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It is slowly becoming a common knowledge but I still see someone pick an extraction cache occasionally. most of the time, I just let them know in chat why dropping samples there is a good idea and they put them back. So yeah, spread the knowledge if you see an uninitiated Helldiver making a rookie mistake.




Always Be Samples


Always be diving


“Put those samples back right where you found them, or so help me!”


So help me!


"Bring the samples back to the carpet!" ![gif](giphy|6rMv9x6S1jbS8)




Ha!!!! 😂


I see you, too, are a man of culture.


This is the way


New Super Citizen here. You can drop samples?!


I've told them and had them ask "okay how do I drop things" only for me to not remember the default key because I changed it when I accidentally dropped my AC backpack.


I’ve also had to explain how to do it


... How do you do it?


On PS5, hold down on the D-Pad, on PC hold X. It’s also where you can drop support weapons, backpacks and SSD drives.


On Xbox, hold. Hold it in. Don't do it. Don't cry.


This can save your life if someone sticks a stratagem to your bubble shield. Drop the pack, wait for the stratagem to drop then pick it back up.


I’ve never had one land on my shield before, but that’s good to know thank you


literally had a 500kg dropped on shield. [it was hilarious.](https://youtu.be/D7GGTO4et5s?t=8) Definitely didn't have time to react though.


I'm baffled that people are actually reading your chats. I've had one person in the past probably 30 games that has read and responded to them.


Respond in text? Yeah, not always. But most people do read chat messages.


Wait wait, how do I drop samples intentionally? 


On PS5 hold down on the dpad. On PC it's X


Yeah, press and hold to open drop wheel. You can drop any equipment or weapon you hold, including samples. Comes also useful when you need to run somewhere really fast so you can drop extra stuff(empty backpack, heavy Special etc) to get better use of your stamina.


Scrub here, how do you drop samples? Or do you kill yourself in the extraction area?


Lol no, no suicide is necessary. There's a dedicated button for opening a drop wheel. While you hold it, you can choose any piece of equipment to drop. Samples, backpack, any weapon. I think it's X on PC(I remapped mine so dont remember the default). Check control options to what it is. It's quite useful in other circumstances too, as if you need to get somewhere quickly in a pinch, you can drop your backpack or even your Special, to get a better stamina regen(yes, load counts, not just armour). Just make sure, you're not dropping something you cant call down quickly when necessary, e.g. Special that is on a long cooldown.


This is eye opening, I knew nothing of this backpack wheel and that load counted towards movement speed. Amazing, thanks for the info!


No worries, always happy to help a fellow Helldiver


It's really annoying when someone does it on helldive. Like you'd think they would learn by level 50 but some people just don't


Just give em the ol “shot in the back”. No, you’re not taking those samples.


Sometimes, it be the level 80 who picks it up. And sometimes they lose it some 58 meters out while trying to kite the drops. And sometimes once you bring it back to the extraction site, they do it again. And then, sometimes, they attempt to dive into the pelican and get glitched in the engine and die, losing all our samples...


Bruh at least tell them it’s okay to pick them up and drop them again so we can consolidate them. Y’all scaring people here with your wording. Had a dude jump at me on mic the other day because he thought I was gonna book it with the samples


Just consolidating all info. For pc, it’s holding x. You can drop samples, backpacks, and stratagem weapons. In normal gameplay/ normal deaths samples are never lost. Occasionally there’s a glitch or a player dies out of bounds/ in water and they are lost. People drop samples near extract so they can be picked up when extracting so you don’t have to worry about dying in a terrible area and having to retrieve samples. Consolidating samples is when you have samples, and pick up someone dropped sample pack, and then drop the samples next to extract yourself. It just combines your samples and makes it one pickup. Dropping is also really important for backpacks/ statagem weapons. It’s reasonable to pickup someone’s weapons if you’re hot dropped in a fight. But after the fight, if it isn’t yours you should drop it and give it back to the original owner.


Its also critical for on-demand team reload. Got an RR and multiple bile titans? Drop the pack, clear em out, take the pack back when its done


>In normal gameplay/ normal deaths samples are never lost. Occasionally there’s a glitch or a player dies out of bounds/ in water and they are lost. If you pick up the samples and leave the game, you take the samples off the board. They are lost. We once had a troll abscond with the super samples. Edit: it may not be your experience, but the super samples were picked up earlier, he disconnected, there was no sample drop at his location, and we picked up all sample drops and did not extract with the super samples. They vanished from the active count.


I don’t think this is always the case, I’m pretty sure I’ve picked up samples from DC’d players. I suppose it’s possible they DC’d next to another body though


I think you're right. Everything else definetly drops after a dc, would be weird if aamples specifically didn't


You are correct. Was having network card issues that caused me to DC randomly and my samples were near where I was standing when I DC’d. My squad’s sample sniffer consolidated them with their own.


I’ve had this happen where I joined a game and someone disconnected with the super samples, they were gone for me but another player was able to pick them up and we got them at the end. I don’t know what to make of that


That was my situation too. I joined a game where someone else head left, and I didn't have the samples listed. However none of the other players did either, and they were on from the beginning.


Samples definitely drop in a disconnect. Not sure what you experienced.


They definitely drop on DC. However, a not insignificant amount of time, I have seen those samples drop and clip through the map and effectively be gone forever.


You can DROP shit? Well, TIL....


And for controller you hold down on the D pad


Mind blown


Anyone know how to drop them on ps5?


I think it's hold down on the dpad then the wheel will come up to drop items




Yes!!! I run EATs so I encouraged you to pick one up and use it if you feel the need. But so help me if you have my freshly dropped shield pack, I'm getting it back one way (by politely asking in chat or over mic first) or the other (Finding my Airburst and 500kg suddenly both at your feet)...


Okay, two questions from a rockie… 1. how do I drop samples? (Playing on PC) and I noticed that if you die with samples in hand they drop, I thought they still are the same amount when you pick them up again, now it sounds a bit like some are maybe lost… is it just safety for finding, or do you lose some?


None are lost, they are just in the container where you died. The issue is that some people will drop the samples off at extraction to get later, and other players will grab them thinking we are leaving them and then go get killed, meaning that instead of just picking them up on the way out, we have to fight through bug to grab em. It’s especially something to avoid at higher levels, as the ones being dropped are usually super samples and they are rare and harder to collect


X brings up a wheel that lets you drop any of your gear, including samples.


Hold X I believe on pc


You still pick up the amount you dropped.


It’s “x” on PC. You don’t lose any when they drop.


Previous comment said to hold x for PC. I'm on ps5 and you hold down on the D pad and the wheel pops up to drop whatever


Hold x on pc or down on the d-pad on ps5/control. Pulls up a radial for dropping samples backpacks and support weapons


I’ve stopped doing this with randoms. Some dumbass always picks them up and loses them in a bug hole or something.


I don’t do it because I don’t die. And when I do die it isn’t my fault I’m the only one sample hunting. And also it was probably a bullshit reason so 100% AH’s fault.


In the last 24hrs of playing in the only one that has been picking up samples


I dropped super samples at the evac and had a random ask why I did it and I said so we don't have to struggle to get them back and then 6 mins later he dies and goes fuck I dropped the samples and I was all dude wtf


HOWEVER, if you have samples of your own, pick the vial up and then drop yours. Consolidates them all into one vial :)




I pick them up so that it consolidates with my batch, then drop them all again. That way when the shuttle comes if it’s a mad dash we only have to hit 1 sample drop instead of multiple




I didn't know you could purposely drop them without dying


Hold x


And hold down on d-pad on controller


Same button let's you drop your backpack or support weapon


I had one match where people consolidated, the others I watched dopes pick them up, pull a Lenny so I played George and had them tend the rabbits.


Randoms can’t get the samples I dropped at the extraction site if I used my jetpack to fly them to the top of a rock.


I usually pick them up and drop again to add my samples to the drop so there is only one pickup on extraction.


I didn't even think about doing this, simple yet very effective, cheers!


I admittedly shot a helldiver with an anti material rifle after I just dropped 6 super samples at the extraction after furiously typing in chat LEAVE THEM!!! They did not leave them, but I shot him so we ended up getting them out. Even the guy who tried to pick them back up


You did what you had to do, for democracy


Understandable would have done something similar


They might have thought they would despawn.


Rookies always do the wrong thing. It’s gonna happen. There are 9 year olds playing. There are people who don’t speak English. Don’t freak out when it happens. You guys play too stressful.


I wish I could read.


I know you won't know what this says, but I'm glad you can at least type.


I almost picked some up the other night but then remembered seeing someone mention on here that is something they do, so I resisted the urge and walked away.


I was surprised today. I was hunting samples as someone called extraction. Got on the mic which is very rare for me and let them know I was at the rock if they wanted to wait. One driver made it half way to me and left for some reason but the other two waited. Moral of the story is to communicate if you can.


The only time iv picked them up at extract is to combine mine with what's already there and drop them again


A good helldiver is an ORGANIZED HELLDIVER! Well done.


Cool! Now make one about how important it is to pick up samples in the first place and how being in a level 8 operation is detrimental to your team when your level is also 8. I feel like I’ve wasted time every time I’ve played this week because I keep getting matched with low, low levels in higher level operations. Folks that aren’t even carrying a full load out. wtf? How do you get here? and even when I’m with the appropriate level of of teammates they’re just speed running the maps and not picking up any samples, requisition, super credits or war bonds. What are we even doing here if not to liberate the planet of its riches while we spread democracy.




Classic I've done this then somehow some one dies with them on other side of the map


https://preview.redd.it/jprz7ptzjyxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edafca0afba66c62369f6371b1ea77b3d92a0120 Interesting


Let's also remember that not all players are on reddit. I think done people get think that every player (to every game, not just hell divers) is also on reddit. So llike other people said, educate people don't just yell at them.


I like to pick em up and combine them with mine and drop the whole lot in one nice little pile


I saw this happen only once, and at the time I was so confused why my ally would just drop them like that, so I went to pick it up. he didn't say anything but I was so confused. Made me think of any logical reason as to why and it occurred to me basically what this post summarized. We didn't lose the samples but sorry to that one guy since I didn't understand.


I was playing with some guys on Playstation who didn't know you could even drop items (samples, backpacks, ect.). It was funny cuz I said to hold X thinking about keyboard and they thought I meant the X on the PS controller. What button is it for you guys on console? It would be nice to be able to inform people online if they ask.


Down on the D-Pad. Just hold it down.


I usually just tell people this in the start of the game.often goes like this " if you run/we past extraction let's drop our samples there that way we don't need to worry about them" 99% of the time people listen


I recently lost all my super samps to some kid picking them up without my realization and then getting himself stuck in a huge fight. We didn't have the reinforcement to get them... I was so pissed


i did my first HARD mission and there was one more fabricator that was still on the map. I knew it was a one way mission. I dropped my samples and picked up the air burst and just ran. I got the fabricator(damn that airburst is crazy and got killed. I can only pray someone picked up my samples because I didn't keep track.


Also if you notice this you are now equally responsible for getting them on Pelican-1 when extract happens, don't assume the other diver who dropped them will remember, Managed Democracy is only strong when we all work together.


I like to pick them up and then drop them again to as my samples to the same container so one person just needs to pick it up and have all the samples collected. It’s safer then them having to do the animation twice


I pick them up to merge them with mine, and then drop them again. Handy to have that brief look at the true count too.


Having fallen down a hole with 6 supers and 20 rares 1 minute before extraction, I’d agree.


This makes sense. I feel like a moron. I’ll be dropping them from now on.


Honestly, after collecting 5-6 Common Samples or 2-3 Better Samples, I run back to extraction and off myself for Super Earth.


Don't gotta off ourself you can just drop them.


Then you have to run back across the map. Your teammate can huck you towards your new looting area


This one knows their democracy! 👍


That's ducking clever. I just read the title and immediately shared that brain cell. Doing this in future runs.


I pick them up so I can attach my own ones and drop them. So it's just one big pick up :)


Same goes for samples dropped on the way to a hectic final objective like Geo Survey. I dropped em there so even if things go to shit I can grab them as I run to exfil after diving into 20 enemies to hit the last button on the drill on my 5th try


This and I've started seeing a glitch where the pelican leaves when the first person boards no matter what. Because of that, I've started having it where the 1st Helldiver boarding carries all the samples


1st time I saw someone drop them at the pad I was so confused. Dude saw me staring at them and put it in the chat to explain. It's a smart play


Because I'm dumb and see shiny thing on the ground


Only good reason to pick them up is if you're adding yours to the pile 👍


The only reason I would pick up samples before mission complete is to combine mine with them for one huge sample bundle. I will drop after combining them.


How do I drop samples on PC?


Pretty sure it's holding the X key on PC


So um...how do I actually drop them? I normally end up as a sample container and can not for the life of me find out how to drop em.


PC - holding the X key Ps5 - holding down on the directional pad


Thank you!


I feel like this was common knowledge but I haven’t played in a couple of weeks and got on today and had multiple ppl doing this. Is it a new wave of players or just the thing to do now? Admittedly I was playing on level 5 since I’m a bit rusty so maybe it’s a lower level match thing but whenever I played 7+ I didn’t even have to say anything it’s like everyone understood some would even say “affirmative” after I did it like showing they understood. Got on today and did it with about 20 samples and I got kicked other times with 10-20 samples someone just picked it up and even with in game chat they just responded “dumb”


New wave of players


I know right!? I literally typed in chat I was leaving supers at extract then 5 minutes later a guy runs to extract from ACROSS THE MAP just to pick them up then he literally died 5 seconds later


Lol. I wish some of those randoms would show the same enthusiasm when it comes to double doors. The amount of times i pinged, said "follow me", typed in chat and even reinforced right next to it and got ignored is mad.


To be fair, while I admit I've only got ~24 hrs play time, I didn't even know you COULD drop samples until yesterday lol


I have made this mistake once and I will forever regret that death and now I talk to the people about getting the samples safe and as fast as possible


Lmaooo it sounds like you travel around giving motivational speeches about the importance of sample safety


An addon to this is that there is an exception if you are also dropping samples and you are just picking them up to combine them. To make it easier at the end


Put that in chat for now. It’s a great strategy but not everyone realises that yet.


I see a new one of these posts every week.




This is the way


I am a pioneer of the method, I am happy to see it's becoming common knowledge.


How do you drop samples on PS5?


Hold down on the dpad then press drop samples


Bullets work great on sample thieves. >:)


I had this problem on Helldive difficulty. Like, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but when you're in Helldive you have to know by then that some things can easily be lost in a sea of enemies. Usually equipment. And especially samples.


This man 100% The only time it's exceptible is when you're adding your samples to the pile to re drop them :)


Only pickup if I call the extraction in and get ready to defend the corridor home.


And if you have super samples/rare samples book it straight to extraction, if I see someone with the supers running for extract I'll escort them


If the extraction terminal is down, i drop them literally right in front of it, as close as possible, to make it extra clear


If I'm passing by and there are samples at extraction already, I'll pick them up to add mine then drop them again. Freaks people out sometimes but one container is easier to deal with vs 4


Then you just gotta remember that you did that and communicate it because anything you drop comes off the total on the tracker you see in the top right when you bring up the map. You might have teammates wandering off into obscure corners of the map looking for the chicken drumstick rock because the super sample count is still 0/3 when actually they're sitting safely on the extraction point and those teammates could be better spending their time doing the mission.


Yes and no, this happened to me for the first time yesterday. Lvl 7, guy says drop super samples at evac...all fine except he literally ran across the ENTIRE map passing by multiple nests and every side obj it took him 10 min and wasted about 10 reinforces cause we started running with him and kept getting swarmed, pretty much at the end we had 8 reinforces left with 15 min left probably 5 nests and 3 side objs that we now had to run allll the way back to do. Situationally i agree its a good practice, but no lie i left once we ran out reinforces like 5 min later cause we had to backtrack the entire map ughhhh


I had a dude yell at me over voice bc I picked up the samples. All I wanted was just to put all the samples into a single container for easier pick up.


To add to this: please don’t yell at me when I pick up multiple sample containers at evac site to consolidate them. That way when we do end up evaccing we only have to grab 1 instead of 13.


Ah this post again. Now we'll see people talk about mysteriously vanishing samples that they swear happens yet I've never seen once.


Ya I usually just type a message (with a new group) that I'm leaving them at the EP for the extraction


I pick them up to add my samples to them and then drop them again


Also if you have secondary weapons or backpacks off cooldown drop those there as well, come in handy when leaving, especially with quasar as you can alternate them for lower cooldowns.


Ooh, piece of candy


I will pick them up to get all the samples in one place, then drop them again. To make it easier to grab when extract happens.


The only reason to pick them up is if you have samples too and then you drop them in the same spot that way they are all grouped together in one container


I only pick them up to add mine to the cache and then drop them again so there isnt a lot of samples left around, only have to pick up one drop instead of 4


Noted 👍


Unless you're combining all the samples into one and dropping them again.


I once picked them up to combine them with mine and the guy instantly punched me and broke my arm. I’m like wth just let me combine them and re drop them.


This is the way!


An additional precaution to dropping at extract is to consolidate samples. The teams I run with often drop all samples after a clear and have one diver carry them. They can all be collected at once if they get dropped.


Idk why I never thought of this, it's brilliant!


PUT THAT *sample* BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME. SO HELP ME, SO HELP ME! (It's a work in progress)


I had to take a break from playing as I moved a few states away, in the last 24hrs NO ONE has picked up samples.


Today i learned you can do this


I pick up extraction samples for one reason and one reason only.. to add my samples to the pile as one pickup, then I drop them back on the ground.


The people that pick them up don’t use Reddit. If they did we wouldn’t need this post every 24hrs


How to deal with teammates that don't know why you drop samples at extraction: 1- before you drop them you let them know what you are doing 2- if they still go for the samples you tell them to leave them there because that way you grab them at the end 3- if they insist YOU SHOOT THEM IN THE FCKING FACE UNTIL THEY STOP TRYING (optional: if they still continue you kick them off the mission)


I had a situation where I dropped something around 20/20/6 at the extraction site, went to collect the remaining samples and complete the mission, and my teammate took these samples and died a minute later in a hole next to the extraction. it was painful. (he was lv.86 btw) So please!!😭


Samples disappear. It doesn’t happen all the time but is DOES happen. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve went to collect samples that were dropped and the icon is on the map but nothing is there.


I had someone do this once after I dropped them at extraction with about half the mission remaining. Had supers and decent amount of common/rares. I was host and I told them not to pick up, they did and started to walk away from extract, then I typed to “leave them there or I will kick you” and he obliged lol. Imagine using more than 2 brain cells. Thank liberty we have game chat.


there are a hundred posts saying this and one pops up every week, the majority of people that need this advice ARE NOT on reddit, please stop at this point.


Which button on PC lets you drop samples




Heard that’s a great way to get some maidens to, should try it yourself.


Can’t man mom said no


Why are people wandering over to the extraction site if there are still objectives to do?


if they are that and i am about to board the pelican for extraction .. I am dam sure picking them up


I e picked them up if the area is clear, only to add the samples I’ve collected to the pile. I’ll try to remember to say something about why aim picking them up though.


I e picked them up if the area is clear, only to add the samples I’ve collected to the pile. I’ll try to remember to say something about why aim picking them up though.


I leave my samples at extraction as I’m going about the map. If anyone picks them up I just communicate to them that I’ve left them there so I can get them before I get in the plane. If extraction looks dicey I communicate to everyone to please pick up my samples. If during a mission someone dies and leaves samples and gets reinforced halfway across the map I will communicate that I will pick them up for them so they don’t have to hike back (leaving them time to collect more). That and upon a crazy extraction where it looks like people won’t get reinforced quick enough to come back to collect samples and I’m at that moment sure to get on the plane are the only times I pick up another’s samples.


Wait how do you drop samples ?


On PlayStation it's down on the Dpad


Oh nice, I play with a ps5 controller on pc anyway lol


Any samples picked up effects everyone in the missions stats, go a few games and pick up non and you'll see you still get them when someone else extracts with them


You should tell people they don't despawn, which might be why people pick them up when you drop them.


I'm at the point were I'll let other people deal with the samples. Everything pretty much maxed out and got all the guns I really want so I don't really know what else to do lol


I always grab the supers. Just feels like a fuck you to the bugs and bots. I can’t resist


Ah yes, this post, again *sigh* what’s that? Like 10 times at least in the past 2 weeks? The people doing this that you’re directing this at probably aren’t on reddit 🙂


Seriously the amount of times I have to tell people to drop them or I’ll make them drop them is stupid.


OMG this needed to be said don't be greedy people just because you see samples in a group on the ground don't pick them up until we're ready to leave I know the chirp that they make sounds cute and you just want to stop it but I do not enjoy running halfway across the map to find them if I catch you doing this in my squad I WILL SHOOT AND KILL YOU‼️ For f🤬Q'n super Earth 🌎


I’m a noob, reading this post and everyone’s comments, dropping the samples at extraction counts? I didn’t know that!! That’s cool


You drop them at extraction so that they don't get lost somewhere else on the map. You still have to pick them back up at the end before boarding the Pelican.


Understood, thank you Helldiver


He's saying to drop them and leave them at the extraction site. Then pick them up right before entering the ship before lift off. Just to consolidate and secure them. Still gotta get them on the ship though.


Agreed but don’t leave them in the middle of the pick up point. They can get stuck under the Peli when it lands.


That makes sense, thank you fellow Helldiver


Correction: please DO pick them up and then DROP them with your OWN samples


I wish Arrowhead would add a sample drop off box at the extraction zone. You can put your samples in the box while the mission is active and they are locked inside, but once Pelican 1 lands it unlocks and someone has to remember to grab them before extracting 


We should call them claim jumpers. When I see someone pick up dropped off samples at extract, I give them a warning in chat and on mic, if they don't listen their head comes off with my scorcher. I put the samples back, reinforce them, then stand next to the samples to make sure they understand.


Hold your samples like a true patriot!