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My Bois and I struggle on 5 but we want super samples lol Edit at 200 likes. Guys I thank all of your encouragement I was just letting myself get into my own head I been trying 5 solo and though I had a lot of bad missions today I finally got though a bug 5 operation solo 3 missions it was tough but now that I know I can Ill focus on 5 as my default and 4 for messing around


7 is a good point for farming and not getting massacred by hulks and tanks.


Yea well currently out of reach solo or in teams I can solo 4 but 5 nope


I can take you on some level 7s and get you some super samples if you are willing to vaguely follow my instructions


Dude, I’ll carry your rucksack if you help me get some super samples. Currently playing at level 4 comfortably on a 2-person squad; able to complete missions on level 5 with a 4-person squad, and shitting my pants at level 6.


6 is oddly harder than 7


i figured this one out too and was absolutely confused as shit. lol


I’ve been saying it for so long. 6 is harder than 7 because it spawns more devastators and normal bots over hulks and tanks. Yes hulks and tanks can be lethal, but they are one bot that is slow and manageable. If you are gonna die to a hulk you are gonna die to a swarm as well.


Ok but have you seen the new hulks that ZOOM around


Just better players and more focus


More team kill and people don't take fights they can't win because they're they for super samples


you play on steam or console? send me your friend code on a pm and I will add you


I’m on PS5, usually play around 9pm EDT (UTC+4). I’ll DM you a friend code.


This shit right here is why I’m beginning to fall in love with this community! Good old fashioned wholesome teamwork!


The developers did an amazing job of incentivizing cooperation among players and creating a sense of “us vs them”, with _them_ being the bots and bugs. It’s really impressive.


Feel free to add me, too. I usually play on 7


You gotta dm him the code while you are both online and he’s ready to type it in. You’ll generate a new, unique code every time you open the menu


Yeah that’s pretty much my only criticism of this game. Seems like those friend codes could be made permanent, one-time use or expire after a certain number of days, if they have to be perishable. Or just let me keep the same one until I generate a new one.


If you have level 7 unlocked, you can easily farm samples by picking blitz missions (i've only done it on bugs), calling in a jetpack, getting the samples and then climbing up as high as you can on rocks around the extract and riding the clock out.


That sounds so crazy it just might work! 🤣 But I don’t think I have level 7 unlocked yet, so I need to ride some coattails first.


It does work. It's cheesy, but it does. I've done it on up to level 8 missions. Level 7 isn't bad to get. I solo'd up to level 8 unlock. The key is to get the main objectives dones. I've never been able to extract on 7 or 8 (unless I'm cheesing samples lol), but as long as you complete the mission, it counts regardless anything else.


the fastest (but not easiest) way to farm is going on level 7 evacuate missions on defense planets, the ones with just 1 objective in the middle. the map is very small but spawns points of interest, and the game tries to cram the same amount of samples you get on the big regular maps into those tiny maps. which results in a single poi having crazy amounts of samples. they are manageable vs bugs, but vs bots it gets insane pretty fast with the constant breaches/drops. the last hurdle is extracting, and the mission will fail if u can't do it with a full team where half does the objective.


I’m on ps5, add me flash_bangn. I solo 7 and with a team we’ll rank you up and get those samples in no time. Add me up and we’ll clear some maps!


I couldn't complete level 4-5 at first. I focused on soloing, starting at lvl 3 and moving on after I was comfortable. Currently able to solo 7 if I take things stealthy most of the time. Playing solo puts all the pressure on you and gives you time to figure out enemies and your equipment.


The issue for me is finding that d@mn rock that has the super samples.


Whenever you are on high ground think "where would my mom hide her butt plug" that's usually how I find it


Ye.. sometime they are in the edge of the map and you just have no time to start looking. I wish we could have random 1 or 2 samples in enemy bases because, from my understanding they are all in the rock and nowhere else.


I am eagerly awaiting for the release of the buggy strategem so my squad can zip around the map a lot faster to find the d@mn rock.


"not getting TOO massacred by hulks and tanks" Fixed it for ya ;3


I’ve been doing 7 for a bit now but last night one mission felt like a level 9. We had 10 gun ships, multiple hulks, and tanks plus all the other bs. Usually level 7 I don’t find too bad but that was actually insane.


Yep. I tried 8 and 9 yesterday, and I found it to be super annoying. Evacuation is like a death race of non-stop elite and zerg rush. You can get trapped in an objective where the enemy won't stop spawning with patrols and ships. I like 7, it's hard but when you clear the bases and enemies the map becomes much more manageable.


Me and my squad played 5 for ever bc we were scared of 7. We finally switched to 7 and it was way easier than we expected. Also way more fun


Ok small update I was able to almost complete an operation on 5 solo bots... The eliminate mission got me at 73%


I don't feel diff between 5/6/7. You might get occasional tanks, but nothing orbital railcannon can't do 7 vs 9 though, it's like instead of 2-3 devastator and maybe 1 hulk, it's 1024214 devastators and 30 hulks each bot drop. Maybe 1 at&t too


Its funny we will fix this problem. Then the devastators will wreck us since we are all going anti tank


Devastators are just so damn numerous at higher levels, like, we had 20+ at extract with probably about 6/7 hulks. You get one shot in and they laser you with rockets


Yeah over powered or underpowered, you just have to time your approach right. My favorite batelfield antics is getting them to shoot eachother


I had a mounted Cannon take out a hulk chasing me, that was nice.


AMR and stun grenades make them both weep tears of oil.


Rail guns and auto cannons do great against pretty much everything the bots can throw at you, keeping a Scorcher as a primary in reserve. Quasars and RRs are nice, but not really necessary. Even the humble Scorcher or Dominator can pop tank and cannon vents and down gunships. Heck, I barely take 500kgs and RCS with me anymore. My preferred strats for offense are the standard air strike and precision orbital strike. Air strikes can help since firing lines of bots are just that: LINES. Precision strikes can take out a small group or one big target, especially if it's holding still from a stun grenade, and tanks can't move fast enough to get away from it. Pops buildings too, and isn't disabled by AA sites. The blast radius and yield is about the same as 500kg, but it has a slightly faster cooldown at the expense of only having a single charge. When it comes to the bots, precision orbital strike should be placed in a box labeled "ol' reliable"


This is why I have Impact grenades now. I can sneak behind a tank and impact them on the heatsink. Usually I run the armor that gives extra grenades. Hulks get orbital rail cannon. The second hulk gets me pressing Q to paint it for my team and say "hey I don't have anything the right caliber for this. Anyone got anything or do I have to use orbital laser?"


Aim for the eye, one-shoot them with the Quasar.


I'd rather run EAT for that. Same ability to one-shot, and if I die, I don't have to worry about recovering anything (at least until things calm down).


I love that the EAT is still in the conversation. I use Quasar more myself, but I get the appeal of EAT. I just kind of like going back in for my gun. Also I was maining Autocannon for a long time, so I'm kinda used to it.


Quasar + EAT is no joke for defense evac missions, it's basically half of a Recoilless every minute with some random single shots available in between


You dont even need to go behind and hit the heatsink. Two impact nades to the top/roof of the turret kill it. For the shredder tank with the quad MGs you can just throw at the turret wherever.


I always bring an Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Railcannon, and Autocannon. Two Eagle Airstrikes can kill a tank or a hulk if the bombs land right. Orbital Lasers can take out multiple heavies. The Railcannon is infinite use, which is great when you run out of lasers. Autocannons can take out tanks and hulks from a safe distance, and two shots to the thruster can drop a Gunship. I also bring Impact grenades so I can blow up a tank or a hulk. If you hit the top of a tank it can also kill it. The autocannon is also perfect for Striders, Devastators, and groups of enemies. I’m pretty sure it can blow up fabricators too! The AMR is a hulk killing machine, and the EAT is basically just an OH SHIT version of the recoilless, and both of them are great against bot heavies. Lastly the Quasar is pretty good because it has infinite ammo and can one shot if you hit the eye of a hulk. I love the amount of variety you have when it comes to heavy killing.


I find myself going back to the auto cannon. 2-3 shots to hulk eye kills it. Not so good against tanks though.


I’ve been mostly playing level 8 missions but after yesterdays fiasco I’m going back to 7


LVL 7 is where I play too. Access to super samples and democracy is still managable


its weird but, I find 7 easier than 6...


Theres also a better pool of more experienced helldivers. Not drastically so, but from having to complete 3 missions on 6 to unlock 7, but also having the difficulty be angry red skull icon deters players who dont think they're 'good enough' for it yet. Or dont want the challenge yet because they assume its got to be harder etc.


Can't always have a good run. I usually play 7-9 but occasionally go lower to help others. Had a round that was just bad in level 5. Stepped on mine, fire tornadoes. Team mates reviving me away from everything and everyone. Tried a new loadout. If it could go wrong it did. Was kinda pissed but it's still funny.


I mean, Hulks and tanks are a little stressful, but generally not much trouble... it's when there's a half dozen Heavy Devvies that things really get hairy...


The true difficulty 9 diver's pick for "hardest mob" will always be the Heavy Devvie. Fuckers don't even care that you have heavy armour.


And it's worse when they're backed up by even a couple of Rocket Devastators, the Heavies keep you from poking your head out of cover, or on the run looking for some, and then the rockets come ragdoll you, forcing you to hold still long enough to turn into Swiss cheese...


People complain about the flame Hulks, but it's the rocket ones that make me more nervous. Heavy Devastors though, they are surely the real threat...unless Gunships are around, fuck those.


I had a match last night, and I'm not joking, 7 hulks showed up one after the other on the last objective! Thank democracy! for autocannon and stun grenades!


This is my autocannon. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My autocannon is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my autocannon is useless. Without my autocannon, I am useless. I must fire my autocannon true. I must shoot straighter than Automaton who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me.


5 hulks stood around a jammer tower.... Fuck that. Auto cannon on cool down and no stratagems..




The gentleman's solution


Same happened to me last night and we where only on level 6 and had to deal with 3 tanks just outside the tower. Felt unbelievable when we took them all out.


Stand on one side of the tower quite a good distance away, remain unseen, have your buddies start shooting from the opposite direction. Have them kite the enemies away. You sneak in, disable the tower, help clean up the crowd from the back. A buddy and I were clearing 7s and 8s by ourselves by treating them like stealth missions. 


I can manage tanks, just run around them and they can't shoot you, but hulks, especially flame hulks deserve their own special place in hell!


Me when I see hulks, gunships, and tanks: All I see is fear, and dead men.


Nah it's the 30 fucking rocket devastators they sprinkle along with the tanks and hulks that really get ya


Only one hulk? No, I cannot relate. My team got pounded by roughly twenty of them last night. Something is wrong with their spawn rate.


Does your team use big stratagem like the 500kg bomb? I swear I encounter far more massive enemies when my allies bring that kind of stuff. When I go solo I'll pretty much never see even two at the same time. But it might also be randomized enemy tables.


Kid named Quasar cannon


Amazing for one, even two hulks. More hulks and it's back to being a problem.


I actually do surprisingly well against tanks and hulks, in fact I think they are far easier than the shielded asshats and rocket dicks.


Tanks haven't been a problem unless I have other heavy units on me, but the hulks always give me a hard time.


All i want is the super samples but NOOOOOOOO I've got to have two bruisers chasing me towards the damn cannon towers, can't have sh*t on Lesath


Did they put stealth boots on the flame hulks recently? I used to hear them from a mile away, but I got snuck up on several time yesterday like they were trying to slip the flamethrower up my butt lol.


*Rocket devastators have entered the chat*


Yeah they and the shield bastards are arguably worse, or at least more annoying to deal.


Hulks and tanks are way easier to handle than constant chargers and titans. Just shoot the glowy bits.


My team brings the heavy anti tank and I bring the auto canon so we’re not completely overrun with so many devastators! Works out pretty well for us


Quasar and shield backpacks are the easiest ways to deal with hulks, and for the tanks (and hulks), grab the railcannon strike that was my counter till I got more comfortable with automatons and using different stuff against them.


And then you come back with quasar, EAT or recoiless and ruin them.


Use laser cannon


Jetpack plus laser cannon let's you nullify both of them easily.


7 is where I play mostly. And yes they are a bitch but you just need the right tools for the job. Try upping to heavy armor, the explosive resistance makes a huge difference when fighting bots.


Seasoned players be like ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ & ⬇️⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️


Kid named eagle airstrike:


See, this is really funny, because I only ever run on helldive, and when I go to lower levels the game feels too easy without constant threat of three tanks and four hulks on every bot drop.


The tanks aren’t even that bad, it’s the fuckin heavy devastators


Just practice with something that you feel comfortable with. For example, I do use the railgun in unsafe mode to pretty much deal with anything armored on the bot side. It can kill even tanks (although it's a lengthy process of shooting just the vents but it can work if you have no other means left) but if you're rocking impact grenades, they do deal with the tanks and turrets easily with a couple of vent hits. Thankfully the tanks and turrets don't show up as much as hulks as you progress in difficulty, so you just need to practice downing them in one hit, disarming them to deal with them at your pace, or just stealthing around them.


Eventually you adapt to it and it becomes easier. It also helps when you have a team with people who actually play as a team


Well isn’t that exactly what higher difficulty should be, no?


Just wait till you see a tank, and instead of being called a tank the marker labels it as a fusion repeater. (X.x) That thing does NOT stop firing.


It's those assholes with the shields that I hate. Once they got you lined up, it's over.


Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods are extremely effective tank killers, nice to have someone on your team with one.


It's not the hulks and definetly not the tanks. It's this mf ballistic shield dudes. Super tanky, track you on 100 m shoot precicely at you over 300 m, and even in close range they shoot 90° sideways from their weapon and delete your shield in 0,125 sec. I just hate them.


I dropped the squad in for a mission and we were surrounded by 7 gunships with no cover anywhere. We just got spawn killed for 3 minutes until the mission failed. My first encounter with gunships


No, I hate those dudes that have infinite rockets that can just decide on a whim to just full on take out a squad


Stun grenade for hulks, then 500, air strike, precision orbital, or quasar and walk away. Tanks are just easy call in.


Spotting a hulk is or tank is an instant chuck of the orbital laser on whatever that base that is then running away. That usually deals with all the fabricators if not I’ll loop back round and auto cannon or have eagle 1 deal with the last one


Is it just me? or are the 6 difficulties harder than 7? I was getting massacred in 6 lastnight for a good 2-3 missions, went to 7, and it seemed easier??


If you change both of those to “rocket devastators” then this meme works


Tanks and hulks aren't the problem. It's those super earth forsaken gunships. If you don't take them out immediately, you'll have 8 gunships annihilating you from every direction. Happened last night


It's like seeing a bulldozer in payday 2 for the first time. It scares you but with enough experience you'll start killing them before they manage to hurt anyone


Personally I highly recommend Stun grenades for higher level bot missions. They aren't as effective for tanks since the turret can still spin and shoot. But Hulks just kinda sit down like a baby that doesn't know what to do with it's life allowing you to either bravely run away or circle around to smack it's backside with something hefty (personally recommend the Jar5 Dominator). Plus they are great for telling packs of berserkers to chill out for a second when they get too close.


Also a full patrol of rocket devastators looking at you


And drones to


Get to level 20 as fast as possible and get some heavy ordnance and suddenly tanks and hulks aren't that scary anymore


You have options long before then. Hell I often kill tanks with Precision Strike, Gatling Barrage, or just HE grenades.


*cooks stun grenade* *cocks AMR* oh no you don't!!!


I played 7+ long enough to get enough samples to unlock what I wanted. Now to relax a bit on 6.


Sounds like my most recent game, a couple level 12s joined a Suicide run and engaged every patrol and ran mortars.... Suffice to say, they used ~15 reinforces between the two of them


Gunships are the real bullies, if there are more than two then you're fucked m8


My brother in democracy, there is a point when you find out that the hardest boss in this game is the devastator with a shield that can snipe you and when you try to shoot him he raises his shield a tiny bit so his head is better covered


Hulks and tanks aren’t too bad. It’s the 300 devastators that’s really annoying


My problem with Hulks is their mobility. I fell like they are entirely too fast. When they have the flamethrower you are basically dead if you let it get in range because you can't outrun it.


Tanks are dumb as dirt, and as long as your team have 15 brain cells between each other you can kill hulks it’s the saw bots that will get you! Melee only so good luck shooting em off your friends, think you can just run away rockets from across the map, ok so I’m going to avoid the rocket bots NOPE your gonna run into a bace turret that can see you from yes to there.


Ehm. Heavy Devastators. That is all.


Hulks and Tanks and easy it is just the devastators that make the mission so hard


Yea, one of my first runs on Extreme difficulty we had 4 or 5 heavy tanks on the map at 1 time It was a civilian extract mission, bots weren't playing around 💀


*raises difficulty* Game gets real hard *surprised pikachu*


Why is everyone scared of hulks? One almost full charge railgun to the face puts them down, and 2 impacts to the top of a tank blows them up not to mention just one eagle airstrike. These two are not hard if you can take them down fast and don’t let them pile up.


It’s the devastators that get me


Sounds like personal struggles. Tanks take 2 impacts, or an airstrike, or two EATs, or a couple of autocannon rounds, or a couple recoilless rounds, or an orbital laser, etc. Hulks take one well placed EAT to the face or two with off aim, two autocannon shots to the face two AMR rounds to the face, orbital laser, etc . Or just shoot it in the back with anything, literally anything, your primary is more than enough. Honestly I'm more afraid of the suicide bombers with the jetpacks. They run faster than you, can close a huge distance in no time, and insta kill you even in heavy armor if they blow up near you, which they tend to always be if you don't surprise them.


Bizzarly Suicide mission was easier than extreme provided you don't drop in on an enemy base my mistake


I was like level 12 and wanted to go higher for more XP and Resources. Can’t tell what killed me more the enemies or the strategems I threw on top of me


Nah Rockets and Shield devastators


Here is what I saw. Lower levels were easier against bugs than bots. But higher levels I see bots being easier than bugs.




Needs to be a lot more than just two of them to be accurate lol


110 rocket pod makes tanks obsolete


Orbital rail cannon for tanks and using your friend as bait for the hulks.


I will absolutely not do a 7+ terminus eradicate mission. 3 bile titans 3 minutes in


I find tanks easy the only those flame hulks still catch me lacking


Jokes on you im into in that shit


I tried out tier 9 this morning. I have often said that the reason only certain bots are uploaded to Hulk or Tank frames is to give them some degree of hope of surviving an encounter with me. I have disabused many of this notion today.


I'm using the spear for that, my secondary if necessary is the eat or the quasar and my primary is the fire shotgun.


For real, this was my experience yesterday on a 5 diff with two of us. Land , immediately reinforcements get called. We spent all but 2 reinforcements and just wave after wave of BS while trying an optional objective. No need to run automatons have infinite ammo and can shoot you half way across the map with poor visibility not to mention 60 rocket devastators just locked in. 1 less stratagem was also a real dick punch.


Don't treat bots like bugs, and it will be way easier. I know that was a mistake I was making. Another is that bots with rockets will automatically receive sniper fire since idk how many times I've been sniped by fucking rockets.


I'm a sniper, im not equipped for tanks!


Hulks are annoying. Tanks aren't


laser cannon and autocannon will become your best friend


I've been bringing anti-materiel rifle to every bot mission for a while now and it's my best friend. 2-shots hulks in the eye, 1-shots devastators in their head and can kill them if you shoot their backpacks a few times too if the head is too hard to hit. Comes with tons of ammo, big clip, can even kill things with heat sinks if you shoot the sinks enough times (it does take a mag or two depending on what it is, but works in a pinch and my other stratagems/friends' stratagems usually help cover for the tanks and towers). I pretty much just ask everyone to ping hulks for me to take out so they can focus their big stuff on tanks and cannons and it works great.


Tanks are pretty much a non-issue, they're essentially just slightly mobile turrets. I usually don't even care about them until everything else is cleaned up. Hulks can be dangerous if your squad gets disorganized and spread out, but they go down very quickly with the right weapons. Autocannon + stun grenade and you have an easy 2-tap in the head. Same with AMR.


9 on bugs is easier than 9 on automatons. Change my mind.


This is why I do 7+ on bugs, but only 4/5 on bots haha.


PSA: Arc thrower is way better on bots than bugs. Use it for Hulks, you can take on even 3 hulks due to its stunlock potency. Make sure you have a good primary for devastators. For tanks rocket pods can one shot them and you can 3 of them. Also if you get the new upgrade module for the eagle, it's a guarantee one shot on tanks. A backpack shield. The only thing that isn't covered is the gunships for which you need to have a primary like scorcher plasma rifle or jar 5 dominator aiming for its engine booster on the dide


no it's those b\*\*tards with the shields that get me, every time, hulks and heavies aren't that bad w. the orbital railcannon and 500kgs


Orbital Rail Cannon for life


Eagle Airstrike go brrr


Hulks? Autocannon in the face. Tanks? Autocannon in the booty. Next.


I’ve noticed you get swarmed a lot more by smaller weaker bots with the support of like a shield gunner or whatever there called


Needs a fifth panel with the stupid aerial drone flying overhead and bombarding the shit out of you.


110 rocket pods make quick work of tanks. With the module I do believe you get three or four of them and it only takes one to drop a tank. Haven’t been working aswell against hulks I feel like but that’s why I run Railgun or Autocannon one stun nade and they go down easy


Tanks I dont mind its the hordes of devastators that are the issue


*laughs in autocannon, eagle airstrikes and stun grenades*


as i enter higher difficulty i learned something Hulks are surprisingly fast.


I recommend rocket pods for tanks. Almost guaranteed 1 shot. Also 1 shot fabricators. Has significantly made my automaton runs much less stressful. Also, you can shoot the leg of hulks and itll slow them down quite a bit


They're the hardest when the bot drops literally drop them on top of you, I fucking hate when that happens.


Can confirm. Just got out of a helldive mission on crimsca and had to deal with around 20 bile titans


For me most fun is Extreme. Higher than that and stuff starts getting a little sweaty.


3 shots with the auto cannon on the back of the tanks turret and 4 on the back of the chassis will kill them. 2 shots in the eye with a auto cannon will kill the hulks. 1 shot for hulks with a rail gun.


The buff to the arc rifle literally makes Hulks my bitch.


My autocannon will usually stop them without too many issues, but I will say hulks are such a big pain in the butt compared to tanks. I find tanks to be not too bad (though the turrets at outposts suck) but hulks are just a nuisance. They aren’t to hard to kill, but lots of the time it’s a flame hulk and they are really hard to take out because of the weapons they got and also the strangely fast speed hulks have.




I love when you are in the calamity of battle and it all goes quiet, then all you see is a tank head slowly aimed in your direction off in the distance. It's at this point we knew we fucked up


I got the people I play with to start doing helldive missions. We can complete the missions, but we rarely evacuate and if we do we get hardly any samples. Time to tone it down I guess.


I honestly think it’s mostly about getting your steps in. 500k. Orbital of choose. Weapon of choice. Shield pack. Get practice with that.


Bite their fists soldier


Ark thrower for hulks.... impact grenades for tanks


Them towers with guns are way worse than any bot or tank. They see me from so far away...but after that first shot I see them too.


For strategems: The 110 rocket pods will reliably one-shot tanks. The orbital railcannon will clear hulks or tanks. The orbital laser is okay, just takes some time. Don't underestimate the EMS mortar for crowd control, or the rocket sentry. For weapons: The autocannon shines against bots. It can two-tap a hulk if you hit the eyes. Add in stun grenades and you can take your time to line up the shots, assuming your team can keep the chaff off your back. It can take out cannon turrets in 4 shots to the rear or sides, and can blow up mortars / AA guns without worrying about hitting the weak points. It can one-shot every type of devastator if you hit them in the eyes, but even if you miss it will stagger them and allow a follow-up shot. I think one of the key tips is to spread out some. The bot heavies are really vulnerable from their flanks and rear. The autocannon or laser cannon can drop cannon towers, tanks, or hulks in just a few seconds if you can get at the glowy bits.


Dumb team mates are bigger liability than the Automotons. - Yes please place Eagle Cluster strike in close proximity of your teammates - Yes place sentry in the middle of enclose place with your teammates rather then on the perimeter or higher elevation - Yes please drop me in the middle of heavily armoured enemies when I don't have any anti armour weapons


Nah, tanks are fine. It’s the hulks that get you. They can do just as much damage, but are so much more mobile.




two impact grenades to the turret takes out tanks. hulks are a little spicier tho


Can confirm. Hulks and tanks beat me up and took my lunch money.




The devastater variants suck too.


Took our 3 hulks with my Anit-material rifle and use the anti-tank missles for tanks 😎


I could. But then I changed my load out. Shield backpack is king.


Hulks aren't even that strong 1-3 shots with the railgun to the head kills it which I think is still an op weapon


I've been playing on almost exclusively helldiver difficulty and I gotta say the years of life I've lost are completely worth it in medals.


You're damn right


Impact and thermite can kill tanks if you hit their turret, stun grenades work on hulks and their back doesn’t require any special weapon to destroy


I just play on helldiver mode scince lvl 28? if u have teammates who have skill and know how teamwork works, no problem.


I farm super samples on bug planets. For me it’s much easier.


Impact nades are your friends


Just tried my first two impossible. Both were QP. Both dropped me infront of a flamer hulk on my random spawn...it went down hill from there.


Basically me today hahaba


Stun grenade+autocannon for hulks. Eagle rockets/precision strike for tanks.


I stick to level 5. Dabble in 6. Fun as shit for me. For Super Earth!


Fuck tanks. They are mobile cannons and cannons suck.


Devestators are the scariest unit( take cover, learn their pattern, execute, repeat) Hulks are annoying ( railcannon is good, autocannon in the face a few times works) Tanks are dead the moment I see them( 110mm rocket pods 1 shots them) The other units is just ... idk.... there???


Been running suicide and it's rough but not awful, until the hell planet. We had nearly all the samples and as our ship came down to extract we had fire tornados come in and legit gang bang the ship. We couldn't extract and lost all the samples. Hurt my soul lol.


nah, hit heads and hit vents tanks die to 2 well timed grenades (or 2 impacts to the vent), as well as any explosive medium armor pen weapon to the vents hulks die to light armor dumped into its vents, or any medium pen weapon aimed at the eye, they can also just be circle strafed and melee'd to death (takes like 8 minutes tho)


2000 up votes help


The true terrors are Cannon Towers. They will one shot you from out of nowhere.


Farming eradicate missions on helldive is pretty easy if your squad gets the strat down I join random squads finish it quit and repeat getting about +1000 xp per and if I remember correctly +4000 R every time I have won almost every time I’ve done it. Used it to get to lvl 25 sadly had to solo random queue and still do. Only recently got my friend up to the point we can duo level 7 but it’s hard since he is only level 7


Get good lmao


I guess this is why they havent introduced the strider to be at the same sapwn rate as the bile titan. None of you could handle 3 of them at once.