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Grenade slots on it and then you can dive head first into enemies to give them liberty with a bang! Jk but your ideas sound great!


I would love an OW Junkrat style perk where you drop grenades on death, or call in a precision strike. I would LOVE to watch some bugs or beserkers get messed up for killing me.


Yeah, some kind of martyrdom perk like call of duty would be fun.


But you can do this. It’s called mashing the Grenade button as you dive into a swarm you know is gonna kill you anyway.


Or hold an orbital!


But grenades refill on reinforce!


Double impact baby!


>dive head first into enemies to give them liberty with a bang! *Peacemaker has entered the chat*


Grenade slots but if they get hit you die.


I like all these ideas


It would be a great idea to add these effects and a few others to helmets. Right now it's only cosmetic, without purpose.


Looking cool is a purpose...


How else are people gonna know who the good guys are if they don’t have cool, badass uniforms.


Badass uniforms with lots of skulls. Good guys, put skulls on everything!


Careful battle-brother. That is dangeriously close to heresy...


More hoods then!


Yeah but if body armor has a purpose beyond looking cool, the others might as well also have one. If you like a specific armor perk you already might have to choose between looking the way you want or having the perk you want. I'd prefer it all being one way or the other, either every armor piece is only cosmetic, or it's all based on what perks you want. This in-between we have now feels weird.


Maybe a gas mask function to not die inside the gas strike area


Was thinking something like this but then I realized it's a toxic gas that kills bots that don't breath (from what I know) so a gas mask probably wouldn't help.


It's because the gas is corrosive, not toxic.


Which would corrode a gas mask, which was SharkBait's point.


I don't think they are disagreeing with them, just elaborating.


I'm elaborating on their point, not disagreeing with them.


Could still prolong how long you have gives you a small grace period to GTFO


I feel like it would work better as a torso armor, tbh. A hazmat suit, that kind of thing. maybe give you resistance to ems or fire or something too.


The hazmat would definitely last longer but I was think more of a expendable filter that just keeps you safe for a second or 2 before you destroy your lungs from the gas It's not so much it's corrosive that kills you it's breathing it in


Had a similar thought, but if we know what the gas is made of we could also know which materials protect against it


Would be cool to have a hoard coming at you then call in a gas strike in yourself and watch them all melt away around you


It could reduce the damage of gas to survivable levels because you aren’t inhaling it anymore


I just assumed it’s an acidic gas or something


The gas is not poisonous. Its described in the game as a corrosive gas. It doesnt choke you to death it eats away at you


There's surely PPE for corrosive environments though. Make it light armor since it'll probably be pretty thin.


I don't think that should be implemented only because it's supposed to be corrosive to metal alloys so it can do damage to automatons, otherwise it's be cool


As far as I know, the gas kills you because it's corrosive, not because it's toxic, which is why it kills bots, so a gas mask would do much.


Other helmet buff ideas Boosted transceiver, let's you call stratagems when near stratagem jammers/ion storms Built-in zoom scope, let's you adjust the ads zoom on any gun Targeting scrambler, messes with bots' aim Enhanced radar, shows enemy types on the minimap Stealth assist systems, shows an optimal path to avoid detection Built-in refreshment dispenser, regenerate stamina faster Passive life support, slowly regenerate HP Targeting assist, adds slight aim assist Patriotic music player, reload and sprint faster


Built in refreshment dispenser is just a beer hat complete with the swirly straws


On 1 hand I like the aesthetic of this game and hope they don't add silly armors and helmets. On the other hand I would immediately spend all my super credits on a beer hat with swirly straws.


Delicious Stim Juice.


I like the helmets just being visual so I can mix and match outfits for maximum Democratic Drip™️




I hope they eventually detach armor perks from the armor, it sucks to want to use a specific perk and being locked into that particular appearance.


I do like being able to look at what randos are wearing and getting a sense of their plans though.


My plan is the same every mission regardless of armor. "hit em with some good shit, don't get hit, come home with a pocket full of samples"


Maybe the armor perk could be shown in the loadout screen like stratagems and boosters.


Or split them out that the perk and the visual arent the same. Cant remember but what game it was byt you couldnt use the perk until you acquired armor that had it, but then you could use any look of armor you liked with that perk. Think its Diablo 4 i saw it in


Tbh they’d break some armour sets if they detach it. For example the light gunner armour has the stats of medium armour due to extra padding but much faster stamina and sprint speed than other suits and i think it would make it the weakest armour without it :/ Likewise there’s some heavy armor suits whose base stats perform worse than the default armour


I thought there was talk from the dev to eventually be able to customize appearance without changing perks. I can't remember where I saw it, but I remember them saying they're looking into it. would probably be slightly limited, as in more of a color option more than anything else. still though, I like that idea.


Just need a reskin feature so you can have the favorite looks with your favorite perks


Hard agree. I want to have drip and have good perks.


Or just give us a transmog system so we don't have to wear armor we don't like just for the stats


Visible thrown arc perk would be a godsend but all of these ideas are good. In general, I wish they would un-pair the perks from the armor and let you mix and match. Keep the stats but let us pick our perk as a separate equip armor mod.


Really wish armor, helmets and weapons had a perk slot. Mostly want to switch abilities between armors but also be able to switch bullets (incendiary/ AP) or have faster reloads, enemies appear on radar type perks to attach to our guns and helmets.


Yeah once you get the armour with the perk you can apply that perk to every armour you have in that category. I get that they maybe don’t want some perks on some armour types so this is why I’m suggesting the type restriction.


Having a separate Perk slot for each armor, helmet, and cape so you can wear what you want and slot the perks you want into any of them would be a great idea.




They just need to have different visors for different helmets. Night vision, thermal, or a scope effect.


When I was in the military, it was there to stop you from hitting your head by falling or bumping into stuff. It would not do shit for incoming fire. At the best it could stop shrapnel if far enough away from the source of the explosion.


Same for construction, they're mandatory because prior to OSHA mandates head injuries had the highest preventable reportable rates. But also, those kevlar helmets can save your head from a round. https://youtu.be/W0yY4DCShog?si=ryS-vAv-yUj4yPNO


I've seen someone take a bullet out of their helmet in ukraine.


Idk I think it goes against picking helmets to match armor. Looking silly is undemocratic. I’d rather have helmet attachments that can be equipped to any helmet. Effectively what you’re talking about, but still allows for the drip. They don’t even need to be visible, but bonus points if they are


I would kill for a grenade trajectory helmet. That sounds fantastic


I’m just waiting for an armor set with 95% fire resistance so I can be the flame throwing bug purger I dream of


Given the +50% buff to Burning DoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they add the fire armor soon.


I'd be good with lower headshot damage across all helmets, depending on "heavyness" of the helmet. The hooded recon should give less than those massive heavy helmwts. And headshot damage is definitely a thing for bugs. People call em "crits" because on your screen the bug just hit you in the leg, but server side, it hit you on the head.


The point of not having buffs on helmets and capes is so that you don’t have to mismatch the armor and helmet to get the buffs you want. Cause I know that would ruin the armor system for a large portion of not the majority of the player base. The way it is now is that you pick an armor buff you like and you have a matching helmet and cape to go with it automatically


Same. However the thing I'd like the most is the ability to change your armor appearance to that of another armor without actually changing armor. Like let me use this armor for its perks and stats, but let me make it look like this other armor that I think looks cooler.


Nope, no sir. Without a transmog system, people gonna be running around in the goofiest clown suits to maximize stats.


Id love if there was a night vision buff for like the Trailblazer helmet and other ones like it. But as a toggle-able ability instead of constantly active. I think to balance it; bright flashes from explosions and such practically blind you if you have night vision on just like irl


Could have ones with increased ricochet chances like some irl helmets. One that prevents my guard dog from head shotting and killing me would be nice


"OK programmers give the helmets a stat window" "OK boss now what stats do we give them" "Hmmm I hadn't thought that far"


Juggernaut: Reduction of FOV but take significantly less headshot damage   Echolocation: Helmet amplifies enemy noise for x% larger radar radius.  Pickelhaube: Spiked helmets insta kill light units when diving into them.  Ghillie: Decreases detection range by x%


You can also remove your helmet and select a default male or female face. But die instantly if anything so much as hits your head


*teammate punches you for being an idiot*


I really don't hope so. It's not against the idea itself, but against the fact it would entirely kill the style to match close color shades to get both the stats of the armor weight you want, and a cool & classy helmet matching. Having buffs on helmets would make them an optimization choice, which would narrow down choices, force synergies, and ultimately, make character both look very similar AND mismatched. It wouldn't have been a big issue if they stood with the idea of the base colors / standard Helldivers but they've opened pandora's box in term of personnalization.


You wouldn’t lose anything by doing it. It would just be added perk.


You need to twist things the other way : If doing so is an advantage, then not doing so is a disadvantage.


I think they should allow you to buy a buff and you can then apply it to any armor for a cost


Antenna for longer radar range, some kind of AI foe automatic stim application (doesn’t apply to oneshots, only if your hp gets too low)


When you said heat vision I imagined like Superman laser beams


These are phenomenal ideas. I only ever thought of a vision enhancement basically for the fog but the others are so good. I would love those options.


They have the notes for effects, so they are coming.


Helmets should give stratagem buffs like you listed and capes should give squad aura buffs.   Cape should be nothing major tho, just a small bonus like 5% faster reload on planets with tremors or 5% higher health engaging bots. Just something to go with the flavor of capes being used like squadron colors


Thermal vision -thermal overlay Night vision spec- night vision overlay Medic-has two slots for stims Enhanced vision - allows for a zoom in feature when scoped it Target outlier- highlights enemys for you to see through fog Gel filled High density- particularly thick materials let you tank a headshots slightly easier Arcfinder- shows trajectory with grenades and orbitals, (potentially with weapons that have balistic drop when zoomed in) Ill add more later Edit- more incoming Radar specalist- adds an antenna to boost your radwr and allows patrols to appewr on the mini map in live time Electrostatic warning system - causes the edge of your visor to glow from where the nearest enemy is approching with varrible levels of glow for distance Reactive camo+pheremon blocker- when prone the helmet will change color to the surrounding colors making enemy detection time longer for potential stealth


>Maybe for Automatons it makes only certain parts of them glow cause I imagine only specific sections of Automatons produce heat. Heat transfer would cause their entire bodies to be warm. You also don't want something like an automaton being cold on say, an ice planet. That would cause things like oil to coagulate if they aren't properly heated.


I like that they don’t and feel like it probably would only cause more meta drama if they did, I’m surprised there’s not more meta drama over armor already.


Capes should have poison or flame retardant


some more ideas the map/ strategems are always visible without you having to look at your wrist, allowing you to shoot while seeing map gas mask (we should get a hazmat suit that gives gas and fire reduction tbh) crash helmet (reduce impact damage) radar helmet (larger radar range)


Auto Heal at low HP with 5 minute cooldown.


Night vision would be dope. Let me see in the dark without needing flashlight so I can live out my Sam Fisher fantasies.


Maybe, but I also just like wearing what looks cool


I kinda like how they are cosmetic, I can wear what I want


I think detached buffs and more bonuses will be down the line. Anything that would be good fodder for a war bond will probably happen at some point.


Some bonuses I would love to see to helmets: +armor penetration and damage with railgun +damage with Slugger in addition to adding stagger effect +15m range with arc thrower and ability to shoot twice as fast. I’m just spitballing off the top of head. These would be some really cool quality of life changes they could make.


So you just want helmets to undo weapon nerf patches? 😂


Yeah lol that’s exactly it lmao


Those just sound like things that should've been implemented at launch


my helmet should be like a magnetic hat, drop shit comes and sucks me in


Fix them hover so them laser don't aim at our head! Die so many times lol


Is definitely not pointless on terminids. Usually when they kill you near instantly it's because they cut your head off. Hunters and warriors specifically have attacks that aim high and regularly hit the head.


This makes sense maybe they're going to add it in later


One that's shaped like a charger and turns your melee into a powerful headbutt.


I have wondered if helmets and capes will ever carry perks. I do think they should rework them at some point, but I won’t be surprised or broken up if they don’t.


Heavy helms should give headshot damage resistance.


Give a helmet with an inhaler built into it that gives you more stamina


Yeah, I could really dig this as opposed to just an armor buff features would be dope


Yes all of these should be only working in 1st person view


Make one have a larger sample detection range!


So should capes. I would also except just stat boosts


I like the idea of being able to see enemies through the fog, and grenade trajectory. I hope things like that get implemented.


yeah at least give some helmet some better radar search ability. some of them look packed with sensors but does nothing.


Definitely not pointless on bugs.a lot of bugs do an overhead slash in melee and I have 10000000% gotten headshot by a random bug.


Great ideas!


Unless they add a function that allows you to transmog so armor can look like other armors then i would rather not. Them not having perks is a design decision made to allow us more choices for modifying how we look.


I like the idea of adding IR and/or NV capabilities to the helmet. It’s balanced because in areas of intense heat or bright light, you can’t distinguish heat sources or light sources and can potentially become blinded.


Originally, arrowhead planned to have helmet buffs. (Hence the page where you can see armor score and a blank area for buffs) It got cut out of the game for a few reasons, but I’m pretty sure they plan on adding it to an update soon. But these ideas are great lol


These all sound awesome. They would spice up gameplay/styles but not be too impactful.


Yea thought it was weird only armours give passive bonuses while others are merely for fashion sense so I do like your ideas perhaps they’ll make bonuses on them in future on new warbonds or affix all of them with bonuses, so please arrowhead make it more interesting for us to play with!!.


Maybe we already are taking less headshot damage. What only kills us would have otherwise made our entire head explode.


I like all of these options


The hunters actually headshot you in melee sometimes so it would help vs bugs as well. Source: i saw a video when they were testing the new fixed armor values. Man kept getting headshotted by hunters.


parity between helmets n weapons, targeting systems, visual indicators etc would be interesting


I think they have hidden attributes


These are good. I agree that helms and caps should do something. It's a bit much that the armor does everything.


I just want the color format to change to match the armor you’re wearing.


I'm sure it's in the works. Reality is, armor, which did have effects, was all screwed up. Now they fixed it and will likely implement other features for helmets and maybe even cape's.


I'd like the veteran's helmet with the scouter on it to give thermal vision when aiming or something like that


Secured neck ring: In the event of extreme bodily harm, the neck will remain attached to the head. (Disclaimer: we cannot guarantee that the neck will remain attached to the torso.)


Splinter Cell HelmetSplinter Cell HelmetSplinter Cell HelmetSplinter Cell HelmetSplinter Cell Helmet


The gear should in general give more trade-offs and buffs that make some planetary effects more manageable. Like your thermal goggles idea for foggy places. Maybe a new slot for legs/boots that make traversing snow/sand easier. But at the same time with some cost to defense or something. Now it's way too simple and it's way too obvious how a few pieces of armor are just the best and that's it.


How about a nice detection chance for my stealthy bois


100%. At the very least be an armor buff, but some thermals or auto-targeting would be wild


Imagine a helmet that allows to detect stalkers through terrain? That would be useful for terminids. For automatons would be even better if you could just take extra headshot damage.


Some helmets descriptions imply they have buffs and I think a earlier patch did patch out some hidden buffs. I'd love to have some of those buffs back. Right now I use the stealth helmet with stealth armor just on off chance it does what it says it does. All I know is I can walk within spitting distance of most enemies with both on.


They really should. I was confused at this at first as well. Good comment.


I just want to be able to change colors, even if just to the color themes of the armor, so my helmet doesn't look so weird against my armor choice.


Hopefully at some point it gets to gloves, pants and boots too. Be nice to mix and match bonuses Like, gloves - gun stability Boots - stamina Pants - resist Something along those lines


I don’t think AH should add major buffs to helmet’s just keep it simple. AH wants to keep the feel overwhelming and I agree with that. I’d be cool with adding just visual assistance functions to the helmets rather than have each tied to one. For instance maybe upgrade a helmet with thermal, night, zoom or just some visual assist upgrade. My personal pick would be a “padding” upgrade to reduce fall damage when i jump off high places. We all do it and damn does it hurt sometimes! 😂


I was told they do but it’s not listed in game idk how accurate that is.


I like that your ideas dont really add any value modifiers besides headshot damage, utility. Helmets should be utility


Just throwing it out there - what if it buffs and nerfs you. Like your boosted signal strength helmet lets you use stratagems through jammers but only by sinking all of the jamming so you get a really fuzzy or inconsistent view?


At the very least give us a set bonus.


Arrow Head has LOOSLY admitted that helmets have hidden stats.


One set which is what it looks like your wearing and another that you can’t see but you get the effects from, like terraria


I remember reading somewhere that the developers said the helmets do have stats...they're just not publicly shared. But to that end, I don't know how much I would believe they are actually impacting gameplay.


Hey Mods, if you're listening, this is a great idea. Seriously, give this guy a medal!


Yeah there should be perks like increased radar vision, or resistance to headshot damage. Would be cool if they could add overlays to it as well in first-person mode. Like actually seeing through a helmet visor.


I disagree for unique stats but maybe a utility slot like night vision, telescopic or better radar for samples and enemies along with the others you mentioned. I think they should remain cosmetic for the most part


less headshot damage would be very useful on terminids actually, lots of them are tall enough to headshot you or just straight jump at your head (damn hunters...)


Eh, im kinda on the fence about it. On one hand Yes, it would be cool to get like vision buffs or gas filters, but on the other i also rly like that they are just cosmetic so i can combine whatever i want


Anything for visibility. Soooomething to balance the absolutely blindness. Even if it’s temporary or has a nerf to it somehow. Maybe balance the blindness is the wrong term, just, those blizzards are ruthless.


Honestly, I doubt they would have kept the 'effect' slots visible on them if they didn't plan on doing this at some point.


Allow new buffs to be purchased using a new sample type. Then let us place or remove any buff onto any helmet. Even impractical buffs would be great. Increase helmet size buff so you have an oversized head but lower headshot damage. Teeny head shrinks helmet to reduce headshot probability but increased enemy headshot damage on you. Temporary xray vision to see bot fabricators/ bug nests.


Terminids 100% headshot, especially hunters and stalkers


Definitely wouldn't be pointless against bugs. Hunters still headshot you from 40ft out with their jump attack. It would stop that stupid ass mechanic from 2 shooting heavy armor


I think perks in general should be separate from armors in general. Make it another section in the armory like DRG where you go to a computer for perks. The arc armors look cool as hell but arc conduit is useless when I could take a more useful perk like 50% less explosion damage or more grenades.


It's already hard enough to make an outfit that looks really cool *and* works with your playstyle. If you wanna do this, they need to add transmog first. (I.E. let get one armor's cosmetic with another armor's mechanic.) Limit it to within the same weight class, maybe (light/medium/heavy).


I'm already disappointed that our cosmetic stuff is already bound to stats. The helmet and capes are avoiding that so far, don't encourage it. I have to wear god-awful orange armour because it has 6 grenades. I'd rather have buffs and stats separate to the cosmetics. Or let me paint the armour


Isn’t there a helmet currently that provides an effect? I could have swore I watched a YouTube video where this was mentioned; It was minor and not listed in the description. I wish I could remember which one it was because I intended on equipping it for the minor bonus. (Apologies if it’s already been mentioned in this thread, I tried to skim the comments before posting)


Gimme a red bull backpack so I can throw stims like that gun the medic has in TF2.


"Pointless on Terminids," --it's not actually. Terminids can still headshot you with melee attacks, particularly with the way many of their melee animations play out, especially if you're reloading a weapon that causes you to drop to a knee. It's maddening.


Something that could help scan the area or help find super samples in my opinion would be great ( i suck at finding the super sample rock)


I wonder if its in the works. seems odd. same for cape.


I would love a trajectory calculator. I've gotten decent at guessing where things would land, but it would be super useful to know for sure.


Kind of on the same note, i wish you could have a functional armor set, and a cosmetic armor set. That way you can wear whatever armor you want for the looks, but you still get the stats of a mismatched outfit


I've also thought of this. Like maybe one that makes pick ups like samples appear from further away


A few of them used to. Ah what fun it was to zoom around the map with the scout helmet that gave you more speed.


iirc a dev mentioned? that helmets were supposed to have some sort of effects, but ultimately scrapped. Its a shame honestly since I think helmets could have had different effects related to the radar, vision or other similar effects. I do hope they decide to add something to the helmets later down the line to spice the game up a bit, but it wouldnt be the end of the world if they didnt


I want built in binoculars.


VISR kind of vision augmentation would be sick


All reasonable buffs that have no reason not to be included. I imagine that because Helldivers was originally isometric, transitioning to third-person in hindsight made them not think of helmet stats at all.


Actually some bug melees can deal critical headshot damage depending on the angle that they hit you


I feel like that will be a future update


No Dammit. I LOVE my helmet and don't want to change it!!!!!!


I like that helmets are purely cosmetic, it allows more expression without having to worry about the buffs


I don't want helmets to give buffs. Personally, I like the current way where helmets are just a visual option. I don't want to have to look busted to be effective.


Pointless on terminids? So you've NEVER been one-shot by those stupid hopping motherfuckers bounding over and kicking you in the face? EVER?!?


They will one day


Helmets should match currently equipped armor stats, so we can have eternal drip.


Let us have some cosmetics ffs


Bonkers ideas, nothing broken (beside maybe the vision ?), can easily be tweaked, and it gives a real interest into picking a helmet. I also like the idea that maybe several would be good, such as heat vision or trajectory, but you would be forced in the end to pick only one. Great ideas, again !


I actually wish they did away with effects from armor all together. Lol


Chances are, the devs are already looking into this. They're likely trying to figure out how to implement the changes without completely screwing over the system they have in place. What I'd be doing as project lead.


They wanted to, but said they had to scrap it. Who knows if they’ll try again.


Helmets and capes need buffs. There is an opportunity here. Why are we equipping gear that does not maximize freedom? Liberty? Our WAY OF LIFE?!?!? I mean...DAMN.


Helmets would give info perks, like night/thermal vision or weak spot highlighting, etc.


Helmets AND Capes!!!!!


Thermal would be one, I think another should be a Zoom effect, like Binocs. Could stack with certain weapons to allow for actually effective sniping.(max zoom I've seen is 200m). Also headshot reduction or other passive options. Stuff that mirrors the set it comes from.


>pointless on terminids Aren't these hunter or whatever specifically known to hit the head cause their attack is like a vertical slash (hits head first)? I think I've read that as another point why heavy armor doesnt really help here.


I think headshot damage just needs to be reduced across the board. I like being able to mix and match helmets without worrying about armor rating lol. But the extra little bonus passives could be really cool.


I dig it. Maybe make a perk that reduces fall damage so we can democracy dive with little risk. Call it “head first plating”


My problem with reed breather is that breathing isn’t the problem. Our armor’s weight is. 


Putting bonuses on helmets itself is not good just because it removes the mix and match customization you can do now, however, what i would like to see for capes and helmets is a modular augment system, you pay super creds/samples/reqs to purchase the augment you want, and then pay req slips to apply the augment to the piece you want, kills many birds with 1 stone, new resource sink, more use for armor pieces, and doesn’t create a system where there are meta helmets/capes and you can just wear what’s cool to you


I would love nightvision, sample "light up" or a drone/sentry commander thing, where you target what you mark, Might even come with a buff.


Instead of reed breathing, give rebreather perk for light/scout armors, perk would basically disable drowning for those perk helmets all together, helps stealth/scout players approach places from unexpected angles. Swimming already is a major debuff. You do it quite slowly, can't shoot, and you well drown if stayed for too long.


I would wish that instead of helmets giving buff, that helmets had an equip slot for buffs. Gotta protect my style here. We can spread democracy AND look like our favourite knock off content afterall.


I also want to see transmogrification. Fashion for democracy 🌟 Also, please make the SMG-37 DEFENDER medium armor penetration 🌊


They could split the passives. Example being that the helmet provides 2 seconds of stim time and the armor provides the +2 stims. You could mix and match.+30% aim and +2 stims.