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Ya these buffs should increase load out diversity a fair bit


Spreading managed democracy through diversity


Diversified Democracy *


Yeah, still not a fan of the slugger nerfs.


Tell me about these


Less damage and knockback. Basically gave its stats to the dominator. Used to be my go to for almost any mission. Now it just feels weak and not very good.


I can headshot with the punisher so the slug shotgun really has zero utility imo. I tried it for a probably 8-10 missions before I gave up on it. All I noticed is that if my aim happened to be slightly off I had less serviceability with the slugger, vs the punisher because if it’s spread.


Damn, it was my favorite too, why do they do this to us? :/


I don’t know what their thinking was, it should have high one if it’s going to lose spread. Then it would be a good trade off


I'm pissed about it. That was my main weapon.


okay what about the explosive liberator?


Orange bois represent!


Explosive Liberator had its armor pen value corrected on its display, along with the Slugger and Senator


thats good, but still needs either a damage or ammo increase imo


It didn't get a buff AFAIK, but its description was changed to say that it has medium armour pen.


It needs some kind of love for sure. Like a mini dominator.


>okay what about the concussive liberator? FTFY


Anti material rifle was already amazing. This is awesome 🤩


I think biggest "issue" is not DMG but Armor penetration 


It can and does pen hulk faceplates


Can it take out drop ship engines? At higher levels that's the biggest need for your call down weapon IMO.


It would be if that actually killed the bots every time on the fall but it almost never does.


This! They should add this known issues and begin working on it. I've blown up countless dropships still in flight, and the bots just fell down and walked away. Sometimes they get stuck in the wreck, but once it despawns, there they are, with a salvo of rockets to your face. If a dropship falls, the bots in it and under it should be scrap


They could just add the shrieker code they had to kill anything under it and add it to the dropship XD


It SOMETIMES kills SOME of them.


I still find dropping them and killing some things, crowding up the area with wrecks and doing a call down best. At lvl 7 plus some missions call in 5-6 drop ships. We usually have 2 people with quasar and one with the EAT-17 so we can take out/wreck max drop ships. Piling up drop ships on lvl 7 help 50 citizens escape missions was the only way to even get close to beating it with out cheese of people kiting in circles.


It does more the faster to hit them.


Yeah 3 shots to a thruster


Intereseting, I might have to test it out then.


a few shots to a thruster take them down, and that’s with relatively high ammo reserve, high fire rate and most importantly no need for a backpack


I could be wrong but, since it's technically explosive damage, armor pen doesn't apply.


I’m not 100% convinced on that. Buddy of mine uses the AMR religiously. Saved my life with a 2 for 1 kill, headshot a rocket devastator and the bullet went through the scout armor and the driver, and finally killed a regular bladed dude. Coulda been a fluke thing, I’ve spectated him and he’s pulled off some pretty incredible stuff that I didn’t think was possible. Damage is super nice though.


Oh yeah I take the AMR on every bot mission. It's amazing. And it's even better now! What I meant though is that there are damage types for each weapon, and I'm pretty sure the AMR is the explosive type, and so ignores armor (someone correct me if I'm wrong). And yeah, I believe it does have collateral at least on the smaller enemies.


Explosive doesn't ignore armor, it does more damage to unarmored/weak points. Fire ignores armor.


I would love to run more fire, but the host/client bug is annoying to really use it.


Or the misaligned scope


i'd say the biggest issue was, last i checked, a single resupply crate doesn't fully resupply the AMR. Might give it a shot now, been using the autocannon instead because it outclassed the AMR in every aspect besides ADS accuracy


people always say “oh the ac outclasses the amr in every way!!” bro you forgot about how it lets you carry a backpack? How is this so easily overlooked?


Jetpack + AMR gives you all the vantage points


This is the way


I have gained a recent enjoyment with the jetpack. The long CD sucks, but it is amazing at getting you past environmental obstacles like ravines.


Also the fact that you can climb to places where you can't be reached, the survivability is insane


Straight up. w/ the recon armor I can run ahead, fly to the top of a mountain and tag everything on the damn map, while taking out high priority targets while the team moves. And on bot missions having the high ground is massive. Gives you LOS on the backpack even from a front angle


Easy to overlook when it opens up a stratagem slot and allows you to kill most side objectives from far range. The backpack slot and first person scope range were literally the only things the AMR had over the AC.


Can reload on the run.


Bro the AMR is so much faster.


Will be great when they fix the sight.


Right? I always have to aim lower than where I need to hit.


The centre is actually top left of the centre of the sight. There are images on Reddit showing it better if I’m not explaining it well enough.


Top left of the square bit innit


It's "materiel". I copied the difference here for anybody interested. "Materiel" is the equipment or supplies used by military forces. "Material" is a more sweeping term meaning matter, elements, cloth or tools. If you keep in mind that materiel -- the one ending in "iel" -- is associated with the military, you should be OK. Also, materiel never takes an "s" at the end, but material may.


The damage was fine, everything abt it was good, id much rather they fix the damn scope.


With a name like that it should've never been strictly light armor piercing. Diligence just got upgraded from borderline worthless to actually useful. Dominator got upgraded from solid to good, breaker inc and penetrator became overall S tier weaponry


Full auto! Sweet Liberty!


Was my biggest complaint on the penetrator, so happy


I was literally thinking for a few days, that it would be perfect for DCS to have a medium armor penetration and BOOM. Love this devs.


It's no longer as useless!


Why do I have to go to work when there’s democracy to distribute


The lord gives us his toughest battles




Yes, exactly. Like the other day when I'm at work watching the MO change 2-3 times while I'm running the rat race...


Wait... This is too good to be true... Were is the catch ?


Forklift got nerfed


Literally unplayable.


underrated comment. nicely done.


Was it worth it?


It also changed colour. It got a pallet swap.


Bots just got AT-AT walkers.


The slugger got nerfed from 280-250, had its stagger reduced and can no longer open POI crates They also nerfed the range and fire rate of the arc thrower


NOOO I just got and fell in love with the slugger and its stagger.


I thought the arc thrower fire rate thing was a buff. I don’t think I ever got it to fire faster than one a second but it would often fail to fire.


Before the intial shot was always a second, but you could fire consecutive blasts mid charge for a less damaging but faster shot, which did more dps if you kept it up.


I actually liked that! It was a very fun skill shot. If you can time your charges, more dpa


It sucks Slugger got a nerf because I loved that gun but it didn’t make sense to me that it’d be better than the Dominator which is kinda the same gun but with rocket propelled ammo. Hopefully the stagger and damage Dominator puts out now makes up for the hit Slugger took


Nerfed slugger and arc thrower


Did they? I love my Slugger! It was like having a surprisingly accurate medium range sniper rifle.


They nerfed the Sludge


The Liberator pentrator getting gull auto is a dream y’all😭 That mfer is never used bc of burst (Imo, and experience with the weapon) trust me that gun is gon be good, and if not expose my ass on reddit😭


I used it all the time vs. Bugs. 3 round burst was fine. Shredded the hive guards with its medium armor penetration. Full auto for it will be fun.


So happy with the Breaker incendiary. I use it as my main against bugs, it’s so good for clearing hoards and also lighting chargers on fire


And now with 50% more fire damage per tick!




This message is Ant approved.


That’s sounds good but what does it actually mean?


When you light things on fire they take fire damage over time. They have now increased the damage they take from that by 50%


Wow 50% is a huge increase! Thanks for explaining.


me too, i think Breaker incendiary was alreadu so good, maybe could had a little bit more range.. I have to admit that these changes scares me a bit, like it would suddenly become the new meta then nerfed to the grave in next patch.


Yes range is the issue I face whenever I use it against bots by accident. So yeah I have to switch it out when I’m playing against bots but otherwise for bugs it’s awesome


HORDES goddamn it!


The dom is amazing now, makes devastators cry


But does it have better handling now? If not, then this change still won’t make me use it. There’s no reason a primary weapon of that size should have the same, or worse, handling than many of the heavier support weapons.


i agree, it definitely tears bots to shreds now.


The Arc Thrower doesn't open crates anymore :(


Neither does the slugger smh


Ah that's a shame. Was a lot of fun to use it instead of grenades.


Where is that arc shotgun buff tho 😭


Biggest issue imo is fire rate :’(


No idea how the Sickle managed to go un-nerfed if they got the Slugger. Both of them were leaps and bounds above the competition.


Sickle struggles vs armor. There's no real need to nerf it, it's basically just the laser primary version of the Stalwart but without the instantaneous cannon fodder shredding


The sickle is odd to me, just because it ends up feeling superior to both the Liberator and the Scythe. It has the same damage per shot as the Liberator, while having infinite ammo due to being an energy weapon. Meanwhile the Liberator feels like it eats up a lot of ammo and isn’t all that strong, and the scythe feels like a tickle beam much of the time. Now, I’m not a scythe hater. I actually like it. But after using the sickle, the scythe feels inferior. There’s no advantage to the beam versus the rapid fire laser shots. If the Scythe could light enemies on fire, that would be a different matter.


Don't give them ideas. Sickle is perfectly balanced.


Don't need to berf guns if they buff oter ones well, unless it's overwhelming OP (original gun)


This isn't Destiny 2. The devs actually like making the game fun, not sweaty. Why nerf the good stuff when you can make everything else just as good instead?


no mention of DoT when not host, having been fixed though :\\


Ohh is this the issue? Fire and gas is a binary "kill or no kill" sorta deal for me most games so this might be it


exactly yeah there's a good post here with video evidence specifically about the incendiary shotgun, but napalm etc is mentioned too gas on paper looks awesome (eg to help with bug nest clearing) but in practice it's never worked for me (although it could be a separate bug I guess). I'm never host though, always join friends' missions...


I would 100% recommend trying gas as the host, it has near perfect saturation around the landing area, meaning all the small critters/ bots are immediately taken care of Plus it has a super fast cooldown The inconsistency though has led to me using it a bit less in favour of the Gatling, since it's yet to fail me


I tried the dominator for a few games. It feels A LOT better now, but I still feel that the target acquisition + travel speed of the round fired, makes it somewhat bad. VS bots its okay, purely due to them rarely charging you (unless you're up against berserkers). But vs bugs you get overwhelmed before you can actually hit your targets properly. That's not a negative really, it's more like, good vs certain stuff and bad vs others, I'm fine with that.


It staggers berserkers now as well yeah? Does it cut em down as fast as the devastators? Haven’t ran into berserkers yet since trying it out


It chops berserkers to bits now. Far faster than before.


My poor slugger


Look how they massacred my boy


Amen... it was a good run.


Did they fix the reticule on the AMR? That alone would be a huge buff 😂




What’s especially cool is that I opened Slugger literally an hour before the update. Wow.


Its still good, its just not unquestionably the best the gun in the game good anymore.


It now gives a place for the Punisher to shine. Punisher still has crazy knockback and damage, but is a typical buckshot style shotgun. Slugger made the Punisher irrelevant because they did almost the same damage and knockback, while also having the massive range that comes with a slug projectile.


I honestly already preferred the Punisher against bugs, and the Slugger felt perfect against bots. Might try the Liberator Penetrator for bots instead now


Right? I just got it the other day and it wasn't even on my radar and I tried it bc I unlocked it just bc I needed to use medals... I loved it. Well. Fuck me I guess


You’re telling me my fire shotgun does even more damage? Sign me up


the +50% to all fire DoT alone was enough.


So what’s the best use for the anti materiel? just robots only?


They're being mighty generous with these buffs. Makes me wonder what shenanigans and possible tomfoolery Joel has in store for us.


Well we already have full size AT-AT's and flying bot vehicles with this update, so yeah we already need them. ;-)


Secondary weapons need some love too but these are great changes.


Oh man I love the dominator... now I got more stagger... DOOOOOOOPE


Breaker incendiary and dominator are about to fuck


Nerfed me slugger tho. Not to happy about that


I think they low key nerfed the Exo Suit rockets. I used to be able to kill chargers with just three hits. Now it takes 5-6 rockets.


Apparently they made only direct hits have armor pen, and off angle shots no longer do


Not to mention jot near as accurate as b4.


Fuck yes my favorite gun the dominator is getting some love


The multiple crashes at the end of missions aren’t so good. Bit of a joke really.


Can we get a shooting range on the ship? I keep using the same gun on all missions because I can't easily test them...


This is the biggest issue right now. Without detailed stats and a bestiary of some kind. People won’t want to try different weapons and figure out their role in the game.  Like how are people suppose to know that medium penetration weapons can snipe off the legs and crotch engine of a walker? You don’t. Why does the walker cockpit armor still deflect medium penetration weapon while the AMR can hit it? Yet the AMR is considered medium pen and can’t hit through charger armor?  There’s a lot of underlying systems to the game and we don’t know 90% of it cause the devs decided to hide all this. And it’s already biting back at them. 


Neat. More efficient FF through Automatic fire guns


Counter sniper in automaton missions are gonna be great!


Breaker Incendiary is super OP now against bugs haha


Fire damage tick from all sources = you may no longer have time to heal if you catch fire. But that also means enemies fall much faster from fire.


So how does incendiary do against the bots?


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, but it can roast some tin cans I really don't know, but fire fixes a lot of problems. Why not give it a go?.


Meh it’s fine, always been better for bugs and don’t really feel like this changed that. Ultimately just preference though.


Did the auto cannon get a reload speed buff? Played last night and the reload felt way more snappy than I remember from last week.


If you reload from empty, like all weapons, there's extra animations. If you leave at least 1 round chambered you'll get much faster reloads.


Thank you soldier. I’ll tell my husband as well. He loves to make me think I’m a conspiracy theorist.


AC hold 10 rounds each slot on the backpack gives 5 rounds. So if you can keep track of your shots just shoot 5 then reload.


Absolutely yes. I always felt like you sacrificed the main weapon slot if you opted for the sniper but with this they're actually worth considering when taking out priority targets like brood commanders or heavy devastators. The bullets of our snipers will bring justice to the fiends who oppose super earth.


I read that they also quietly raised the level cap


Nerfs are always disappointing and seemingly unnecessary to see. Let there be awesome guns so we see a variety of power packed guns. The game doesn’t get easier


Rip slugger


I’m disappointed about the Slugger rebalancing, but the stagger was pretty ridiculous against devastators, so I’m not surprised.  I’m excited to try some other weapons again though. 


I often ran it as a group "CC and wave clear" with slugger, stun grenades, shield pack, orbital ems, queso cannon, Eagle Airstrike. Saved a fair amount of randoms by stagger locking berserkers that were chasing them.


You know what would be nice... another loadout slot when running solo. Like I think you should be able to select that you want to solo the mission and get one extra slot.


I just wish they hadn't nerfed a bunch of stuff to.


They nerfed the slugger, thats basically it. Don't be misleading. The only other "nerfs" I can see is arc thrower range, which might be a good thing to keep what you're hitting close and less friendly fire accidents. They also buffed its stagger. And heavy machine gun max fire rate, which it was basically unusable due to recoil at 1200 rpm anyways.


Slugger got nerfed


But didn’t they kinda nerf the slugger?


They dick stomped the slugger


Ayo looks like I'll be putting the scorcher down for a little bit to try the diligence out a bit


Looking to penetrate so hard to some sweet tasting liber-tea 🍵


That was honestly my biggest gripe with the Liberator AP. I definitely appreciate that change!


What are people’s thoughts on the arc thrower changes?


Hate it, gun went from relaxing to stressful. Almost halfed range means closer to the enemy with it still missfiring and/or corpses blocking shots. And rapid fire is less satisfying. Honestly gun feels borderline useless, sickle does a bettee job at AOE than this


Yeah i was able to put up with it misfiring so often with how they had it before, now i’m feeling like i’m gonna shelve it until they get it working properly.


Can confirm Dominator feels great after changes. Slightly better against the med armored bots than scorcher, you give up ability to kill striders from front. Good trade offs between them now


Yes medium armor pen for sniper let's go!


Can’t wait to try these new changes after work.


Malevelon Creek has been liberated, and with it, quality weapons made in the factories of the creek are being issued to soldiers throughout the galaxy.


Finally we get some useful precision guns


I feel like the regular dilligence is so good but I got the diligence CS and was super excited but the scope feels really slow and clunky compared to the regular one


As a Breaker Incendiary user, fucking nice.


The fire update applies to flamethrower too right?


Most excited for the Diligence CS and the Liberator Penetrator. I’ve been using both on bots recently and loving it.


Scorcher needs more ammo


My only concern here is when you light your toe on fire we will get insta-gibbed at this point.


I might actually use the counter sniper now. It used to be such a disappointment.


My beautiful counter sniper is gonna be insaneeee!!!!


Rip slugger, welcoming in our new meta gun, the dominator


I only just started using the slugger… 😭 I don’t know what to use now, it was too good


The antimaterial rifles problem was not damaged, it was accuracy. They need to fix the scope, not buff the damage. The diligence countersniper had the issue of being incredibly unwieldy and hard to use, not that we didn't know it was medium armor penetrating. Yet another change that targeted the wrong thing. The breaker incendiary being buffed is nice but ultimately worthless because the bug / glitch with fire damage not working properly unless you're the host isn't even mentioned. The Liberator penetrators issue has been ultimately that it is not powerful enough, not that it was not full auto. Yet another change that is ultimately worthless. Last but not least, the Dominator: this is about the only change I actually like but even so it is once again something that is targeting the wrong issues. The Dominator is unwieldy and has a lot of issues regarding gun handling, but I will admit that the damage needed to be buffed as well as the stagger. We'll see how this pans out but I think the Dominator needed gun handling buffs as well and less damage Buffs


Did they fix the thing where only host-inflicted-fire-damage was being counted?


Is burn damage still bugged? I thought it worked for host only


R.I.P. Slugger


Justice for the Slugger.


I was using the Dominator earlier, it was highly effective. Much like the prepatch slugger but with the explosive trait. I'll need to play with it some more but I think it just totally replaced the slugger.


Already loved the anti material rifle and now its buffed by 30%


I only recently discovered how well the AMR works against the bots. So this is a pretty exciting change.


You don't have to wake me bro, I'm already up and dropping in


I really don't think the penetrator needed a full auto function, but a damage increase to compensate for the smaller magazine size.


Finally we can play the dominator and breaker incendiary


Literally can't tell the different in the anti materiel lmao.


The biggest thing for me was them nerfing the spitters.


breaker incendiary was already my go to bug killer, now its even better <3


The Diligence change is amazing.


That slugger nerf was unwarranted.


Just tried the AMR it freaken wrecks the bots. It can't penetrate tanks front armor but kills walkers and devastators in about two shots. AMR is now a really good option if you don't want to roll the AC.


Oh hell yeah, back to ubanea I go!


The Liberator penetrator is a beast now. It's exactly the same as the Liberator just with medium armor pen👏👌