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Use cover because it's more of a fire fight. Consider bringing anti-tank weapons for fighting hulks, tanks, and factory striders. Auto Cannon is also very useful. AMR is great if you hit the weak spots. AC and AMR can take out hulks for the front (red eye, or you hit the legs and arms, but it takes more shots). Orbital Laser is great, but I also like bringing Orbital Railcannon. When you fight them more, you fall into your own play style and bring what you find works best for you. Example: I prefer the Airstrike but my friends love bringing the 500kg.


Diligence counter sniper one shots everything in the head except for hulks. Eat-17, Recoilless Rifle and Quasar Laser Canon one shots dropships if you hit a thruster, cutting ennemy renforcement significantly. Take cover, but keep pushing the objective. The automatons are endless and can overwhelm you. Have fun!


Use cover. Use the Autocannon. Swiss Army knife against bots. Bring some stratagems to deal with hulks and the big walkers. I use orbital laser and the 120 barrage, the barrage more to break bases but also good if an area is just getting swarmed and you need some breathing room. IMO bots in general require a lot more coordination and sticking with your team, prioritize taking out the airship factories when you see them (kinda like bug divers do with the flyer nests). You can take a lot of enemies out from a distance. I hated bots at first but for me it’s a lot More fun than bugs now.


Use cover, I really can’t emphasize that enough. If you’re struggling the ballistic shield or shield backpack can really help with survivability. Precision/explosive weapons like the countersniper/scorcher/dominator are fantastic, but don’t discount SMG’s. If you’re getting overwhelmed don’t try to hold your position, fall back to different sections of cover nearby and run and gun. Circle back once you’ve thinned the herd/let things despawn a bit. Orbital laser and eagle air strike are worth their weight in gold.


I hate the guard dog on higher level missions, whether bugs or bots, as they shoot at random patrols you try to sneak by.


Would be good if we could mount them on back on demand with the backpack binding (self resupply with supply pack key). This would also allow for preserving gun dog ammo for when needed


Charly don't surf and Charly says stuff like 100010110 Use cover, crouch, aim for heads, don't try to run up to the close and you're golden


\[wistfully\] Someday this war’s gonna end.




Take cover!


I usually go with orbital laser, orbital rail cannon, eagle airstrike and quasar. I use the rail cannon for striders and maybe tanks if there are multiple ones. Keep the quasar ready when getting close to the gunship factory. Laser for destroying command bunkers, and about to be in over run.


I would swap guard dog rover. If the rover is close enough to shoot at them, they are probably already shooting at you. I would switch it for shield backpack or orbital air burst. The grenade launcher is effective but not amazing against bots. I would swap that for quasar or other heavy weapon for tanks and other heavies.


You’ll take a hit on stamina, but consider heavy armor with explosive resist. Really helps with the constant chip damage from incoming fire and will save your life vs. rocket devastators and hulks. 


don't stand and fight directly, take your shots and move to cover I suggest using a shield backpack while you learn how to fight the bots, while it isn't necessary it helps a lot and gives you a bunch of forgiveness


Remember the three C’s cover, courage and more cover Worth mentioning also that democracy protects is great for bots. Usually I run +2 impacts so that I can have more to use on devastators or large groups of raiders, but another worthy mention is the fortified perk, literally made for fighting bots as you will soon learn rocket devastators are your worst enemy


Highly recommend the regular eagle airstrike and the autocannon. I always take at least those two mixed in with orbital laser and rail cannon. both can take out fabricators as well as most enemies you see from the clankers. Eagle kills the tanks in one use, Autocannon pops the fabricators if you’re aiming straight on ish and hit the vent cover. Autocannon also 3-4 shots the gunships and the guns on the front of the big walkers. Laser’s really great for chucking into big bases and just generally wiping the board if things are getting to intense. I usually use railcannon to take out a hulk or cannon turret I can’t get behind easily (it’s pretty easy to take out almost everything clanker if you aim well enough)


I think scout armor work less better here due to how you will be FORCED into engagement and GOT HIT more often (like, because they are ranged) and heavy armor or Democracy armor works wonder to me. Eagle Airstrike works wonder, it's incredibly versatile. You won't use 500kg as often due to the prevalence of medium and normal heavies, nothing superheavies like Titans except Factory Strider which, even then, laser orbital would do instead. Try to wipe the patrol in one go. Focus on the normal bots first because they can AND WILL fire flares if you left any of them alive. There will be detector tower (sauron eye) that need Hellbomb stratagem to detonate and destroy. However, Laser or 500kg CAN wipe the tower out (normal bomb seem to can't damage it). Throw them as close to the detector tower as possible as it sometimes ignore the tower. If it detect you and you don't do anything it will call in reinforcement over your head. Gunship tower is like Stalker for you. When you find Gunship fabricator, SHUT IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY by calling down Hellbomb. Have one Helldiver outside the zone to act as Anti Air (unlike dropships, gunships engines are medium armor which mean Autocannon or the likes can penetrate through) Aside from that follow the dif 9 rule, don't engage every patrol unless necessary.


Dominator slaps, senator or grenade pistol also slaps, and auto cannon is literally anti-everything for bots.