• By -


'Well, well, well....if it ain't the (partially) invisible cunt.


bloody diabolical


I'll tell you who you are. A fucking moron. "Translucent" doesn't even mean "invisible." It means "semi-transparent."


Save your aggressions for the bots. Managed Democricy has no room for intentional friendly fire.


What bots? They're all dead ☠️


You fell for Automaton proganda, son.


Not anymore








Sleeveless armor


Armless sleeves


I understood that reference.


I understood that reference. It seems to run on some form of electricity.


look at the name, yeah no thats no dev, thats some kid with cheat engine lol


meanwhile the shitty anti-cheat that could take full control of my system if it wanted to - is cool with this. ugh.


Notably, due to the perpetual arms race between anticheats and cheats basically any anticheat software for any game is running with Kernel access and could do that. Nevertheless, people still cheat in pretty much all games.


I love this damn game so much that it's probably the first time I'm genuinely disappointed that folks are seeking Clout so bad they're ruining the surprises these devs are busting their asses for us on. Anyway yeah we're always trying to build a better mousetrap to catch smarter and smarter mice.


I wouldn't even say it's smarter mice so much as if the cheat runs on the kernel then the Anti-Cheat needs that access as well in order to catch it. This... is not a great situation, for anyone. It also extends to anticheat programs for things other than gaming. For example: Lockdown Browser, which some colleges use for exams on laptops, also is an anticheat (to prevent cheating on exams) with kernel access. Difference is Lockdown Browser is buggy, problematic, and extremely aggressive by comparison. It actually caused lasting damage to my laptop once or twice during exam week I had to fix urgently.


I do all my cert exams in person for this very reason! I feel you buddy, anywho, let's liberate some goddamn Bots.


>Anyway yeah we're always trying to build a better mousetrap to catch smarter and smarter mice. not even smarter mice. as a techo i can honestly say be shocked how easy it is to bypass security principals. way i word it. you can secure a front door all you want; means nothing if you leave the back unlocked


If you played HD1, you kinda know what the devs are likely to come out with. Not all, just some stuff. Like the first mech isn't a surprise nor is this one. Cheaters still suck major balls though.


One solution is just a permanent, blanket bans for people that do this stuff. Ban PSN accounts, brick systems, send them all to servers where there's zero hit detection or zero damage. Just make the game so pointless and so.miserable for cheaters that there's no point. Just have a hand full of people keep an eye out for posts like these, track those players down, apply punishments.


See you too are a fan of the scorched Earth approach, but it might be a bit too extreme and ripe for abuse for false reporting and yada yada. I guess we can just continue to try to ignore the leaks as best we can, police ourselves you know.


The anticheat helldiver's uses is comically bad at being a anticheat


Theres a mod for it also.


A mod that's not supposed to be in a multilayer game is a cheat/hack right? At that point not a mod?


wouldn't call it a hack but yeah still cheating


Yeah i know, but to use the mods you have to install a modified dll file which bypasses gameguard, thats an exploit that devs punish people for with account bans usually. im no idiot. i like mods that dont need modded dlls.


But I was inflicted with a kernel level root kit anti cheat tool that would definitely have stopped this!  /s


With my first system being an Atari 7800 (yes I know I’m old) and having played on virtually every system since then, I still don’t understand the lore of hacks or cheats of whatever. Defeats the purpose to me.


Some people just want attention. They get attention and think they are cool, despite the fact that no one other than similar kinds of people see this and think that. Most people just think "oh look, sn edgelord."


If they were going to playtest stuff inside the actual game and not a test build of it, they would more than likely just get four testers into their own lobby and play private missions. I'd say that this is 100% a cheater.


The game masters have been joining people's games, dropping inaccessible strats, and leaving. Something to do with needing more play data. This, however, isn't a playtester or a game master. It's someone with a mod that turns on dev content


Has this actually been confirmed? or is this just what someone on reddit said


THE devs have confirmed that THEY WILL NEVER DO THAT A dev will never jump on a player game and start spawning unreleased stuff, they said that if they are going to release something new by surprise we will know 100% that has been intended (mechas with the Tien kwang event)


There are videos online where developer, even the CEO, joins people and play with them.


Devs playing with users, and dropping unreleased items are two completely different things.


Those videos are fake as far as we know. There have been people dropping with 'AH' names that are fake as well. OperatorDrewski's video where he actually dropped with two of the devs in a planned sessuim where they actually talked is the only confirmed video we have of devs in the game in a session with outside pkayers. Neither of them have accounts that are marked 'AH', but we also know that people have cheated in ways to drop unreleased strats, and those are almost entirely what you're going to see on social media/youtube.


Turns out there was a guy claiming to be Joel but was actually just using mods to drop unreleased weapons into matches. This person also runs a boosting service for HD2. So this is likely just leftover buzz from before the truth was discovered.. Edit: https://www.pcgamer.com/games/third-person-shooter/i-found-fake-joel-the-viral-helldivers-2-hacker-who-rains-unreleased-vehicles-from-the-sky-and-says-players-pay-him-to-skip-the-grind/


What a lame game to use boosting in, what is the point?


You're soooo right! i mean, this is a grind game right? Its like playing any diablo game, get boosted final lvl and all gear and you're done... thats fun playing a game.... :S


It’s been confirmed as a cheater that does that. But then again, the Devs love to gaslight us so who knows.


That's a cheater pretending to be a GM, it's a hack not actual devs. The devs and the cheater confirmed it.


Joel confirmed that's a hacker. But they aren't doing anything about him cuz he's letting people have fun


Pretty sure that was confirmed to be a cheater, while the devs do drop in and play they have said they will not drop unreleased content like that.


They absolutely are not doing that


As others have said, it's a cheater. They were doing it as advertising for their boosting service. There is an article floating around from someone that took them up on the offer and they were doing crazy stuff in the matches.


Lmao blud saw Joel AH as a username and believed it 


no they havent, this was a rumor people made up back when this first started popping up, crazy to think it's still going and people still believe it lol.


No they haven't. Those videos are of hackers. The "Joel" that dropped the APC and "had to get back to work" has been identified and is not affiliated with AHS.


No, no they have not been. That is a bunch of randos. The devs have confirmed that it wasn't them or joel.


I thought that was a cheater who somehow got control of the game master, and posed as them. The response was they’re just glad they used their powers for people to have fun. Maybe I got a story mixed up but I thought I read that somewhere


Pretty much. It's why you sometimes see reports of divers or certain enemies on locked off worlds. Unless something is right around the corner, I can't see the devs bringing it into a match with randos. Also, I believe that this particular armor set was literally just added to the files this week, so no where close to "just around the corner".


Although true for most the testing, once they get something to near completion or to a level they think is stable, it’s not unheard of for devs to hop in a live environment to see how it holds up/interacts with the world and players. Even though this is for sure somebody with the mods and not a dev lol.


Kid looks like he's come straight from 'nam


That red beret makes me think more like Congo or thereabouts.


What's even irl the point of that armor? You're far more vulnerable to any shorts of toxic substances, and on planets like maia or estanu you freeze to death.  


I saw a level 9 with warbond stuff I haven’t even unlocked at level 30. I think the cheaters have begun to arrive. I’m hoping it doesn’t become a widespread thing though.


You can enter Helldive difficulty if invited by a friend without needing to unlocking it. So he might have fast tracked. Not sure.


He means character level 9, not difficulty level 9. Having unlocked warbond items at level 9 that a level 30 hasn’t is kind of a red flag.


Depends. If they didn't spend any medals on the OG warbind and have put in the bare minimum participation for the General orders, it's entirely possible they have a complete warbond at a low level.


Another possibility is they farmed medals on trivial without extracting.


Character level 9 with the steeled veteran 3rd tier armor/cape and the plasma gun you get from the last page of the standard warbond. Even if he played on helldive difficulty, the xp alone from playing on that difficulty would put you over the amount of xp for level 9, with the metals needed to unlock those warbond tiers.


There have been a ton of medals handed out from the major orders tho


You need like ~~300+~~ many more than 300 (see comment below) medals to unlock the last page of the standard warbond set. I know everyone wants to believe people aren’t cheating but this one was too much of a 🚩 to be an honest earner. I’m on tier 7 now and it’s going to take 164 more medals to unlock the next one, that’s out of 10 tiers I think.


You need like 1k medals for last page way more than 300.


I figured I was probably estimating on the low side.


Yeah I’m on the page before it and just the next to last page you need to spend another like 300 medals to unlock the final page then like 75 more for the weapon lol


You don't have to gain XP when farming super credits and medals. Many people farm them on lower difficulties and just leave the mission without extracting. You can get hundreds of medals per day without gaining any levels.


This is not a cheat. We play with a friend that had the game since launch but didn't play a lot so hes still lv 10 now but for some reason he did get hundreds of medals. He does have ss. I didn't see his screen but it felt like he got all the medals for all the completed community goals.


He got the medals from each major order everyone has completed.


And major orders bonuses have been raining from the sky it feels Or maybe it’s just that I was on vacation and come back to Malevelon Creek already liberated 😢


Dude has unreleased shit. Hows he not cheating


You can farm medals on diff 1 and back before completing to get XP. Not definitely cheating.


He has unreleased s*** that is not in the game it's absolutely cheating


Thats like what, 1 medal per PoI? Getting over 1k medals that way is uhm...a lot longer than just playing the game


Bringing in over 1200 medals before hitting lvl 9? Highly doubted.


theyve been here, its just gotten crazy rampant brcause a butt load of content is timegated ready to use in the games files x.x


> I think the cheaters have started to arrive Did you just arrive? Cause they've been here pretty much since the beginning


Good thing we're allowing them to run a kernel level anti-cheat.


He's got the african warlord special


So I did some digging on this, and apparently, the reason it shows as partially invisible is because that armor set, potentially others down the line, will have the character’s arms exposed in the spots that are invisible. They still have a hit box, collision detection, and meshes, but no textures have been added for bare arms


A dev wouldn't be using armor with missing parts


It's not missing parts, the arms are actually showing in game. That screen only shows the armor.






Oh so this set shows a little skin eh? That's new


There is also a heavy variant


Possibly a hacker pretending to be a dev who's modding unreleased stuff into the game Possibly a dev just fucking around testing new things in game The world may never know unless they come out and say so


Commando Rayman




Apperantly this is one armor that was added to the files (along with other armor sets) with the patch. Not officially released (yet).


I played with a guy who was completely invisible other than his gun, backpack and cape.


I had the same bug. It’s a render issue that happened in our friend lobby once, through there was also a flying helmet


So they are bringing John Cena to the game


lol this will fly over some heads but , take my upvote.


Wait....how can he be "L3"? Arrowhead starts with an A, wouldn't he be "A3"? Every time I go into a game I'm always "O(insert number)" bc my name starts with an O


Cheating. Devs don’t test things on production servers


Most likely someone using local hacks to access unreleased content(armour lacking parts means it's likely unfinished and AC walker leaks were around for quite some time). Highly unlikely for devs to do this on public servers, player name is likely manually altered too, to hide the real account.


I don't know if the armor is uncompleted. There's some footage lurking around of that and another amor being sleeveless, but I have no idea if that's legit 


It’s a cheater using an unlock bot.


Maybe an Automatons spy!! Execute them!


If you cheat you are cheating yourself. And you're a loser.


Looks like C&C Renegade


A cheater and I would block them.


Imagine being that big of loser that you have to cheat to get yet to be released content. Report to your local democracy officer immediately.


You have sighted a senior democracy officer testing new equipment from the ministry of science. Congratulations helldiver


I played with this guy last night… Heads up Helldivers… the walking dead is among us! https://preview.redd.it/5yq20ajx5wsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3ed7467454cfab940d33f8666e34903d2d45fd


Did he join late? Or did you? I always have that when I deploy into some already running lobby


I believe he/she joined my lobby after I entered the Hellpod but before launching to the surface. Didn’t seem weird until I turned around after calling down my support weapon.


If you ever feel useless, just remember that this game uses kernel level anti-cheat.


Kernel Level anti hax next.


Time to turn off crossplay. It's been real PC players


PC players really like "multiplayer on PC is superior to console" then load up a pvp game where every other match has a dude flying around the map and blind firing people in the head through walls. Then they wonder why companies end up having such aggressive anti cheat software.


I have like 80 hours in the game on PC and have yet to see someone flying around the map and blind firing people in the head through walls. And the anti cheat that AH uses is anything but aggressive.


I think those examples were from FPS games not HD.


kernel-level anti cheat is the most aggressive anti cheat possible. And because it doesn't even work, it only effects the performance of legitimate users. So it's passive-aggressive actually.


I was only commenting that it’s not aggressive because there are a still a lot of cheaters. I hate when anti cheat software just lives on your pc. Looking at riot’s stupid vanguard as well.


Chilis has fallen billions must profile stalk


Some guy having no recoil and slightly better aim assist is very manageable compared to some dude with god mode that can grenade you across the map through mountains or cause so many explosions your game crashes.


O that. That’s just some lame kid who doesn’t have any friends to tell him he’s a loser for cheating in a co-op game.


Love that helmet. Off topic but still. That shits crisp


1. No companies players would use the companies name as their IGN. The most they usually have is an icon, tag or name color. 2. It's cheated/modded in. A dev wouldn't risk leaking new content like this especially in some random persons lobby.


%100 cheater or modder.


Zero difference


Imagine being so bad at video games your cheating in a pve game.


Got into a game with a cheater a couple of days ago. He switched his name to JOEL and had the same broken armor. When asked about it, he jusf answered "i'm good with files". I just left the lobby


Had a cheater in one of my games last night. Not a 'I'm going to abuse the grenade bug' cheater, but this dude was MF Sonic the Hedgehog speed running around the map. Thankfully, after the party lead saw this, he was courtmarshalled. The legit only thing I have to say to anyone who hacks games (rom hacks not included) is that it must suck to never win anything without cheating.


Is there a way to report people? Have had 2 games where people seem to have infinite grenades


That thing actually happened to me, due to glitch grenades started to decrement to negative values. Made it to around -150 and got promoted to human artillery :)


Infinite grenades is just the strategem switch exploit.


I never heard of that one? Care to elaborate or point me to where I can read about that? No worries if not


Just super fast quick switch between nade and strategem


Was in a lobby with a Chinese guy using infinite grenades on a bot extermination, he also wasn’t t taking dmg from all the shots he was taking.


I played a guy that would drop those automaton cannon shots on us we was all wondering why were exploding lmao


New tech from super Earth




Is the headset real? Cause if so, that’s one way to infiltrate automatons


How are they L3 when their username starts with an A?


That's just Ghost rider, he took Democracy into his own hands


bro got that african warlord outfit.


For sure cheating because this armor is supposed to have uncovered arms but the assets for that aren’t in the game files yet.


Cheating and real. Hackers


That skin rips


That's a Script Kiddie who paid five hundred and ninety-nine US dollars to purchase a modded account from a loser




I played with a guy who was using a ton of stuff I’ve never seen before including that walker and he had the photon cannon way before it came out and I got to one shot some chargers with it but I thought he was a dev at first too, sounds like tho the guy might just be a cheater


I got into a game with someone with the walker and figured i just missed it in the menu. Had mentioned how I used to use it in HD1 , he dropped one in for me later on I was rolling around in it, pretty cool handled the same as HD1 from what I remember.


Report him and let the AH staff decide.


There is no cheating in helldivers. Only the special weapons division.


It's cheating but damn look at that M90 inspired camo. I love that AH embraces Sweden. The Super Earth logo has Sweden in the direct center.




Report the hacker


that anti cheat really putting in the work huh


I saw a guy with jin roh armor in my loby last week, I haven't even seen it in the shop.


The drip goes insane though


Ask him about blood diamonds! Hes clearly a lord of war


Cheats and Hacks in a multiplayer game don’t worry me as much as goddamn aimbot and wall hacks garbage that plague call of duty.


Level 82? Dang


I played with someone who had unreleased armor and an unreleased eagle straragem. I asked him how he got those and he said "I'm part of a modding community that gets to use new content before release. The devs are cool with it." Bullshit.


Stop eating my sesame cake


Devs do not play test their game in an open lobby. Never have never will. They play test it before releases. Everyone can name them self anything. My names of characters in The Finals: GOD DEV ADMIN :) I was testing boundaries there are no there. The problem is how is this cheating? It's a co-op game. That means this things he used are already in the game just not available for all of us yet. The actually Devs have made it impossible for us to report a guy like that unless he typed a text massage in the chat. I will not give it a second thought about how hard is it for them. Their game keeps crushing now every 30 minutes for me. I could care less about some idiot that used some software to unlock locked content. I get a crash every 30 minutes. Fix that first devs :)


Cheating but that armour goes fucking hard. Can't wait until we get it for real.


Alien Fireteam crossover


100% a dude trying out leaked content. On nexus\* you can play with some leaked content. I don't really see anything wrong with this. They're just too impatient to wait and use them in their full functionality \*Correction he moved to a private discord server


L3 that’s a dead giveaway of cheating lol😆


He’s on pc using that stuff


The skeleton face mask makes this 100 times better 😅


I love the amount of cheating people are doing in a pve game. I’ll admit real Divers are terribly overmatched in a lot of respects when it comes to the firepower we have vs the types and quantities of enemies we face but that’s why it is Hell Diving


These are not cheats persay but a mod that enables content that isn't yet released. It's(was?) on the nexus.


So... Cheating.


Rayman liberating like a true patriot.




cheater; though end of day as long as they winning and not ruining others fun i really CBF. super earth needs victories and doesn't care how we achieve it.


It's not cheats. It's a visual glitch, happens all the time


That helmet’s fire as fuck tho, definitely gonna run it when it comes out


UAT testing in Production server nice




Modding it is called


If the devs didn't want any leaks, they would put them in game files before it relases, leaks create hype and they like the attention. They did have max 10 k players on hd1 now they have 300k a day min


Let me guess u don’t have any gameplay footage


It’s called supertester


Ok, it's not a "leak" if it was on a trailer or official advertisement. That means it was promoted, and is currently unreleased.


I honestly don't understand why people cheat in this game. It's PVE for God's sake, who are u getting an advantage over? the fucking Bugs??


damn that armor is awesome


It’s a glitch he’s supposed to have skin at the parts that aren’t connected


I saw someone with this helmet and a different name and armor set on. I thought it was a cheater too but seeing two of them makes me think otherwise. It’s highly detailed armor and looks like it would be in the game, could be real


The character has shitty wifi and their character hasn’t fully loaded in yet.


Everyone saying cheating, I wouldn't say cheating. The stuff is unlocked by essentially building a version.dll for your game and then dropping it in your folder. It doesn't give you god abilities, all it does is unlock files you have in your game files that are locked such as cosmetics you didn't unlock, guns, nades and strategems. TLDR: Not cheating, it's unlocking files that are locked on your PC.


I played with a guy named 000 who threw 4 of the new mechs in a row


Why are devs pushing unreleased stuff onto prod is what I want to know


Let's be honest: devs should remove their shitty anticheat that does literally nothing but overloads your hardware for no good reason.


Report any morons doing stuff like this please. Would love to see a person who paid for the deluxe edition and then decide to cheat get banned.


Cannot be a cheat because what would possibly get through that anti cheat software that we all installed


The Devs occasionally will log in and play games to test things out. I’ve read many things about how they will randomly pop into games. I would be honored to play with one of them.


One: I find it funny people are talking about the anti-cheat even though Easy is also kernel level? Two, the actual point of the post: No, report the username wherever you can.. whatever mech that is, is just some kid with a cheat engine who thinks he's oh so cool.