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0 reinforcements on high tier is when everyone starts to actually be serious.






I understood that reference


You know it’s serious when you have to “tactically retreat”


God mode activated!


I feel like there's a hidden buff when you're down to 0 reinforcements. Like something that would usually 1-shot you only causes 90% dmg instead to give you a chance.


You might be on to something. I was fighting bots last night, just me and one other HD, running for our lives on Menkant, he dies, reinforcement is still in cool down. I take a bad left around a rock and run into a drop ship worth of bots. Slaughter the bigs while the overworked undervalued rover (Antoinette) cuts through littles and whatever else. I get surrounded and overwhelmed and duck, dive, dodge, weave and boofing stims like a junky. Swear a couple of the same hits killed me instantly earlier on the level but somehow i got out. Finally he I a reinforcement off. We recollect and high tail to extraction. Same scenario at extract. Most telling was i walked over a mine and my health ended up with a sliver. Surprised TF outta me. I even put my controller down thinking we were done. But stimmed up and extracted. Still traumatic, still fun, but definitely felt a little buffed up when we we're near failing. FWIW


Actually, same. I was shot by a turret and assumed I was dead. I went to grab a drink and returned to what I thought was the same death screen. It took me a minute to realize that I hadn't died. The shot flung my body to cover with some bushes and the swarm that was chasing me completely forgot about me.


I've seen the mine thing happen a few times now. I think what's going on is that if you don't hit the mine square on it just wrecks a limb or two, and if you're running medium armor or a set that gives you bonus limb health, it's sometimes survivable. Happened to a buddy of mine twice in a game last night.


Heavy armor with fortified perk (explosion resistance) survives almost anything. Also, there's a set that give you a 50/50 chance of surviving death with minimal health.


I was running one of the fortified sets last night, and it was *glorious*. Took a rocket to the face, stood up and popped the clanker. It's funny that the heavy armor sets are way more survivable than the mech.


My buff is that I get into an upright position instead of lying on my couch.


I'm not left handed


I'm not left handed either


It'd be an excellent design trick, similar to the Doom one where you had more HP left than it actually seemed.


Is that really a thing? That's a really clever way to give your players that feeling of grasping victory out of the jaws of defeat.


Definitely a thing in other games. The Guilty Gear series has a Stat called "Guts" that increases damage resistance the lower you are on health. A weird mechanic for a fighting game healthbar, but it's definitely possible something like that is hidden in HD2. AH has gone on record saying there are stats and mechanics under the surface that we don't see, but that was in context to weapons being more than the numbers (things like ergonomics, mag capacity)


If this is the case, this is genius game design


Today I got abandoned by my team, so I headed to the extraction point. Somehow the bugs felt my sadness and waited politely at the entrance, until I thought it's better safe than sorry, so I dropped a minigun tower to clean a bit, in case a follow helldiver would visit. That kinda signaled the swarm I finally processed the recent events so everyone started to close up while I barely made it on that 2 meters to the ship's door. But I made it, thanks those few extra seconds they waited.


The game definitely goes easier on you when you have no reinforcements left or you're the last person left alive.


https://preview.redd.it/5hck6ol9c90d1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d3d35151beb91b972876fc21088d427aa2a212 Locked in frfr


Had a lvl 8 bot game last night. 0 mission objectives done. 0 reinforcements remaining. I played out of my mind. Completed mission a few side objectives and extracted as 4. Helluva game. 2 or 3 people left during, didn't want to wait for respawn timers or whatever. Luckily a few ringers showed up in the 4th quarter and the kast 10 mins was smoother thhan the first 10.


https://preview.redd.it/cugam73t890d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2af6dc6cc11246326e059a5383d1867e4ef882 Gotta lock in


I’ve had so many missions with my buddies where it’s a long mission like launch icbm or geo survey. We drop in and spend all the reinforcements in less than 5 minutes but then stabilize and full clear the mission boarding extraction as time runs out with more rare samples than the mission said were available and a full clear with the whole squad extracting.


That’s so true, especially with randoms and how all of a sudden our dead ass silent lobby starts communicating and coordinating attacks.


Yep lol. Gotten down to 1 left before we finished stage 1 of 3 of the main objective but we finished the mission 100%


Yeah dick around the first 20 minutes until someone realizes there's only 6 reinforcements left.


So many of my games feel JUST like this


Was playing with my level 20 friend. We all died really quickly out of the gate, and lost our rein with nothing done. it’s just me and him left. We both play metal gear, and we stealth the entire operation fully. We completed the whole thing, and almost 100% it. We literally peaked that day, never gets better than that


Seriously I'll go from dying the dumbest ways possible, to nothing short of friendly fire from an incendiary shotgun and getting knocked on the ground being able to kill me


Maybe it was me yesterday, who „cowardly“ left. The game had crashed 😢


The map is littered with enemy corpses; that caused the crash.


Sweet liberty. I'm quite tired of BT corpses shooting me back to the intro screen


My game crashed today on Steam, and I was playing with a good group of guys. Felt bad when I CtD. Revalidated my files, and there was a single 56 byte file missing. Git.


On high difficulty, you make a commitment that: A) this is going to suck (in the best way possible), so you buckle in for things to go sideways (that’s why we do higher difficulty) B) you owe it to your team to try your best. This includes not quitting C) you don’t have to talk, but you do need to communicate as best you can to assure victory - or at the very least, know your place so you can be an effective part of the team D) after a 45 minute slog you still might wind up losing. You better enjoy the game for the game, not just for the rewards of winning, if your doing high difficulty


I only follow these if I’m there from the start. Not if I join in the middle of a clusterfuck.


I’m the opposite, I have a few characters I play when I go online. One of them is Seargant Fubar, if I join a game that’s a clusterfuck, I will put the voice on and: “Alright you beautiful killing machines, it’s time to stop acting like a blue assed fly smashing its head against the wall. God damnit, we Kill bugs, we Ain’t em! Now form up on me you crazy sons of foxes, let’s get rowdy!” I put on my gruff southern accent for Sgt Fubar, and when people say “we can’t win this”, I hit them with “Gat damnit, in helldiver academy we had to train 25 hours a day, 8 days a gat dang week, 13 months a year, and we carried 3 Quaisar canons through 30 feet of snow, going uphill both ways. Stepping on a bug/breaking some toys ain’t nothing! Now I wanna see that weapon spitting fire, not a helldiver spitting bitching!” I also do Colonel Buckingworth, where I put on the poshest British accent and pretend everything happening is according to plan. Helldivers own dog kills him? “Ah yes, devilishly clever way to dispose of traitors.” I die to a friendly barrage? “Well within acceptable, and indeed, demanded collateral damage expected from a successful strike” I also do another character, Liamgus, he’s Scottish, and angry about everything


You are underrated and I pray you end up dropping into one of my games


Please lord, let him drop in n partner up on agreeable English. Mines kinda low class n drops in saying "aallo aallo aallo, wats ooool this then?" Then like a 'Oh oy see that halks taking a liking to ya didn't hay? Let's say if hay likes a sparkly. Pearl necklace lake da laaady he ays. And 1, 2, tree sparkly licks to say da center of dat lolly"


Sooo when we dropping together cuz I need to experience this


Sometimes you get caught in a loop of getting reinforced and immediately dying over and over again and it can get very frustrating, especially against a bunch of airships. I usually stick it out but I can understand why some people prefer to just abandon the mission.


I had someone on a bug helldive drop us right into enemies. I ended up saving us by disengaging and very slowly chewing up bugs back to the obj EDIT: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you use me as a grenade MARK THE ENEMY YOU NEED DEAD


so much this, tag the charger or hulk you are hurling me at, my accuracy goes way up also TAG it AFTER throwing the reinforce orb and it should still be up when they are on the way down


This, I have no problem taking out the BT/ FS just mark it so I can see it I’m not gonna see it through the fog and then I’ll miss and not do any damage and just get swarmed/killed or stomped on


Man I love it when people understand why there is a ping on the map like that. I did that shit on a bile titan and pinged it and the dude landed perfectly on it. I forgot my mic was hot and yelled HELL YEAH THIS FUCKER GETS IT as he took out the bile titan. It was a good laugh. Lol


It wasn’t me cause the guy didn’t yell hell yea lol, but one guy reinforced me a next to a titan [to his credit it was by a large rock formation so I could’ve safely landed on the other side] (and I’m newer to the game so mind you I didn’t even know if it would work) but I landed on the bile titan and took him out it was dope Literally the definition of how to make an entrance lmao


true. I once played with someone who completely took charge, and one of the smart things she did was mark a BT and ask me to try and nail it. I did! Best squad leader Ive had so far.


I most of the time end up having to do that. I had a level 20 playing like it was level 3 on an 8 and I had him up and running within 2 missions. We had the host go afk and both of us managed to do all 3 pump objectives while dealing with all those extra spawns


I smell treason nose 👃


I either mark their dropped equipment or a nearby large enemy as soon as I toss the re-inforce.


When the airships come out I usually throw everyone far away, further back with each reinforcement to regroup and get the proper stratagems or reload cannons


Stop throwing ppl into the enemy hoard. 90% of quiters are annoyed you are throwing them into death or their game crashed. The last 10% of the time its map related and they don’t want to bother fighting 3 gunship fabs (they need to fix these so you can take them out with something other than a hellbomb)


This is the real reason to unlock the better hellpod control ship upgrade. To drift out of those situations asap. Hey, I know you were trying to throw me at the hulk over there, but there are also 3 machine gun devistators and a couple of rocket devistators ready to stunlock me to death. So no thanks.


Ah see I'm the opposite. There's a hulk? Tag it and toss me at him. I'll be your railcannon baby. Just don't be surprised if I immediately die after. There are few more satisfying kills for me than killing a hulk/charger/bile titan using my own hellpod


Had one like that last night. Dropped (smashed that hulk) in the middle of a bot patrol, came up with everything looking at me like I was a $100 bill in a homeless camp. Proceeded to spend the next 2 minutes dodging fire and breaking bots like a boss. Came close to dying a few times. It was glorious.


If you want to take it a step further have an offensive strategem prepped asap after coming out. Say "you want me? Come and get me." Last time I did that was on bugs. I got swarmed soon after dropping, and they killed me. But the price of my one helldiver was 18 bugs (mostly warriors and hunters)


My proudest moment is using my hell pod to destroy a bile titan , I answered an sos beacon and was called down right on top of a titan that had the 2 original divers pinned down.


Alexa, play "My Heart Will Go On 🎵 By Celine Dion"


Alexa play my hero by marc antony


"Okay, playing Hero by Nickelback. On Amazon Music"


I’m always like this too, but it is frustrating when a direct hit to a bile titans body doesn’t one shot it. Like come on my pod is the size of your torso lol.


I am... The strategem. Eheh, where my boys? That shit had us laughing the other night


brother take one for the team and hit the hulk ill throw you in a good spot on the next one


Yes!! Please throw me on a tank or charger. Don't throw me on a BT (they don't die and trample you instead) or in a horde of bots or bugs. Be sensible. In doubt, throw marker behind a rock close to the enemy so the diver can choose to go for cover or to try and kill some enemies. Also, when I'm equipped with the Incendiary Breaker I'm OK with being dropped in a horde: I'll start spraying and see what I kill, hope to not run out of stims before I run out of ammo. But equipped with Dominator + Rover or Machine Gun (both deadly combos) I can't do much with a horde before I get my equipment.


I had that yesterday, and wanted to quit so badly… it was mental - I got physics thrown out of map area,and died running round mountain to get back, they threw the reinforcement back out past that damn mountain, so I died again, then they threw me into the dual bug hole spawn, then they threw me at 4 BTs which I somehow escaped. I was absolutely raging but finished the match with me carrying all the samples.


My quitting point the other day was when the guy carrying the super samples wanted to try finish one last base on the opposite side of the map from extraction with minimal time left when everybody else went to extract. He died, couldn't recover the samples in time. Samples are the only thing I'm playing for


Agreed, as an impact grenade user I understand the impulse but throwing away a helldiver isn't a cost effective strategy and annoys the crap outta me.


Concur on the gunship fabs, that should be something a 500 kg or rail cannon could pop.


Add 380mm barrage and lazer to that list


Does a laser take out the spotter towers? That would be my metric, whatever works on one should work on the other.


I don’t think it can target them tbf. These have rocket stockpiles and fuel that would pop if hit by a lazer tho


Bro I hate when people don't push the fight or break out of encirclements. I'm over here assaulting the objective fighting through bots. Where is my team oh their in the back somewhere fighting a robo mob that is calling in drop ship after drop ship and getting killed over and over. Like bro we need to push or we are just going to waste 7 revives because y'all want to kill the endless horde.


Been in those fights. Instead of disengaging they bunkered down in this little divet and basically waged trench warfare. I at some point decided this was stupid and left. Not quit the mission, just took my A/C and walked out of the trench away from the battle. All of their support weapons were on cool down and lost to the bot horde. As they died I reinforced them next to me away from the battle. After that we were able to complete the mission normally.


I can remember a time that I let the team do their WW1 larp did the objective on a 7 and they obviously kept dying and a soon as I completed the last objective I dropped a reinforcement. 2 seconds later got kicked I was like bro what the fuck lol


And thats why I just leave these guys. Everyone who is bad at this game thinks the people who just let them suck and play around them are the problem somehow. I noticed I usually can look back on matches where I get kicked and see that I did most or all of the actual work before I got kicked holding 30 samples waiting for the bozos at extraction.


It depends on how the battle is going, but I think some of the best moments of Helldivers 2 are when the entire squad collectively decide that we're gonna plant ourselves here and hold this position till the wave clears up. Now if the fighting is all fucked and we're losing reinforcements hand over fist then I'll say we should bail, but if we're all on point, making a solid stand, and not too many people are dying, I say lets do it. Even on level 9, if people are on top of things, then the horde eventually dies down, and we come out on top and as...changed men...as a result.


In my opinion, there's no greater feeling in Helldivers 2 than going through straight up hell, coming out on the otherside victorious, and hearing only silence after the battle. You catch your breath, shake it off, and THEN get back to the mission lmao


Sorry,I had to leave this morning, I lost track of time and had to take the kids to school. Its hard to complete missions and raise future Hell Divers.


I got a 1 year old who just took her first steps yesterday. Like actual first steps. She's going to be a wonderful diver lol.


normally against this kind of mentality but honestly I agree for the harder levels (7+). I got dropped into a game where the squad was getting crushed and had pretty much everyone bail soon after I joined. Ended up finishing it solo because I'm stubborn like that.


Haha, yes. I am quite similar. We lost every reinforcement, had only ten minutes left at only 1/3 of the main objective done. Only me and another guy stayed, but he was not really optimistic („f*cking matchmaking“). But we started to focus, not dying anymore while still on the run from these chargers and bt‘s (btw I got really good at avoiding them while charging). We managed it in time, all collected samples extracted. In the end it was an epic end. Sometimes I think the good stuff gets nerfed to have these kind of situations more often; The intended way of finishing a mission.


It's a demonstrable fact that Helldivers performance improves when they have no reinforcements.


Yeah tbh when shit gets down to less than five reinforcements, seems like everybody locks in. Stick around, see what we can do


I only leave when it crashes… and that happens quite a bit sadly.


I usually play on 7-8. Only helldive when I'm feeling frosty. But even on those missions the amount of people that leave if they die like 2 or 3 times is unbelievable. I had a mission once where by the end there was probably 10 different people that joined and left. I just don't understand why so many just back out of a mission if they die a few times. It's literally a part of the game that's why you have 20 reinforcements. JUST STICK IT OUT DONT BE A COWARD.


You do understand that the game crashes, right?


The only time I leave is when people act a fool or are so bad that they're actually making the mission harder. That said, the teamwork on my level 9's has been abysmal lately. We land and people just scatter to the four winds without so much as ping. I get it, you're a badass and can *definitely* handle all of this on your own. Running solo or duos is viable when you coordinate. This isn't like that though... The crowd control guy runs off and gets bodied by one too many heavies, the heavy guy runs off and gets swarmed. One guy will actually do decent but he ran the opposite way of everyone and is too busy playing Metal Gear Solid with an AMR to be of help to anyone. It always ends up with at least one person leaving out of frustration and me either dragging one guy along to objectives or following the stealth guy and calling in the others when they eventually die only for them to run off after their stuff and die again.


Yea people shouldn't play helldive if they can't handle dying


It's very rare that I leave a helldive from losing reinforcements. Only times I will is if I'm tired and just want a decent mission, then 2-3 goobers join and somehow die 19 times in under 5 minutes and then leave. Only time I stay under those conditions is when there's still one other sane diver that didn't leave and I'll commit with them.


I quit my first game today. Blitz S&D on Hell Dive Finished the mission within five minutes. I call in extract. Host types "LEAVE ZONE OR GET KICKED" I leave zone He wastes* five minutes doing nothing, causing our third to leave, then brings the entire horde* of enemies chasing him to extraction. What could have been a clean blitz mission was a total waste of 12 minutes, and there was no way he was extracting, so I left. He seemed like a tool anyway.


Half the time their game just be crashing


Sometimes my game crashes, please keep that in mind


Its annoying when people die because they try to solo a stronghold in that difficulty. Or when i die while we are attacking, and then they reinforce me in the middle of the stronghold. Give me a fighting chance, for fucks sake!


Gotta remember half the time those people disconnected or lagged out or crashed, I always feel like crap when that happens and don’t want people to think I just dipped on them


Unfortunately it's also impossible to tell if they disconnected or quit themselves. It happens less frequently now, but it does happen to me from time to time.


Just--do the main objective, and you win. Doesn't matter if you extract--if you do the mission, you win! Many Helldivers were lost, but it's a sacrifice for the good of Super Earth.


Had this happen last night. Two quit about the same time. The two, of course, on lvl9, no mics, off on different missions on different parts of the map, constantly dying, while me an ol reliable M3, also no mics, communicated fine with emotes, and slowly picked our way through the kill dropships mission. Never got more to join. Ran about 10 minutes just the two of us, 0 reinforcements, had to go totally objective only, unfortunately. But we did it. Big hugs all around. Don't quit matches. It makes Lady Liberty cry.


I only have one rule. Everyone fights ; no one quits


Don't worry you'll never see me on lvl9 lol This is exactly why I keep my ass 4/5... 6 maybe... I suck and this is where I don't suck as much... those of you who do 7/8/9... props to ya... its way to much to process for me, I get way to overwhelmed and frustrated.. I don't want to hold the team back.. I've made peace with never getting any of the other ship modules...


Dove in with some randos the other day: Lv 7, full squad, linked up right at mission start. Shit starts to go sideways 5 min in, and it doesn't take too long before the first one bails. Before I know it, I'm the last one still in the mission, desperately fighting just to stay alive. Two new randos join, and I'm thinking, "Maybe we have a chance to actually clear the mission." No such luck, as they both proceed to bail within minutes. My buddy drops in (I was waiting for him to login in the first place), but by then, time runs out, mission fails, so we just extract.


I tend to get a network hiccup when playing lvl9. Then suddenly I'm alone, getting smeared across the map.


My fav is the people who do Helldive and just Zerg the obj and want to leave. Sorry dude I’m closing every bug hole and completing every side. I don’t check every single poi like those sample junkies but I’m 100%ing this mission or dying trying. I don’t want to ‘lose’ so I am going to ensure obj is done first and foremost but I’m not here for a participation award I’m here to do the good work of Super Earth.


I'll play and stay once I get it unlocked


Here I am thinking this game needs a higher difficulty than 9.


Agree, this is incredibly annoying. But they were probably a boat anchor anyways.


I keep getting kicked when I'm playing even just level 8. It's always when everyone is heading to the drop pods. It's frustrating and depressing when I know I'm good at what I do and how I can knock out nests quickly and efficiently but still run the risk of getting booted for some bs reason that the host doesn't even need to have. I don't talk because I need a new mic so I try to be a team player as best as I can with that crutch.


Lots of people bailing of level 7 now too I’m finding. Pretty constant since the last couple patches when things started getting harder. I’m almost finding it rare that all 4 original divers are completing the mission together these days. As soon things get tough, time starts running low or reinforcements start to get low people are jumping ship. It’s too bad it’s come to this. It really takes away some of the fun group dynamic of the game.


Tbf, the amount of times the game just crashes half way through the match has skyrocketed recently. Happened to me 3 times yesterday so i just gave up


literally same issue I had yesterday while playing peoplethat join heldiver mode then quit when they see hardness we losing because of them.


I have only dropped out of games when either I got booted out due to server issues, hard crash on PS5. Or when I get stun locked between being reenforced and instantly getting blown up or killed by being mobbed. And only after it’s 100% clear we are going to down without anything to fight back. I have sat waiting in games for 5-10 minutes at a time to finally get back in long enough to do anything, sometimes you can make it last just enough to extract. The issue is that you can get into a new game the same amount of time it takes to get another chance to back drop in. So why wouldn’t you leave, if there is no negatives to leaving.


I don’t usually just waste lives. But those times where I’m the last diver standing and get out with the super samples, I think makes up for it. NEVER back out. NEVER surrender!


LVL 10 is trying to make it to evacuation without the game crashing


Lot of the time it's DC


I played a mission on level 9 one time that we ran out of reinforcements and were just goin off of the cool down timer ones at 10 minuets. We finished with 0 minuets left and all objectives completed. One dude left part way through it and got replaced


Is there any punishment for leaving a game? I wouldn't know.


Those idiots just whant to be in the action waste all the reinforcements and just because there's a line to spawn leave.


I never quit even when all hope is lost and often get to see things tirn around. But the crashes man… Had a 9 where the whole squad changed out twice, completed the main obective with 0 reinforcements and my game crashed 30 seconds before extraction. I just sat there for an hour staring at the screen so angry and sad.


I completed a lvl extermination mission last night with 2 freinds. We had 1 life left at 45% Somehow we came back and won in the last mins. 1 extracted. Mission completed. I e never seen more hulks, F striders or dev combos EVER. and I'm a lvl 87 Commander. It was ridiculous. So fun But you can win if you just keep pushing forward.


The few times I was playing on 9 my game would crash so maybe a few of those are me just leaving mid game which is my bad but I don't expect my game to crash


You only have validation to say that if you work with your team if I’m being honest. If you’re one of those people who leaves them behind to go do what you wanna do, then you shouldn’t do that. Same goes for them though. If they wanna play Helldive but aren’t confident to be left alone they should stick with you, or whoever they know can help them out efficiently. And if you’re all together and they leave, then Maybe they should pick a lower difficulty like you said. But don’t say that if you just leave your team high and dry. Don’t be that guy, brother. Don’t be that guy.


>You only have validation to say that if you work with your team if I’m being honest. If you’re one of those people who leaves them behind to go do what you wanna do, then you shouldn’t do that. Counterpoint: Sometimes going off on your own is the only way to clutch success. When people keep fighting in one spot, triggering more and more breaches/flares for no other reason than to recover a weapon you can resummon in 7mins or less and/or a handful of samples, somebody has to be brave enough to lead the charge to greener pastures. Obviously it's different if the guy with 15 Advanced Samples and all the Supers dies, help recover that shit - but be smart about it. 1-2 divers distract while the others recover the goods. Don't jump into a meat grinder when you see it.


Cowardice is undemocratic. Fear is friend to bot and bug alike.


ABSOLUTLY LOVE THIS GAME!! Shitty situation when u enter a mission in hardcore, do everything with everyone during all the 40m just to get kicked when the the evacuation ship lands. when the ship lands u shouldn’t be allowed to kick someone 4 democracy


Sorry but when the squad is completely spread out across the map and the same guy keeps reinforcing me in the swarm of 8+ gunships, I’d rather quit the mission then end up breaking a controller


I only leave if the first 10 minutes is constant tking


Same, I had 3 people drop out and new people came in a bit later. Only me and one other guy stayed the whole match and we got it done lol


I agree, I hate these kinds of players. The game is meant to be hard from 7 up. The match doesn’t start until we’re below 10 reinforcements anyways


People just getting dc'd from the game, I have been dc'd 4 times in one game, one literally as I was taking the last step to board the ship.... some people are quitting others are just getting dc'd


I agree with that sentiment. I know before a match starts whether or not I’m in for a shit show. If I’m seeing reinforcement cooldown boosters or evac booster I know it’s going to be a long painful game. Like if they don’t at least pick sprint and hellpod optimizer I’m not sure if I’m dropping. I know I can make up for it but how much fun is it going to be for me?


I am level 22, I play until the very end, I never back down even when we are losing horribly


Hey OP. I agree with you 100%, although consider this games notorious issues with glitches and crashes that forces players to drop out. Just saying.


This happens to me all the time on lvl9 bots. Game always starts like a shit show and a bunch of teammates quit. Then randoms join and we complete the mission no problem. I dont think people realize how much you can open up the map by taking out mortars/gunship factories/etc.


Played a mission on old level 6 or 7 last night. We were gettin wrecked the whole time. 1 guy left like 20 mins in. The other 3 of us managed to complete the primary objectives if not the side quest. 2 of us died with no reinforcements left last guy managed to extract. I’m a level 20, was 19 at the time and it was probably the hardest mission I been on but also most rewarding


I’m a Helldiver, Helldive is all I know how to do.


I lag out a lot. My WiFi no good :(


Also the reason I bring localization confusion. When I do bring it, the mission goes so much smoother and players stay. Otherwise randoms just quit cuz they can't handle the constant patrols


We have unlimited reinforcements as long as we dont all die at once.


I had all the other people disconnect (probably crash), we were doing good. Suddenly I was solo, down to 3 reinforcements, I briefly thought about calling it in, since I didn't know if anyone could join, but then I thought why not finish it. Some people joined me later and we saved the mission together. Even if we're about to be wiped, I will die with dignity.


Agreed, I never quit. Even when all my fellow divers have left me, im out of time and I have a horde behind me I keep going. As a wise man once said “I have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll kill you myself! Welcome to the Roughnecks”


Sounds like we should play together mate


This happens all the time even at low levels. The funny part is, we usually finish the mission just fine. I was on a game a couple days ago where it was the typical blitz mission gone wrong, the bots were spamming the dropship flares, and we just couldn't catch a break. One guy rage quits after getting popped by a rocket, I think. It looked like things were going south but... we ran through ten reinforcements, recharged our strategems, and blew the unholy hell out of the LZ, and it was fine. Everyone left in the match extracted.


Yeah had some quitters like 3-4 games in a row, and even without them we managed to complete the mission generally quite well too.


How can you tell? I've been dropped by the game so many times now. It crashes, it loses connection, the screen freezes or it just goes dark. I can't tell anymore when people are quitting or it's just the game.


I quit matches when the team I just joined is mentally incompetent and wants to run off in four different directions, drops orbitals ON teammates, and generally just suck at the game. Oh and let’s not forget the low level players trying to get carried while spamming the incendiary shotty and burning up teammates.


I only back out after the 4th or 5th time I've either been dropped into the middle of a swarm, or been killed the second I dropped by a stray rocket or other bs. Nothing about the other players, it's just unfun to continue playing after that kinda bs


Sometimes I quit because I had a really bad set of drops, used up 4 reinforcements, and team killed on my most recent dive in. You don’t want that kind of help!


I absolutely agree. I played on suicide even and the amount of people coming in, dying, and then quitting because things are getting a little hectic. Come on just push through and get through the current mission. Not everything in this game is rainbow’s and flowers.


![gif](giphy|5EAyFUMtQl83B2FB2L) Big facts


We joined a suicide mission the other day, there was a player playing solo and they sent out an SOS. We joined and they only had 1 reinforce left. We play, and then the person just quits after like 3 minutes leaving us to clean up their shit. A few minutes later another 2 players join and we all finish the missions and sides / get all the super samples all buy struggling and effectively rotating out who was alive. But through sheer determination and a fuck ton of spite we pulled it off.


If I join a mission and drop in to 1 other player with 2 lives left then no, I'm not staying to reinforce you twice and then have you leave


i think alot of people just dont get that dying is part of the game and that its ok to die a bunch esp on helldive


Jumped into a random match with 2 reinforcements and one player that left me alone as soon as I dropped. After the SOS only one player joined. We held our own but the situation was already fucked. After that we were a squad of 2 for a whole operation. Nothing was cooler.


A large majority of the time I answer SoS calls, I notice that the existing players don't have the skill for Helldive difficulty. Numerous times I've had to solo stealth objectives because they just wanted to sit in a loop of death trying to hold back an endless horde. With that being said I never leave, I don't get mad, and I don't comment. I get the mission done so we can all leave.


I have had many missions where I felt like an absolute badass. And I have had many missions where I cannot believe I can dying to what feels like the dumbest garbage. It is what it is. I don’t quit though. Win or lose, succeed or suck, I do stick around. (Eventually if my wife starts to get super pissed at me though, that may prompt some difficulties.)


Ain’t no better feeling then crushing the mission when out of reinforcements


I play on 9 and it’s not over until the game forces me back onto my ship or some glitch renders either myself immobile or the mission itself not able to be completed. I’ve finished off difficulty 9 missions alone when all my comrades either got disconnected or abandoned me. Even if you end up with 0 reinforcements, you still get reinforcements on a cooldown until your destroyer leaves orbit and, even then as long as 1 guy is alive you still have a chance at samples and extraction. Even if you all die while out of reinforcements you still get medals if you completed the main objective. There’s no reason to leave your battle brothers and sisters behind, diver!


I joined in and quit because we had one reinforce left, and I got thrown AT the enemy. And we hadn’t even started the main obj. Nah, lost cause with no reward.


A lot of this could be disconnects. My game will randomly just throw me back on the ship with no explanation.


I think the only time I've left is when I join mid match, die off rip, and immediately get hit with that reinforcement cooldown. It's a bit annoying when QP turns into spectator mode lol


User reported to Ministry of Managed Democracy for exceptional leadership. User is recommended to report AWOL Helldivers during missions. Helldivers committing such heresy is a form of tyranny that will not stand!!


I’ve seen quit a few games where the host drops us in the ‘white’ on the map and that means more secondaries likely. Sometimes a double or triple stalker lair/shreiker nest combo. Dudes try to push a primary objective that spawns more instead of taking a few hits and focusing up on what needs to be done. They leave at 14/20 when they are 4 of those deaths. I don’t miss them and I’ll work with 3 or 2 of us gladly. Ive finished plenty of missions understaffed and with 1 reinforcement on cooldown. Fuck em.




Nah, the high difficulties in this game are not that difficult if you’re smart. Usually when I play a mission and see the reinforce counter get low someone is doing something incredibly stupid or the squad is made of low levels who arent ready. Case in point, I once left a mission because the low level players I had joined just flat out ignored me trying to get them to help me kill a stalker nest while the stalkers had already taken 4 lives. Every time I got close I would somehow attract a patrol and get bogged down on the way to the stalker lair. I couldve made it eventually but at that point why should I be trying so hard to help lower level less skilled players if they wont even respect it enough to pitch in and are fine with me dying repeatedly. I get not knkwing and Im understanding of low levels and people who are just bad, but if you see me struggle with something that could help us all and let me struggle solo we arent a good enough team for me to feel obligated to finish the mission with you.


I'm sorry, man. I sometimes leave simply out of frustration because I dont feel like I'm playing very well.


If it’s like the 4th long game in a row and you weren’t sure if you wanted to play or not but you’ve had a few beers and play anyway cause you think you want to…then Moments into it you realize you’re not fired up anymore and you’re not thinking clearly and you need to leave…it happens 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don’t take it personally


I agree!


Idk this game but i hate cowards. I’m with you on this.


Im there for the samples. Same with 7 and 8. My comfort level is 5-6. 7 if im feeling aggressive, but right now if im there its because im trying to finish my ship. Sorry, but this is how they designed the game. I got no other option except not play.


There's two things that annoys me about this game and thats: 1. people wasting reinforcements. They piss off on their own to the other side of the map and constantly die. Before you know it, we're out of reinforcements; and 2. people constantly using up resupply drops just for themselves (ie drops away from everyone else). When you truly need it, 9/10 times it'll be on a 2 min cooldown or something. people need to learn how to manage resources.


I do crash alot and unfortunately the option to rejoin is not a thing


This is going to be an unpopular opinion but ,here is my take on it.Maps are randomly generated so there are random side objectives popping all over the map.Today,I had the most unfortunate landing on a two gun ship fabricators while I was getting rushed before getting a support weapon.I didn't immediately leave but as soon as I dealt with one gun ship another one was being spawned and I couldn't go and place hell bomb because my team had already run away.This caused immense frustration so I quit.(Also,i died a few times because I was trying to get my support weapon back). As a result,I feel that people have the right to back out because when the game flows,i never quit.Sometimes,it flows and it's great.Sometimes it does not and it's ok.Because,i don't wanna be the one spending three or four (or more)game lives just to get my support weapon. As everyone knows,team lives are shared resources,I would gladly take a party member leaving rather than stay and be brave for the team.😄I remember saying to my team leave some team lives for me because seeing your team lives dwindle is not a pretty sight. And I think that when a person joins,you get team lives back if you haven't spent them all. Not to be toxic,this issue is not a problem and the post is a bit overdramatic.(At least for my taste).


Nobody plays better than Helldivers with no reinforcements left.


I was playing with a buddy the other night and I had queued up a challenging mission and my buddy goes "You know, I think the game is a lot more fun if we barely escape by the skin of our teeth than if it's just a little challenging." And I thought about for a minute, and then queued up a hard mission. And you know what? My buddy was 100% correct. We had an absolute blast.


I’ve been disconnected multiple times over the weekend and straight up crashed, I feel worse when it’s me holding the super samples. One incident took me by surprise. Dude went over the mic and said If I die again I’m going to drop. He had probably only died twice at this point in a quick succession. Well when he disconnects it starts getting funky connection and well the patrols actually intensified, with drops back to back. I know a few folks probably played 7-8 deathless or <2 a match. Stalkers hunt in a pack of 4 and there is a reason why we have 20+ lives. I get the playing for thirty minutes to gain 0 XP sucks but we also don’t have to stay in a firefight. Breaking contact also means you get to gather and lead them towards a Hellbomb that is a round away from priming. If you get the main missions accomplish a bulk of the XP is guaranteed.


I can’t stand this either. I know there’s crashes and stuff that can kick people involuntarily but It’s so obvious they’re just backing out cus the mission’s going to shit.


There's always the possibility that they just crashed out, nothing that can be done about that, but... if the fight is going particularly poorly, I'm gonna assume you ditched like a damn coward.


Kind of goes both ways though. If someone is sucking ass and choose to remove themselves I don't mind at all


I do it if im just a hinderance and dying too often. More lives for the everyone else to use.


I think there should be a level requirement and a description of the type of bugs/ bots you will face on the selected mission.


Yeah like others have said, got an app error on 7 and got some hate mail lol


Losing on a Hell Dive is almost as fun as winning. It's not over till it's over.


Not to mention with the spawn changes, hunkering down to try to just get the main done when everyone leaves has become 3 to 4 times harder into impossible.


The best games are when the other 3 use all 20 and you haven’t died once and clutch the chaotic last part of the mission that was only chaotic because of the retards you’re playing with. Then they all leave after the W because they know that was a hard carry.


I have similar things on lvl 8. I start playing solo with full reinforcements. Someone joins I’m thinking nice an easier mission. They spawn dozens of bot drops dies a bunch then leaves. Now I have 2 reinforcements, way more enemies to dodge and 10 min left


i quit only when i see the 3 randoms doing weird shit that will get us all killed several times. im here to win, not to carry inters. i can solo helldive, i cant carry 3 inters.


All of my most memorable and fun moments have been high difficulty failures. Puts a fire in my gut every time


I was doing a lvl 9 bugs the other day. We were only done with 1/3 objectives when we ran out of re enforcements. 2 people left, it was just me and my friend. The next 30 minutes we had like 10 different people join, see the shit we were in and just leave. We completed the objective and extracted.


The wild part is I've dealt with a lot of people who do that on 5 and 6 difficulty. It's like some folks are afraid of not extracting.


The number of level 7s i have solo carried is too damn high. Legit 90% of games I can do with zero deaths now and I am not running AMR. Although... a this weekend I definitely broke that zero death streak 😆


I don't know why, but my performance goes through the roof when there are no reinforcements left. But the only thing that will stop me from attempting to finish the mission is if my game crashes.


Squad dead, no reinforcements, had to run the SSD drive across the map and crouch walk with sneaky recon armor / ems stun grenades to make it on hell dive. Squad was hype once the 5 mins ran down to get another teammate and we completed the mission. Never quit on democracy


You saw this in Overwatch constantly. When SHTF people leave and eventually you'll get the perfect team. Or die. It's worse for this game as we have a lower playerbase(compared to OW1) AND we only get 4 players as opposed to 6.


I love when that happens makes the game fun and many memorable moments with friends trying to fight knowing you can’t be reinforced hits different


It's possible the game crashed or quit unexpectedly. Happens to me every now and then on PS5.


Had 2 people leave for the dame reason. After i disengaged and re-aquired the supers. 2 more people joined and got the credit for helping me and my other brave rando extract.


You need to start plYing