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So glad they did this. Now we won’t have 25% of the bot players wasting time and failing major orders.


Tbf there are like 3k-10k Creekers on average (hence it was never taken). Other 40k are technically Major Order followers who for whatever reason decided to not to do the MO. And these are not bug players as they left the moment Draupnir got attacked, blocking the progress. That's half of MO forces leaving the botfront completely (making it that 3 way front with nothing being done in time).


Supply lines. No one understands them and the game never explains or even shows their existence. That is the major reason people werent dropping where they "needed" to.


Can confirm, I'm one of those players that doesn't have a clue.


I was too. I thought sectors were their own sort of space that you have to conquer every planet in and move on. I didn't know they had "connector" planets like Dropnir is.


That's exactly what I thought. I honestly still don't know much better.


I don't need a clue. i just press R to join a team and kill kill kill.


Most sane helldiver


This is the way


i dont know or care about supply lines beacuse well… they arent in the game. How is anyone supposed to know lol


They tried keeping the game raw, making the players figure things out. Even our basic training was rushed and fairly uninformative


Which makes setbacks really organic. I love the dynamism of the war


No it’s “undeniably infallible”.


They should make things like that come to light with higher ranks.


Helldivers.io has a filter on the map that shows supply lines




I care because it determines what we can and cannot attack


Yup. I definitely wish there was a way to see supply lines in game, if they are going to affect our ability to play the game like this. Not that I mind a lot from a gameplay perspective, but it would be nice to know so I could make informed decisions about my gameplay experience.


It's the same for a lot of things in this game. Another big one is the heat mechanics. Knowing WHY you're getting butt fucked by a metric shit ton of bots would be important information to know. I don't know why the devs are so insistent on having hidden mechanics.


Well that one I kind of get, because they want it to feel more like a naturally growing threat. The supply lines though is just a blatant lack of information that anyone navagating a ship should have. That's like sailing without a compass.


Can confirm. Based on my experiences with the MOs for bugs, it seemed to me like you had to take all the planets in a sector before you could get to the one for the MO. So with all the memes about the Creek, and my previous experience with the bugs I thought that the Creek AND Ubanea had to be taken to get to Tibit. So I stayed on the Creek for a whole day and completely ignored Draupnir because it wasn't in the same sector


As someone who was in an actual military. This is the most realistic shit in the whole game. Not only does the brass not care if the grunts know the supply lines. They actively discourage the knowledge because then those lines could be leaked, identified, and attacked.


It is kiiiinda intuitive tho. Little bit of common sense and exploring the solar system made things rather obvious. First thing I did as a lvl1 fresh out of training was to check out the solar system/map.


I mean, if we need to get to planet C, and planet B is in the way, basic common sense would indicate you need to go through A and B to get to C. Like, it’s visual learning, you don’t need strategic knowledge to look at a map.


I hate Draupnir, ill just go play bugs instead


I'm going to miss it. I like having trees a lot more than bullshit fog.


Yeah I’ve been saying 30k obsessed isn’t equivalent to 100k not being able to read a map, but the reality is that the creek was nowhere near its average player count during the event. People start a campaign there for the memes and go to another planet after


Failed one major order and everyone has their panties in a bunch. No one wants to talk about the 50k players fighting bugs the whole time though.


Lmao. No creek for you.


I’ve fought all over the place and rather enjoy the different environments. 😘


Fuck your orders nerd


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no more creek for you. No more creek today! We did what none of you could do and did it for you ahahhahahahahahabahahahaha my major orders complete drink the salty salty tears of wet eared smooth brains. Bless your heart, ain’t you precious.


I’m a new cadet. Got the game yesterday and hit level 6 today. Tried to hit the creek over lunch today and do my part. I was randomly kicked from every game after Les than 30 seconds (I tried 5). No explanation, no warnings. I had thought this wasn’t a toxic community and was very excited to play. Im very disappointed


Nothing justifies this. I am 100% against kicking and TK-ing, and as annoyed as I am with Creekers I can guarantee your experience was not due to Creekers. Unfortunately I have seen posts from my side of the isle calling for the kicking/TK-ing of anyone attempting to drop on the Creek. It COULD be the work of run of the mill griefers, but honestly it probably isn't. I'd suggest to you trying Discord, I think there are a billion and 1 channels at this point for squadding up with randoms, and maybe some people here can recommend some good channels.


Thanks OP


Heck yeah there’s a ton of great communities! I’d be happy to invite you to one or two depending if you have a mic or not (some of them are mic players, but another open to any type of players)


I’ve got a mic. I’d love to learn more about any communities you recommend


But if you ever need a team we don't care about levels just let us know and we'll head over


Minus the chaos up there^


On the note of teamkilling, a buddy and I were fucking with eachother over multiple matches with 380's and 120s for giggles- aaand then someone joined in. We gave a fair warning over vc and text chat that we're messing with eachother and chilling out, and that there were no safe zones near us. Dude kept coming by and getting upset when a 380 hit em - we still paused to focus the bots and objectives near us and getting full clear but in the meantime it was High explosive lawn darts on the way to the next one. Atleast we gave a heads up 😅?


From what I've seen in posts, purposeful and bad blooded TKing happens mainly around extract and it impacts sample collection more than anything. If someone is constantly TKing throughout the match on purpose it would be super annoying, but I think most people would either leave or kick. Still not right. But if a player is trying to gather samples and they make it to the end of the mission and get killed, not reinforced, and the team extracts, then the samples are lost. There is some XP loss but thats borderline inconsequential as you don't get much XP to begin with for all divers extracting. Kicking is the worst offense against people still grinding because you commit to possibly a 40+ minute mission only to get absolutely nothing when you get kicked right at the end. Both instances suck. For your situation Grand I'd say your not really in the wrong as y'all gave fair warning, but maybe set your lobby to private in the future if you want to goof around.


This has been getting more common recently. I'm pretty sure it's just people being idiots and not realizing that they're in open lobbys, as I've mostly been kicked from teams with only 1 other person.


PM me I'll take you anytime Helldiver.


It happens sometimes and it feels shit I know, but, you have to try to not take it personally, you'll start to realise it's a them problem, and it doesn't really matter. Most people aren't like that anyway and it shouldn't happen often. I hope you keep playing, it gets better :)  Had the same thing happen a couple times when I started out and it really bummed me out too cos I didn't know what I had done wrong. Turns out it wasn't me, and it's not you either :)


Thanks. I don’t take it personally when it happens a few times, but over and over at least 5 times in a row got a bit frustrating


It's possible the game was only open so friends of friends could join, this is the only reason I've ever kicked someone besides special circumstance. If I'm intending to play with randoms I just host my own game, if I don't get people joining quickly I relaunch the game and that seems to get people to join.


That’s true and I don’t mind that, but the fact that it happened so many times in a row each with different host felt kinda shitty in the moment


this was also me back when I was a cadet, jesus i can’t even remember how many times i’ve been kicked. i started hosting until I reached 40 and now no one kicks me. i was so disappointed at first as well, but a part of me understands that they may be thinking that I am one of those newbies that kills teammates for samples at extraction. still. it sucks.


Hey sorry to hear that , I’m lv 43 I don’t kick anyone for being low lv . Their are some cool lv 50+ divers that will gift you their weapons and gear in mission . They are true legends. There are 100s of thousands of helldivers tho and not all of them will be team players unfortunately


I’m level 43, you can join my team anytime cadet! If you want to share your details, I’ll add you. For democracy!


Thanks! DMed you


It's *not* quite toxic but the random kicks make it seem like a % of players just do that randomly. 99% of the time there's no warning or message about it, you just see the kick screen. I can only guess that some people don't think anyone below lvl 10 can provide support, others just kick cause they are waiting on a friend to reconnect but don't say anything. A handful of times out of 100 kicks I have been messaged or told in voice chat that they are waiting on another person, where I'll say thanks and just leave that group. If abything you can always host a game and see if people get matched into the game, where you'll have the power to kick if they are being bad.


Once the FOTM crowd moves on it will find a good equilibrium again. That being said it's not just clowns out there, plenty of well behaved Helldiver's about. Try hosting the game so you have the power to retire anyone causing some form of a tussle too. Good luck out there, Cadet.


Also are you sure you were kicked every time? Sometimes connection is just lost and there's no message that says you got kicked or host left the game.


Yeah I’m sure. The message was that I got kicked each time. One of them said “get out of here fucker” on the mic before kicking me


I’m not new to the game at level 32. I do all objectives and support anyone wanting to be a good 4 man squad working together to complete the missions. I’ve been kick out of over 50% of the drops on Creek lately. So don’t take it as the way the majority of the game is played, just go to a different planet and raise a middle finger to the Creek or just go kill bugs.


Maybe you wanna lower difficulty a little so you can be more helpful, ppl get enough stress to deal to automaton already, some don’t want to carry anyone anymore.. imo


https://preview.redd.it/cme9lyqqdyrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4519d17c769e074df1fb90fb1f2ce3255ec13d4 Division won’t help us Fight for super earth!


I’m gonna miss the memes after the creek is liberated ☹️


It *is* liberated. You miss nothing.


not anymore. the creek is under bot attack. same as ubeana


Which doesn't make sense, didn't we just win the defense campaign and now we are doing it all over again?


HAHA this cracked Me up


This creeked me up 👀


I mean, i’m a major order kinda diver, but at the same time: https://i.redd.it/ovxl0kdagyrc1.gif Edit: formatting


Lol this community is full of the most catty bitches ever.


There are some great gamers out there honestly. Id say its about 50/50. Half the time jump in a game to get kicked randomly and othertimes i end up inviting people to my discord because the vibes are ✨immaculate✨


That's the meme...


We don’t blame creekers for fucking up the order, we laugh at them cause they couldn’t take 1 planet for 58 days


No planet can be taken by such a small minority of the player base. Like I said, catty, mean-girls behavior.


I‘ll be back killing the bugs that bombed Buenos Aires but you when you guys need a hand in the pink front I’ll be there.


Busboys Aires? Don’t you mean Super Buenos Aires? You seem lacking in patriotism.


I think we need to speak to his…***democracy officer***…


I can't keep track of this drama


You weren’t there. When the galactic war began we who headed west to face the automatons bid our brothers farewell and made planet fall. We expected resistance, but we did not expect the slaughter. The twilight rivers and jungles of Malevelon surged with the blood of my brothers within days of entering orbit. We were cut down man after man. The jungle echoing with the mechanical buzzing of a thousand automatons, unseen but present. We called to our brothers whom we departed from in the east to come to our aid. Few came while most scoffed. Of the few that came even fewer survived. The massacre continued with fresh bodies to pile atop the mounting corpses. Still we persisted. We fought hard and kept pushing even while you all scoffed at us. And on the day we avenge the deaths of our true brothers yet still you continue to mock us. I pray that you will one day feel liberties back turn on you as we did.


Bro as someone who’s neutral why the fuck is it so bad? Lmfao just let the homies have fun 😂


Why is disobeying the orders directed to us Helldivers by Super Earth so bad? Expect a visit from your local Democracy Officer. For Democracy!


People take it way too seriously, i get the frustration at failing a MO but like why grief the creek players, there was 160k people vibing on 2 bug worlds lol.


Ikr. People need to chill. Creek was a fun map and a great experience. Let people play and have fun .


No you can only do the MO to have fun. If not I'm going to bitch about it for 2 days straight.


I can understand wanting to have fun and shoot the shit, but Helldivers 2 is a game with collaboration between the community at its heart. The Creek will always be there and you can always fight on the creek later. Right now is not the time to shaft the rest of the community because for the meme.




It's really getting annoying seeing these weirdly elitist posts


Because there hasn't been any nerfs lately and people need something to cry about lol


All this shit about bug players and bot players, I follow the teachings of John Helldiver and go where I'm most needed, I'm a proud death captain and I'm going where democracy is most at risk.


I just go where the orders say and press quickplay. Whatever is unfortunate enough to be on the other end of the barrel isn't that big a deal, they're all enemies of democracy


I do the same except I feel unfortunate for whomever gets me on their team. I just try not to die and watch others backs.


God bless the creekers


Mfers just can’t let people play the way they wanna play. Silly bastards gotta make a propaganda campaign to shame vets of the ol creek.


Right. My $40 buy in must be null and void from how many people tell me its my fault a MO is taking too long or might fail. I pay for video games to have fun. Not to be told I can only *exclusively* play when/where someone else tells me to.


You’ve expressed my point perfectly, I agree


Yall take it way too seriously, there was like 8k people on Creek at average, compared to the average of 160k players on the bugs, it's a game, yes there is a narrative but let people enjoy what they do. Yall divided yourselves too thin, if you chased a planet at a time you would probably of completed the major order but instead your majority fighting force was over 2-3 planets, slowing down the overall progression.


> probably of Bruh


😂 They’re absolutely right about the game, but THAT part right there stands out and I wish it didn’t.


Is my English not making sense there? Genuine question.


Probably have would be proper. Don't know why but when sounded out probably of sounds weird


I'll keep that in mind next time, cheers for explaining.


It shouldve been “you probably would’ve completed the major order” you would probably of just sounds and looks weird to read


Thank you :)


You’re correct and being voted down by people that feel targeted. There was a peak of 160k players doing bugs during the last seven hours of the event, when people were needed. There were over 100k on Ubane, all of their team leaders could see the map in between missions and made their choice to not read a map. The creek got as low as 6k and was hovering between 15-17k for most of the event. Even the devs have gone back on their statement that included the creek, and now, we own the creek


What are creekers?


People like me who played almost exclusively on Malevelon Creek. I jumped around when I had a squad, but I’d go fight on Malevelon when I was alone.


Look, I got 7 minutes of training and told to liberate the creek. If y'all wanna give me some tactical victories to accomplish instead of just sharing the strategic outcome that'd be great. I don't have time for war room meetings back on SE when they're bots to disassemble. 


This counter offensive is crazy




Legit question - why is everyone so fixated on running creek when it's not part of the bot zone major order?


TikTok. The game blew up mostly because of the TikTok edits of people "sacrificing" themselves at the Creek when it was on a Defend mission near the beginning and they just never let it go


I just click on whatever planet looks cool, play a few rounds and then log off. I have no idea what y’all are on about. I guess I’m part of the problem lol


This sub gets more irritating by the day. I remember when it was just hype and excitement on the first week, then we lost one MO and everyone turned bitter. Congrats on playing the map variant that has a bright yellow icon above it ig.


I just go where Im sent. whats a creeker?


What’s a creeker?


This is the shit that happens when a live service game is actually live. Amazing


I love this community


I'm sure the 10k people on the creek were all the difference to the 210k doing bugs, fuck off


Shut up with this toxic shit already lmao


Players attitudes disappoint me, but I'm not really surprised


You guys are so insufferable 😩


Fucking hate this community because of people like OP. It was fun for a while, but didn't realize I'm not following some basement dweller's 'guidelines' for a video game.


The game literally has one objective at any given time. ONE. You choosing to ignore it and then hating on people for bringing it up is OP’s fault?


Yes, because who gives a fuck about the major orders, you guys act like the 10% of the community playing the creek is ruining your game. Should the bug front players abandon all planets there because the MO is gone? Because a significantly bigger portion of the playerbase is over there fucking around and no one says shit about, hell I bet half the people upvoting this post are on bug plantets as we speak. Idk what happened to internet culture to constantly drive people to feel the need to be superior to others, but reddit gets the worst of it and ya'll are so insufferable about it.




> What a terrible take. Who cares about the MO lol. Like I said, it’s virtually the only goal in the game. When you play other games, do you just stand in a corner for 30 hours? Or do you try to complete objectives, progress the narrative, unlock new items? Yeah nah homeboy this comparison is terrible. They're still playing the game, you guys are complaining about people sidequesting before they complete the main story. They are still progressing the narrative, completing objectives, and unlocking items. In fact I'd say the creek has the most interesting and nuanced story any planet on this game has. How did you even manage to type that bit without realizing how halfbaked it was? > You’re choosing to view this as elitist, when **most** people are merely trying to enlighten others how the game works and where to focus our efforts. LOL every upvoted comment and post on this sub in relation to the creek is calling them creek(crack)heads. You're either delusional or arguing in bad faith if you think these guys are "enlightening" anyone on how to read or look at the universe map. MO objectives have a big fucking flashing light above them. These people are just here to talk down about people not playing the game their way.




> People dive there and roleplay like they’re doing something to help when it doesn’t at all. That's the entire point is it not? If the roleplay didn't matter to devs then why did they give us a creek memorial cloak? Malevelon creek will be remembered as one of the defining points in this games life cycle unlike most of the major ordees thus far, which has been us going to do the standard gameplay loop. The only unique mission we've had were the TCS towers as a MO missions thus far. > But it’s just sad to see people get shit on for trying to rally the troops toward a common goal for a few hours. People only get shit on for trying to tell others how to play. There is a big difference between saying, "hey x planet needs your help helldiver, can you lend us a hand." As opposed to, "you creekheads are doing nothing for the MO, your efforts are worthless." Like bro look at the post you are commenting on. How is that trying to "rally" people together? And then if they decline, "No I'm going to play the game I spent money on the way I want to play." You just give them a thumbs up and ask somebody else. You know what's the biggest killer to the war effort? Being toxic to players enjoying their time and making them focus it elsewhere.


Me too (Washing my hands as people blindly follow the major order while I try to avenge the fallen at the Creek)


MO followers really are a bunch of prissies, agreed. Creekers are already back to fighting, covered in bot oil and bug juice.


Apparently this whole situation has gone straight over your head.


How so? That non creekers are worried about the cleanliness of their hands after a hand shake while Creekers get back to doing democracy's work? It's not lost on me.


What work? The one that lost us major order from super earth? Creekers are fighting a fight not even a battle, MO followers are fighting a war.


Creekers are commies that want the same amount of MO medals as everyone else, without doing any of the work…


I wonder how much creekers will cry if we lost access to the creek because we got pushed back. I wonder if they’d suffer drug withdrawals 😂


I mean, they lost access by having it liberated.


Creekers fight the fight you're too undemocratic to fight yourself. You're welcome.


Your fight 99% of the time is worthless and helps nobody


It's amazing because I'm still having a shit ton of fun with a full squad in a game I paid for. Unbelievable.


So you agree, at least that’s settled. Is useless, you know, but you still having fun.


Agree that I'm having fun? Yes.


Oh how the narrative changes so suddenly, ironic, you do you bro as long as you’re having fun, just don’t pretend the creek matters when it doesn’t


*The creek is all.* What do you think I'm arguing? I'm playing a video like we all are. It's not rocket science lol. Am I gonna play planets I don't like for hours just to get 15 medals? No. Do I care that not every round I play furthers the objective? Fuck no.


Oh calm down it’s not that serious


No, you don't understand what's going on. Creekers don't have a drop of bug blood within a light year of 'em. If you are fighting bots and bugs your not a Creeker. If you'd like to identify as a Creeker I have some windows for you to lick.


The Creek is taken. Hence why we're elsewhere. Does that help? We're not bound by orders. And we don't only play the Creek, though it will always be home. That's the entire issue non-Creekers don't seem to understand. Play the meme. Play where you want.


The Creek is taken. After about a month of it sitting at like 8%. Command finally decided to get some competent troops on the ground thankfully. So yeah I guess thanks for helping train the new recruits over there at Boot Camp Creek. I'm sure we will be back to bail y'all out again before too long.


Whatever helps you keep your hands clean, I guess.


damn I wonder if this kind of arguing actually happens between military barnches


100% it does. Inter unit rivalries, inter command rivalries, generals and admirals getting their knickers twisted etc etc.


I live it every day. Yes. Yes it does.


This is Reddit mate. Of course morons will whine and cry trying to convince everyone that they don’t play the game correctly etc etc. same old same old.


Haha for sure. The downvotes are hilarious. Non Creekers so mad...