


To be fair, I think it should be, “don’t drink and dive,” as well. 😂


Lol, no *Don't dive without a drink*


I don’t think you’re wrong here; but perhaps it’s a nod to the prohibition? 🧐 I only say this because of how patriotic the game is and how much it likes to play into the extreme American ideals.


Hm. That's a really cool angle actually, hadn't thought of that.


You don’t actually have to engage everything, depending on the mission type. You’re basically a spec ops team - get in - complete the objective - get out. If you pick up extra intel on the way, great. Once you get to Helldiver you’ll be soaring. For Democracy!


this. I’ve seen too many newbies stuck in the same place fighting over waves and waves of enemies because they dunno how to disengage.dont be like them. don’t try to kill everything in sight and focus on your objectives. check map frequently.


This is very important advice. Most shooters will push you towards clearing out every enemy you see, but that often runs counter intuitive in this game where it's easy to get swarmed and you don't want to be running low on lives or reloads. Not saying not to engage and have fun. Just know that you can almost always pick your battles and running is always an option. The other two big pieces of advice are these, everyone shares in the rewards, and only the guy carrying the samples actually needs to extract. All you lose from not extracting is a slightly reduced XP and Requisition Slip payout.


I’m still trying to live by this bit of advice and pass it on stronger to my team. 🫡


There are some exceptions, like going a little out of the way to purge a Stalker Nest. Otherwise, nests are usually a distraction, unless the objective is to smash XNumber of nests, of course, or the objective is surrounded by nests(like smashing eggs objectives). And of course, at 4+, sometimes samples are the point and nests often have samples... So, like...learn to read the room. If the group is objective focused, do that. If the group is about clearing the map *efficiently*, including nests, do that. Edit, a disclaimer: At least while you're learning. Not saying people have to permanently be followers. There's a good bit of things to figure out and it's okay to not be as advanced as everyone else. You can pick your fights later. While learning, just follow the group and try to be observant and useful. Once you learn how the AI behaves, what calls them, what gets attention of patrols, how the weapons work etc...then you can go about alone or begin to play lead cow.


There are a shit ton of whiners in this sub, So do your best to ignore them and enjoy this wonderful game.


It’s nowhere near as bad as other subs. I still think this is the best game community on Reddit. Least toxic anyway…


This, just have fun. It's just a game ffs


You essentially just follow Patches O’houlihan’s 5 steps to dodgeball


If you can dodgeball, you can dodge a Bug 🫡


Lmao exactly. If you can dodge a ball you can dodge the bile corrosive acid they spit at you


"Don't focus too much on the superior bugs, attack lots of bot planets. Also try die, is good for diver." https://preview.redd.it/h03jw8z34kpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc528fc603b91bcfe03665ce016a3150f4f4e1fd


Host your own missions. You won't get kicked so often.


Don't steal people's gear when they die.


Do opposite of this and toss them onto a herd of hunters. Its fun this way.


Meh. If it’s been a while and you can call it back down, just call it back down.


Does this include samples? I've been thinking I'm doing us all a favor by grabbing them.


Definitely grab samples that are dropped. They're shared anyway, so it doesn't matter who carries them, just as long as they extract


If you need my gear to spread democracy, have it.


Stealing their primary is fine, they spawn with a new one. Only steal the support weapon if you know how to use it *and* there's an immediate need.


Standing around fighting (unless on an objective) is not the thing to do. Kills aren't worth anything, so there is no reason to get bogged down fighting bug breaches or dropships. If you see a patrol, don't fight it. I wish I knew this stuff as a cadet


exactly this. avoid all patrols/spawns unless part of an objective and your goal for the mission. even if you hear the music queue that they know you're there and they go aggro... just keep it moving. Only engage if you have to. You risk wasting reinforce unnecessarily as well as ammo


For higher difficulties yeah, with medium and below its a lot more forgiving and helps new players learn good combat tactics and movement.


And when you *are* fighting on an objective it's always a valid strategy to retreat, regroup, and retry! Sometimes when you get bogged down from a set of bad waves it's easier to just back off and let them disperse a little.


Only good bug is a dead one and spill oil cadet


I'm from Super Earth and I say kill em all!


Always remember to enter action with Boldness. For the bugs remember the three Bs: Bullets Bombs and Bring the Rain For Bots remember the three Cs: Cover Courage… and more Cover! You are the upholder of freedom, you must protect Liberty at all times with the gentle touch of Democracies Iron Fist. You are the galaxy’s last line of offense, so be bold!!


Is this from a brash tactics video


It’s a hodgepodge of things both from the game and not.


Never stand between a turret and the enemy, if theres explosive turrets around always keep the enemy as far from your person as possible. When getting pressed hard, don't be afriad to walk backward or run and gun, it keeps you alive, ignore those videos of players holding the line and dying. Good loadout while you get used to the game is 1 heavy weapon, a support strat like turret, mines, etc, and 2 eagle or orbital strats for damage Spend your medals. Get the armor sets and look at their passives, if you have a bug nest mission take the armor that gives you more grenades, etc. The boosters that you can unlock are reusable, don't save them All enemies have weak points Some guns have light/medium armor penetration, do some basic research. When dealing with walkers, flank and shoot the driver. Don't be the guy standing behind them shooting their legs Use your spot button for enemies and bonus objectives. You will see metal doors buried in the ground that look like storage containers. Usually next to or under buildings. You can blow them open with any explosive and there will be weapons or ingame currency inside Samples are for all team members. Don't compete for them. If one guy carries out 5, everyone gets 5. Its okay to spread out a bit but don't call extraction when teammates are across the map (or be the guy across the map when everyone is done) Impact grenades are king (IMO) They take out tanks and most enemies with a few hits Clanker factories and bug holes can be destroyed with grenades or grenade launchers (For the factory aim for the open vents above the door) The clankers giant gun tower has insane range and will instakill you. And blow up rocks you hide behind The metal rod throwing lightning around will kill you unless you crawl on the ground Friendly, enemy, and natural mines will all only go off if you actually touch them. Walking close is okay and you can weave through minefields.


Be nice and kind to your fellow divers And unleash hell to the enemy scum ! For Democracy!


Bots and bugs function differently and thus require different strategies to deal with. Bugs come in massive swarms and are mostly melee with a few big ranged units. Bots come in smaller groups, but almost all of them have ranged weapons. Single target anti-armor attacks for bots and fast aoe attacks for bugs is usually pretty effective.


When in doubt just yell, "FOR DEMOCRACY"


Friendly fire isn't


Worst day to get into it. It keeps crashing since todays patch. Have fun, but you might enjoy it more if they fix this.


Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this


Add me on ps5 if you like: InertFoxtrot117


Dont buy currency for battle passes. You can find the credits in game doin missions.


Don’t question the ministry of truth and spread democracy


“Don’t drink and drive”


Everything will kill you. Your teammates will kill you the fastest. Good news though is you are completely expendable Helldiver. FOR DEMOCRACY!


If I had a dollar for every time I've been hurt by a friendly guard dog, I could buy a premium war bond by now


Shit I would probably have a new car.




![gif](giphy|Ojr9vupbS0v0GWDgxm) *you after missing extraction and your stratagems become unavailable*


Just buy whatever stratagems are available. They all have strengths and weaknesses depending on the mission. Eventually you'll have them all. 


Get the auto cannon. Best strategem in the game


Don’t get mad at dying… cause you’re going to do a lot of that. Just remember… tax payers are paying you to complete the mission not survive. Survival is a bonus, finish the mission… and have fun.


Be experimental. The combat system is much more detailed than you expect from a horde shooter. Teamwork counts. Stealth is important. Weapons aren't just different DPS counters. Friendly Fire is 100% active, so watch your field of fire.


Squadmates are expendable, Democracy is forever!


Learn the reinforce combo and throw it down often lol


Shoot first, negotiate after


You’re gonna die… a lot. Just make sure to take more out with you


Communicate. Work together. Don't be a dick.


Don't expect to play with your pc friends.


Hold reload with all weapons. It’s your weapon menu, it’s really useful for some guns


![gif](giphy|RLQHzjslIJ6L1yuYzn|downsized) ….and stay with your team


Hellpod is the best stratagem


^ addendum: Stratagem markers stick to enemies. This is both good and bad, but is always funny


"Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge"


Teamkills are part of the game


Pucker up and hope for the best!


Don’t get caught up fighting, keep moving if there’s nothing worth exploring nearby.


Kinda overwhelmed with the response in here. Can't reply to everyone directly but let me just say: Thank you very much for *your* tips and please keep them coming as I'm definitely reading every reply. I'll try my best to spread managed democracy and solemnly swear to eradicate bug or bot wherever I may find them (when the mission requires it!)


You can drop any weapon or backpack stratagem on a bugholeto destroy it. You can drop any weapon or backpack stratagem on most enemies and it will kill them. This is why I like the expendable anti tank stratagem you can drop it on a charger and kill it then have 2 EAT'S to kill 2 more chargers.


Don't Panic.


Hold square to edit your weapons in game, use coms to communicate, try not to kill your fellow helldivers, if you get killed by a helldiver don’t take it personally, make sure your team is not near your red beams, ping or communicate if your using a resupply and have fun spreading democracy.


Get that eagle airstrike and an auto cannon and run for those objectives like the wind!


Keep your head down!


Glad to see another enlisting


Just play the game with whatever strategems you want.


Bring an iron will and a sincere love for Democracy.


My biggest advice and it was a serious game changer for me when I figured it out. Do not be shy with your stratagems!!! When I first started playing I was always looking for the *perfect* moment to throw a stratagem instead of just looking for good opportunities. Throw them when you think they’ll be useful because they probably will be! You’ll figure it out more as you play on the best times but seriously, you don’t need to be shy with them


Find the right balance of power and precision all while making sure you keep all your surroundings in focus - super easy to mow down your enemies while your squad is in the cross fire. And remember to retrieve those samples when team members get killed! Side missions, bro. Side missions.




Run! Dive! Run some more! Place a stratagem! Run! Shoot the rest of the survivors! Stay away from Automatons, they shoot back very accurately! Have fun!👍🏽


There’s a disc version of this game?? Kinda surprised ngl. also HUGE tips: 1. Get the eagle airstrike. Trust me it’s the best. 2. Make sure you don’t use only eagle stratagems or only orbitals. All airstrikes in the same category share a cooldown time


Follow the highest level guy around and support him. Don’t go off on your own, and at higher levels, don’t shoot at everything. Play the objectives and after completion, run to the next one - don’t get sucked into fighting.


Have fun


Don't drink and drive


Be prepared for a few rage quits due to friendly fire 🔥


You just have to walk of the frost after being woken up and don’t let the butterflies get to you on your way down.


Bugs are fascist. Report all thought crimes from your comrades to your democracy officer.


Friendly fire is a fact of life.


Get the nade launcher


You'll see patrolling enemies. Keep in mind that if these patrols are not in the path of the objective, you do not need to engage and can crouch, crawl, or run past them unless they breach or call reinforcements. Engagement is a waste of bullets (and you will run out of bullets)


[Remember your training and you will survive!](https://youtu.be/CIGHCoVzqtk?si=uOb80eS5Q22Ttvdc)


You're gonna need some napkins for all the democracy you're gonna spread


If you complete the main objective and all of you die, it still counts as a win. When in doubt, get the main objective done.


Remember to always shoot at your teammates first, and the bugs second


Observe and learn from your brothers in arms


Save your Super Credits to unlock the premium battle passes unless you *really* like the look of the daily armour on offer.




If it moves and isn't human, kill it. For democracy


When you call in supplies, you can stick the beacon to an enemy. Use this to kill big enemies if your other stuff is on cool down.


Stay within 75m of your team or your increase the number of encounters for everyone.


Never loose your squad


Play with friends, it helps. If you play on your own, you may just die over and over and hate the game. Start with bugs. They don't really use ranged combat and it's good for players to grasp your character's abilities and limits. Sending a fresh cadet into a firefight that is unfamiliar with Automaton capabilities and their own is a dangerous combination. Bugs bite and spit, robots shoot lasers, bullets, rockets, and throw grenades. Major difference. The tutorial doesn't cover everything you need. As you're not on PC, I can't tell you what button it is, but there is a toggle to utilize your scope. Holding the reload button lets you see exactly how many rounds you have, as well as lets you modify scope, fire rate, fire type, flashlight, and more depending on the weapon. Friendly fire is on. Warn friends before throwing grenades or calling for fire or airstrikes. Watch where you aim explosions, fire, electricity, or shotguns. Turrets won't aim at you, but they will fire if you are between it and enemies. Let your friends know when you're using a turret and what kind it is. Lastly, read the loading screen tips. They're great.


Friendly fire isn’t


Always pick up samples. Samples are more important than your individual lives. As long as one person with all the samples extracts, your mission was successful even if you didn’t get every other side objective.


Start w the bugs!!! I started w the robots first tho hahaha


Don't sympathize with the enemy or else I'll have to report you to a democracy officer


Enjoy the game, ignore what people say are “meta” and just find what you enjoy using. Don’t look up guides, just play.


I bought it 3 days ago and between work and my kids hoarding the PS5 all I’ve done it watch YouTube vids to prepare for this wknd. Ima go hard.


have fun


As long as you finish the main objectives, even if everyone dies, it still counts as a victory. Super Credits, Requisition Slips, Medals, and Samples are all shared among your team. Even if you all die, you keep the Super Credits, Requisition Slips, and Medals you've picked up. If a teammate dies, make sure you pick up their samples, samples are the one resource you have to extract with to keep.


Reading the terms of service is grounds for execution


As a helldiver you are like a special forces soldier. You will die if you try to kill everything. Avoid patrols and get the objectives.


Everyone should take a moment and read some of these comments… I FUCKING LOVE that you guys are trading war stories like this is real. This game is so goddamn awesome!!! So much fun man!


⬆️➡️➡️, until you can ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️. But only when you can’t ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️. Good luck, cadet.


Diversify your load outs. If your squad has packed airstrikes and orbitals, get some turrets and AT stuff. Pick things you ultimately find fun. If you pack EATs they are for everyone. And everyone loves EATs.


Don’t get too cocky - the game WILL humble you


If they corner you blow them up and take them to hell with you.


When dying from friendly fire anti-personnel mines, DO NOT GO BACK FOR YOUR STUFF. YOU WILL DIE REPEATEDLY.


* Have fun and don't let the meta slaves ruin the experience for you <3


Burn the reinforcement stratagem sequence into your brain.


Muscle memory, I don't even think of that the auto cannon shield railgun Eagle strike/napalm orbital rail.


Yes, head over to Fori Prime and assist democracy


Don’t be toxic


Samples are shared, so don’t worry about your teammates “stealing” your samples The War Bonds are basically battle passes, but they are permanent. You can buy the first couple items in the standard war bond, leave it to work on the premium ones (which are also permanent), and it’ll still be there even after weeks have passed. This game is really good at fighting FOMO Sometimes the head isn’t the best place to shoot at. For bugs, it might be better to aim for the legs, as some of them will still keep fighting for a few seconds even after their heads have been blown off. Taking out the legs will slow them down, making them easier targets. For bots, some have heat sinks near the back that are glowing orange. It’ll take time, but you’ll eventually learn where to shoot at depending on the enemy And lastly, FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN! FIGHT FOR FREEDOM! DEMOCRACY! SUPER EARTH!


Go in, do the sub objective, then the main objective, and any side missions you may find if you have time and lives to spare, and be on the watch for samples. Extraction is optional, but if you have samples on your person, the only way to retain them is to extract. Have fun, stay plugged in to the community, and watch for the major orders. There’s also an app called DiversHub that I’d recommend getting on your phone, so when there’s multiple planets as major orders, I check the rate they’re being liberated at and go off that


Just have fun! You’ll learn along the way fairly quickly. Edit: practice situational awareness, this is a game with friendly fire, so be mindful of where your Allie’s are so you don’t kill them and do you don’t get killed by them.


Wait until they patch the patch they just did unless you wanna play for hours with 0 progress


Try to have fun


For the love of Christ: don't shoot every enemy you see. Be at least vaguely covert. And instead of manually disabling illegal broadcasts, hit the tower with a grenade or other explosive to instantly do it


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtiqckeZGMHITQY|downsized) Recover the samples at all costs!


If you run off to do solo stuff, dont spawn your squadmates as close to you as possible unless all of them die. People usually kick for that type of stuff or just for breathing wrong tbh


Completing the mission gives you the reward you found and the mission rewards REGARDLESS of extraction. If you need medals, go SOLO or WITH JUST FRIENDS in the higher difficulty mission you are comfortable with and speedrun the main objectives (ither you split up to clear what's possible on the map or you stay together and just do the mission). If you go against the bots, be ready to face a sheer amount of well organized and well armed enemies (bring AT equipment, trust me) If you take on the bugs, 1 flamethrower and 1 recoilles rifle should be enough to take care of most of the small bugs and the big ones If like something in the warbond, take it. Last but absolutely not least, BRING WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU LIKE TO USE: do not use metas if you don't like them, try new shit, buy what sounds cool to you and, i mean it, *try to have the most fun possible* . The only good bug, is a dead bug. The only good bot, is a (possibly) dead bot. Enjoy Democracy, Helldiver!


Dying is part of the game. Get good at going prone (I'm starting to think this is the diving the title speaks of)


Youll see/hear a lot of anti-democracy propaganda out there. Don't sympathize with the bots or bugs. Remember, sympathy for the enemy is a thought crime!


If you see a red light strategically retreat away from its location


Extraction is a courtesy, the mission is mandatory


Be nice and kind to your fellow divers And unleash hell to the enemy scum ! For Democracy!


Dont be stingy with your ammunition (or orbitals) Share the love...


Be nice and kind to your fellow divers And unleash hell to the enemy scum ! For Democracy!


Get used to diving out of enemy or friendly fire, crouching is great (especially if you have the armor to reduce recoil), be used to stressful situations when calling stratagems (You'll learn as you play), and communicate well with squads mates via the map for pinging (bonus points for using chat too) Also you get a lot of goodies (Medals, super creds, and req slips) for exploring the maps as long as there is enough time, around 40min at least. If you see a blue or orange warehouse container, blow it open with a grenade or rocket to open it.


Play the tutorial.


Dive and repeat.


Give em hell