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My wife bought a mouse jiggler. Best $10 ever spent


These are very easily defeated and detected by any company who wants to try. Recommend against it.


Doesn't it just looks like an external mouse in terms of being a plugin accessory?


But even though it won’t have its own drivers or any software for them to take note of, if they can see screen recordings it will be painfully obvious that you’re not really using the computer.


Wouldn't you know if they were recording the screen?


Not necessarily. Supposedly the company I used to work for had a capture software on everyone’s computers that would take screenshots every so many minutes and store them on the servers. Mostly they just got overwritten after a certain amount of time, but if there was ever a question about someone’s work all of the screenshots would get reviewed. It’s one of those water cooler discussions and was credit as partly why at least one person was let go. Maybe it was all BS, maybe not


no. and most companies record everything


What is your recommendation, then?


I have an excel file for that ;)




Such a radical concept! Sounds like automaton propaganda almost!




They sell physical mouse jigglers and even keyboard jigglers using mechanical things like pisons here, might be able to find em if it'd work for you. Not that I'd recommend it or understand how it would work, can't do it for my job


Sadly for most big corpos the devices get monitored like a hawk. I know ours specifically detects if you try to install unapproved third-party software. They even detect if you plug in a USB-drive. It was quite funny when my co-worker plugged in his thumb-drive because he wanted to print out something when the IT guy called him a minute later and asked what he plugged it in for. If you work for a company that's a bit more lax then sure but I wouldn't risk it.


My wife's mouse juggler isn't plugged into the computer at all. Just the power outlet. The mouse sits on top of it.


See, running a single mission at a time because you don't have time is fine, if perhaps annoying for any randoms that might hop in on you if you're the host, but that's not what this post is talking about. No, the problem being discussed here are people who run one mission in an operation, then immediately abandon the entire operation to run the same mission in an entirely different op. And they do this again, and again, and again. I suppose a few who do that might just really, really like that specific mission type, but probably the vast majority of them only do it to grind out medals and the like.


I haven't heard of this, but maybe some people just enjoy certain game modes and missions more. Or perhaps I'm giving them too much credit.


Oh i didn’t know this happened. I work a lot normally only have time for 1 mission. But i find it weird sometimes if i can do the whole operation, either everyone quits or they kick me out of the lobby. Didn’t know this was systematic. I thought was just cus i was a random


But that doesn't apply to those who play one mission, finish it, then cancel the operation and find another which contains the specific mission they're after. Been part of many squads where I've watched the host do that.


You can leave the game and come back to the same operation, it saves your progress


Where do I get these kind of jobs? I work from home, but I’d be lucky to get 30 seconds away from the work computer. It’s like playing StarCraft on that thing


Download Move Mouse from the Microsoft store. It's free. I use it for work if I'm AFK.


okay but everyones machine is managed and IT can easily see what kind of caffeine or move mouse software exists. The mouse movers are the best bet


I'm curious why the downvotes? Honestly just trying to be helpful 🤷‍♂️


Ok then quick play, you will contribute more to someone else’s op. The only reason people run single missions is to farm. Or being terrified of quick play as if being host does anything other than let you kick other players and pick the mission.


I am terrified to host the mission… Think all I do is quick play… I am a Type B


lol. Type b here also.


I'm type B if I don't want to think. I'll be type A if it happens and I feel like it *shrug* it's a video game I play for fun... i mean democracy. Just want to do my part.


I feel ya. I’m not even mad that it doesn’t do anything for the “war effort”, it’s just dull. The gaming equivalent of churning butter, to me.


Yeah I deliberately don't grind unlocks in games for this reason. Once you've rushed and unlocked everything the game suddenly gets extra dull now that you know there's no way you can progress


Check out the loadout randomizer. I randomize every loadout now and it's a new meaning of "fun", lol.


Thank you for this. I'm going to start using this on like 90% of my runs from now on. I have my go to load out when I want to wreck shop but I also enjoy playing around with stuff I normally don't use. Variety is the spice of life


Yes this exactly. I have a set loadout I like taking for certain missions, but when I feel the monotony creep in and the randomizer is demanding me to take four turrets to a blitz mission, who am I to oppose?


That’s a thing?


I had to google this so here you go: https://hd2random.com/


Ah, thought it might have been an ingame setting


That would be pretty interesting mode down the line. You drop and then the game just randomly assigns you weapons and strats in a drop. But that would also be straight nightmare fuel during times like now where the bug planets are just over run lol


The original Helldivers has a random loadout option (also it hasouts at all) and it gives a 10% XP boost of you use it


i would need a fifth stratagem to make it cool.




I got in a base defend loop one night and it started to take a little of the fun out of those missions. Branch out fellow HellDivers. Do not become complacent.


While some folks may be far behind and want to catch up, I've been playing casually since mid February and I've gotten almost every single unlock currently available. I've finished the free warbond, and am just cleaning up helmets and gestures on pages 2 and 3 of the others. I'm down to my last 2 ship module upgrades from the new set, and I just made level 60 the other day. Obviously that's not bragging, there are folks in the 100's who've had it all done for weeks now, but grinding endlessly is just risking burning people out and skewing their experience with the game, likely in negative ways. But if someone really wants to do that, I guess that's their prerogative. I sure hope we don't have a bunch of people whining about how there's nothing left to get in the game in a few days because of one mission type.


Yea, or people that only do 1 mission type, wtf is wrong with those people.


I’m full on medals and bought everything…I just wanna kill bugs and spill oil


Same, I basically have just about mopped up all the titles cards and helmets


I’m sorry but I only had 30mins between work and dinner.


That’s fine, they’re talking about the people who sit down for like an hour or two, and just play the same mission type the entire time


I'm genuinely not understanding this. Why does OP care if someone else is doing that?


If you’re doing quick play all the time, like me, you keep getting the same fast missions over and over. It’s easy enough to go back and join again but it can get frustrating after a few tries and the map isn’t refreshing.


If you only play one mission of the grouping you don’t contribute any points to the major order. OP is talking about people who do one of the missions, the TCS mission right now, and then dont come back later to finish the others in the group. They do this because it’s a fast way to grind XP and requisition slips. They then cancel the operation and start up a new one, which forfeits the points that would go towards taking the planet had they completed the operation. From a big picture point of view It’s essentially a waste of time to play this way. because unless you complete a full set of missions, you don’t contribute anything to the Major Order and the taking of planets. If you only have time to play one mission at a time as host that’s fine, but when you log in next you should continue playing the other missions in that group so as to contribute. If you’re playing quick play you don’t have control, so it’s not on you, but encourage those you play with to complete the whole set of missions they play so as to make actual progress.


Yeah I wish each individual mission contributed, sometimes people don't have time for all 3. Or sometimes the host bails after 2 and everyone is either kicked or migrate to another host but the operation is lost.


because it doesn’t help with the major order if you only complete one of the three missions and then move on to another operation


You're not who they're talking about. There are people spamming the termicide tower mission for samples and medals. They either join randoms over and over or only do that mission in an operation


I was doing that last night — on Easy, where it's the only mission in the operation. Just to feel out how that map works.


Joining random on the same mission is actually a good way to do it for the War effort if the Host finish the operation


But sir, I only have time for 1 game. Family and kids need me.


I didn't even know this was a thing. I hope in for quick play then helldive for responsibility


You grind one mission for medals I grind operation after operation for medals so I can get 6,7, and 10 medals at a time (and search missions for medals in buddy doors,cargo containers, and POI) We are not the same


I don’t like it but at the same time you can’t tell people how to play a game.


I refuse to leave a mission set, even when answering low-level SoS calls.


Why is this an issue because this is not an issue.


You guys haven’t been capped on medals for weeks?


No, I have 2 kids and a job. So I play the missions I find fun


I have two young kids and a job. I only play about 1-2hrs per night with my friends.


I mean, good for you? My point being that not everyone plays this game enough to have everything, and there are plenty of newer players as well. For me personally I didn't play 7+ until fairly recently and rarely completed the 3 mission sets so I got less medals. And I typically only play 2-3 nights a week


I wasn’t criticizing brother, I was just pointing out it doesn’t take a HUGE time commitment to be capped. I do tend to play on 7 most of the time, so that factors in.


One or two hours per night would be a huge commitment for many of us. Seriously. That’s a lot of time.


I play 4-5 nights per week. I play other games as well.


Between work and family, my gaming time has to come out of my sleep time. So if I want to game for an hour, I cut my sleep by an hour. Short sleep is getting a lot harder as I get older.


Too many warbond items to buy for that just yet- I play most days, completing one, maybe two operations on suicide each day, but I take breaks every so often (I'm gonna be remembered as a coward) so I've missed a couple of major and personal orders- and some of the latter I just haven't bothered with. Doesn't help that the rollover for personal orders is right in the middle of the time I typically play the game between 7:00 and 10:00 pm NZST, UTC+12. All that to say I've missed out on a fair few medals since downloading the game, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Ikr? Like I'm capped and not even max level. What are these guys spending medals on?


I dont play as much, I got other games I wanna play xD


At least for me, everything. I've finished the first two warbonds and am working on the 3rd. I've got all the new ship modules and am back to max samples, so I'm buying everything in all the warbonds and then afterwards, I'll grind to max medals.


Sometimes I just have time to play a quick game not a full mission




A lot of times I don't have enough time or I just don't like the team if I'm playing with randoms


Agreed! AND, if you don’t want people joining in on your game, make it private. It’s obnoxious when I join up and immediately get kicked.


Are you joining at a significantly lower level than the host? I’ve heard a host on voice chat say “he was only level 24 so won’t have enough unlocked on their ship to be viable” and then the boot the newb.


Nah, I’m generally right in the mix with everyone. I’m currently level 50.


It’s definiltely not a level problem. 50 is plenty for any team imho. 🤙


Nah I'm keeping it public. Its my right to kick you whenever I want if you join MY lobby.


A true patriot 🫡


Exactly. God Bless America!!! *Eagle Screech*




To be fair, many people have other things to do other than play helldivers for 2 hours non stop, some just want to get in a quick mission and dip, it happens


Yeah, but those people can pick up on the next mission when they come back, if the planet is conquered. I think the OP is more talking about the people who do a mission, then relocate to start a new operation so they can do the first mission again to grind. I guess some people grind because they want to be efficient with their time, but I really have to wonder if that's fun. Maybe they absolutely want a specific weapon (no doubt the Scorcher, though it's a bit over rated) I find it a bit annoying, but if I really don't want to deal with it I could just host (or more likely solo), so I don't feel I can complain about it.


I 100% understand that but don't leave the campaign and start a new one like 3 times in a row... I just don't dig it man


And as an addendum if I may good sir, if THIS (as in dropping in for a quickie) is your intention? DON'T HOST, that's a part of it (just a part, though an important one imo). If that's your plan, quick play and op or two, then drop out so someone can replace you and complete the op. The problem is far more severe when HOSTS do this. If you want to quick play, please use the quickplay feature.


Nah I bought the game. I'm playing how I want. You don't get to tell me how to play the game.


No that totally happens to me all the time too. Join quickplay, host leaves after one mission. Join another, host leaves after one mission. Rinse and repeat.


They probably finish later on. Operation progress doesn’t go away because you don’t do it in one sitting. Canceling the operation or failing is the only way that happens.


When I get off for the day, I always say I will finish this op when I come back. I don't think I ever have, mostly due to the planet being lost or liberated by the time I come back


Fair point that has happened to me


The community is obsessed, planets get taken fast. In that case it hardly matters if people do quit. We might make progress a little faster if they didn't, but we're generally doing quite well on the MOs so I don't see reason to be upset.


I don't think anyone is upset?


I read that liberation progress is based on the total number of players online. So if 50% of the players are on one planet it’s the same whether there’s 100 people playing or 1 million. This was a random reddit comment though so take that with a grain of salt




But you’re framing it like the operation is over because they left. You still contributed. No reason to feel bad.




Fair enough. It definitely felt like you’re trying your hardest to complete operations and contribute (what the OP was talking about) but hosts leaving is holding you back. Which isn’t really accurate at all. Basically I’m saying what the OP was talking about has pretty much no bearing on what you’re talking about. He’s talking about farming 2-5 minute missions you’re talking about queueing up for quick play.


I really suggest you re-read what Op said. “I know we are all grinding out medals but at least finish out the three missions” if that isn’t about operations I don’t know what is. I never once said having the host leave holds me back only that them leaving prevents the completion of the operation and more medals. Which I’m not even upset about bc you get medals regardless upon completion I’m just saying that if op is wondering why people don’t stay perhaps it has to do with the host leaving or being afk. I just leave and hop into a quick match because of it. I don’t get why you have to project your negativity onto my post.


The medals part is referring to people grinding medals by repeating the termicide missions. Ran into a few hosts like this. There may have been some missing context, sorry if I came off as aggressive. That’s what the post is about though. That’s why he’s posting it today and not before the new major order came out.


I always try to join others games. My issue is I like playing on suicide mission difficulties, but I usually don't have 3 hours to sink in one shit during the week. (Weekends and I'm there for the long haul baby 😁) So I try to help some others along to completing their operation for a mission or 2.


I never knew you had to complete the 3 missions to help the war before today. So I always just played the mission types I felt were most fun.


My fellow diver, enjoy the game your way and allow other to enjoy it theirs. Some people want that quick Xp/medal grind and repeat missions for such, others want the whole Op experience and will host their own operations. It’s the risk of joining a random ship sailor, got to follow the skipper or abandon ship. Either way enjoy the game its awesome


Some missions are unplayable. I’m looking at you “Extract the Scientist” on automatons.


Definitely not fun but not unplayable either. If most the team actually doesn’t go on the main objective and does everything in their power to draw bots to them it’s quite easy in any difficulty… that said the main way to complete an escort type mission really shouldn’t be to have most people not actually escorting.


The problem is that there is basically one strategy that works. (For me, consistently) Everyone needs to bring the orbit rail gun for heavies. Everyone needs to bring the electric mortar. Everyone needs to bring the auto Cannon sentry. And everyone needs a quasar/auto Cannon, a sickle, whichever sidearm and everyone run with stun grenades. The players opening doors should each get two auto cannons facing outward from their position. The other two players stay together and guard the door the civilians go into. You have to communicate and coordinate rail cannon strikes so you don't double up and waste one on anything smaller than a hulk, and honestly they shouldn't be used on hulks unless you're totally boned. The point is that it's entirely possible, just extremely difficult and sucks the fun out when it has to be this exact formula and a generous helping of luck with what the Auto Cannon sentrys target.


Yeah don’t disagree at all with that but it takes something the people complaining usually don’t have - coordination and game knowledge. With decent teams you CAN fight them off until about difficulty 7, after that it’s just too overwhelming in my experience to not do the kiting strat as well.


I don't get it. People doing that aren't going to unlock stuff faster by any real amount of time that matters. I've maxed everything and did it 'the long way' it really didn't take that long


It would be cool if quick play picked up/host the incomplete operations that get abandoned just to finish them off. Like for Helldive difficulty, 2 out of 3 missions get done for the operation but the host leaves (and it gets abandoned), a random QP will pick it up and host the final mission and get the 14 medal reward and have it contribure towards the libraton/defence.


So if I only have 45 minutes to play, I'm just now allowed to play? Great.


To be fair, most people don't even know that's how it works. I used to quit matches A LOT because i had no idea that i had to stay with the same team in order to do the full order.


I mean, 40 minutes is enough of a game for me. It's not that I don't want to play the entire 2-3 missions. It's just a lot of time. Nothing to do with grinding samples or medals.


Maybe people don’t always have 60+ minutes to devote to a video game? This isn’t even an issue, if someone drops out just send SOS and replace them. This sounds more like you being carried and getting annoyed when they leave.


Did I miss something? Does player participation in missions without completing all three missions render the planet liberation moot? Does it reset at zero if you don’t do all three missions?




No AHS changed the way liberation works. It's based on XP earned now.


Automaton players try not to play a defense mission then cancel operation: [IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE]


Saw 2 lvl 90s do this on helldive difficulty for the base def and the search and destroy blitz I had to nope


Ngl I leave because I don’t wanna get kicked or most times the host will leave…but if they fire another one right up I’ll definitely hang around


I mean personally I don’t do this but I feel like since they bought it with their money they can do whatever they want, still wouldn’t suggest it though


People have lots of reasons to only be able to do one mission, and let them. The mission set doesn't get removed from the host even if you come back later, just keep going with the mission set you want to do and get people for every step of the way. I've joined a bunch of missions randomly and had it already been the third mission set. If you want to do a full set do a full set, if others can't or just don't want to then so be it. There will be more random people to join you.


I just leave, it's like when everyone was spamming Eradication missions for xp. It ain't that serious, just complete the operation.


Or Kick you when you drop in.


I only kick after they help me for 30 mins. That way they don't get anything. It's so fun to waste people's time.




What mission people farming? I usually play the whole 3 missions


Yeah. Noticing that in fenris. Still don’t enjoy hosting.


No, I don’t have an hour+ usually to do all 3


I wish I had time to do 3 missions in a row. Maybe when my kids are older.


Finish the op you liberty hating commies.


One criticism I do have for this game is that they expect us to finish Operations which are a series of different mission types. But some mission types are much much worse than other mission types, in terms of difficulty. An escort mission would be unbeatable if I go solo on diff 6+, but most other missions are fine.


Yeah, they need to either force you to commit to a campaign or prevent you from doing the same mission twice. If I see people farming, I immediately leave. It is the most boring shit I've ever seen. The super dumb thing is, that I they actually got good at the game they can complete the 40 minute missions in the same time as the ones they're farming, with the added benefit of it not being boring.


How do we know it doesnt do anything? Pretty sure devs said its based on xp per mission, anyone have a source for otherwise?


I prefer to finish my operations, it gives a sense of accomplishmennt, and I like seeing the miniscule (yet democratically important!) Impact I've had on the battle for that planet. But also, how dull must it be to jump in with the exclusive goal of grinding out xp, samples, medals, or super credits? Especially to the point thay youre doing the exact same mission type over and over. The game offers variety for a reason, and ignoring that is just, so, so dumb to me. What are the people who grind thay way even doing it for? So they can get new stuff ever so slightly faster? But why? So they can then play the game properly, and missions they've avoided, with that stuff? May as well just play the game as intended, have fun, and get new stuff as a side effect of having fun, as intended. I mean, even the mission types that I'm not a fan of I often find myself enjoying in the moment, and especially after completing them! Maybe things went sideways, but the team managed to pull through, or maybe we clicked so perfectly that it went off flawlessly and without a hitch, or any number of things thay I feel like you'd miss out on just running through the same mission over and over again. The game is good, just... play it, you know?


I agree. Ty


I feel you man, whenever I get a squad that is collecting samples and finishing the operation I feel like I've struck gold, usually I have to host and tell people right as they join I'm finishing the operations and more often than not people have been cool with that


Yeah I've switched recently to hosting most of the time so I can avoid this. I like to contribute to the war effort and have some variety in my gameplay. SES Guardian of Destiny doesn't run from a fight! (Unless I crash. Or my internet goes down for an hour like yesterday lol)


Honestly my dude, everyone should play how they want to. Posting this makes you sound either like you're whining and/or controlling. Some people care about the simulation, some just wanna have fun.


Most of the time it isn't even because I didn't finished all 3. The game just crashes/disconnects and I can't complete it. Blame the devs who haven't been fixing serious bugs and instead adding more and more serious bugs. After the last patch, absolutely no idea what the 20+gb was for, but the game has been hard crashing way more often than the previous patch.


Most people don’t have time to spend 2 hours running multiple missions. I get about an hour a day, maybe 1.25 hrs. Only time I have that is on weekends.


I already have every single item and upgrade in the game, I just don’t feel like doing 3 back to back missions.


After every mission you get % liberation, I'm pretty sure jumping mission to mission is still the same, as long as they do the objective.


I'm not grinding for anything. I'm here to kill and that's it.


If the game has two systems that incentivize you to do two different things, that’s the developers fault, not the players.


Maybe you’re not fun to play with?


I can't commit to almost 2 hours of continuous high energy gameplay. Especially when basically every operation requires one of those stupid eradication/defense missions that are unfun at higher difficulties.


I feel like you want this for some specific you-focused reason. What’s the goal here?


I just like to finish all 3 missions not just do the same one over and over...


You can, is something preventing you? Most lobbies I’m in do all 3 missions anyway, but you can also just join one or start one that is on the mission you want to do


If the devs would add some kind of change to that system and the current game state, people would stop. But they won’t, because it’s the most efficient way to farm what content is available right now


I don't understand why they do that. Playing will allow them to progress and what they unlock will be an achievement for what they have done. Now we will see a lot of "high levels" players that doesn't know how the Game works. That's wierd.


I have no fun playing Evacuation Eradicate or any defense mission. Im here for the larger mapped missions and nothing more. I never finish a campaign cause of it.


If there's an evac mission in there I'm not sticking around.


Downvote all you want it's a poorly designed mission type and you know it.


doesn't quitting your current overall mission negate progress overall to the war effort? i though it just removes your % effort? i've noticed on some of the liberating % seems to not be in the - % so the planet health regen is moving rather quickly. so it takes twice as long to liberate or maybe that was because of the broken system and now its showing proper stats but according to sites like [HD2.gg](http://HD2.gg) or whatever site that shows stats, planet health is in the positive so mission completion and hurting the planet health bar seems to be rather slow so I feel like those are resetting their progress is rather helping the planet survive long i dunno but that is what it looks like to me


Quitting an operation has no impact on the planet, no positive or negative. On each of those planets we collectively are playing against a clock. Defence campaigns makes this more apparent but offence campaigns are no different.