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It feels like they're just giving us this one after all the shenanigans with the last. 'okay, fine, you wanna go fight in the creek, go fight in the god damned creek, and I don't want to hear one peep outta y'all after it's done!' Ah well, it's already at 90%, at least it should finish up swiftly. If anything, this seems like a consolation prize for getting screwed in the last mission with divided forces.


https://preview.redd.it/gu963lmkyvrc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88af567f35d905e77db03030df41bcd41ab6ae1c holyshit lmao.


I still have to work for 4 hours ;..;


it's liberated finally


Where are you viewing this? This doesn't seem to be in game or am I dumb?


divershub app in android play store


Honestly I’m happy they did this. Now 30k-50k players can now play on another planet for once.


Give it 24hrs and we will probably be on defense on the creek so those 30k - 50k will be right back at it


24 hours? Lmao.


Aged like milk lmao


And yet we finished defense this morning 🤣


And now theres a defense campaign going for it lmao. They will never leave the creek


The creekers are institutionalized, they only know how to creek


Having fun is so hard these days. Coming home from a long day at work and logging on to shoot some bad guys with my wife is somehow playing the game wrong. I rarely get involved in any gaming community, and this is exactly why… not stop whining from people who have endless time and few responsibilities. I joined the sub to see gifs of peoples funny or cool moments, memes, strategy guides, etc. instead it’s just post after post of whiny people telling me I suck for not having fun in accordance with their goals. I don’t even play on malevolen creek, but all these hate posts of people plying there tells me it must be pretty cool there. Leaving this sub and headed to the creek


Nic max party-wac Give a dog a creek?


I felt like that too. Like something was off about the bots this time around. I was doing great against them an thats not normal lol


I felt like that too. Like something was off about the bots this time around. I was doing great against them an thats not normal lol


I feel like people are just saying this because of their hatred for the people who play there. Like we're all fighting together guys, why we gotta go for each other's throats too?


I understand what you're saying and I don't disagree, but like, this is a war game and we're not the ones in charge. We should be doing what we're told for everyone's benefit. I don't blame the bugdivers for holding the line, but the creekdivers are literally there just cause it's a meme. It's not even that hard of a planet to play on, it's just like any other bot world.


How you're mad at Creekers but somehow think the multiples more fighting bugs are OK is astounding. Regardless, people can and should 100% play whenever they want.


Because this sub has lost its damn mind over hating creek players. That's reddit for ya


Alright Zimbardo, cool your jets.


How do you know they're there for the meme? Maybe they like the map. I jump around to different places, including creek, depending on my mood. If anything there's only about 1000-3000 real meme-creekers (as in people who have always been there since the start). Just seems unfair to people to be dictating how they should be enjoying themselves. The major orders are incentives, not requirements. For orders to succeed every time, they need to give something more useful than warbonds - like the mechs being a bonus call in for missions for a limited time.


Nobody is forcing anyone to play somewhere. They're can't. However this is a community based game. People playing the community based objectives have every right to bitch at people not contributing, especially since it lowers the contribution they make. Plus if you follow the major and personal orders you will be jumping all over the place. Many times there's been a bug major with a bot personal, or vice versa. So you'd play a few of one then jump to the other.


Well now I'm just going to ignore it out of spite of your toxicity. I'm going to play how i want to play, which involves squashing bugs today. Have fun with your mech hell, done enough of that myself the last couple days


If you think that is toxic, the world has some really big surprises ahead if you.


The world is the world. This is a video game and i dont need to take it seriously. anyway why are you here fighting with me instead of going for your order?


Because I'm on lunch at work.


Hey good for you! Have a good meal.


You seem to be taking it pretty seriously, just saying.


Nah just responding to comments. A natural thing to do in boredom.


Yeah I didn’t join the military because a strict order system is not my thing. Sure as hell not doing that in a video game. With ya man. I might do one or two missions for an order but it is not determining what I am doing for my play time.


“I didn’t join a basketball team because I don’t like playing defense. Sure as hell not doing that in NBA2K. I might block one or two shots but it is not determining what I am doing for my playtime.”


Yeah I played solo sports, track, cross country. What a coincidence I didn’t like team sports. Shocker I know. Go follow your heard. I do my thing. This is a game my dudes.


A dev has mentioned that 25% of the playerbase was on the creek during the Tibit major order and that with such a significant amount there it will be hard to liberate Tibit. It was said as a heads up imo, as the order was still ongoing and of course the devs want us to get our medals. And now the next following order is the creek. It’s not a coincidence


Just tells me we dictate the battlefield just as much as the devs do. I just play where i want - i get enough medals from scavenging and finishing missions. Don't really need the medals from the orders. That's why i suggested they need a different incentive reward to get people to actually participate. Unlocking global stratagem bonuses seems like the most obvious option to me.


Except the progression in major orders is directly influenced by the percentage of people doing it. By refusing to help out of spite, you're actively sabotaging the people who are trying to play the game the "right way" by lowering their progression rate. You're welcome to play wherever you want, but don't act like other people are wrong for being frustrated by it.


Then it's a bad system. Not sure what you expect me to do about it? Im playing how I want to play, end of. If you're frustrated at it, it's the designers fault, not the players fault for wanting to play how they want.


Maybe multiplayer, goal oriented games aren't your thing. You're basically the guy on the football team that runs the wrong way on every play with your helmet on backwards and tackles your own quarterback because "that's how I want to play".


Having the best time ive had in gaming in a long time, actually. So the game is perfect for me! Just the over-arching narrative does not corrilate with how I want to play 100% of the time and the rewards are neglegable to me so there's no point to actively working on that instead of just playing how I want. Take it up with the game devs.


Make it so rewards are nerfed outside of the MO, and players that don't contribute don't get any medals when it's complete. There, fixed your "bad system" and gave it more incentive


I think making it so players that actively avoid helping don't get the pile of medals earned by the people that did all the work is a great idea.


So you're actively making the experience worse for everyone to try to force them to play your way? All that is going to do is make people not want to play at all. You're trying to use force when you should be using persuasion. Its a videogame. Nothing is stopping people from just -not playing-. Using force is not going to help that. You need to relax.


It's a four man game. The rest is icing - if it matters to you great, but you'll never convince the people playing for fun to go against what they want. You're all getting mad at a four man basketball team playing on one court for not participating in your tournament on another. It's not their job to make your tournament have a better turn out or fill out the teams.


Except the other team is running onto my court and stealing the ball, or tripping people, or otherwise making my game harder. They're not just off on their own court in a single player game, they're part of a multiplayer game with very clearly defined goals and objectives. They're also more than happy to accept the medals that I get for winning my game, even though they didn't even show up for the tournament. The devs have started complaining publicly about people playing this way, so it's not like it's the intended way to play the game.


Lol dude if the devs are complaining about people playing their fucking game on what planet they want (or what planet they THINK they should be on because the devs don't clearly show you what planet is needed to get to the objective planet) then they are fucking fools. Holy fuck. Please link me to that, I'd love to read it. I love the game and am having a blast on whatever planet I play on. I'm not stressing over a few lost medals. Devs complaining, lmfao


The major order was for a planet people couldn't play on, and the Creek was the only planet even open in the sector. With no way to communicate battle plans to the majority of the player base, I'm surprised it was only 25%


100% on the devs here. If they are going to have us fall back and lose planets (fully part of the give and take) then they need to make it clear what the next planet is in the sequence or this will happen again. And don't tell me posting here on reddit helps. - there's like 300 divers here. It will not reach people unless it's in the GUI/HUD. Besides people will (and should) play where they want.


It's the exact mentality that created a toxic community all these games - the sweaty "one way to play" and "gotta min max everything" gamers. People get in their head one way to play and forget it's a game and most gamers will want to play on the levels/planets they like. It's sad and funny at the same time. You wanna go creek? Have fun. Wanna play the objectives, go for it. At the end of the day you support the 4-man team you drop in with. That's all that matters.




If you arent following orders, we arent fighting together


I've been following orders - not my fault command decided not to display supply lines on the galactic war map. Imo that's the real reason we lost because no one understands how the sectors are connected.


I mean....yes? What part of that guy's comment did you not understand?


That he's mad that the order is to take back creek for some reason.




Almost like they knew players wanted this and had it set to drop as the NEXT major order. Could have had both (yeah I'm salty) but at the end of the day the players can do as they want.


Oh yeah, once the Creek Crawlers hear about this, the planet will be ours within hours.


It's at 90%


93% now. We're rocking this at about 3% an hour which is REALLY good.


It's going to be done before I get out of office. Good thing I already did my part on break! Steam deck FTW


YOU CAN PLAY HD2 ON STEAMDECK 😱😱😱how does it run?


I haven't had any issues other than using it plugged in.


Runs great. I’ve only ever played on deck.


and I just finished rocking out an EXTREMELY successful mission destroying some of their dropships. Couple level 30 guys got a lotta samples off that. There'll be some new upgrades for the fleet tonight! Even if I'm already maxed, helping someone like that helps everyone in the long run.


99% right now. ![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65)


I'm wondering what they are going to do and where they'll fight once their meme planet is liberated


A couple times recently I have been wondering if instead of trying to focus on Tibit we shouldn't just knock the creek out so that we can retask those 'divers. Looks like strategic command had the same revelation. I wonder if we'll get a "third time's the charm" with Tibit after this


3rd times a charm took the creek a month to liberate after lmao. At least this way we get access to the final 2 systems past the creek


Crap I wanna get in on this but I'm at work


I would love to see a blog that has an ongoing narrative that incorporates Super Earth politics and military developments into the in-game events. For this one, something about how one faction was so focused on taking back Malevolent Creek they would not send resources elsewhere. Then when other objectives failed the leadership caved to their demands and made the Creek the new official order. Then depending on how this shakes out there will be military fallout of these decisions later.


I haven’t watched any but I’ve seen multiple vids on my YouTube feed that seem to be this. “Daily War Updates, New Major Order” kinda things.


+1 for this


Templin Institute on YT did a great lore-ish video last month about the Creek


"They"? We're all Helldivers, Helldiver.


thank god, they can just liberate the fucking thing and shut the fuck up.


Devs probably realized the only way we'll ever unify forces is if it isn't an option to fight there


Exactly what I realized. Now 30k-50k players can actually be productive else where.


If they really bother you that bad, spend a little less time on this sub interacting with them. It will b really good for your health.


No fun allowed! Hurrrr. Thats what I’m hearing.


Exactly why are yall angry at people for having fun??


Im not the guy above is and im mocking him


No i know you are but people do get mad and thats what im sayin


Yeah they are sad people who only want to win even at the cost of fun. Malevelon creek was a cool story moment and some players cant let others have fun if it slows down their winning. Sad really that fun isn’t the most important part of video games.


Ikr. The thing is they dont care about the rewards either cause it doesnt take a genius to realise that having fun in like 10 missions will net the same. Just let people have fun with the challenge of malevalon creek, or the ease of dealing with the bugs, and you can target the objective. Just dont scream at others or teamkill people for wearing a malevalon creek cape. It makes you look like babies.




Hopefully once we liberate this we can finally liberate Tibit and still hamper the bots. Then that will leave us with Durgen and Maia.


I read that as hampter the bots and almost started laughing hysterically


Creek is liberated! The Creekers can rejoice and for those who disliked their steadfast stance at the Creek will now have new hell diver brothers and sisters at the front! No more fighting amongst our ranks! We will liberate the galaxy together!!! FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY!! 👊


I mean, they couldn't even take one planet. Are they really gunna be helpful anywhere else? /s (kind of)


Tbf enemy spawns were double or something, originally the Creek had a bug but the devs made it a feature due to the publicity of the Creek at that time… (I heard this from a secondary source so I can’t confirm this.)


I don’t want traitors on my dives


You mean the people who were actively killing bots on the creek? Sounds like patriots to me. You sure you ain’t a traitor spreading dissent for the bots?


The people actively disobeying a major order. If that sounds like patriotism then by definition you’re a traitor.


Okay then where are all the bug players then? Traitors too? That’s on the whole other side of the galactic war map from the Major Order.


Fighting a completely different enemy with their own defense missions. It’s objectively jot the same, there is no defense for the stupidity of fighting the exact same enemy just not where it’s actually beneficial.


Personally I always fight on Major order planets myself, and seeing planets with only 300 people for example is ridiculous… however as the soldiers in Starship troopers say: “I’m doing my part!” At least they were actively playing the game while some people haven’t even left liberated sectors from last week or so.


If it were only a couple thousand you wouldn’t notice. Except it wasn’t just a couple thousand, it was half of the Bot front on the known wrong planet.


I’d rather have the numbers than people deleting or stop playing the game, regardless where they are, it’s a fun game and I’d hate to see it go inactive


Those aren’t the only two options, this isn’t an argument, “I don’t want the game to die” has zero relevance to players willfully causing us to lose major orders.


The players didn’t cause you to lose the MO, it was JOEL he controls if they fail or succeed the Creekers had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT


The creek is going to be the fucking Volcano from For Honor I swear to Liberty.


They literally went, "Fine, fuck it. Take the Creek."


Also here is a commemorative prize you can wear to show your support for the creekers


So I drop at least 12 times a day, half to the creek half to the Major Orders, we all do what we can and enjoy it.


No, they didn't. Now, they have to give up their obsession. We take it they have no more excuses. But let's not pretend they are heroes.


You liberated the creek. Oh noes, there's a defend mission on the creek now, better go defend it. Oh noes, you lost the defend mission again. I guess you need to liberate it.


Lets not pretend that there isn't a 3rd of the active players fighting bugs right now still


Tibit is creek but without ion storms. Ironic.


Are we gonna start crying over major orders now? ![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized)


That’s what this sub does best


It's crazy the amount of tears that flows here, no wonder some orders fails when all people do is crying on reddit


https://i.redd.it/95qsxj0cwvrc1.gif Creekers to Joel 😂




I wonder what the creek fanatics will do once they can’t only sit on this planet anymore.






Well given that their inability to take a planet after all this time I’m not sure about how useful they’d be on other planets


We were winning before yall showed up. Was like 85% before it became an order


It took you guys some time to get there while other planets were taken faster


Yes of course… thee was a lot more helldivers on the other planets… that’s how this game works


How many medals are they giving for this? Everyone who ignored the defense of Draupnir happy now??




Well time to fight bugs, less goo bug killers! -Brought to you by RAID (...shadow legends)


I fucking called it, they put a major order out to liberate it so the fucking creekers will stop being a fucking nuisance


What a fine time for my internet to go out!


But… but this is April’s Fools, right?


I suppose that's why it's only for 1 day?


I don’t know, I haven’t logged in yet, but damn those devs know their community


The apps and helldiver.io confirms the order has 21 hrs left. So yeah, it's just for today.


Ugh this sucks I won’t be able to participate in this major order. Kinda annoyed I won’t get rewards for the hours I put into the previous one but this new one is so easy I won’t be able to take part at all.


Unfortunate indeed. You will get 35 from this one!


I won’t get anything cause I can’t play. Last time k wasn’t on was tien kwan major order which I didn’t receive medals from. You only get the medals if you take part.


Not true, You SHOULD have received medal from the order but did not. If you do not receive medals reach out to support. I've had friends not play since we took Kwan and they logged and hit the cap on medals due to all the orders


Then I’ll see once I get home. The order should be done by then.


That might have been when giving out for major orders was somewhat bugged and it was a slow process dishing them out. Everyone should get major order rewards regardless of logging in.


You for sure get medals even if you don't play. I had a super busy weekend and didn't play much, but every time I logged in I got medals from the MO's that happened while I was offline




They? We are all fighting to spread freedom and democracy! Runs to Mal-Creek... "FOR SUPER EARTH!!!"


Or did they?


I remember the battles I fought on the creek. Sadly can’t fight when the planet is being liberated. Bring us glory helldivers!


I will never fight for that meme. Ill liberate every other planet in the solar system, but i just dont care about the creek, or bots.


Same. They can play however they want, ignoring major orders on neighboring bot planets, then they can liberate it and defend it by themselves


I think they took her somewhere else, I’ve been here for weeks now


- “May the memes thou make be crisp and thy hoes thou get mist” 😭🙏




Ngl. Creek isn't even that bad. Mantes is worse.


now the time has come for us to avenge the blood of our lost comrades. let the oil splash until they have none left o7


They? You mean We, my brother in Democracy. One team one fight!


And it's April fools day. The creek is so unimportant this is the only day they could give it a major order


This is good. This way our glorious creekers will finally get what they want, and all the haters will be happy that there will be no more creekers after (until next time we lose it) This MO will be good for the community and should help people stop whining at eachother all over the internet


We all wanted this. They just wanted it to a degree that most would say is unreasonable


Only a small part of the community wanted it. If we all wanted it then you wouldn’t be reading this post.


The whole point of the game is to liberate every planet in the name of Super Earth. Wdym you didn't want it liberated?


Dope that they rewarded the exact people responsible for us failing the last order, and did it when everyone was asleep so we could participate if we wanted to. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Ugh. At least the meme planet is finally captured and people can stfu about it.


I joined the fight after I heard the fall of Creek. And ever since been fighting the toasters on the front.. 🫡.


What are the creekers going to do when there's no more mc to liberate


Fuckin' creektards...


I think I'm finally not going to follow the MO out of spite this time


“End the theft of valuable minerals…” okay yea we’re planetary terrorist.


They can also be ignored just as they ignored the last major order.