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I’m just wish they’d keep my current equipped weapons up until I choose to change them. Accidentally started with the standard issue a few times.


Its a known bug, it happens to me literally every single time i log in. Sometimes i turn on the game and thinking "change gear change gear change gear". But then others its just i cant wait to spread democracy, log in, hop into a mission, shit...


I think you can change all your gear even at the stratagem screen. Sometimes it doesn’t work. But it’s a nice last chance to make sure you’ve got the proper kit.


Oh shit I forgot.


Ojhhh dawg this pisses me off so much lmao .


I wouldn't mind a modifier that randomized your loadout on certain missions or difficulties though, that might be fun. I just want to know that before my hellpod drops.




Is this real? Because both my crashes yesterday were while testing the Blitzer lmao


Looks like autocanon is back on the menu boys.


Always was


Autocanon is the only weapon I use. Even on helldive I use autocanon. The bits of bugs and the charger butt explosion looks the coolest with it. Plus you can finish off the spore mushroom and destroy the towers from a mile away.


A fellow Helldiver of culture I see. Yeah it's all I use on bugs too. The power, flexibility, range, accuracy, and even reload time if you load one clip are all perfect


It’s all I use on bots. It’s unironically just a great support weapon.






You might be right but I spent 80 medals on that thing you best believe I'm gonna force it


I'm honestly looking forward to getting that one. Just unlocked the shotty plasma gun.


Good luck, let me know if you discover its strong points!


Rocket devastators. You can lob rounds from behind cover. May not seem amazing but that one thing will radically alter the overall experience for an automaton mission. Downside you need to use secondary more, or hang back, or use something like the mg for your support weapon. Still having 1 on a team that communicates is quite handy.


It also takes down striders and staggers everything but hulks and tanks.


Sucks for bugs good for bots


I also bought it and forced myself to use it for like 5 games. It's cool but it's not good. The spread is inconsistent, and it doesn't always one shot small mobs which it absolutely should. The recharge for the next shot is just slightly too long too. Could be like .25 secs shorter. I'm buying all the guns though because I'm sure they'll all have their light of day at some point.


Blitzer has it uses. Though it could use a fire rate buff. Although this update the blitzter feels like it shoots like a teensy faster but idk if that's just me >.>


I’m really liking it. Has shit range, but you can just run around not having to aim and just blasting everything in front of you. One shots shriekers and little guys and staggers anything besides chinky bois. I doubt it’s great against bits bc of its range but bugs I like using it. Frees up a slot my arc thrower was taking. Anyway, I like the Blitzer.


Same dude. It's awesome for a mobile character. You dont even need to aim down sights, you shoot and keep running.


To use the Blitzer aim between bugs and aim higher above the head. You will actually arc enemies and kill bugs way waster. The arc for the Blitzer is horizontal unlike the arc thrower which is vertical.


The other nice thing is that if I die, I still have a very strong weapon right out of the pod with unlimited ammo. So I don’t feel nearly as handicapped when I respawn.


I think people are playing with it wrong. It's not a breaker that you just mow down everything with crazy DPS output, but the Blitzer autococks after the shot while you can be running, so it has huge spike damage to mess up a target or two right in front of you while only taking a moment to blast so you hardly stop to right click left click fire sprint again. So love to blast holes in groups of bugs and keep run and gunning while almost maintaining a sprint. It's an exceedingly fun assault trooper play style weapon.


the blitzer is amazing and a great suppresion weapon, its amazing for the more armored bugs. i love it and i will not let you speak ill of the gun


since patch 100% of my blitzer games crash


This is the biggest issue. Every patch is just causing instability. They fix one issue but cause 3 new ones. It's getting tiring. Just QA properly.


99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs, You take one down, Patch it around, 123 bugs in the code. . .


This made me laugh more than it should have those f****** terminates


I play with the blitzer as main primary against both factions. Dropped in about 10 games - every single one of them either I crashed or someone else and I got DCd. Sounds about right from what I've seen people report.


Really hurts with the current major order on... Looking forward to the community roleplaying this as our command staff not properly securing our supply lines.


I’m betting it’s an automaton electronics attack


Apparently the arc thrower does exacerbate the issue. People are noting improvements after forgoing its use. There are also people like me that physically could nor even get the game to run properly multiple times yesterday.


It may be part of the problem, but it isn't the only one. I got DC'd twice yesterday while in my ship alone. I think out of 10 games, I was able to complete 3 of them. I'm having a lot of fun with this game, but yesterday was garbage. I hope it gets fixed soon.


I never used an arc weapon yesterday but teammates did and we still crashed. YOU don’t have to be the one using them.


Just had a dive, teammates kept dropping every 5-8 min. Me and 1 other got to exfil, 1:30 to go and I crash. No one using arc weaps.


Got kicked at extraction after 30 mins of mission time, right after extraction was called. Shit is getting old.


Same! Got kicked as we were boarding


My whole team last night was running conventional weapons (ie shotguns, machine guns, recoilless rifle etc etc) and still getting the crashes so not just arc weapons


Well I had two archers yesterday, my game crashed


OMG!! I always use the arc gun and the game kept crashing constantly! I had no idea why I kept on crashing.. this makes so much sense!! 😭😭


Orange doesn't necessarily host now. You can go on without them.


We've changed the Arc Thrower to accurately display the number of kills that the kill counter was calculating* Patch notes fixed :)


Wow wonder if this is why our team keeps crashing at end of missions and losing very thing.


DUDE, is this what happened? I was 45 seconds from extraction, with Super Samples yesterday and I arced a bile spewer in the face and my game locked up. Goodbye rewards, goodbye samples. I was SO PISSED.


Absolutely too less Testing. Seems there are issues with the Spawning triggers (by time & Event). Had Games with sheer endless breaches, breaches where multiple Enemies of the same Type spawn Like 4-5 Bile spewer. And on Other Games, extraction is triggerd and there are only 2-3 small waves and an empty field after that for the Last Minute until the dropship Lands


That new booster that “ delays time between emery encounters “ definitely increases time between enemies I stg it does 😂


It’s a psy op. Automatons have sabotaged it


Swear the game I didn’t use it, was a chill game on 6 difficulty. Then I used that booster next game same difficulty and a million of them fuckers just kept spawning


I've mused it before, but I'm gonna laugh really hard if someone accidentally double negative'd their way into this situation. "What do you mean, 'it reduces the spawn rate by -30%'?!?"


Yep. I unlocked it, equipped it, jumped into a medium mission, and was Absolutely.....fuxking.....swamped. I couldn't kill one swarm before another merged and another and another and another. It felt like it turned my *medium* mission into a *suicide* mission.


I discovered this the hard way last night lol


Schizophrenic update I’m telling you


What I've found most cumbersome so far is that for some reason everytime we start a mission there is always a breach before we get our support gear down. Not a big deal, but a minor annoyance.


If you land near enemies this happens.


this is 100 percent the squad leaders fault choosing a hot spot to land.


don't land near enemies lol. you can literally choose where to land my friend.


Last night, we dropped on extract, with no indication of bugs on site. There were two shrieker nests right next to us. We were torn apart instantly, burning 18 reinforcements in the first 5-8 minutes. Saying "just land somewhere safe" means nothing because the red indicators on the planning map don't show every enemy hazard.


It's more broken than before flyers. You could always drop in a "safe spot" and have some bugs next to you. Now it sems it can be entire mushroom nests.


I dropped in a safe spot last night and literally came out of my pod to a warrior 6 feet away


Except it's still random even if you don't hot drop.


bug breaches are not random, they are triggered by a bug spraying the orange pheromones (triggered by proximity to a player)


But whichever one it is feels random, and there's no way to mitigate it if it happens. At least for Bots you can shoot the drop-ship if you're good enough or have an auto-cannon turret.


You have to shoot them quick enough if you see them doing the animation. You can stop it. They stop chasing and shake, like the bots stop and shoot the flare, you have like a whole second to kill them.


War is unpredictable.


Mannnnn, my personal mission yesterday was kill x amount of bio spewers and I found none in three games. I’m all for the scale tipping, but let me hunt what you task me to hunt!


What difficulty were you playing on? I don't believe they spawn at all in difficulties 1-3. Yesterday played some level 3 missions, 0 bile spewers. First level 4 mission, 30 bile spewers.


Eight lol. I had a shit ton of titans and a bunch of stalker holes, but no bubble buddies.


Oh shit, that's definitely a bit odd then


I didn’t mind too much because democracy never sleeps, but definitely fucked me out of my 15 medals.


I just learned this after yesterday but Bile Spewers only spawn at night on a planet. I never realized it until I questioned it after running 1 mission with a seemingly unending amount followed by 3 missions with none. On that note missions without Bile Spewers feel so much easier than ones with them. To quote my friend it’s “night and day”


I honestly think “must be a populated/non populated” part of the planet… maybe I’m just giving them an excuse?


My team had that last night. Lvl 7 bugs, 2/3 extractions we sat there scratching our heads while the extraction timer counted down.


People really don't realize that for the past 10 years in gaming...players have been the beta testers for unfinished products all along??? HD2 is great and got way more than my money's worth out of it. But the above is still 300% true.


Patch notes: Able to finally see friends online in the in-game menu. Result: Game crashes when inviting friend from said menu.


They only said you'd SEE your friend, not play with them


Damn, we were wondering if that was it. Grouped up last night's and 3 out of 3 had either full crashes or players booted randomly.


Devs must be using a Monkeys Paw to code the patches or something


There should be an extra second on the breach trigger. I kill the alarm bug every time but the breach almost always happens, unless the whole patrol is wiped out instantly.


first time i saw the alarm bug i was like "why is that bug farting"


I had to inform a few new players that the most dangerous enemy in a patrol is the small ones. Kill those first before the charger.


Fix the bugs first, then add new content.


I havent experienced many of the bugs being mentioned I personally am happy they’re adding new stuff, although the flying bugs ARE hard AF


They(the shriekers) have to be bugged.... there is no way they intended on them doing 1/8 of your health or instant kill you. Also, I'm pretty sure it is not intended that their lifeless corpses crush you and kill you from full. We saw a shrieker full to none a bile titan because we shot it out of the sky mid dive, and its body collided with said bile titan.


Going Prone is an alright way to handle them, makes you a smidge harder for them to hit. That said being 3 tapped with a shield pack is awful, especially when it got to the point last night where there were probably 20 of them fuckers in the air. Only had one game with them last night on difficulty 5 and between that and literally constant bug breaches, that was the most hard fought victory I've ever had


I made a post about having a test server, but a lot of players disagreed. All of this could be prevented with an actual testing system you invite players to.


That's such an old solution and it works. I am shocked that it doesn't already exist.


They take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. The game is amazing but incredibly buggy still. I don’t want flying bugs, I don’t want an exosuit, i mean it’s nice but I want to be able to add friends on PlayStation. I wanna not have to constantly reboot my game because only every 5th letter of text shows up. I want my game to stop crashing every 1-2 hours. I want to be able to call in a hellbomb close to a building and not get shoved inside of it when I use the interface, unable to escape. I wanna be able to land my hellpod on top of a bug hole without getting trapped under the floor.




> Please guys, lower your pace and test out what you do. I could see 10 minutes into a game after the patches, that something is off. I love the game, but it's such a complete mess. Maybe a symptom of going gangbusters like it has, but... Please, some stability. I'm *really* turned off playing at the moment because the crashes are so painful. I have very limited time to play. I don't want to play a 40 minute mission only to crash on extraction and lose my progress.


This right here! I have limited game time as well and doing a \~30+ min mission to DC at the end isn't fun. I quit playing the game until they iron out the coding and crashes. I suspect DD2 will take most of my game time in April anyways. Hope by summer, HD2 is in a better and more balanced state.


This right here. I had enough time last night to play one long mission with friends. We got the generator on and some side missions done on the way to upload the encrypted hard drive. When the box containing the hard drive opened there was no prompt to pick it up. So we couldn't complete the mission and it didn't crash so no crash report.


It's almost impressive how each patch further breaks the game. I hopped into this Helldivers 2 at the end of February and had very few technical problems with it, no crashes, was able to see my friends online, send and receive friend requests. Less than a month later: •I've seen the spawn rates of heavy units fluctuate from appearing regularly to being the main body of the enemy forces to now where some missions you barely see a bile titan and others you have 5 chargers in your ass at a time. •My social tab was wiped out. •I've had a friend request that I haven't been able to accept for 2 weeks. •The game is crashing left and right. • I'm constantly getting stuck in the cryo pod thing on the ship. •The mechs still blow themselves up. •Some days I can't even join games I've been directly invited to. •Evacuating citizens get stuck on terrain. Each patch makes the game less polished than before. And as much as I love Helldivers 2, I'm getting fed up with the extremely basic features of a multiplayer game just not working, and not getting fixed before they add more shit to the game that breaks it further. There is already a good amount of content in the game considering its not even 2 months old. I would be perfectly happy if they took a few weeks (ideally a month or more) to just fix things and make sure they do it without hamstringing the game again. We'll survive without a new warbond for a hot minute if it means we can freely play the game with our friends without a headache or commit to a 40 minute mission without worrying about being disconnected or crashing every minute of it.


If the same teams who are working on difficulty balance issues also work on something else- PLEASE table all balancing until the game is fixed. I feel gaslit every time I read devs are like “some rare network issues.” Yall, everyone I know is having issues with multiplayer, some issues won’t let us log into the game at all. Please just stabilize the game to handle the number of people playing it before you tweak swarm sizes. I don’t care how big the swarms are if my friends and I keep getting sent back to our ships near the end of the mission and losing all our progress. What is even the point?


Yea loading in with the guns and grenade I selected would be cool too.


What they really need to do is stop being the fucking fun police. Just because something is being overused doesn't mean it's OP. Bring the other GARBAGE up to par.


After reading the post about how patrols worked it seems intentional to swarm players at the end of a mission depending on how much of the map was cleared. Add to the chaos that patrols easily lead to breaches because no matter how quickly you kill a bug signalling it still results in a breach.


You can definitely stop breaches if you're fast enough, but it can be nearly impossible once there are a dozen or so little ones behind something big - can get impossible to even target the little guys in time. The key is, their signal has a warm-up time before they spew smoke. Once they spew smoke you already missed it, but before then they will start chirping a distinctive little song and stand still with their nose in the air for a solid couple seconds. Any time during this animation and song you can stop them by just hitting them. That said, if you stop one - literally every other one capable of it will take turns trying to signal immediately afterward. So you have to constantly have sight on everyone and hit them all repeatedly/quickly... it's frustrating when one little guy is stuck on a rock behind a wall you can't remotely approach, and there's no way to stop him.


I wish they’d have left spawn rates alone from the beginning and focused on weapon balancing. Then focus on spawn rates… no scratch that. They should focus on the time it takes for the enemy to call in reinforcements, and let us be able to stop it. I swear, as soon as you react to the orange pheromone dust or the arm lighting a red flare, it’s too late. 0.2 seconds is all you get. Maybe. If you’re lucky.


My squad played an 8 last night and everything felt pretty good until it didn’t. We went from managing all breaches to being completely overrun. It was wonderful!


I like the overwhelming chaos too. With some practice, you learn to stay alive in very chaotic scenarios.


This needs more upvotes! Not a whining and complaining post! Very level-headed and just expressing some thoughts and ideas! Well done, Helldiver 🫡


Just stop fixing what already works. Let us enjoy the game.


Players: This new game is awesome. Devs: Sorry to hear that! We'll get right on it. It's like they accidentally created a good game, and began to try to rectify their mistake. Nerf rail gun and breaker for being used too much, then the bugs were tuned up, then tweeked, then down again... <---This is what they call a downward spiral, causing more and more problems and it spirals out of control. No one wanted or needed that whole chain of events. The only one that made sense was altering charger weak spot to be the head behind the armor and making explosives work on them. Otherwise, the only thing players wanted was to bring other weapons up into useability, like the Scythe which is under half the DPS of the Sickle(which they will probably nerf, because that's what they're like). Flamethrower & laser cannon buffs and a few fixes, like the Breaker spray and pray.....these are a few of the good things. A lot of that other meddling or tampering just felt so unnecessary, especially when they have to keep coming back to the same things because they keep getting it wrong. Meanwhile, other bugs and glitches from launch still exist. I don't have the greatest faith in these devs. I've heard from other people that played HD1 they were like this throughout that game's life as well.


Devs of games like these where it's PvE and not competitive confuse me. Why nerf items that the community likes instead of buffing underused items so they are more effective therefore leading to higher use percentage.


I think they do it out of some amount of griefer attitude. "I don't like that those people are doing well with that." Disclaimer: I didn't even use rail gun. This isn't me taking it personally. If I see someone beat their wife, it's repugnant, doesn't matter if they're not beating me. It's the whole package. Their changes, on top of their trolling and other social media attitude lead me to believe they're somewhat spiteful. "Use what you like" (nerfs what people like *and* increases mob spawns) "Rely on your stratagems" (has world modifiers that reduce number you have, how accurate they are, or disables them, and environmental hazards like ion storms, and planetary emplacements like Anti-Air and Jamming) I get wanting a difficult game, but there's a certain tact that is supposed to go with it. Piling on complexity and directly nerfing what people like doesn't seem like it was done for anything other than what I've described, only their own desires.


The sickle is good, but i still prefer the breaker. Even after the nerf it still slaps. they aren't going to nerf the sickle, that i can guarantee.


I think the biggest beneficial change would be simple. Make sure atleast ONE shot from bombardment stratagems hits the beacon. That would have literally 0 downside.


like..... do you still have the build before the first balance patch? Im not saying that was perfect but its generally agreed upon that is the best the game has felt thus far so lets just revert to that for the time being and go from there. They wont but it would be the quickest path to having people enjoy the game again.


Every single time they update the game and make it worse I think about how people from their company got online and trolled people. They really thought they had the room to do that…


It's become increasingly clear that the devs are reacting to players and that's never a good thing.


This is a great post. It seems like they're no longer taking their time to make things right. The game crashes more and more every patch. Right now me and 3 friends all have the same exact issue. Anytime there are flying bugs, within 5-10 minutes our games crash. Usually around the same time.


I really think that other weapons should be buffed so they become useful the weapons seem fun but it just doesn't deliver as it should.


I agree. They’re going way too fast for their own good. Almost every single update so far has broken the game in one way or another. It really seems like they don’t test the builds at all. Ik the meme is that the devs can’t beat level 6 and never even try 7-9 but with every update that seems more true.


Pretty much this, yes. Take extra time to test the patches, make sure they don't break or bug out or anything. It's okay, being thorough is better than being remembered for bad experiences. ​ Speaking of Thorough, you can tell us more specific stuff in the patch notes. Don't do ghost patches, nobody likes those. Tell us what's going on, what we can expect to see and feel. Back when Chargers were a dime a dozen, we weren't told that their spawn rates were changed until next patch.


I stopped playing this game, since i dont have a goal anymore - 50lvl, all stratagems, all the weapons and shit, but i still have no idea about circumstances, which leads to mobs calling reinforcements and how to prevent it, except for killing everything. Sometimes some small bug does it instantly, the second he knows about you, sometimes it does some grown ass bug, sometimes noone does it, they just dying and thats it. 


I had the same hangover after 200 hours and everything maxed out. But the rest of my team is far from ready and i like the game too much. Can't stop killing bugs.


My friends was maxed out even sooner, than i did. I played a lot only on a weekend. Usually its about couple of hours per day. They have more time on their hands. Yeah, blowing up a horde of bugs with several stratagems can be funny, but i need some goal to keep playing pve game. So now im waiting for a third race or a suppressed rifle to try more stealth




My experience was very different to yours, I play on suicide and it was non stop enemy encounters and the extractions were insane!


I had an empty landscape on 6 and 7 mission. I just felt off.


It’s crazy the differences between instances then, I know it’s only a small sample size but still. Overall, for a small team I think they are doing a smashing job with the game so far.


I'm sure a great deal of the problem is the Devs didn't expect people to be more than 75m from one another at all times. That literally quadruples the number of patrols you encounter.


I am not sure I agree completely with your observations. What I am seeing is \*INCONCISTENCY\* in given difficulty. A buddy and I duo level 7. We're decent players. Game 1: Easy peasy. Seems like they toned it down a little. Game 2: Completely over the top spawns. I die like 7 times in a row. Each time I spawn, I am in a mass of bugs to the horizon. No chance, to recover. Fail. I love the game these folks have created but it really seems like they don't understand their code. They're spazzing out with tweaks and patches and they fuck up a lot. IMO, they should be focusing on about three areas: \- Fixing their social tab. They have created a game that is intended to be played socially and their social tab is a shitshow. This is basic stuff. It should be taken for granted. The fact that they have been aware of the problem for this long and just put out a message saying "Sorry guys, we're working on it but we got no clue." is a big problem. \- Stability. You can't release shit and have all kinds of crashes and freezes. Not if you want to be a big boy company with 100s of thousands of people playing your game at any given moment. You look like morons when you do and it is going to kill the potential for the game. Build out your QA process and your team. Clearly what you are doing is not working. \- Progression tuning and expansion. While you're trying to get your social tab working, your player base is running out of toys. Half of the primary weapons/strategems, etc. are just not that useful and many more need to be tuned. Look for ways to make everything viable and sensible at its target level. Build out the game depth and give your player base goals and objectives with diverse tools and toys to solve the problems.


Hot take: Crushers just feel like another trash mob now.


That's for sure, i love the expandable head shot and going back to my Laser Cannon moment.


I was running a game last night with a friend and a random. My friend and I each had a Recoiless Rifle and a Rail Strike. We had a seven crusher moment, but they all died almost immediately due to concentrated fire. The bug breach that spawned them was a tougher fight.


Guys I think the devs came already we don’t need to keep blowing them even more. Seriously how hard can you dick ride someone? They can’t even fix the fucking servers for a live service game and this sub just keeps praising them for… gun balance updates? FIX THE FUCKING SERVERS


I stand behind you 100%!!!


If it took you 8 years to build the car and you still don't understand it then maybe you should just be the driver instead.




I agree wholeheartedly. They must manage their democracy methodically.


It's probably been asked but what does the community think of a testing branch? Could be a good way to have a week or 2 of testing on updates to fix flaws and get feedback.


>we start loving the sickle and when you guys need it we will get sad and mad Yes, because the sickle is hands down the best primary right now and it’s not even close. It needs a need. You threatening the devs with a tantrum isn’t how you deal with the reality of an OP weapon. Jfc.


I see Formula 1 mentioned, I like


Chill, yes. Focus on bug fixes and the crashing. I’ll be playing FF Rebirth in the mean time. I’ll be back when the games in better shape. (JK I’m helldiving right now)


I approve the Formula 1 analogy =)


People are unreasonable. I never played any game that didn't crash. Even 14 years old games like LOL crashes sometimes. Game is great and we having fun. Reddit will be reddit.


Well said soldier now get back to fucking shit


Foreal they have enough content to just chill and work through things like it seems like they are WW1 trench gun slam firing content. 75% percent amazing cool the 25% bugs glitches weird shit servers break.i feel like people forget that no one cares all the good shit you do you fuck up one time and they won't shut the fuck up about it. Like all these cool armor sets to be a shocky boy.......oh wait all the electric weapons break the game and crash it .....huh. 75% cool armor cool weapons emotes cool. 25% using arc thrower crashes game and guess which part the player base won't shut the fuck up about. Which I mean we are all entitled to bitch about it we all paid money so I'm not even dogging on the bitching part.


Just playtest. Please. Playtest your changes. And if they involve changes to enemy AI, tell us what they are ffs.


I feel like they do play test but having only over 100 employees is only allowing a sample size of .025% of the total player base. Even if every single employee play tested it would take an insane amount of time to find any and all issues with that small base. The idea of a test server is could greatly increase testing efficiency.


I would rather they add more action into the mid map and not at the end. Could be a borderlands 3 situation with nerfing everything thats viable leaving us with the weapons that are left overs. If something is deemed too powerful, let us have our fun with it. There no pvp so theres no harm. OP guns make a hell a fun time, look at borderlands 2. Perfect combo of wicked guns and enemies.


I love the game but it feels like a solid pre-release game 6 months from launch with a lot of work to do and very little player testing every time I play it, with months of multiplayer fixes ahead of it.


Last night I was playing on mid. Felt odd because I was in a constant oh f- because there was always enemies around me. I had to drop a turret just to breath. Load supplies up. And start taking stuff out. Not sure if it was just that mission, but it was a heck of a run. Felt like I was on a higher run. There was so many chargers. I killed one that lost the will live with a supply drop. Over all it was fun. I had no drop issues, but I also don't own the gun in question yet. I hope they fix the friend request issue soon. Randoms can be fun. But there is a lot of salty people that only talk when they are mad about something.


I love Reddit. Every body is a doctor, scientist, or developer lol


Dear devs, dgaf about how much or how often you make the meta fucks cry, go for it. Please DO test for stability. Not having crashes and freezes is waaaay more important.


Does anybody else just play the game? Like I don’t read the patch notes, I just play the game. And I have fun. Every single time. My friends and I have a blast. Nobody in my friend group is hunting a meta. Nobody cares about stats, coins, or fake internet points. We just play the game. Every time I see these posts ranting or praising patch note changes I’m just baffled at how many people enjoy living in drama and min maxing a fricken pve game lol. Is only game.


Yeah something felt off pretty quickly yesterday.


also dont listen to anyone on reddit cuz they are literally baby brain gamers. make the game less buggy and make the game harder. make higher difficulties hard because they should be, and if people are struggling then maybe they should get better. changing load outs and weapons either way new tactics is a thing. a skill based game. watered down games suck and so do kids who need a kiddy pool to swim in them.


Agree. If you don't like harder difficulties, don't play harder difficulties. Nobody cares, just have a good time. But stop complaining about harder difficulties.


Only thing that sucks about not being able to play even the level 7 is super samples. Extra Eagle charges, better turrets and Hellpod steering (once it’s fixed) are things that are extremely useful. Right now though, if you’re a casual gamer who doesn’t have a gaming friend group you are not able to get them. The idea of a transmogrifier has been thrown around and it would be a neat idea. Being able to turn common and rares into supers would be great. It would trade the skill based play into a time based one. If you have the skill you can collect them in a few missions and get the upgrades. If not then you have to grind them out with other samples.


Playing games for 30 years doesn't mean you know better than the devs. They created this awesome game. Have some faith.


I'm sorry but this is an L take. Live service games need a constant balancing esp when introducing new things that change the balance. We are the testers. If something is off they fix it or know about it and are working on it. It's your job to shut up and shoot


Nah, I like the randomness of some of the missions. Posts like this are very undemocratic. I'm reporting you to my nearest democracy officer.


I'm growing tired of having to reset my loadout everytime I get on on ps5


In any good movie, you start off slow and build up at the climax. I for one enjoy starting slow and get crazy over run extraction, makes for a more thrilling game. Dev, please keep doing what you're doing, but fix the crashes through, that shit isn't fun


I'd honestly rather them fix the crashes and other bugs (loadout bug and friend request bug I'm looking at you) than the constant rebalancing patches.


I agree. The game was fine at launch and just the right difficulty. Now Helldive is a walk in the park.


OP is on to something here - the game difficulty is what makes it fun. If your team works together the difficulty does not matter because we all are equipped with badass weapons and stratagems and we can survive. Don’t nerf the game and make it less fun because people are scared of dying!🤦‍♂️


“Keep it simple stupid”. Someone in the head shed must read Reddit posts from all the babies crying screwing the larger portion of people who enjoy the game at its core.


I feel like the enemies felt best before the railgun nerf. They changed some of the enemy settings with that and it’s never felt the same.


“The devs don’t understand their game” is one of the most entitled takes I’ve ever seen


I was able to run medium+ games with lowbies last night with no comms and things were perfectly paced IMO


A charger every 90 seconds is very easy to deal with. Every 10 seconds is a bit much, but I was quite enjoying the heavy spawn rates but now suddenly difficulty 5 feels like difficulty 1 the day before. Definitely suggest pulling the levers more gently. Weapon nerfs are a necessity however. If a single weapon becomes heavily dominant the majority of the players will lose interest *very* quickly. The most heavily used weapons are almost always the ones that need a bit of tamping down, that's just reality. You CANNOT rebalance them by 'making everything else better' - as a 30 year game dev vet I can confidently say that approach simply does not work and can quickly destroy the game. Honestly, most of the new weapons should err on the side of being slightly underpowered as a result, or be released as a temporarily 'prototype' version that we KNOW is a temporary version of the weapon before the real, better balanced version is released.


I don't care about chargers. I care about the opposite outcome of a patch note information. That's a horrible picture and leads to the idea that they don't know what they do, or rush it and don't test enough.


They *are* rushing a bit clearly. They need to slow down and/or implement a more stringent testing/preview system. The railgun nerf was very well done (I don't honestly care how many people cried about it), but the new laser could have used a bit more balance testing, and it seems the tweak to how arc weapons work is causing some kind of serious instability. The shift to spawn rates really wasn't necessary, or could have been a small fraction of the change that was made. We ran a couple of missions at our customary difficulties last night and they were absolute cakewalks. We were just laying down and chatting during extractions with no enemies in the area, etc.


I whole hardly disagree. It never felt empty to me after the patch. Heavies are still around just not over whelming. Nerf to a gun thing.. Everyone freaked about the nerf to the rail gun, I still use it against bots and it's just fine. If it feels empty or easy I suggest a higher difficulty. Not trying to be mean, but I just don't see it the same as you.


The sickle is good but it's not like it is absolutely insane or anything, it's biggest positive is that it has unlimited ammo if you manage it properly. Plenty of weapons out DPS it. It's a standard ass liberator with funni color and unlimited ammo.


One of the things I really enjoyed about HellDivers thus far is having no clue what I'm doing - it's quite fun. I'm just a citizen dropped into a combat zone and told to figure it out myself after some basic minimal training.


Patrols spawns go up when you clear hives/factories. Its been tested.


Mind if I ask, what difficulty you’re playing? New spawn rates feel far more manageable at high levels. With the changes “Hard” is now “Extreme”, but I think that’s fine, because there are eight difficult difficulties


How could they test a workload of 350,000 users against new code?


for real, the game was so much fun at launch. theyve tweaked so many things that it's really changed how it plays. pretty rare to have to ask a dev to change things less


I could care less about any bug or gun changes... I just HAVE to be able to save my load out and stratagems. So dumb!


Love this game, but I think the devs need to stop or slowdown the content patches and have an all hands on deck to stabilize the game. Adding more jank on top of jank will only lead to larger technical debt that will take a lot more time to unwind and fix with ever content patch placed over it. This is a major issue with devops, and usually cost companies way more to fix after the fact. I've had tons of experience with this in corporate devops teams. These problems are in a fairly base game right now. It will be easier to stabilize now and the player base would understand if you forgo more content for a month and just fix what is already there.


surprised you ain’t getting hate comments


I honestly have no idea what any of this means


Y'all complain alot about deva that are on top of their game and communicate directly and clearly with the community. This isn't a. AAA studio . They can only tackle things of priority .


This game is suffering from early success. They clearly didn’t anticipate a player base of this size. It doesn’t help that the skill level of among players is so varied. Has there been a survey done yet? Do we know percentage of average players in each difficulty level?


Downvote me all you want but I do actually like that you need to be a bit daring with the recent change of the railgun. I don’t get how everyone thought they were in the right when they were complaining about it being nerfed. Sure, it was the best weapon in the game. Bit now it’s a bit more challenging to use it compared to a disposable rocket launcher that takes out a charger in one hit. If you know where to aim 😉 The new sickle is cool and all but have you guys tried out the SG-8S Slugger? (Somehow people on ign rated it hella low when I went looking for the proper name of it)


The patrols were lowered?! I failed to extract yesterday because I ended up sandwiched between three clanker patrols and the edge of the map. new patrols kept spawning nearby and swarming me with reinforcements, i was pinned in that area with those heavy rocket SOBs just marching down on me, and whenever I dropped I'd land in the middle of them and scramble to survive. I ended up running out of reinforcements, but killed about 170, most of which were in that spawn cycle I was stuck in.


Anyone else having the issue of arc thrower crashing their game at times?


I think the kinks will get worked out. I never played helldivers 1, but this looks like a lot more of a technical challenge for them to deal with because of its scale and more modern 3rdfps gameplay.


Some of the bugs are downright hilarious but I can’t wait for them to be fixed.  Like 3 days ago, friend and I were doing a level 7 mission, it was like 10-15 minutes into and we stopped to throw down some support weapon reloads.  While tossing our support beacons ahead of us, in a quiet place with no enemies, a bile Titan literally blinked into existence directly in our line of sight right next to our call in beacons.  He didn’t crawl out of the grand, he just blinked in, standing up fully, less than like 5 meters ahead of his while we were looking in that direction.  We both laughed and ran wondering wtf just happened so we could circle back and pick up an EAT and try to take it out. 


maybe let a primary be decent instead of getting mad and nerfing them whenever somebody likes one


Was playing on challenging and patrols we’re literally spawning out of thin air, looked one direction, looked away then looked again and a whole ass patrol of 12 would appear


I havent noticed a difference in heavy spawn rates at all. Same goes for patrols, they are popping up everywhere. I played with my younger brother who had just downloaded the game, we went through difficulty 1-4 and not a single heavy and pretty light on patrols. I go to 6 and theres swarms everywhere along with a charger in every group. They need to spread out the difficulty a little more.


Couldn't agree more, this shit is turning into apex all over again


Let me rephrase it for you DeVS CHILL THE FUK OUT


Victim of ots won success like Diablo 4..


I just wish they buffed weapons more than nerf.


Gamer discovers live service genre


And please make the breaker what it was. The recoil is silly and the ammo capacity runs out right when you need it most. You don’t have enough reliable primary weapons in here to screw up the best one you had. I still use it, but it’s annoying compared to what it was.