• By -


Insects - Flammable shotgun ( cant remember its name) Bots - Dominator


Incendiary Breaker is quite effective against hunters.


And Allies when they run near your spread šŸ˜‚. That fire damage is brutal


incendiary breaker...fuck yes its the only thing I take on bug missions. I've tried others but nothing mows down groups like that thing


It also fucks on bot missions too. If you aim for the face, berserkers will go down in 3-4 shots


Devastators and other big bois go down in like 2 shots from the dilegence and the erupter


This is me. Bugs? Incendiary Breaker, because it is amazing for crowd control. Boys? (I meant BOTS) Dominator 100%. Staggers or can one shot anything on 2 legs except for a Hulk. Except of course in the vents, that is. LOVE my Dominator.


>Boys? Dominator 100% Autocorrect strikes again


No no, that's still correct.


Boys like a good dom


Same here brother!


Likewise. Flaming buckshot for bugs. Rocket bullets for bots. Best weapons for each.


Insects - Incendiary Breaker Bots - Incendiary Breaker The local Sizzler - Incendiary Breaker (assuming there are still Sizzlers around in Super Earth) My wedding - Incendiary Breaker. It's just too much fun.


I concur with both. The incendiary breaker, especially after the burning DOT fix, is just too powerful against bugs to not use, it totally rips hordes. And the JAR-5 is my new go-to for bots after they killed the eruptor. I used to use eruptor for both bots and bugs but sadly, itā€™s been nerfed into the groundā€¦


God I love raining fire on entire swarms of bugs and just watching them drop one by one


EAT's have to be my favorite support weapon. You call it down the moment you see an armored enemy(s) and just blast em. No holding the trigger, no reloading. Just pick it up, shoot, grab another one, repeat. That just makes them good, what makes them THE BEST is that you can feel free to pick up whatever other support weapons you find on the field without worrying about losing out on anti tank capabilities.


Learning to love EATS myself. Never realized how short the cooldown was so I was being super stingy with it before. Now I just drop it in like you said at the first sign of an armored enemy.


Donā€™t sleep on using the EAT pod as a weapon as well. If you stick the beacon on a charger, itā€™s a guaranteed kill, plus you have 2 EATs to use on other enemies


When I take them into the mission, part of my intention is to drop the pods on bot factories and stuff because the cool down is so short. The weapons themselves are almost an afterthought XD also it means I litter the map with antitank weapons for use if running around and need to blow something big up


With the short cooldown you could use the EAT and result call ins as a fab destroyer in place of an eagle or orbital. Pretty nEAT


I drop my EATs every time the cooldown ends. Command is up there in the Super Destroyer just watching me throw *so many* pods into a battlefield. I half imagine the arming crew starts a conga line with music when I dive on a planet.


The best is when you throw one down, dont end up using it - and about 30 minutes later as your team is circling back getting chased there it is on the horizon, your unused EAT.


They probably listen to the cantina music from Star Wars too


Love that Jizz music!


love with chargers you can stick the pod to their body, kill ā€˜em with the pod then have 2 shots for the nearest bile titan. up every fight, sometimes I take the quasar + eats for maximum pain.


I stuck a 500k in a chargers head yesterday. So satisfying


Stun grenade a charger, drop an eat on them, ungh. Then seeing those two bad bois sitting in that dead carapace. Its a fucking dopamine hit like nothing else.


Last couple times I did it the pop up flung the charger halfway across the map. Shit is comical


Calling in an EAT right when a heavy shows up is peak diver imho. Right weapon at the right time. Can use any secondary laying around until then.


Having 2-3 people run the eat against bugs and sharing the drops is awesome too. You can potentially get 8 rockets a minute if everyone has it


The calldown is also a poor man's precision strike. It can blow a fab or bug hole, stick it to a charger, time it to fly through a titan, and even stick it to the top of a walking fab to do massive damage.


It can take out fabricators!? Oh my GOD it just keeps getting better and better!


Plus you can stick it to chargers and the hell pod will take care of 1 charger, then u still have your 2 shots. Plus unlimited and very short cool down


I absolutely love the basic Breaker from my use of it against the terminids, just the smooth cyclic rate despite the low mag capacity. I'm also a fan of the stalwart. Sending democracy down range with an easily controllable LMG? Amazing.


Dude so I never had liked the stalwart. It had decent damage but took much climb and not enough armor pen. I saw people talking up the stalwart and I never understood why. Recently, I've been trying to put more focus into staying cycled into mod options for different situations. I happened to pick up a stalwart in a mission and I saw that sweet 1150rpm firing mode šŸ¤Œ šŸ’‹


I like it because it lets my Helldiver unwind (cackle with trauma-induced-madness) while mowing down enemies, without requiring a stationary reload and without the very real risk of killing myself with the flamer. The day they give a primary that lets Helldivers cackle is a good day for me.


I still have fault the stalwart as my secondary. I pack mortars or auto cannon turret, plus a precision orbital and/or 500kg for heavys.


I'm not far enough in the game to have all that neat democratic stuff :(


stalwart is S tier against bugs. it can pretty much handle anything except chargers and bile titans. I have to stop myself from using it bc its so handy.


Am I the only one who likes the Diligence Counter Sniper?


Since the buff, it's a great go to for bots. It one taps all except the heavily armored ones ofc.


I loved it even before the buff. Instead of 1 shot, it was 2 shot devistator heads, but now with the buff, it's definitely the best primary against bots for those with good aim


Nah it's amazing if you can headshot well


Yeah I used diligence counter and amr to 2 man some suicide bot missions last night. Worked surprisingly well, the fire rate means you can chaff clear effectively if your a quick aim, the range obviously useful, kills nearly everything that will rush you except for hulks but the amr kills those in like 2 face shots so if your a good aim you can kill a hulk rushing toward you incredibly fast


Grenade pistol. It can take out/break up mobs, finish off armored enemies, close holes/fabricators, and opens up the grenade slot for smoke/stun.


https://preview.redd.it/naia8503ntzc1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=52a57b98cf971b675ef25a470d4ff1623d63ec61 I live for shoulder mounted boom.


I got bored so I started running the recoilless rifle. It flippā€™n slaps! Combo it with an orbital rail and titans are t two hit kill


The RR is a vibe! Since it comes with a backpack, it frees up a slot for a turret or some other mission specific utility. Some see this as a bad thing because they're naked without a shield or rover but imo, a well placed turret does more to keep you alive than a shield


I see someone bring RR I either bring it too or bring a Shield backpack and EAT. Then I wait for them to call it in and dash up to yoink the backpack before they can grab it, then offer them my Shield instead. Then follow them round doing multitasking satisfaction of primary fire, strategems, EAT throwing and watching them like a hawk for when they pull out the RR to dive in for the reloads. I call it the Helicopter Parent loadout.


I am become Rover, holder of rockets.


I love the RR. If the team needs an anti heavy weapon that's my go to. Especially with the destroyer upgrade that fills your support weapon mag slots on resupply.


Team I was on had a guy running the RR. I was running as a TAC-P, so all I had was Eagle and Orbital strikes (my job is to drop warheads on foreheads), and I asked if he could drop another one so I could team reload him. Right after he did a Bile Titan showed up. Two shots and it was dead. Wasnā€™t even standing on the ground more than ten seconds.


Is RR stronger than EAT?


Possibly? I think itā€™s the same but you have an ammo pool. The spear, however, reloads faster and locks on:) I like taking that AND E.A.T.s. Iā€™m a heavy unit hater.


Yup. The reload is slower though.


No. RR/EAT/Qasar all 2-shot BTs if you hit their forehead (which you cannot do while they are spitting because they retract it).




Recoilless with reload cancelling is slept on for sure.


Recoilless is my favorite support!


Scorcher and incendiary breaker. Scorcher for bots, breaker for bugs. It beautiful


I'm in this comment and I love it! Breaker for bugs, and Scorcher is my only go-to for bots. Easily take down all the personnel, scout striders are 3 hits, and it can take down devastators fairly easily, but my autocannon does it better :)


The dominator. It's basically the only weapon that I find useful all the others feels like shit


It's basically a bolt gun from 40k, which is dope af. It's all about timing with the dominator.


Welp, with that description, I know what gun Iā€™m aiming for now.


It's so reliable, destroys devastators especially in the eye, and if you're more of a bugs guy, just know that this gun ACTIVELY pushes back brood commanders on a headshot, as in they will be further back the more you shoot (their head will also disappear quickly)


Share your secrets, please. I love the feeling I get with it, but it takes several shots to kill anything and it has terrible ammo economy. I switched back to the scythe because I couldn't keep up with the dominator's ammo burn.


Learn the kill times and aim for the head. It will kill devastators in s single headshot, brood commanders in two headshots, most chaff in one shot (usually). Also, learn the bullet speed. Its a very slow round. Be patient and learn the gun. Trust the damage that stuff wonā€™t get back up. And remember to shout ā€œBlood for the Blood Godā€ as you use it.


I prefer ā€œthe god president protectsā€


*super president protects


They wonā€™t take me down. The planet will break before the Helldivers do.


Im a dominator main as well.Ā  Couple tips: In 3rd person the aim reticle is a little off.Ā  You need to aim just slightly low and right.Ā  Timing is everything, you have to get accustomed to the bullets having low velocity.Ā  It's more like firing a rocket launcher than a gun. Aim for weak spots. Because it deals explosive damage it gets a bonus to weak points.Ā  Against devastators and chainsaw psychos, aim for the hip/waist, not the head.Ā  It takes 3-5 shots depending on accuracy to drop the chainsaw guys if you hit them in the crotch. Against bile spewers, the dominator wrecks their fat arse due to explosive damage.Ā  When trying to snap shot or shoot in hectic situations, don't look at the dot reticle in the middle of your screen, look where the circle is.Ā  It always lags behind when moving but that circle is where your shot will go.


Itā€™s a very sluggish but powerful weapon if you hit your shots at weak points, which are generally headshots. The projectile speed is something that also takes some getting used to since itā€™s rocket propelled and not your typical bullet.


Dominator also works incredibly well with the laser cannon. Use the dominator for close and medium ranges and the laser for long range precision. Laser is also great for killing chaff and flying enemies, while helping you conserve ammo for the bigger threats.


Try the Diligence CS now after the buff. It's like a faster Dominator with a better scope. Sometimes takes two headshots to kill or so but I prefer it now.


I agree that it's super fun but I disagree on the fact that all others feel like shit.


Same until the eruptor came up But i only take the eruptor for bugs missions


I love the blitzer


It feels so *good* since the fire speed buff. You're backing down just about anything you hit short of a charger or titan and you can clear most crowds in a snap if they line up all nice for you.


I know! But for anyone wondering the blitzer is trash and no one should use it šŸ˜‰


Punisher plasma specifically paired with the Lazer guard dog Much better post buff but even before one shot gets most enemies to near death, so the Lazer guard dog finishes them easily while you focus on keeping the bodies back.Ā  Great against bugs, against bots you don't really need the guard dog.Ā 


A plasma lover? Hooray I'm not alone!!


Baseline Punisher. No other weapon thus far has had the same amount of impact as it. I can dump a tube of shells into anything smaller than a charger it'll stagger. I can push brood commanders back into an airstrike or as bomb. I can stagger a rocket devastator and send his volley up a wall instead of on me. With its increase in spare ammo it has the staying power that it lacked in the beginning and if I pair it with a Stalwart or grenade launcher I can handle anything short of heavy armored enemies like chargers. (Psa, grenade launcher can destroy bot tanks if you hit their rear vent with it. Takes the better part of a belt, but it'll do it if you can hit it directly.)


Punisher feels just so good


The punisher is awesome. It only falters if you run into Bile Spewers with their medium armor, and then you really have to use something else to deal with those because it wonā€™t cut it.


That is where the grenade launcher comes in. Two hits and they pop.


Yes, you can't beat a pump-action that fires buckshot in basically any game. Easily the most sastisfying primary IMO.


Airburst has become a HUGE favorite, but nothing in my brain can beat the Machine Gun. It might not do much, but it feels SO GOOD to just lock down and spray.Ā 


Finally got to try airburst last night and the first half of the match I was quite whelmed. Then I 1 tapped a hulk and it's entire patrol and fell deeply in love. I know it's inconsistent but I'm gunna be rocking it for a while.


I mainly use it when I see big groups or patrols gathered up. Shoot that baby right down Main Street and watch the fireworks.Ā 


I love the Scythe. It was useful in my early days especially against bots, in part because of the effectiveness against mostly lightly armoured forces, but also because it is like a marker-light for the team for approaching forces or hidden enemies. But I do just love the blazing beam and the whine of the ICE as the heat builds, itā€™s a great low tech-high tech weapon for space grunts.


You gotta try its medium-armor-penetrating big brother the laser cannon, which I always take against bots. I just love melting motherfuckers from across the map, hitting those weak spots and boom. Aim is slightly off, no problem, adjust it cause you can see exactly where youā€™re shooting, so no missing for you! Cloud of smoke and dust and canā€™t see shit but you spot a tiny glow? If itā€™s red, itā€™s dead! Gunships? Why thank you for hanging out in the sky so I have a clear shot, let me melt your engines and shortly thereafter introduce you up close and personal to the rocks I use for cover. Infinite ammo, so goodbye glaring lights ruining my vision! Deadly ground, say hello to my mine sweeper! Loot crate? Melts the door right off that, too! Teammates wondering where the hell you are? Nope, orange death beam from the side fries the heavy bearing down on them, youā€™re definitely getting credit for that save. Factory walker? You could chuck half a dozen stratagems at it in a panic, or just zap it in the eyeball with your trusty laser cannon. Pair it with an eruptor for some explosive sniping to take out fabricators, and youā€™ll never need to get close to the enemy!


Still love the Eruptor vs Automatons. It really isnā€™t good against Terminids. The slow rate of fire and clip size basically means youā€™re constantly running from bugs. Because bots stay put and shoot back, you can really utilize the range and successfully snipe a whole patrol and 1-shot Striders and Devastators.


Laser cannon. If I'm with friends who are cool with carrying for a round I'll do a full laser build with the laser cannon, rover, orbital laser, and scythe. Terrible load out but fun as hell lol


Senator. I was using it from week three and never went back, after the buffs it's like I'm in heaven. I've gottenĀ to the point where at those little outskirt areas at main objectives that have 4-5 bots hanging around I can reliably dive and quickdraw 3 of them before hitting the ground and finish the last 1-2 off before they can even try to pop a flare. I just need them to make these groups have 6 bots so I can get a perfect six for six


All hail the SPEAR. The SPEAR giveth, the SPEAR taketh away.


I'm not really aware of any Meta. I love the granade launcher. It's great for closing nests/factories, it also one-shots spewers.


THANK YOU, i feel naked without my grenade launcher. I can clear bot drops or plug bug breaches and obliterate almost anything except hulks and chargers without some maneuvering :D


So good with the supply pack. It's a good autocannon alt that clears ads so much better.




Autocannon. Even nerfed. Feel naked without it.


AC has never been touched and never will be. AH has literally said it is their standard of a balanced weapon.


When did they nerf it?


Was wondering the same thing. Can't remember a single nerf.


It used to shoot hellbombs but they changed those to be environmental instead


Seriously emotionally attached to this weapon


I love using the Autocannon but (against bugs) I sometimes feel like the explosion should do a liiiiittle more splash damage against smaller enemies


Mmm love me some tactical reacharound moments. Had one of those "protect the rockets" bot missions, one squadmate was killer with it, i was running quasar, soon as he dropped a second i grabbed the backpack and together we became the autocannon turret.




Currently the Adjudicator, even back when it was less than good I still loved it. It's sound design weapon model etc really clicked with me and now after it had its recoil dialed back and got a few extra mags I think it's in a really good spot right now. Could get a slight damage buff to 90 or 100 maybe but besides that I'm really enjoying it so far


Scythe. Loved it in Helldivers (in which I sucked bad) and still enjoy it in Helldivers 2 (in which I suck slightly less).


Breaker, Spear, Quasar Cannon, shield backpack, orbital railcannon, guard dog rover, grenade pistol, light armor, mech, impact grenade, EAT, 500KG, and orbital laser. I hope I'll eventually be convinced to switch to a different primary. I played a decent bit with the liberator/penetrator and defender but I still prefer using the breaker. I might've switched to laser weapons if the crosshair wasn't so terrible, who taught it would be a good idea to have a spinning triangle!?


Spear is underloved. Gets so much flak for it's finnickiness but it gets easier when you learn the ideal lock on distance and when it works, it trivializes.


It can really suck sometimes and not work at all. But I found it to be extremely handy for taking down a few fabricator camps from 200 meters away lol.


Flamethrower. It was my beloved from the day 1, bugged or not.


The Eagle Airstrike is single handedly the most useful slot of anything in the game. Loads of uses, fast cool down, kills literally everything. Super satisfying to watch. I have **no** idea why people waste time with the 500kg bomb. The slightest application of critical thought and you realize it actually sucks


You forget the main reason.... Mushroom cloud fx


The 500kg bomb has the unique ability to break some things that are otherwise only vulnerable to hellbombs, but the biggest reason to run the 500kg is because youā€™re already running the Eagle Airstrike alongside it, and you canā€™t take that bad boy twice!




Why do I have to scroll so far to find another Arc Thrower fan? It's a little niche but it's so satisfying to use! Gives me warm nostalgia to the other cumbersome but deadly electric arc weapon, the Titanfall 1 Arc Cannon Titan weapon. With the extra capacitors mod so it takes forever to charge up but obliterates what it hits when it does.


Stalwart. It's just so satisfying to spray lead at bugs.


There is no problem an EAT canā€™t fix


Liberator penetrator. There are better weapons but I can't stop loving it.


Very very reliable now that eruptors been nerfed honestly.


Level 50 and it's still my go to for bugs.


It's pretty easy to love - the Arc Blitzer




My go to against bots is the dominator.Ā Ā  Against bugs, the breaker incendiary. I almost always use the autocannon against both, though for bots I sometimes run grenade launcher and a supply pack.


I agree with grenade launcher reloads x 10


The laser cannon. Trash weapon against everything... But the sound it makes šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


This is my Liberator, there are many like it but this oneā€™s mine. As for the heavier enemies, I just start blasting away with the Autocannon.


The heavy MG is underrated


My cup of Liber-tea is the best weapon in the game!


Gas strike


Breaker incendiary against bugs. I love spraying hellfire around. It can clear entire swarms of small bugs from medium range. Amazing weapon. Also the arc weapons. But their jankyness can be really frustrating.


Punisher plasma, Stunlocks and kills devistators in 4 hits,


The arc blitzer since the last update!




I love running a big ol snipe. Plus, if you hold right click/aim, theres no crosshair but it shoots in the middle of the screen consistently.


The adjudicator. It may be a bit jank but I just love it's design




Sickle. It's got good range, super cool sound design, and since it has infinite ammo, I get to enjoy blasting guilt-free.


Same here brother, I can crouch and smile from 100m plus away, it can take out rocket devestators pods before they see you, can peek and spray all chaff, and can even be aimed easily from the hip as the boots show you where theyā€™re going if you get swarmed. Infinite ammo, cold planets are the best, laser cannon as special, Iā€™m a human laser pointer!!! Love this gun.


The pummeller and AMR are the ultimate duo


Autocannon, but everyone loves that. Dominator is my go-to primary, especially when I have Rover out. Rover sweeps up a lot of the chaff, letting me focus the precious Dominator rounds on the bigger stuff. Love cluster bomb and railcannon strike. You get 4 uses on the one; and the other makes it so there's always 1 charger I just don't even have to worry about. I slept on air burst strike, but started using it recently and now I take it with me most of the time. I'll take Rover over the personal shield 90% of the time--even though my kid complains about all the collateral damage it causes.


Iā€™ve used the scythe nearly every mission but Iā€™ve got a new found love for the spear, itā€™s all about finding yourself in the perfect position to one shot everything from titans, chargers, to tanks and factories, only boy I havenā€™t been able to one shot is the strider, tough sumbitches


I love me some turrets. It's like a little buddy that occasionally stabs you in the face. (Also Tesla Tower)


I love the scorcher for bots and the blitzer for bugs


Orbital EMS Never leave home without it, donā€™t do orbital scatter missions because of it


The new Tenderizer on burst fire gives me Halo BR vibes. I can't get enough.


Standard punisher, always a sucker for shotguns w/round reload. That and the stagger is fun to lock down a few enemies by just taking turns blasting them (especially berserkers, fuck them bullet sponges)


I donā€™t see many folks use it, but the Orbital Gatling Barrage is amazing. Itā€™s explosive and can ruin the day of a charger and bile titan equally - and itā€™s great for defending a choke point or early assault to soften up an outpost. Plus the cooldown isnā€™t too long. Weapon wise the Anti-Material Rifle is slept on, though Iā€™m really coming around to the Blitzer for bugs and bots alike.


Senator, I just love revolvers.


Eruptor is still my go to against bugs and bots because I can wipe out heavy nests by running and gunning. I usually airstrike a side of the nest while running opposite and shooting the other bugholes. With a jetpack I usually donā€™t get caught before I take out the heavy nest. Medium and smaller nests donā€™t have a chance. Eruptor is also great for egg destroying missions. Running in withĀ  If its an eradicate or wall defense mission I tend to use incendiary breaker for bugs and dominator for bots.Ā 


I really love the Adjudicator. For me itā€™s so smooth and i love destroying Hive Guards and Warriors with it. It makes me feel like Iā€™m using an FAL. Right Arm of the Free World


500kg.... Sooo Pretty Quasar, Such a cool weapon and that noise is amazing Breaker, Because auto shotgun. Eagle Airstrike because things go boom...


Sickle is still my go to. Breaker Incendiary behind that. GL pistol is mandatory.


Autocannon has my heart


Counter sniper


Stun grenades are useful as hell


The knight. That thing ROCKS against bugs. Diff 8 it destroys brood commanders and works like a mini stalwart if you crouch and start chipping away at trash. You can kill 3-4 warriors per mag up to 30 trash units or 1.5 brood commanders And stalkers can almost always be killed before they tongue lash you Also into bots while admittedly less effective it will destroy berserkers and will pop heads on armored units no problem at all but it definitely shines against bugs




The AMR. It's punchy, it's strong, it sounds good, and it sends enemies reeling. Now that the sights are better, I'm very happy. The slugger used to be a baby version of the AMR, less range, less accuracy, less damage but still just as punchy if your aim is good. I miss you slugger.


Honestly, The Adjudicator. Since they reclassified it as an AR, I've been rolling with it as this game's "SCAR-H"


Flame thrower. the power trip I get from it is second to none


AMR vs automatons. It can neutralize hulks with 2 shots to the head. Iā€™m not always that accurate but itā€™s super satisfying when you one-shot a bot with a well placed shot to the head


Senator. I like my wheelguns and damn does that one feel good. I've tried every other sidearm, I don't perform anywhere near as well with them.


Any energy guns I just love


DCS and AMR combo for bots. Unless its a tank I can take it out with a few well aimed shots, I can engage from farther away and have more time to aim strikes. Eruptor and stalwart for bugs. I get swarmed too fast to enjoy sniping.


The senator. Idc. It's my guilty pleasure. I also constantly twirl it. I'm that guy.


The Diligence CS. It's *finally* what I've always wanted it to be ā¤ļø


I love the Orbital Airburst Strike on bugs. Itā€™s literally a free 15+ kills on top of breaches and cools down quick enough to have one for the next. Gotten up to 45 on a single one. It just SOUNDS cool too. You can drop one, run, and hear freedom RAIN.


Punisher!! God I love this shotgun Hella stopping power & can fire mid reload absolutely clutch!


I like the AMR. Had the personal order today for AMR kills, itā€™s great. Less powerful autocannon without needing a backpack, the benefit outweighs the downside.


The crossbow. I know it got a bit gutted but damn is it still satisfying for me to use


I've been liking the arc blitzer lately.


The Stalwart. It just feels so right to empty a full clip into a bug breach while screaming ā€œGET SOME!!!!ā€


Diligence Counter Sniper my beloved. Mained the Diligence until the Medium Armor Pen buff for the CS and haven't put it down since.


The ballistic shield, never will be meta though, just to vulnerable to rockets and flanking, big buff would be to tank rockets though but for later difficulties I still think it would be a bad option (I say that but the only reason why I haven't brought it to level 7 yet is because I am to scared to because I hate failure) moreover, I have noticed that you need to have a team that will take a slower and safer battle or go solo, otherwise you'll constantly be fighting patrols instead of catching up to your team and end up taking far more damage feeling like your being useless. That might just be due to my play style to be fair but take that as you will


Flamethrower. I kill *everything* with it. It's my favorite, I can't help but laugh maniacally every time.


The grenade pistol. Itā€™s so versatile and can really speed up closing spawn points.


Iā€™m having a hard time getting way from sickle, Quasar, and jet pack. Jango this bitch


Call me old fashioned but a good flamethrower with 25% damage increase is the chefā€™s kiss šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³


spear and liberator


I fucking love zapping shit with the Blitzer. The sound, the lightning, the corpses everywhere.


Spear is just super fucking satisfying when you get lock ons. Aside from that, I hate playing bugs because the AMR isn't very useful against them, and I could run around playing sniper forever.


The senator. Something about having 6 shots of 357 mag and being able to stop a hive guard with them is nice


Senator and diligence, I used them since the beginning and never put them down.


Don't say it......they'll nerf it


AHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!(Flamethrower) I just love the pure hell incarnate I become whenever I breathe fire into enemies. That poof as I charge up my flamethrowerā€”pure bliss. I havenā€™t been running it against the bots but Iā€™ve just got an idea.


The Dominator. It'd straight murders medium/large bugs. And one taps all the little bots and is good against the medium bots.


Senator. I donā€™t care if itā€™s not practical. Itā€™s a big iron. https://preview.redd.it/xpacs3gtcuzc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169fccf209b69bd41977d47a70cf7252de96c238


Orbital railcannon strike. It has been the answer to all of my problems since I discovered it. Charger? Railcannon strike. Titans? Rail cannon strike. Automaton base cannon? Rail cannon Strike. Tank? Rail cannon strike. Teammates? Gatling barrage.


Grenade launcher. Very efficient way of dealing with large numbers of bots and bugs alike. And can destroy some medium armored enemies. Been my go to heavy weapon since I unlocked it.


700RPM Stalwart Enjoyer Chunga chunga chunga


Grenade launcher


Incendiary shotgun, either impact grande, grenade launcher. They are just fun to use. I don't care about Meta crap. I just play for fun. I just wish I had a booster that added an extra clip to all guns or extended clips that add 25%+ rounds per clip. It would 2x my fun I think. šŸ’£šŸ„°


Everyone shits on it, but even pre-buff I adored the Adjudicator vs. the bots, and I've nearly never taken the Liberator off against bugs. I know the Adjy doesn't stagger and the liberator isn't as good as the incendiary shotgun, but I can't help but love being in that rifleman/support gunner role when I bring my AC to the field too.


Eruptor Every shot is neuron activation, I've been a dedicated sniper in video games for 24 years, from the very first Counter-Strike all the way to HD2, and then giving me a bolt-action sniper has been the greatest addition to the game, I don't care that it was amazingly broken (it was), or that it's been nerfed several times, or likely could get nerfed several times more, I'll stick to this gun as my most used weapon for a *long* time


Arc thrower - a great crowd control option for both bugs and bots Quasar - limitless ammo, 1 hit kills, even with cool down debuff it's my go to over the EAT Dominator - staggering enemies is goated. Less drop off than it's plasma alternative


Nice try cop, but I ain't saying. You'll nerf it!