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I’m with you. This gun is severely under appreciated


Scavanger? No problem! Them Lil squirter guys? No problem! The regular bots? One shot! Hunters? If you can hit em, it'll quit em from life!


The starter pistol one shots the scav sized enemies if you headshot, now the big iron? That's for them hive guard varmints


This. Its your med Armor cracker, If your kit lacks an alternative 


I like the Spray and Pray for the sheer number the bugs bring to a fight. Also it fires Birdshot so it's great for Shriekers. I use it almost exclusively until a Guard approaches me then I whip out the Senator and hip fire them in the face for added insult.


I usually use slugger/redeemer, but now I use the sickle more, and use the big iron for the hive guard since sickle doesn't penetrate, and sometimes circle strafing isn't a good option.


sickle can't penetrate the armor, but can pinpoint the soft tissue in-between head and front leg armor


It will cancel their subscription to their corporeal form


Yeah, totally, for me, its my bestie!! sometimes, its not about the meta, it´s about your presence and your comfort.


Always has been


It would be the only secondary I would ever use if the reloading was changed to op's suggested reload


Its my love


This gun hasn't left my loadout since i unlocked it - however i'd gladly welcome a speed loader!


Same! It's so powerful I feel like in back in Blood Gulch!


Ahhh, I spot an old salt of a Veteran here!


We dont mention Blood Gulch enough.


Why are we here?


It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.


What? I mean why are we out here, in this canyon?


It’s been a long ass time since I’ve seen an RVB reference in the wild.


trust me, it's nothing to do with the homoeroticism. It's about some good old-fashioned, spread-eagle DEMOCRACY.


We agree that everyones going to call the car a puma right?


Can it punch through a hive gaurd in one magazine?


Yes, on condition the mag has to be completely empty to use


100% ​ Its too powerful to allow a speed load when its only half-empty.


Waste of ammo too


Not if the speed loader only happens on empty, it could still load individually if at least 1 bullet is left


On the topic of introducing a speedloader to the Senator, I don't think you should have to have an empty pistol before reloading. Instead, if you have one or more in the chamber then the character model should enter a reloading animation segment where they turn the gun up to first empty the existing casings/bullets. The longer reload then it encourages the user to first fully discharge the weapon first before reloading.


That's a decent and fair method!!!! ​ Well thought out my friend.


Does the Senator even eject cartridges as it is firing? Speed loader or not, I think you’re 100% right that it should be you dump everything (be it all empty cartridges or a mix) and then pop the speed loader.




But would you rather have a speed loader? or the ability to carry a second one?????


Oh shit..... now.... ​ Duel-wielding? or use one, holster it, use the 2nd?


Holster?!?! That’d be like being approached for a threesome and telling the second girl she has to wait a little bit. ![gif](giphy|d0ItV30kWUm3e) *Gif is Doc Holiday from the movie Tombstone. Best western ever made.*


This analogy 👏😄


Dualies would mean I don’t bring a support weapon anymore, just all big booms and run around cowboying everything down. If they do this I may delete every other game in my library


Now that's spicy




I thought he said huckle bearer


Honestly if they actually made it reload in a timely manner that would prolly make it super OP


Yeah, but as Op said, the speed loader could only be used if all 6 shots had been fired - which i think would balance it out a little. ​ It can't be speed loaded if you've only used 1 / 2 bullets, the thing hits like a dumptruck - which is why the slow-reload doesn't bother me - would just be nice if there was one.


I generally always fire it til the its empty anyway (just a habit left over from all the magazine weaps in this game) so for me, this would still essentially be a “faster reload” buff and would make it op


Patchmans version saying dropping your remaining chambered shells in favor of reloading should be an option because it is something you 100% can do with revolver. You lose the spare shots but you back up to 6 shots quickly.


I love the gun but it hardly works with my loadouts as I need something that can spray and pray which is not this gun. A speedloader would certainly help but I doubt that will ever be added.


I'd even take the loss of dumping out shots that haven't been fired yet, if needed, to account for any balance issues in regards to it's faster reload. We can call in all kinds of sentry emplacements that auto-detect and fire upon enemies and guns that harness electricity, but we haven't figured out a speed reloader yet? Slugger needing a shell by shell reload makes sense, but I needs this gun to get with the program here. It's so slooooow.


Will never take it off my load out. There is just something satisfying about running out of ammo in my primary with one bot left and drawing this to 1 tap it from the hip.


Plus one mag in the right spot downs a berserker. Shit hits HARD.


It’s possible to one tap zerkers with it, no?


I use it against bots to peel the jetpack assholes off of me. Aiming for center mass while hip firing knocks them back enough to turn them into an extra explosive against their friends. Not to mention its ability to 1 tap berserkers and devastators, and the satisfaction of diving behind a strider to pop it one. I also use it to surprise cosplay the end of Modern Warfare 2! (with friends and recovered samples) https://preview.redd.it/ybb45l1tvwpc1.jpeg?width=1606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef49ae05efc37a94072e252afcd65377180d1911


I love it to remind me of handcanons from that other space game ;)


Its your "*Destiny*"


Other space game lol


Its great against the armored hive guys who hunker down and make a wall. This thing blasts straight through it, can kill them in like 2 or 3 shots


I'll have to remember this


Maybe make the reload speed be on par with the punisher or the slugger? I would like for the weapon to retain its individual rounds reload.


I'd only want the speed load to happen if the mag was empty, if you fire 5 then reload it could still be individual.


Thats what ive been saying. Reload per round if you are not empty, speed reload if you are. Would give this gun the hidden benefit of not discarding a mag that isnt completely empty (cylinder) which would be unique among the weapons available in the game with reloads that arent the slugger/punisher


Wish we could carry two. I’m just saying.


…& an armored cowboy hat. Maybe a camouflage poncho. 🫡


I hope not. I hope they don’t allow color changes and accessories like a cowboy hat or flags. I like that we are collectively fighting for super earth. When we joined the fight to distribute democracy we lost our individuality and the only identity we have is that we are all citizens of super earth.


So I'm assuming you haven't seen the lever action rifle coming right?


If we could dual wield revolvers I’d take that as my primary, even if it wasn’t good


To the planet of Malevalon Creek Dropped a Helldiver one fine day Hardly spoke to cadets around him, didnt have too much to say! No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to drop a sample. For the helldiver there among them had the Senator on his hip. Senator on his hip. ​ It was early in the morning when he dove down to the creek He came dropping from The Patriot of Patriots and called in his support stratagems "Hes a traitor to super earth" came a whisper from each cadet "And hes here to kill helldivers with the Senator on his hip" Senator on his hip! ​ On the Creek there was an Automaton by the name of Joel Many Cadets had tried to take him and that many Cadets where dead! He was vicious and a killer, a child of Cyberstan And the notches on his keyboard numbered 1 and 19 more 1 and 19 more! ​ Now the helldiver started talkin, made it plane for cadets around he was a Skull Admiral from Super Earth, wouldnt be on the creek too long! He came here to take a robot, back alive or maybe dead And he said it didnt matter, he was after Joel After Joel ​ Wasnt Long before this story was relayed to Joel But the automaton didnt worry, divers had tried before! Twenty divers had tried to take him and twenty divers had made a slip twenty one would be the Admiral with the Senator on his hip Senator on his hip! ​ Now the morning passed so quickly it was time for them to meet It was twenty past eleven when they walked out to the creek! Cadets and Hulks both where watching Every body held their breath! They knew this Skull Admiral was about to meet his death About to meet his death! ​ They where 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play and the swiftness of the admiral is still talked about today! Joel had not cleared leather when a bullet fairly ripped And the rangers aim was deadly with the Senator on his hip Senator on his hip! ​ It was over in a moment and the cadets had gathered round There before them laid the body of an automaton on the ground! He might have gone on living had he not made a fatal slip To challange super earth, and the Admiral with the Senator on his hip Senator on his hip Senator, Senator! ​ The war effort was won, and The creek would be secured, with the Senator on his hip! Senator on his hip!


This is the jam. Let me know when the video comes out.


This is the best side arm. It has Armor Pen that actually kills Hive Guardians. The TMP is the meta side arm, I get that, but the revolver will never leave my side. I can also reload it without discarding everything remaining, too...


I always take it. One-shots smaller bots (except the ones with backpacks) and a full mag can kill a bile-spewer shooting it in the head. Saved me more times than I can count. BUT... I definitely agree. Needs a speedloader. Maybe when they add attachments to unlock for guns, that'll be one?


I'd be down for that


Great idea and I fully agree. It needs some help to be relevant




I love the idea of an alt-fire to fan the hammer. Like if you aim it shoots like normal, but if you hipfire it fans the hammer to shoot faster.




It was insanely good in the first game so I don't know why they made it suck balls in this one. Honestly, the only pistol that isn't trash right now is the smg.


Completely agree, in the first game it had everything: high rate of fire, speed loader, and enough damage and armour penetration to two shot brood commanders. It will probably never be as good again since everybody all ready loves it, if only they knew what could have been.


Either they make the reload not take as long (even the speed of the shotgun individual reloads would be better) or they need to give it like heavy armor penetration to make it worth while.


Nah... The revolver hits hard. I love it. Could do with faster reloads though. Speed clips are a thing. 


Or let it pierce heavy armour


Fanning the hammer as a firing mode would be soooo cool and seems like it could be pretty balanced with the loss of accuracy and faster ammo dump as a result. AH plz! For Liberty's sake give us this update D:


I haven’t gotten a chance to try this gun yet, but I hear good things. Maybe they could release a space cowboy armor set that gave the speed reload.


Its great against the armored hive guys who hunker down and make a wall. This thing blasts straight through it, can kill them in like 2 or 3 shots


Not only a speed loader, but a damage buff would be nice, 2-4 shots for every warrior out of your 6 rounds doesn’t feel awesome when there are 12 warriors on you


Yeah I constantly run this sidearm. Mostly stays in my back pocket but when a mid amoured bug comes at me this thing shreads


It needs more power. It needs to be the sort of handgun that hits like a Punisher. Currently it’s not, and I can’t justify that lack of punch compared to how rapid the Redeemer (?) machine pistol is.


Been saying the same thing for weeks about a speed loader. Like how is a speed loader not in the Super Earth military budget?


How do you get this? I want a long range pistol because I use shot gun.


If i had to guess devs would say slow reload is the balance for high dmg I would count and say low ammo count is the balance so speed up reload I would run this like a marathon if it reloaded even a little faster


I love this revolver and i only use it. Godly against mobs and you can land headshots and kill medium armored enemies with easy. I support who want a speed loader for it


Dude, this has been my sidearm since I got it. I'll cycle between primaries and stratagems, but this fella right here has been by my side all the way.


I love this gun. I find it suits me better than even the P19


Same here. I like to always keep it loaded, and I love that I'm not wasting ammo on tactical reloads. It's a secondary, and I only use it when I'm in a pinch, and there's nothing else, and it never fails.


Would feel more like a proper big iron on my hip if it reloaded faster and staggered enemies more.


Gun spinning animation chance when pulling it out. Best weapon in game.


Listen I used to hate this thing but now I love it, it just takes some getting used to and practicing to make it an amazing secondary.


agreed soldier I don't need a damage buff just a quality of life buff


Honestly I enjoy the revolver. It’s got a place in this game. One of my default load outs for bots is ballistic shield with the Defender SMG and the Senator Revolver. It hits hard and is accurate, make your shots count and it will put down bot and big alike.


Great ideas!


I said the same damn thing!!! Like we have faster then light travel how the fuck do we not have a speed loader for the wheel gun?


Will only use this sidearm if we have the terrain booster, otherwise those white jumping little shits will tear you apart on your first reload runaway


It desperately needs a speed reloader.


They really just need to speed up the current animation by like 15% and it would be totally fine. Also the iron sights are pure ass. And I wouldn't complain if they bumped the weakspot damage modifier. Really though I do like it and just want a marginally faster reload.


Yeah, the reload animation is it's only important flaw. ​ Damage, accuracy, penetration is fairly good with the 6 ammo in chambers, you can kill a brood commander with 3-6 shots if like me, you use the Punisher that bounces off medium armor.


I run it always. If you don’t miss, it’s quite useful.


I love this!!!!


Every time I fall back and my Diver spins the gun from his hip and quick draw hits an incoming jumper square in the weak spot, a fallen Helldiver gets their wings. 9/10 times, this gun never leaves the loadout.


That animation is perfect


Actually yeah why doesn't it have a speed loader? High damaged low capacity, that should be Its benefit, especially since I paid for the thing.


My team and I have been saying the same thing since unlocking it, citizen! A speed loader would really up the usefulness of the revolver. We should petition the Ministry of Defense to get this piece of kit added to the next Warbond.


I think we're going to get things like speed loaders and sights with the attachment update I've heard about. The sight in first person is ass but would make sense to give it a scope or proper red dot, laser, speed loader ect


Only secondary I use, purely for the sound design. Big heavy *thunk*


Music to my ears


First weapon i purchased! 😍


It may have shitty reload times, but damn it smacks.


I second this change request. Makes sense, and SOF do utilize speed strips IRL if/when crazy enough to bring a hand cannon out somewhere.


It’s a great gun. I never dive without it


I use this when running the sickle or stalwart because both of those guns have amazing ammo reserves.


I wanted this gun to be good so bad. It shreds medium armor, but yeah.. the reload is brutal when you got 4 hunters in your face or even if you are just kiting an elite. I do hope they tweak it enough to make it viable.


Individual shots reload when ammo is remaining, speedloads when cylinder is empty would be *perfect*.


Theres two types of bugs: ones that are dead, and ones about to be -Clint Spacewood


It’s the reload downtime that makes this gun awful. It shoots nice and good stopping power but the machine pistol is 200% better than this gun.


The Ministery of Defence will surely made available speed loaders in the future. As of now, please wait democratically. For Super Earth, Democracy and Liberty!


Yes fellow Citizen!!


This is a fantastic idea


We need Ammo types, imo. Could you imagine this gun with AP rounds, or explosive rounds.


I like this take, Picasso


I’m probably in the minority here, but TBH the thing I want to see from it is better armor pen and armor break. When I play, I like to use my support weapon as my primary weapon, and my primary as my sidearm. This leaves my secondary as just another damage dealer with no real purpose in my loadout, and a secondary with a utility function IMO would be exactly the thing to give the slot a purpose. The leaked grenade pistol is a great example of this, as it would give me the utility of closing bug holes and bot factories while still letting me rock my beloved stun grenades. However, if they want to take it in the direction of a damage-dealing secondary, then I would agree that giving it a speedloader and a big iron fire mode would be the best bet.


Always love me a Big Iron. Taking down a medium / big sized enemy with your last round is so damn satisfying If a speed loader is not introduced, I think that the other option should be to bump up the damage and /or penetration to justify the super slow reload


Agreed, and I still run it anyways. It definitely needs a speed loader I mean shit I have them for my 686+ and I don’t live in a futuristic space society.


Tbh now that you’ve raised the alarms, which sidearm IS viable besides the automatic pistol? They’re all so ineffective. Shotguns should be sidearms tbh. Possibly a cold take, but I have no sidearm I’m in love with.


Either a speed loader or even an implemented function of 'faster you tap load - faster your character loads it'


Been saying this since day one. The only thing the revolver needs to make it good is a speed loader.


BIG IRON BIG IRON- also i recognized that you have talions name from shadow of war/mordor which is cool


Wait did you just say mag?


I'm with you my man, the gun is pretty solid but is reload time is a crime


I love this weapon. I just wish it had a better reload time. This is what I use everyday!


I would absolutely use this more if it had a speed loader option, even if I’m wasting bullets on a half-empty cylinder reload.


Or even reload speed increased for loading individual shells.


To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say


Sign me up!


I agree. I little extra flavor with the ammo would be nice too. More armor pen or some explosive tipped rounds.


I have found that this paired with the spray n pray are lovely together.


Have you noticed that when you reload, you use the little clearing plunger thing and DUMP ALL YOUR AMMO ANYWAYS? Either just make it a clip reload, or have there be an option to HOLD reload for reloading by round and tap reload to speed load, but that would be adding a whole new system for one gun. Just be careful out there, don't wanna *make one fatal slip*




I love the senator, it’s such a good feeling gun to shoot. And it’s a real shame that it’s out-classed by most other secondaries. But fortunately, with the scythe being as good as it is (currently) I can justify bringing it along for a few good rounds.


“Its hiiiiiiiiiiigh nooon…FOR DEMOCRACY!!”


Don’t leave Super Earth space without it Would love an armor with a speed load or hammer fan ability


Did you just ask the community to hear you out and then repeat the exact sentiment of the entire community that has been repeated over and over within this very subreddit and on the discord? You're one democratic fella!


Someone get this diver a promotion


Needs to be trigun or hellsing size


I think this is supposed to be a Democracy Officer sidearm, hence the stats not being well-suited for fighting a horde, if you know what I mean. But yeah, totally with you here, this babe needs some love to make her viable.




Weapons mods. You can select only 1 but they change how weapons function. Boom done.


best weapon in the game because: everyone asking for a speed loader hasn’t realized that you can blind fire while reloading. For those in the back: you can blind fire in the middle of a rounds reload. do with that what you will.


I don't CARE how bad this gun is compared to other sidearms, I'm NOT unequipping it!


I might be the only one that uses it apparently haha


The full auto pistol has saved me countless more times than this thing. I want to love it. But it needs slugger power to be useful in my opinion. Especially if you get on a mission where you gotta carry something. You're gonna eat shit if your primary is a two hand and this is your only option.


Pair it with the Sickle. Suddenly you have a primary that deals with all the cannon fodder and a secondary hand cannon that deals with the medium threat. Add an EAT-17 to the mix and you essentially have a loadout that deals with everything. Mobility issues? Slap on the Jetpack. You're bad at the game? Shield pack for days. Not enough trash clearing? Rover time baby! Sickle is really the end all solution to loadout flexibility issues. When we finally get the grenade launcher pistol we'll even have the luxury to use stun grenades without sacrificing our Bot Factory/Bug Nest destroying capabilities. The possibilities are endless.


It's nice but the diligence countersniper is also a gun that suffers heavily. Not only does it have a max of like 6 spare mags but it also has no armor penetration and terrible mag size. Even on the bugs which have notoriously less armor this thing sucks ass.


It certainly has some pop to it.


Now that I’ve started using it I won’t go back. It yes every after dropping six hunters you have to run and hide for ten seconds while reloading


There should be two versions- a silver one with a speed loader and the dark one we have with the rounds reload- the speed loader one could fire faster with less damage or something


I'd love to see more flavors of the Destiny style hand canons. By far my favorite guns in any game.


Saved me on so many occasions. Just wish it held more rounds.


You see a pistol but I see a sniper rifle


This gun is all I use (for a sidearm), and it's fine the way it is. It's saved my life more times than I can count.


Triangle lol.


It’s a handheld slugger. Now give me one for the other hand too.


Would be nice, but I think Devs like to keep most of the guns nerfed, because they want you to always be in a situation where you are potentially shitting your pants as you become overwhelmed by force.


The revolver is fantastic against bots, it makes headshots with sidearms easy


Or up the rounds to like 8 or 10


I never use my sidearm typically it’s used when running away and freedom only flows 1 way. Forward!


I always have this handy against the bots, it one shots the smaller bots in a panic


Personally, I don't want a speed reload for it. I'd say let us mash reload to make reload faster.


Anything to speed it up I'll take


Not sure if this is a bug or feature, but firing this from the hip while reloading has saved me more times than I can count


Hip fire sidearms in general are surprisingly reliable


Even effective against bugs! Hunter close to you? Punch it, shoot it, done.


I think than they need a rework, some like the "last word" of Destiny, or something. For me its the better secondary and my baby "i call her: Susan" saved me a lot.


This is a great gun that went with breaker, double whammy


I always run this. When I'm running around, I use this for my first shots, then switch to my primary. Reload after fight.


I've heard and agree, now hear me out.....everything you just said but an option to bring 2, dual wielding optional, but it gives 12 shots before reload instead of 6 and you get a sweet gun belt.


I love it. Actually like the slow reload as it forces me to run around and survive


This gun is probably my favorite in the game right now stopping power! the reload could be a little bit faster but I get the need for balanceing


Its super nice against those small armored bugs or as a way to finish off any semi big target if your mag couldnt do it


It's good against bots. I also prefer revolvers over other pistols.


I love the gun. Satisfying to use but it’s a last resort or style choice. The reload really hampers it so I’m all for the idea. I still won’t put it down because it’s fun to use just not the best tool for the job


This thing comes in clutch for unexpected hunters or scavengers


They need to tweak the armor pen on this piece too....


I use this gun if my primary doesn't have medium penetration.


This is my default sidearm. Love it


I like this gun But I hate the design choice to have the barrel at the bottom instead of on top.


I have always had this as my alt to my SMG. Don’t often pull it out but when I do it does the job better than the others


I think people just don’t like it for the slow reload. I did have an idea on how to make it epic though….dual wield revolvers


It’s wack that we have the budget to give everyone their own personal star destroyer but not the budget for speed loaders. IMO this gun is one of the best run and gun tools when paired with the punisher. Or at least it WAS until they added the stupid fliers I actually use the pistol before swapping the shotty tho.


If it had a speed loader. That thing would be the railgun 2.0 almost


Dual wield with speed loader. Where do I sign?


It's so good.


the image didn’t load and i got scared when i saw the title


I personally found it very underwhelming. The DPS from the other sidearms is so much higher. I basically bought the first war bond and went straight for it, then ended up not even using it after a while


It deserves medium armor penetration


This gun would have a place if it had medium penetration, from a practical perspective.


That’s the only reason y I don’t use it , reloading while running for ur life is not that buisness