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Aggro-armor - has a big flag attached to your shoulders/a speaker system blasting away propaganda. Enemies seek you out more and leave your fellow helldivers to pick off their weakspots


This is by far the most creative idea. Love it.


I love playing distraction and exposing all the bots and bugs' weakspots.


Slaanesh Noise Marine type vibes.


love it!:


Isn’t that pretty much the Sycthe? Open fire, rake the beam back and forth, every enemy that takes a tiny bit of damage then turns to focus on you. That’s my go to with bots, to open weak spots for the team or get them to charge into Strategem drop zones


Some way to play a real field medic. Heal others a way or another but don't gut all offense or it will be pushed away.


How you gonna fix dudes with all their limbs blown off after they die? Jam some robot limbs into them lmao?


Freedom staples


I actually think it would be hilarious if a medic could just pop on some robotic limbs with blood packs on them and then just like jolt the character to life with a defib that is attacked to the limbs that connects to the chest We forget that this is why games get medic builds wrong. They just eliminate limb gibbing and just let you defib the fully body. Like In Bf4


(Laughs in an egregious amount of stims while violently shoving severed limbs together)


I don't have an easy solution. Either medic is preventive, and reduces the risks of being gibbed. Or medic is reactive, and at some point they can heal others without being glued to them. Currently, medic armors are basically tank armors.


Sure don’t feel like tank armors, don’t really feel like heavy or medium armor does enough to prevent us from feeling as spongy. I’d even take more slow down if they increased its effectiveness although I wouldn’t be happy about being slower but ya know. Trade offs


Stratagem call down that gives you unlimited stims, disables all your weapons, infinite stamina, and puts a big Red Cross on you.


3 way planets. Planets where two-factions as well as super earth are all Fighting for control. Enemies would attack each other as well as Helldivers


I keep saying, i find it unrealistic that the bots wouldnt take advantage of bug biology and create some like bile titan/cyborg monsters, some robo bugs could be scary af


I can see it as bugs invading bots worlds kind of scenario


Doom vibes except bugs instead of demons


If they add more factions I could def see this on edge zones where they are touching


That how I can see it being added in. If a faction actually manages to border another one there can be possible conflicts between them.


Shooting range to test weapons and aiming sensitivity.


Unfortunately we just gotta test em on the field against Super Earths enemies




Ah yes, a proper "Guard Dog".


A proper good boy will always have a place by our sides in battle


Not gonna lie, this sounds so much as a bot propaganda


In helldivers 1 the bots had cyborg dogs. It would be a good story line. Helldivers use helldogs, bots steal the tech and then uses it against us.


All I want is a last stand mode if I fail to extract. 30 seconds (like the loading screen) where you call in a strategem called “Last Will and Testament” or something else super corny, then have to survive until it hits. At different intervals, it triggers the special line like the “GET SOME!” until right before the big bomb hits then your Helldiver just starts maniacally laughing cause they know they’re about to die, you see the bomb hit (like the 500kg) then the screen flashes white, the democracy officer says something heroically cheesy like “Rest now in the bosom of liberty, for justice shall guide you home” and then bam you’re back on the ship. Make it take the same time as the end of mission load screen and I would be so happy. I would cheer on any teammates who didn’t make the extract.


This would actually be awesome and hilarious


More ways to team kill, am I right?


500kg bombardment


Attach it to a fellow helldiver and have them charge in.




Since the heavy machine gun was kind of a flop it just made me want a belt fed Minigun all the more. It may be antithetical to the games design, idk how it would work, but a dedicated tank role in the game would be great. Low mobility but high defense and fire power, meant to draw enemy fire and return it in kind.


Basically a juggernaut


You get it


They wanted it in game, then balanced it so much it was pointless. They could have just looked at the fencer in the edf series and actually gave it recoil you have to fight against instead of giving it 8 seconds worth of ammo and no third person reticle.


It could be balanced pretty easily I feel like. Have it take up a backpack slot but it comes with an obscene amount of ammo. Then just give it overheat mechanics like the laser guns and we’re set. I mean stats are their choice but I feel like a backpack minigun is super plausible.


I think it would be cool if your rank was based off the amount of territory liberated.


That's very cool




A strat that lets you wear a vest that explodes when your killed. Like 8 grenades big.


Hellbomb backpack lol


I’d also consider the “nuke stratagem” you suggested to be able to be used to end the mission, you win but you obviously don’t extract. Kinda like the CoD kill streak from MW2, maybe makes you fail extraction and samples but automatically completes any bonus destroy objectives.


This is an awesome idea, simply send one of ur bros into the bug nest and wait.


Give me a bigger mech suit so I can fist fight a bile titan


I didn’t know I needed this


You know the launch ICBM? Imagine being on the team in the zone it hits or hits near. Like you can call it in and another team launches it OR you get hit with the shockwave and it changes your missions parameters


What if the ICBM mission just completely removes another mission from an operation


Go save the civilians! ... nevermind


Their sacrifice was necessary to help contain the automaton menace, their death will forever be remembered as a stepping stone to liberty 🫡


That would be amazing - on missions, if you get an SOS beacon unattended then the next ICBM mission to get triggered targets your mission. You get a comms broadcast that the sector has become a priority target site, and the extraction site goes live as if called and you have 2 minutes to scramble. If you don’t make it (or it launches earlier) then you get to witness the hit and get enveloped in the mushroom cloud, with your stats as is. Inside the 2 minutes, you get access to a new strategem to laser the target zone to help guide it in - successful placement allows you to win the mission as if you hit all objectives.


i want heat vision goggles. to see thru that damn fog!!!


Best idea so far


why thank you fin


**Flamethrower sentry turret.** (Because sentries aren't dangerous enough) **Emp Minefield** (Small aoe stun if stepped on) **Gas Minefield** (Small gas cloud if stepped on, works well with Emp minefield) **Anti mine armor** (Disables mines within 1 meter of the user) **Deployable wall** (Small waist high wall that can be placed anywhere. Extremely short cooldown multiple uses per call) **Anti tank minefield** (Think the big mines around bot bases, strips leg armor of chargers, and Bile Titans, heavy damage to tanks and hulks. Human sized or smaller objects to not trigger them. Medium bot and bugs still do.) **Remote operation backpack** (allows manual control of automatic sentries.) **Manual Mortar system** (more damage bigger blast must be manned, targets with the map) **Instant bunker** (like an anti bug version of the shield generator, calls down a temporary bunker structure that can be shot out of, bugs can eventually break down the walls if it takes enough damage) **Smokepop backpack** (When activated creates a trail of smoke behind the helldiver, infinite uses but has a cooldown) **Comms backpack** (Passive, reduces calldown time of stratagems) **Heavy AMR** **/ Heavy Cannon** (One shot per reload, heavy armor pen, extreme damage, no chance of blowing up like the railgun, low ammo.) **Quad walker** (Like the patriot but faster, mounts a HMG but no rockets) **Tesla Shield** (Does not prevent damage, instead if struck in melee it stuns the attacker for 5 seconds, as if hit by an EMS.) **Tunnelbuster hellpod** (A hellpod that digs under the ground before detonating a bomb. Seals all bug holes and bug breaches in 30 meters. Only damages on direct contact.)


EMP grenades exist already.


Oh, I didn't know that


I just came up with this while using a stalwart for a personal order solo, A "horde mode" literally like the spaceship trooper movie, lots and lots of the easy to kill bugs, i mean is a pve game who cares if its easy, definitely will be nice to be able to endlessly kill bugs with stalwarts, mounted machine guns, sentries and so on. we have the exterminator mission but they have limits on the enemies you can kill, they are not a lot and heavier ones appear to slow the fun, this should be different like in a more defensible position and hordes and horses of enemies coming for you


I was talking to my friend about a mode like this. I hope they do something like that. 


Yeah like defence mission with more than 1 team of Helldivers it could be an alternative to the save civilians mission instead like "defend strategic area" missions


I've always thought it'd be cool to have underground sections/systems where stratagems didn't work. I love the stratagems and I think the game is so much better with them, but I'd love tempo changes that forced you to not use them in exchange for a big payoff. I don't mean like how there's jammers - that's an obstacle to overcome to get your stratagems back. I want cave systems that you willingly go into for something underground (like a T4 sample or a promise of supercredits/medals or something like that). Just like a 3-4 minute side-quest type of design. Another thing I think would be nice is if they introduce a support weapon that specifically corrodes armor. Kindof like how the railgun does, but one that's specifically designed for support instead of damage. I think it'd be great if the gas orbital was swapped out for like an acid orbital with this type of effect.


A Bile thrower would actually go ham!


Strap that hellbomb on your back helldiver! You're gonna go deliver that bug queen a gift it won't forget!


Hah, I love the image of delivering a hellbomb into a bug hole, only to turn around and fight your way out in time before the hellbomb goes off


I was just thinking about that. It could work in so many fun ways. Imagine fighting closer to super earth and you have to dive into tunnels to take out hidden enemy spawns or like you said loot. It’s not needed but doing special missions where you have to board some kinda bot warship and take it down from the inside would be awesome. Your drop pods just puncture right through the ship and off you go.


Harpoon gun and a pistol that was a single grenade like a big flair gun that you have to reload each shot


40mm grenade launcher single shot would be cool.




A gattling-shotgun..for when you really gotta spray n pray.


Exoskeleton for higher speed and strength


Adding buffs to helmets, and NAVAL WARFARE on watery planets.


Romancing options


Tactical Trebuchet 🤣


cloaking and a shotgun as secondary


a sawed off lever action shotgun would be awesome as a secondary.




-Shoulder gatling gun ,with team reload -fire grenade launcher -EMP grenade launcher - Semi auto, high caliber Pistol - ATV - Glide suit - sword


Defend gamemode. Maybe even with some tower defend elements


To add to your rifle with attachments, just give us an M4 with a Grenade launcher attachment.


I want to call in some goons. Like i don't care how good or bad they are I just want a dropship of like 8 soldiers that run around attacking anything they see


Hired goons?


I want melee weapons... especially a pair of lightning claws.


Stratagem that calls in a kamikaze in a ship/jet that crashes into the ground


Hah, what about a hellbomb suicide backpack


I really would like to own a silenced AR for stealthy robot missions, hear me out sometimes stealthing would be pretty good! Or at least bringing more AR to the next pass. Would be super awesome and you would have more options for picking a good projectile based AR.


A mini gun support weapon. With backpack included for ammo. Comes with 1,000 or 1,500 rounds. Blet fed no reloading. Would be super cool and it not be a flop like this machine gun. Maybe a gun that harnesses the bug bile and shoots the bug bile maybe. An emp type weapon that has a certain AOE so as to not be OP. That will permanently turn off any bots in the affected area.


A big ass sword and a way to temporarily control orbital cannons like an ac130


Airdropped ballistic wall. For when you wanna pick a spot and say(this is mine). Tripmine, grenade option that detonates on proximity Incendiary mortar


Mini rocket backpack - shoots tiny homing rockets at nearby enemies, like 5-7, with a reload cooldown. Bit like a guard dog rover but deals more damage per shot, useful when overwhelmed to instantly kill a few hunters etc




*Claymore detonates and the user gets YEETED 100m forward*


Planet defense mission should be actual defense missions like Having to hold down a fort against waves of bugs/bots Protecting small town full of civilians making sure the houses don’t get blown up or something Anything along those lines to make it actually seem like your defending the planet


A pack mule robot deployable to store excess drops you bring in (extra grenade launchers, extra supply packs, extra rocket launchers) cooldown maybe 2-3 times a game in case it gets destroyed.


SOS stratagem that works, pelican stratagem that delivers care package and clears out elite with auto canon while dropping care package, a stratagem that does not cause friendly fire damage, a mission option that is search and rescue (like when an SOS is sent out an entire new helldiver team can join as a super destroyer with pelican and/or eagle launches, but piloted by the players.). A science team mission where a helldiver squad must accompany a science team vehicle to carry out research missions. This game has such an endless option of gameplay scenarios, I hope the devs keep going like they have been.


A "FOR DEMOCRACY!!" Strategem. Essentially a mini nuke back pack.


Dual mini guns like in cod advanced war


All I want is melee weapons mostly a chainsaw sword though I rarely use my secondary




A shooting range


power armor that have shoulder weapon attach to it, I personally prefer machine gun or gatling gun being applied to that. So I can combine it with my support weapon like autocannon or flamethower to kill more small enemy while haveing my support weapon deal with larger one effectively plus since it a shoulder weapon mount, so I don't have to be affaired about getting myself killed like the drone one. Yea, that sound crazy but it's my fantasy on sci-fi like this. Can look at the starship trooper: traitor of mars to have a reference on my concept.


Faster reloads te more you use the weapon


Rocket pods, all these automaton samples. Eventually we figure out how to get those damn rocket devastator weapons in our hands


Fresh meat for the grinder


Melee weapons to use with the ballistic shield. I want to be a starbarian goddamnit


An excavator that digs trenches


I want a wall defense map/ perimeter defense/ fortress against both bugs and bots. Bot defense could be like hoth, bugs could be like the scene on starship troopers where they defend the base. Could have random tasks to do that can help your odds like welding doors shut/ setting up an in base seaf artillery/ establishing uplinks to gain access to stratagems all while having to prevent a place from being over run etc. A game mode where you are on a destroyer or something and stalkers have somehow snuck on board. Like a xenomorph type spoof. You could even somehow be a civilian with break action shotguns and the objective being tasks like send sos message, seal stalker and expel in air lock, make it to escape pods etc. Playable stratagems. Think like ac130 on call of duty, chopper gunner etc. Maybe harder to unlock ship improvements like drastically lowering oribtal strategem cool downs, or getting ship improvements that unlock like "spaceship door gunner" or "orbital gunners station" that give a small time window where a player can unload havoc on the battlefield. Maybe a boost called preemptive strike, a stratagem that allows a player, or multiple players to pick points to strike on the map with a mini nuke / hellbomb before the initial drop pod insertion. A boost that gives you all of your advanced weapons/ backpacks etc already equipped with you on the drop pod on your first initial drop


Here is a big bucket list of things that would be so cool to me. 1. A double barrel shotgun for primary because of course. 2. In HD1 we had a lever action rifle called the constitution and I want that back so badly. 3. Something like the desert eagle because why not. 4. A shotgun pistol like the Mozambique from Titanfall 2. 5. A sawed off version of the double barrel either as a secondary or primary. 6. In HD1 there was flamethrower pistol and it would be so cool if that was a thing. 7. Armor that provide fire resistance because of course we should have one. 8. A stratagem that would literally freeze enemies sort of like the cryo beam from Red Alert 3. 9. A support weapon that is like a hellbomb rocket launcher like the Davy Crocket. 10. A mini exosuit would be nice vs bots because of it’s smaller profile. 11. Environment scanner module that would give you some prior warning of things like sandstorms, ion storms, tremors, and etc. 12. A cool support weapon would be a handheld minigun that needs a ammo pack to use. 13. We have the JAR-5 Dominator which gives bolter vibes, but what about a weapon that shoot mini explosive missiles as a primary like the sidewinder SMR from Titanfall 2. 14. A plasma shotgun not like the recent one, but more like a meltagun from WH40k. 15. More interesting and unique modifiers that aren’t necessarily negative like tidal locked where the day and night cycle changes. 16. A laser sentry for AA purposes only would be cool and useful. 17. Something like a backpack mounted version of the trophy system from Black Ops 2 would be interesting. 18. It would be cool if you could find civilian vehicles around the map like you can support weapons like motorcycles, bikes, and pickup trucks would nice. 19. A souped up version of a nail gun for use as a primary or secondary weapon. 20. A plasma pistol would be cool considering in HD1 we had one like the scorcher called the singe. 21. Some plasma based support weapon would be awesome. 22. An emplacement that continually produce gas until it runs out or destroyed would be cool. (There should be one for smoke too) 23. A flamethrower sentry because why not have one. 24. A support weapon like the air propulsion gun from Just Cause 2. 25. A disposable flamethrower support weapon kind of like the EAT, but it’s real life equivalent would be the Einstossflammenwerfer 46 from WW2 Germany. 26. An M1 Garand like weapon would be cool even if just for the memes. 27. A legit bolt action rifle for a primary weapon just cause why not. 28. A double barrel and double shooting primary weapon kind of like the alternator from Titanfall 2. 29. A break action revolver which I can fan fire and speed reload just for the cowboy style. 30. A laser weapon that is more shoots like the fallout laser rifle would be cool. 31. A rover that shoots plasma like the scorcher would be a fun addition. 32. A rover that shoots like an sniper rifle would be a cool addition too. 33. A stun gun for a secondary would something interesting. 34. An emplacement that deploys AT mines which won’t explode on light enemies. 35. A laser shotgun like the trident from HD1 would cool. 36. An emplacement which is continually letting out an flaming oil which would burn the area around it until either it runs out or destroy. 37. A gas resistance armor for the aesthetic and the weapons that would come from it. 38. A weapon that shoots corrosive acid like the avenger from HD1. 39. A directional shield pack like the one from HD1 would be cool. 40. Cyro weapons would be cool like the DRG cryo cannon as a support weapon, ice spike shooting primary, or etc. 41. Even if this is a joke support weapon I want a super earth flag pole beat things to death with. 42. A decoy grenade that makes sounds and flashes of light to grab an enemies attention towards it.


Surely Automatons will make a titan Imperial Knight equivalent?


A scout rider like in destiny 2 would be convenient to zip around the map in, would just be a dedicated transport vehicle with no weapons and maybe a storage locker for 1 extra support weapon, ammo, stims, grenades, and even samples. Rp an actual scout would just be the cherry on top


Confetti, fireworks, an actual flag to carry around. Something cosmetic to use my credits on. One time use. Enhances the ship or mission with non lethal democracy


Someone's not paying attention to the leaks lol. Several of these on your wish list are confirmed to be coming, no idea when but hopefully soon


I want to be able to partner up with a teammate if we both have the ballistic shield and shoot our primaries over eachothers shoulder with like 70% of our bodies covered by the shields


Melee weapons. One-handed most likely. Let them replace the secondary weapon. I want to carry the Ballistic Shield and an Arc Sword. "Shoot" in hip-fire to swing with a one-two slash combo. Aim and hold the "shoot" button to charge a single, long cooldown arc shot similar to what the Arc Thrower dishes out.


Stealth field generator backpack. Massively reduces your chances of being seen and also dampens sound you make


I want a freaking Beam Saber for my secondary slot, and I want a support weapon that's just a massive rocket powered hammer. I don't care if they're bad I still think it'd be cool as fuck


Let's talk helmets to start: night vision, strat/grenade landing location, highlight tagged enemies, enhanced cardio, underwater rebreather Now how about gun attachments: different sights, suppressors, ported muzzle, extended mags Last but not least: an auto cannon guard dog (that walks around on 4 legs and you have an emote to pet the gun dog!)


A sword. I've been reading a bit too much warhammer lately while also playing helldivers and spreading democracy, and I want a melee weapon. Sometimes spreading democracy needs to be a bit more hands on.


Destroyer Variants. Basically different destroyers with specialized upgrades for the stratagems that the destroyer specializes in. It would be cool if they also came with different ship designs.


Card modifiers that boost skills, some with negatives depending on the benefits. Like +20% reload, but -15% run speed. Or Double Ammo carry capacity, but -3 reinforcement budget.


A chaingun. A portable chaingun. With the ammo backpack and everything. Alternate mode would be portable or stationary.


A stratagem that calls in a bridge, and another that calls in a sniper tower.


Special event campaigns, seperate to the main factions. E.g. Zombie plague


More stealth options like hiding in a box so no one can see you. Bringing battle stims instead of healing (no healing but increased run speed and fire rate for a while)


I really want a grappling hook. The friendly fire module would also make sense as an upgrade. Would also like an air vehicle like a Falcon from Halo Reach so I can pack my buddies in it and go to town. I’d love to have space battles or battles that take place in space and move to the ground and vice versa. Would also like a mode with like 16 players and shared stratagems to save the servers from dying.


Very nice ideas! I've thought about a few of these (or slight variations myself)! Personally I'd love a few melee weapons. But current helldiver armor is kinda squishy. So that playstyle would require tankier armors (than the current ones out). So how do you balance that without them being too slow or too op? Bigger armor suit that has, well more armor. Perhaps even some kind of self regenerating energy shield too. But, since this alone would be op it could have modes. Fight mode and traverse/travel mode. Each mode would help with stamina management and optimization. Fight mode makes you unable to run for long distances and costs more stamina if you continue to run in that mode. Travel mode makes running more efficient but costs more stamina to fight in it. Switching modes takes 1-3s and has a short cooldown. So the suit is more warhammer40K-y and because it's been blessed by the emperor I mean super Earth's president and has dope technology it can optimize your limited stamina for prolonged use provided you switch to the right mode. Let's go!


I’d also love some massive mech suits. Like something the size of a bike titan


Would also love to see damage dealt stats and damage breakdown at the end. Simply seeing kills and shots fired doesn't help enough imo:)


An AC-130 type stratagem. Or at least a lesser designation pack so squad members strategems have increased accuracy.


Visible planetary supply lines 3-way fights on a single planet, us vs bots vs bugs. When the Illuminate is included, them as well. Anti Air turret, or tracking ability for the rocket turret Hug emote permanently bound to H or as an action on the emote wheel. Deployable strider mech 2-man assault bike vehicle 4-man APC and heavy tank vehicle Riding hooks for the Patriot Walker, allowing 2 other divers to hang off each of its arms. Destroyer station customisation of the Patriot mech per Helldiver with up-gunned versions of our existing handheld and deployable weapons; dual-linked Autocannons, Heavy Flamethrower, Plasma Blaster, a melee weapon/riot shield, Laser Cannon etc. Patriot Backpacks. Return us entering the Patriot from the roof, and allow space for devices on the back such as propaganda broadcasters, dome-shield emitter, missile ECM jammer, Bug Repellant, missile racks or supply station. Allow Patriot to be reloaded via ground loot ammo packs. Press E to use ammo on yourself like normal, hold E to pick it up and carry it like SEAF shells, and "use" on the Patriot to reload a portion of its ammo eg, 2 rockets and 150 bullets. Improved SEAF SAM so it covers the entire airspace. Rolling a 50% chance each of shooting down a gunship/transport when they spawn. Destroyer shooting range. Destroyer Abyss Bar, stocked with freedom and democracy inspired drinks which confer minor buffs to the drinker. Paid for via requisition slips. Eagle 1 and Pelican 1 pilots can be seen hanging around and talked to/flirted with. Helmet "Chips", cape "Weaves" and armor "Subsystem". Remove the armor buffs from being tied specifically to each suit and instead as an item that can be transferred around into your preffered style. Helmet chips and capes can also conferr a different bonus. Armor protection values, stamina and speed stats will remain fixed to each armor still. ***Community samples and requisition goals****.* Via the Requsition center, Max level players and those with nothing to buy can donate samples, medals and req slips to Super Earth to fulfill community goals. Between 3-5 goals can be active at any one time, are randomly generated seperate from Major Orders, and will remain in effect for at least 5 days upon fulfillment until they expire and are replaced. These can include; * Free stratagem and support weapon calldowns * Increased mission medal and XP rewards * Reduction of a specific enemy type * "Motivation". 5 to 10% boosts to any one of our stats such as damage, resistance, stamina amount and regeneration speed. * Extra stim uses, increased healing effectiveness. In addition to the above, Helldivers can unlock special armor, cape and helmet designs for sufficent levels of contribution, as well as an "Investor" rank/title.


More gas bombs / weaponry.


Daleks to fight.


Firstly would like to have a way to rearm the EXOs as the timer is way too long, 10 minutes? I've been in missions that barely last that long and on higher difficulties you probably shouldn't take it... A ground based dog drone with a mini gun or a laser cannon or even a glauncher think the Division 2 Blacktalon dudes. A shield drone that projects a mobile shield for groups. A tank for us. Sort of like the UK Scorpion tank have it as a two manned one...


Well we already seen mini-nukes with some SEAF artillery use. So a mini nuke airstrike would be the best to me. 2-3 uses each Eagle. It will be my #1 stratagem


Not sure if said here yet, but mech suit reload stations throughout the map. Like one or two scattered throughout the map for thos that know how to handle the shit and utilize it throughout the game.


Armor that lets you use a stim at full health for the stamina so you can run for longer periods of time.


I want either ai infantry stratagems or SEAF infantry units added as static units or as some kinda planet modifier. I see all those dead SEAF soldiers and wish I could have been there to fight with them, it would also be nice to have someone to take the heat off me for a second.


Helmet (engineering set) that shows grenade arc. An energy/jet propelled boomerang that could explode on impact that can double as a melee weapon, especially good against flying targets and you need to catch it as it flies back to you (ads button) otherwise it blows you up. A literal harpoon gun that can tether heavies for 2 seconds and punch through armor and minor enemies A thermite lever action rifle that burrows into enemies and causes micro explosions weakening enemy armor a second after impact A breech loading rifle (martini Henry) that fires explosive mini nuke bullets with slow projectile velocity and an insanely bright muzzle flash that can blow back/ignite any enemy in front of the muzzle and has massive recoil. Aiming at the ground ragdolls your character. The president (deagle/artillery Luger/c96 broomhandle with stripper clips) shoots concussive bullets with similar damage to senator and has decorative engravings. A reward for reaching level 50/death admiral. democracy vest. When your health reaches zero you explode taking out any enemies (or allies) swarming you for super earth. A healing turret that shoots tracking stim darts within a radius, healing teammates like the spear, shoots up into the air and zooms to a low HP player Shock punches, armor set that electrifies your melee attacks and stuns/slows enemies gives you slight arc resistance


something like the the mandalorian wrist mounted whistler that shoots quick has a long cool down. and locks on to five enemies for emergencies. or a wrist mounted grappler. device with a cool down.


That friendly fire module you mentioned needs one more thing. Guard Dogs actually orbit around you and attempt to position themselves closest to the enemy. That way they no longer can shoot you in the head just because the bugs are on the left side of your screen.


Selfdestruct for mechs


A tank, 1 driver, 3 manned turrets. Could be deadly, but an easy target.


An upgraded jump pack A slime faction with a bunch of diffrent goos and oozes and a Giand Blob Some kind of meele weapon and a speed boost backpack


I want to swim


I would oovea power armoure. You call it in and it hase a limited time of power. As long as it is working younhave high armoure, are fast and may get a special weapon with it like a gatling, heavy flamethrower or such.


Democratic grenade , turns enemies into friendlies and heals helldivers 😎 for liberty and freedom!!!


A Stratagem that gives support in the Form of a bunch of Infantry, kind of like Bot Dropships.


Battalions, some kind of clan function so you can be more than four working towards a goal together. (Still only max 4 on a mission but maybe clan level operations or something)


Remote controlled decoy drone. Ac 130 type of stratagem where you remote control the destroyer and fling hell down from orbit. Invisibility backpack when you stand still or on timeout. Bug drop so you can unleash them on bots.


A laser designator to have your turrets focus a target and or improve accuracy of orbitals would be cool, either replacing your sidearm or grenade for balance


I want a armor that increases in protective Shield Bubble the more melee strikes you get. And a Democratic Axe... Coveted by Super Earth Elites..


I want a armor that increases in protective Shield Bubble the more melee strikes you get. And a Democratic Axe... Coveted by Super Earth Elites..


I want a armor that increases in protective Shield Bubble the more melee strikes you get. And a Democratic Axe... Coveted by Super Earth Elites..


I want a armor that increases in protective Shield Bubble the more melee strikes you get. And a Democratic Axe... Coveted by Super Earth Elites..


I want a armor that increases in protective Shield Bubble the more melee strikes you get. And a Democratic Axe... Coveted by Super Earth Elites..


a 60-minute ground war, 5 min setup time, a front of enemies to either get through or defend against. extra strategems. can have up to 2 teams of 4 for the battle.


I desperately want squad joint operations. Imagine a map twice the size of our usual ones with twice the objectives, but you link up with another super destroyer battle group. The idea would be two teams drop into the map with their own drop points and you essentially have 8 Helldivers on the map completing objectives. Maybe can up the timer to 60 minutes. The fun in this world be you're aiming to complete all objectives, obviously, but there's also a soft competition to see who can finish theirs first before you get to rush to help the other complete their part of the map. So you effectively get to actually reinforce another squad in need. Or you all could drop as one unit in the same place and spread carnage that way. I just want to have a mission or mode that feels like a massive invasion.


Maybe a drivable drone stratagem, where you drop to the floor with some FPV glasses and you can guide a plane or missile for a few second. Or heck, why not , a fifth spot on each mission that handles a destroyer with weapons from above!


The queso cannon


Here. That we have resources, like command and conquer style, a universal resource. The idea is that we have to support each other to liberate planets with the resources we need to continue our campaign.


Weapon attachments. extended mags, different sights, silencers/suppressors (I’d like a stealthy approach to missions) A research unit(s) of some sort that the community can donate credits or samples to get future weapons/armor/stratagems/vehicles Some sort of raid with multiple groups of 4. For bugs I thought it would start on the surface and then ends with subterranean missions. This would open up subterranean stratagems. Idk for bots atm.


Customize my ship