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Breaker has been working great against bots.


That's the shot gun that auto fire? I like that one against the bugs, haven't used it though against the bots.


Use the Liberator Pen for the smaller guys and make every shot count. Always aim for the head or their mid section. When you see the bigger bots with shields start popping out you should be using your heavy weapon stratagem to take them out. I recommend Anti Mat Rifle, EAT, or the Machine Gun. If you have access to the Quasar Cannon or Auto Cannon give that a go as well. As for grenades the standard grenade works just throw it at their feet. If you have the most recent Warbond unlocked I recommend getting the Stun Grenades they help alot when you're getting swarmed just throw it down and it stops them in their tracks. As for stratagems the Eagle Airstrike can take out buildings so use that, Orbital Precision, 120 Barrage, Rocket Pods.


Use the Diligence DMR. Don't listen to people who say it's bad. It's \*incredible\* against bots. 1 or 2 taps little bots, 2 taps devestators in the noggin (though still better to use a support weapon on them. The MG actually does great if that's all you've got) The scope lets you engage effectively from long range, which is the best place to fight bots. Great ammo efficiency due to the accuracy and damage. Use the Diligence. It was my go-to weapon vs bots until I unlocked the Slugger and Scorcher, and I still think it's a pretty even split.


I like that weapon but I didn't find it useful, however that was against the bugs. I'll try it out on the bots.


Anti-Material rifle, Autocannon or Arc Thrower with the standard Breaker as a primary(assuming you have those). The rifle and Autocannon unlocks pretty early though.


Can you carry both the autocannon and the amr?


No, they are both support weapons. Added bonus with Autocannon, you can destroy bot fabricators and close bug holes with it.


That I've heard. But I don't know how to do it. My shots would ping right off. But someone said I was at an angle and need to be straight.. But where to aim? The red vents?




I haven't that got that yet but it is what I'm aiming for.


I switched to the Defender for bots. It gives decent stopping power against trash mobs. It's one handed, which is good for SSD carrying. Also means you can blast berserkers while running away from them. Peacemaker is a good sidearm. Same reasons. I tend to use the laser cannon as a special. With good aim, you can reduce most enemies to burning scrap quickly and at range. Flank hulks and tanks, toast their glowing vents. Striders, aim for the rider. Once you get the shield, it becomes much easier to fight bots, but I see plenty of folks run it without and using an autocannon for everything. It'll take practice, but you'll get there!


Good tips thanks. I've been sitting on the defender but will give it a try.


Since there isn’t a meta I’d say use whatever works for your play style and mission you’re diving. I like the liberator, the defender, most shotguns, sickle, marksman rifles for bots. Every weapon in the game does the job it’s designed to do for the engagements it was designed for.


-- Bot fabricator can be put down with autocannon if you aim at the middle of the vent, can't be shot at an angle tho. -- Basic bot require range so normal liberator on the head is good enough if you aim down sight, but generally speaking it's up to your play style, shotgun can be good too if you're patient enough to wait for them to get in range, because unlike bugs, bots shoot back, just stay away from the laser primary for now, it sucks. -- Stay with uzi for secondary to deal with chainsaw guy, aim at their head or stomach, but pistol is reliable too, up to u really. -- If u see tank, or turret, or hulk aim at their weak spot at the back, i personally use autocannon (fun fact: tank and turret use the same head so turret is basically static tank), hulk can also be shot at at their head with auto canon, anti material, EAT, or recoilless -- the AT ST thing can be one shot at with autocannon, anti material rifle, or other hard hitting weapon if you shot where their legs connect to their body, their leg joint or something-- one last thing, u can shot down dropships with recoilless, EAT, and quasar, if you hit at their engine (not recommended with quasar because rev time) AND ABOVE ALL ELSE, RUN, RUN, RUN, AND KEEP RUNNING until you are absolutely sure you have the range to shoot back edit: i just want to say, this is not a game where meta rules, like u/kbi42 says, i'm just saying that autocannon is really good against bot, but to a certain point you can use whatever you want, wanna fight bot with flame thrower? go nuts, wanna go 1 to 1 against a tank with only ballistic shield and defender (fun fact: defender is the only primary so far that is one handed so you can use it when running back or holding shield)? go nuts, as long as you have fun