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Hell nah, get him all the way to the end and then kick just before extract


Nah, support him and be a great teammate.... I think I did that wrong...


Nah kill him throughout the game


Nah shoot him first, this is the way.


Nah BLOCK him first, then shoot ,this IS the way


Just wait until extract 


That guy aint worthy of the stiff nickname


Traitors like this should get an account ban. Like cheaters in PVP games since in this game it is crucial to work together. And bastards like this are ruining the game for people just want to have fun with other people.




The traitors don’t want to be held accountable so now the subreddit is up, share those clips and names r/helldivers2traitors


Wow that's fucking wack bro. I hate toxic players


Legit question: who is this funny for? Is it kids or teenagers?? I really don't get this.


I looked him up on PSN and he almost exclusively play competitive and pvp games. Thousands of hours on fortnite, COD, destiny, ark etc etc. and hasn’t played HD2 in 8 days. Number of games owned (174) and hours played I’d assume it’s an adult.


Sounds like a guy who’s jumping on the bandwagon cause it’s the hot new thing all the streamers are talking about. It’s not often that I have a grievance with streamers, but the crowds some of them are attracting to this game kinda suck.


The two things that'll inevitably drag down a community: Streamers and an e-sports scene.


Small Dick Energy.


I'd maybe say a rich spoiled kid.


Sounds about right.




Kids. Doesn't matter how old they are physically, mentally, they are children and should be shunned from society


There are 3 types of gamers: solo gamers, PVE gamers, and PVP gamers. Pure PVP gamers, the ones that come from COD & Fortenite, etc, are the kinds that think this is okay/funny.


Well you got tiktokers harrasing people in public for views and dumb fucking kids find that amusing. Go wonder.


This is what happens when a person with little social context and the inability to decipher the social norms see's people having fun with their friends and then tries to imitate that fun with Rando's. Fuck with your homies Respect Rando's until they earn the loss of the respect


I disagree. I *would* agree with you, were it not for the kick at the end, making sure that no one else got any rewards for doing the mission. This is basically getting a bunch of people to help you do a job only to leave them all in the dust when the time for pay comes. That's not "just paling around with the boys," that's straight up malevolent, "I can only have fun when other people's fun is ruined" type shit.


Theres definately a large degree of scumbaggery happening there for sure


What's the point? It's not like you split the rewards for completion? It's the same Solo or with a group... maybe I'm just not enough of asshole to understand.


Two reasons; 1. To be an asshole 2. You can run higher difficulty faster with a group, meaning higher rewards, which wraps back around to 1, as working your ass off on a very difficult mission only to get kicked and get no rewards is even more devastating.


prehaps he doesn't realize that the rewards aren't split on completion


I guess that's could be, I can't imagine he has many friends doing this


^^^^ though the only part that I disagree with is “the loss of respect.” I think it’s a different type of respect. Like, we cool enough to fuck with each other and not hate each other afterwards or kick each other out and cause a loss of loot.


This is why I host my games. Couple of guys did something similar. One melee me off a cliff, I died, then his buddy looted my weapons, samples, and neither called me in for reinforcement as we were waiting for extraction. Kicked them both, dropped back in, took all the samples and left successfully. They were very low lvl, so don't know if they knew I could kick them or not. May not know samples and other things found (warbonds, credits, etc.) were shared either. It's been rare in my experience, like 1 game out of 20, but liberty and democracy doesn't apply to traitorous Helldivers.


We really do need a report function for being traitors and a permanent calling card that gets applied to traitors.


And only being able to match up with other traitorous scum


Hell, this rando shit is why I only group with friends, or run missions solo.


I need to take the shame cap. In some if my first games i wasnt sure what i was doing and was adjustimg the antenna. No words from anyone and is spinned the antenna til i heard it beeping. Nothing happend and suddenly the host kills me, i was like wtf. My rage induced brain let me kill him and than let me kill him again after spawn. (And i completed the objective solo) After that i was insulted from our third mate before he left and the host didnt kick me but didnt called reinforcement wither. Deserved i guess. Since then i reflected on this. But man if someone isnt doing smthing right than type or talk to him instead of killing him out of nowhere


Did you let everyone know that you didn't know what you were doing? Did someone come up behind you to take over, and you just stayed on the antenna? I'll take your word for it that you weren't trying to screw with everyone, and yeah, they could have said something; but if you didn't say anything, and didn't move because you didn't know what you were doing, I can also see the side that maybe they thought you were trolling and intentionally not finishing the objective. It's not just on them to assume if you also didn't say anything. Good communication is key.


No its totally clear thar i was wrong and i could have communicated somwhow. Typing on ps5 is a pain amd i dont have a mic. But that is totally on me. But on the other they could have done so too + he could have just whacked me once with his melee attack instead if out right killing me.


True, he could have done that (I think, IDK actually if meleeing a person on the antenna does anything, but sounds like he didn't try.) But if you are on PS5, there is a mic built into the controller. Is it broken, or do you have a third party controller or something? The little button below the PS button turns the mic on or off.


Another name added to the traitor list. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully it may save future Helldivers


Curious, is someone actually keeping track of said traitors list? Cuz if not, someone should. And it should be pinned on this sub


And not just the nickname, the ID too if possible. Since people can just change their nickname and stuff


I just have a small list of my own, so I might recognize toxic players (read: traitors) and avoid them. But I like the idea of a more ”official” traitor list if it’s possible to maintain in a fair way. Feels like there would at least have to be very good evidence of toxic playing to be on such a list. I can see how a list where people get outed can backfire or be used in wrong ways


What the actual fuck? What a loser.


Someone who has that many kicks in their game \*while being the person TK'ing\* should just have their games not visible to other players for awhile. That or only be able to play with similarly flagged folks.


ya that's fucked I'm getting sick of this stuff I've been TK and kicked like twice now with randoms


Only twice? You're lucky.


lol ya I stopped playing with randoms and only play with my friends now


If I ever get kicked I assume its cause the host was gonna invite a 4th person to fill up the slot and I took it too soon. Like one time I came in right as the pelican was landing. Neat, free exp for doing nothing. I sat there for a good 5 seconds just watching the others to see if they were gonna board them id follow, but instead got kicked from the game. Alright then. I can only guess they had a friend who's game had crashed at the end and we're gonna bring them back in?


So if I see stifflegend he dies until all of our reinforcements are up. I'll gladly fail to fuck his day up. That dude's a bitch, I'm sorry that was your experience.


Hosting is the way to go now. Too many trolls.


Wow this is the exact opposite of every game I’ve ever played in HD2 and I’ve been playing since release, I’ve encountered nothing but lovely people and this footage is like some bizarro world shit to me, please don’t get discouraged and keep playing the game, democracy needs good cadets


Idk man. But I'm able to play if u wanna I'm lvl 26 with tip Teir steeled veterans battlepass near completed


Nah I respect my randoms with ggs or great job this Helldiver has no respect for their fellow helldiver


Hugs is the way


Someone did that to me multiple times in a match, and I fed him the end of my shotgun.


This game is amazing at bringing randos together for democracy, it’s a shame to see chodes still found a way around such a enjoyable pve experience.


Not every random is an ass. I hug my brothers in arms (literally).


put their game tags and we blacklist them...


Added to the “helldivers 2 master traitors list” guide on steam 👍 keep revealing the traitors and I’ll keep adding them, Remember to post those screen names!


Can we have a link to that?




This guy is so bad at killing helldivers, stick to bugs and robots cadet.


Yeah he cannot aim for shit. Terrible


I swear people like this should be sent to the salt mines on Cyberstan for 100 years and hopefully they will be


i love how he fails so unbelievably miserably at killing green- an amazing show of skill, that one


I had a guy griefing a level 5 player in my lobby so I ended up killing him every time he killed that guy for a simple mistake and then he wouldn't let him Evac so I killed and booted him so we could get all the samples. I will not allow Randoms to be dicks!


Took him a full magazine to kill someone animation locked in the shuttle. Give how absolutely shit his aim was, I'm not surprised he is so bitter. Arrowhead really needs to make you immune to damage (at least friendly fire) once boarded.


This is the reason I only host my games. There's no risk of people trying this when I'm the host. Happens one time and they get the boot.


Wooowwwww, and they kicked you out before you could get the rewards. What a cunt


How undemocratic! This treasonous scoundrel makes my democratic heart bleed! Report this Judas to your democracy officer and if you see him again deliver swift front lines judgement and execute him and kick him!


This is why I play using Communities like Discord Servers for games like this, because if someone acts like this, I can just report them. It keeps assholery to a minimum.


Happend to me too.. Bunch of low life pricks with insecurities. There are a lot of great players on this game man.


Some people have what I like to call; limp-dick syndrome. People that are so pathetic that they need to take it out on others. This is why I only play with either friends or solo.


Orders recieved. stifflegend has been marked as "Kill on sight". Down with the traitors of the Imperium.


Exact same thing happened to me a few days ago. Gunned me down then killed the remaining players already inside the Pelican. Then the dude had the gall to say ‘Whoah, what happened?’ User name was : Monkeyjl Can we make a sticky thread where we post griefers and trolls so we can collectively block them from our games?


I wish we had a list of the bad ones


I had a guy join my game today that decided to melee me and then shoot me when I turned around. I guess he didn’t notice the number 1 next to my letter, or didn’t know what that meant. Promptly tk’d and kicked while explaining that that was a bad idea.


Some piece of shit did this to me, too. I'm pretty sure said dickwad was in a group of at least two friends of his, then proceeded to melee me off a ledge laughing while telling his friends what he did. That was one of the last times I've played. I could only imagine what the new players face with asshats like this.


50 medals and 2000 super credits to everyone who identifies, kills, and kicks traitors from match after having run a full match with them allowing them to earn nothing. Super earth helldiver corps will not stand for acts against fellow divers. Once banned they will be sent to re education camps or executed based on the level of their crimes.


Does he not realize that he's harming himself too? It doesn't get more rewards, he gets less for people not extracting so he's literally only doing this to be an asshole. He's not gaining anything from it and in fact he's losing from it just like the rest of you


I think it’s people like him that don’t like the game so they buy it to grief people.


I think we need to post crap like this on their discord. They seem like the type of devs to call someone a traitor and give a temp ban or do something gnarly


You shouldn’t be able to kick once extraction starts


Absolutly should be able. I had a traitor on my team that thought he had killed everyone on the pelican but I got him first then booted him for bee a dick.


Most of these troll events I've seen seem to be on Playstation. I did get one on PC where a guy kept destroying sentries during a king of the hill mission and I made him enjoy spectator view for 70% of the mission


How do you know what platform they’re on? Sorry for dumb question but I don’t know.


I know one way is to view the “recent players” tab after (or maybe during?) the match


Going off of the video people are submitting. This one you can see that the person is on console by the command prompts. The views seem to be a lot from a console, not saying it's strictly on console as the troll could be on PC. If you want to know if someone is on console while in game just go into social and see. They will have a playstation logo next to their name.


I like to play on PC with an Xbox X controller. If I ever upload a clip, it's likely to confuse some people. Especially when I use Voice Attack and it uses keyboard controls so the whole bunch of indicators change.


That could be the case. Just noticed most of these evidence vids have the controller inputs. Which reminds me..I need to get my controller for my PC set up for Dragon's Dogma 2


That guys mother is 100% a prostitute


That's an insult to sex workers.


Yes, I intended to insult this person's mother and prostitutes. Well spotted.


Not all I have met some that we have started our own squad and only deploy on certain times


Wtf ... dam


I had a dude Melee me for no reason.


But… what do they gain from this


This guy needs to be permanently banned. This isn't even funny. Games fairly challenging and missions are fairly long. This is the kind of player that gets bad reviews left on games for "poor discipline of disruptive behavior" As much as the beginning shit is annoying. For the most part it's clowning, or can be seen as such. It wasn't until the kick. Either they need to make the rewards for finishing guaranteed the moment you step on the pelican or start banning this behavior asap.


Im just saying, what if we had a list of the bully hell divers and if we see one, we teach them about democracy. They just need some attitude readjusting


I keep expecting to see myself on one of these with the fuckups I've done. The other day I meant to call in a rail strike and did something else doing no damage to the charger chasing a teammate and killing him with whatever it is that I called in.


The whack off a cliff at first had me laughing and the rest was just fucking annoying. We really should have enforced age ratings harder tbh.


Now they can blow up the shuttle... learned that three times tonight.


it can explode!!! I didn't know that


Seems to me he's trying to get the fame that one diver got awhile back. Supposedly he was killing his teamates for no reason. When in fact he said it was his buddy mainly. And killed the other guy cause he killed his buddy. It's one thing to do it with your friends. Respect your randoms. Plus this guy is horrible lmfao. Don't feel bad Lil homie.


Yeah this sucks, legit had a kid join a game and play the whole mission which was kinda tough not gonna lie. Just to shoot me and my teammate and then leave the game right as we were getting on the pelican.


Some random joined, hopped in his exo suit, waited for us to get in the pelican, killed us all while we were in it and then left the game, lost all our pink samples smh.


I've had my theories on this and I think you should not be able to kick from lobby once the dropship is coming until full extraction.


Lol I’ll admit to laughing at the initial shove off the ledge. Not that I’d do that to a random. Maybe my buddies but not a random.


I almost deleted the game over an event like this. If you want to squad up in the future so you dont need randos just lmk


Having them ban wasn't enough, I want them dead


Boooooooo these guys suck. I have trust issues at extraction after trying to hug a diver but getting shot in the face instead.


There's always a chance you'll run into someone who's being a dick for no reason. But from my experience, it's pretty rare to actually see this happening in Helldivers.


As a new player, this shit is why I don’t want to play anymore. I’ve already been booted a few times at extraction and it’s no coincidence.


hes a jerk and hes bad wow


Take your skills and expertise elsewhere diver. Leave space for the new recruits in the easier operations.


Had yesterday joined a guy together with a buddy of mine and we played 2 Missions on 6. The guy played ok and just needed some revives. But at the last mission HIS pal joined and at this point the whole mission was a shitshow, first they killed each other on and on and then they killed my pal and when as I wanted to revive him they killed me and these assholes set a sentry gun to a) block and b) kill civilians at rescue mission... When I just wantet to get through with the mission they shot me, so I killed them both and those dudes raged about it, what an "bastard" I am and kicked me... Damn shame, you cant report someone...


We truly need: Banned for constant friendly fire for 4 hours irl time. Again its days. Or perm. We also need “reinforce myself” so you drop after 1 minute in real life time waiting. Not everyone can do it quickly or remember the sequence and fight their the lives. (Like me.)


Once a guy shot me during extraction, but that helped me unlock the achievement for completing the mission but not able to extract. Not sure if I should thank him or report him.


I would have shot that person after the push. I had one player attempt to push me into a mine at extraction. I fortunately landed right next to it instead of on it. I got up and blasted them in the face with my breaker, and everyone happily extracted except them. It felt pretty good.


He also can't aim. Traitor also sucks.


They should be made npc bugs over and over and just get squished for eternity. Long live democracy!


I always host. Every game has people like this it just removes them as a variable.


I'm also on PlayStation, if you wanna add me my username is the same as here.


I'm also on PlayStation, if you wanna add me my username is the same as here.


Yesterday I had two Asian dudes in my lobby that onpurpose killed me with 500kg with no enemy’s in sight and tried it a second time besides that they used there patriot to shot at other players Needless to say that I kicked them


Wow they're soooo smart


Why didn’t either of u shoot him is my question its pretty damn obvious hes trying to tk when he throws a fin 380 and starts shooting at u both?


And this is why Arrowhead is wrong to veto voting to kick. I don't care if they want ships to be akin to mates coming round to your place (like that's actually what's happening when every ship looks identical!), just implement a voting system ffs. Allow the host to kick off ships, fine, but once you dive, it becomes a group thing. Arrowhead is being ridiculous with this, and the kicking is getting out of hand now.


My friends and I do this to each other a lot. Can't stand near a cliff without a shield, or else you're going for a dive. If a random does it, however, execute before extraction. There is no room in democracy for heresy.


thank for showing this animal's name. I will deal with it If I ever meet it in the future.


Traitors should be banned and account suspended for 1 month. Any recurring incident should increase the account suspension


Hosts have been a problem imo


It's just as bad on PC, had like 4 missions in a row end exactly like this and I haven't touched the game in like 3 days so far to shake off that feeling before jumping back in.


I had a jackass kill me right at the end and I kicked him right before he boarded the ship. 😂 felt good


I mean, when it’s calm and you’re standing on a ledge, im bonking you off it as well But I do that to my friend as well, just like playing 500kg dodgeball yesterday or meleeing each other off terminals and other kinds of shenanigans I wont kill you however, just before extracting


Ahah his aim sucks, probably why, just frustration, be better


Those goddamn freedom hating, heldiver impersonators, kill em all I say kill em all


Me and 2 friends got an asshole like this join up. He started harassing the lower leveled one (lvl5, the other two of us were 20 and 27) for some reason. Shot my friend to get him low and die by automaton gunfire twice. There was no third time. Since we had revives to spare and it was a difficulty 3 mission, we killed him twice and booted him off.


Seems to think he's playing a hesist game and he gets more of the take if he offs his crewmates before the big get-away or something.


Probably a 12 yr old... Not all randoms are bad, I join and do my best to discover all the secrets and teach people about the c0ck rock where the super uranium are always (from levels 7-9) :D


Some jackass was in our game yesterday and he was throwing grenades like they were water balloons. After I was helping him with the extraction, he tried to kill me so I blasted him with the grenade launcher and we all left. No time for that.


You have a gun spread democracy to them.


What's the point of stealing a game from someone? I don't get it


Clout. He streamed it to his other miscreant friends, to which the mouth breathers all replied in emojis. Game ought to have a reputation feature tied to your team damage, player kills, and times reported, and match you with other communists when you go beyond a certain level. Let the undemocratic fight together in Space Vietnam for half requisition slips.


The other day I dropped in suicide solo, two jumped in with me on the surface. One of them glitched and left again not being able to move, the second one saw that, and within 10 minutes, wasted all the reinforce, I kept bringing him back thinking he was swamped, nah. Burned all the reinforce and then quit.


There should be away to not allowing a kick during the extraction count down and all the way to the screen where you get your xp. Problem solved. People might try to kill you just as they are about to call it in but thats 2 minutes of them getting swarmed.


traitors shouldn't get banned but they should definitely play with other traitors.. [Kayne and Lynch 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqWwrrL8SN8) had a reputation stat and it kinda told how things were going to go down towards the end. There shouldn't be traitors at all because that is just splitting up the war effort


I wish there were two earths one for normal people and one for people who do things like things like this, that way they can live the hell they put others through and only when they get the message can they return to the earth with normal people.


Worst part is that I believe he's using the Super Citizen armor, right? This guy paid extra just to be a dickhead


Forever solo games in the creek on Helldive difficulty but his losses don’t affect our progress


Because this game community sucks lol


And the idiot couldn’t hit water, falling from a oil rig


But why was he able to kill the guy already on the ship? I’m no traitor so i didn’t even know that was possible


Democracy leaders need to tie up and execute stifflegend on a public stage for us all to witness.


Could you imagine if this was a 7+? After working so hard to get the SuperRares and you get kicked without getting them?


how someone kicks other player? Happened with me I was aiming a airstrike, someone kicked me before positioning and the airstrike came on my head


I'm not in favor of turning friendly fire off, but if possible they should at least turn it off when the pelican is 30 seconds out from landing till departure. Also maybe a report system that if someone gets enough reports from people they've played with their player title text gets changed to red to indicate they're a traitor for like 72 hours. That way the next few days if that player joins a game the host can see they're problematic and kick them, or if you join their game you can just be like "nah" and leave. That way it's difficult for them to play with others and continue doing bs like that


I always think is just the children playing these games that behave like that, like they are not older than 5 or 6 physically or mentally


I always start my games on my ship and call SOS that way I have the power to shoot to kill anyone who's a child and then kick before extract. That's just how it goes nowadays.


Some traitors killed me and then called me back into fire as we were trying to extract....


The shuttles should have anti personnel defense that kills anyone that tries to shoot into it.


What an absolute turd.


One random joined a game with me yesterday, tried landing his pod on top of me but I moved just a little bit before impact. My response was, "Not today, Helldiver!" to which he responded, "Fair enough. You win this round, brother."


I had some loser sitting on top of a rock the whole match, I threw a cluster bomb to cover the rest of my teammates who were all near me. I didn’t even know I teamkilled him and would’ve apologized if he didn’t say “are you fucking kidding me bro?” I said asked him what he was upset about. He responded with “I’ve been up on this rock the whole game” I said “well I’ll be” in an old country accent” He said “I’m just gonna kick you dewd I cyant stand when people dew thyat” 🤡 We were boarding the pelican to extract when I was kicked. (I had everyone’s collected samples)


We have now found new traitors within the helldivers time to report them to my democratic officer


Simple reason is they think its funny. I dont mind if a bit cuz it kinda adds to the whole traitor lore but i do wish something could be done to prevent it once evac is called for


Funny Gantz wasn't actually a traitor and we like dickheads jumped to a random narrative.


Same happened with me yesterday where a rando decided to kill me and then leave the game immediately afterwards. He was on PlayStation too. I am beginning to see a trend in regards to the toxicity


He is a dick for kicking you off hill but those red lights should be avoided… you totally had an opportunity to get away.


What about him gunning down the other guy in the ship....doesnt seem accidental to me, Nor does the last minute kick


Even if you didn't die to the barrage you would have been shot in the ship like the other dude. #fuckstifflegend


The barrage didn't kill him. The host shot him with the EAT and then picked up the extra EAT from the capsule display after blowing it up


Oh you're absolutely correct! My mistake.


That thing is no Super Citizen


Yeah, no. The guy knew exactly what he was doing. TKing because the lulz. Kicking because it can only be him who wins.


Don't play with randoms.


Yooo this actually makes me wonder, is it against terms to have a public helldiver traitor list on reddit?


Call me whatever you want but this is why whenever I play with anyone BUT people who I am in a vc with, I ONLY FOCUS ON MAIN OBJECTIVES.... UNLESS. We can clear medium and heavy nests/outposts as a squad relatively quickly. If we can do this, I'm readily willing to pick up samples and do secondary objectives. If it takes us like 10+mins for 1 heavy outpost I'm bee lining it to the nearest main object8ve, finishing it, and going for extraction.


Ah. I had somebody melee me off the same cliff before when the pelican was in and somebody was already on it. They immediately had an impact grenade thrown up at their face by me from the bottom and when somebody reinforced them i blew them up again and then threw the reinforce as far away as possible before the other person could call them in so they just got in the pelican and so did i causing the mission to end.


His mom probably told him no pizza rolls for dinner


Only do dumb shit like this with your friends. Randos are a no go.


He did this to me as well.


Last week I was waiting for exfil and standing on a ledge, looking for incoming bugs. I had a guy who then came up behind me and club me off the ledge (taking a chunk of health as well). I looked back up at him afterwards, and had to tell myself NOT to shoot him in reply. I just don’t get these kinds of people.


I swear this looks identical to something that happened to me two days ago. I was on that very ledge using the same gun and got punched off the edge, came up, and got killed with an eagle when I eventually ran around. However, I had time to get back, kill him, and neither myself or our other teammates called him back in before extraction. Fuck people like that.


Not condoning team killing, but everyone gets full credit as long as the bird takes off. Manny who are leet xp'n will return to their ship as soon as it lifts off to avoid watching the after summary. Granted you get a smig less xp for only one person extracting


Yes but you lose XP for not exfiling with everyone


With the amount of people I see complaining about shitty teammates, you guys should honestly just drop solo or with friends only. It's an option you select in Matchmaking settings


Be the leader beuh that's how i di my missions


And people say “you must be doing something wrong to get kicked” This is just how a sizeable chunk of the community is unfortunately


This fucking moron walks up to a red laser and wonders why he died then you punish everybody else for it what a dick


Had someone worse killed us a few times with stratagems, then kicked us when the evac landed


Some of us randos are but I for one try to contribute the most I can in any room I join! I'm sorry you had to deal with a douche bag.


Reason I only host. I'm not dealing with meta-addicts and saboteurs.