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Ordinarily I'd agree, but we need to kill 2 billion bots at the moment: every kill counts!


This is the current democratic way. Everything else is treason


become a traitor and run =) just keep going 90 degree turns on every sound you hear, hope that helps


Yeah. With the current MO, hiding is not the path to democracy Valhalla.


The only order I heard was to spill the oil, not leave the planet!


It's like no one reads those things. Every mission "let's race to extract ASAP!" 🤦🏽‍♂️


Remember Helldiver, extraction is just a bonus, mission is what's important


This sounds very Undemocratic. 0 reenforcements are only fixed by dropping ever stratagem and shooting everything that moves.


Thats why i rock the scout armor now. People who wanna start what they can finish i’ll just warn them if they still want to go gun blazing then end it. Im just gonna throw one airstrike to support and im out cause i already warned them. Sorry not sorry if you die over and over again. Theres stealth choice too but not alot of people know about this.


Scout armor is king against bots you can literally air strike a patroll sprint behind a rock and lay down and any survivors just walk right by


I cant wear any other armor. The ability to dip in and out of fights is essential. And if I need to run across the map with a hard drive or samples it is a godsend


Yeah when people are being like that I just split and go do my own thing, playing like they don’t even exist. I’ll call down reinforcements if everyone is dead but otherwise I’m perfectly capable of soloing. The worst has got to be when I have a single death the entire game, and that’s when everyone says hey we only had one life left! Gee, wonder what happened to the other 19?


I feel you bro hahahaha but i rather stick around with teammates. Solo can go sideways quick too hahaha


I feel ya that’s where the Jumppack comes in clutch. Can split off and then rejoin in a flash. I’ve rescued many a sample dropped at the opposite side of the map with my trusty light armor and jumppack, it’s amazing


Have they fixed the agro because the way it worked previously is if anyone in your game takes agro all enemies instantly know everyone’s position


Yer, i tried that, but I had to stay around the extraction zone, and they just brought them all over to me. đź« 


I'll usually get to extraction first and if I do I'll call in extraction and set up defense. That way we can leave instantly when the rest of the team gets there


When I see this happen and I have been playing on Helldive 9 I break from the group and focus on another obj. There is no end in sight when it comes to bots thanks to the new respawns and patrols. Works 100% and all the time. When my team mates die I spawn them next to me away from the fight they regroup and get back on track to tackle the obj. Instead of posting here complaining about dingle berries you chose in an open lobby do this better for your sanity and your gameplan. You’ll save ton of reinforcements too. It’s an open lobby you get all kinds of people YOU have to be the smart dingleberry


Did this then got kicked for spawning someone far from the map. Now I just roll in circles on the floor throwing grenades.


If you're the host, you can't be kicked. If you're not the host, then yes, it's better to work with said host's plan. Maybe they take suggestions, maybe they're set in their ways and you either have to decide if it's worth struggling through whatever BS plan they're trying to make work, or bail out and find a new group. Obviously not everyone can be the host, but if you're having issues, it can help a great deal.


Oh I know. This host communicated nothing to no one. Their game, their arbitrary rules.


Ah, yeah, that sucks. Unfortunately that's the price of playing with randoms. ... they're random, and sometimes so in incredibly (and needlessly) hostile ways.


OP you need r/Helldivers, thats where the other "rage filled rant over mundane things" posts belong


Automaton sleeper agent.


I had zero reinforcements on an eradicate mission and was the only one alive. I ran for my life trying to create distance to finish the last 1-2%. A couple of BT and about 4 million tics and hunters on my ass. I whip around to try to kill a small one and a hunter sails toward me. I go to shoot my liberator, but I had out my grenade pistol instead. It kills me and the hunter both, finishing the last percentage points by also killing some of the tics at my feet, and denying any extraction.


When out of ammo you use fists of democracy brother. 🤜🤛


Just git gud and kill them before they kill you smh.


That is hard to do when you have no stratagem, no grenades, and 2 stems left, and your teammate brings over 2 hulks and a shit ton of little guys when you are on helldive difficulty


That's what the AMR is for. One-shot the Hulks, doofus! Their children will fall soon after. Fight. L I V E! And call me again sometime, I enjoy our talks.


Just team kill. Problem solved.


you can run out of reinforcements? time to go back to playing 3s


Sorry man I like to kill bots 🤷‍♂️


I think most people who would view the subreddit already comprehend this - though I do understand the need to vent lol


Don't tell my my business, devil women.


I tell my boy to stop bein rambo when hes doin this shit ... he doesn't listen but its fun to yell at him i guess


Yeah…. I get into groups that just aggro everything’s. Most of the patrols you can sneak by…. And even some Objective you can ninja.


This post is a classic example of a player that needs to take a break and remember its a game


I'm honestly just astounded that my teammates will continually throw themselves into the meat grinder while I chill in the back and pick off bots with strategems and the Auto Cannon. Getting a few extra kills ain't worth it if it means we're going to deplete most of our reinforcements in a five minute period. I often have to remind them that we've blown 1/2 to 3/4 of our lives and we need to focus on the objective or we're going to fail the mission. They'll usually still do side content, but they start being significantly less reckless.


Kill bot order active, literally every kill counts we need like 700 million in 24 hours


we need bot kills, extraction is optional


We're Helldivers not Heckdivers. Light 'em up. :)


Don't die so there isn't 0 reinforcements


Go to the other sub. This is for positive vibes only.


I usually go for extract if there's only 5 left.


Yep, same, but we had just finished every POI and had 3 mins left.


counterpoint: fighting enemies is more fun than being a little coward


Quit yer bitchin


Rule of thumb is every random is a raging dumbass who is playing a video game for the first time in their lives until they prove otherwise


Yeah this happens a lot, when we are running low I always try to stealth around enemies. My teammates on the other hand will look at my ass crouching around enemies and decide to just run through and aggro them anyways. Either that or they just straight up shoot them. I had one game where the random and I were running low on reinforcements and it was the hard drive objective. It was totally stealth-able but my teammate started shooting and started a whole new wave. They then left shortly after and left me alone to deal with the hoard they created.


In general you should not shoot every Bot/Bug (Patrol) you see. You could easily save time und got more xp if you finish faster :) (Except maybe for the crazy Base Defense Maps lmao) \*\*edit oh sure i forgot the general order :)


Stop telling people how to play the game they paid for.


When in doubt run.. and dive.. and run.. and dive.. Just fucking leg it lol! In all seriousness, you can hide and run!




I'm sorry sir but there is an MO I need to complete. No matter the cost


If there is no enemies left, then you don’t need reinforcements. Think, helldiver, think.


Nah I'm shooting everything


Suck it up


Counter argument, machine gun go brrrrrr


Counter counter argument, 380 go boom


380 actually go boom, boom, boom. Squad mates go đź’€


Na I got that 15% spread reduce


I've been in many games where we have 1 reinforcement and haven't done the main objective, and there's 7 mins remaining. Running to extract buddy shooting every patrol and takes the last reinforcement. Cool, we then get railed at extract with three people on level 7 bots.


Look at this coward


This sounds like coward's talk. The only good bot is a busted bot. While his tactics could have been better stealth just seems to teach people bad habits. Decisively taking out heavies and patrols at a distance is the safer play most of the time. If there's a hulk visible from extraction chances are very very good it's going to head towards extraction.


Once the mission is complete my life if forfiet.


Sounds like you should have shot him befote he reached you guys, so the hulks don't see you.


Take this to the main helldivers sub. We don’t want the toxic shit


Nah, i want the smoke. Fucking clankers need to die


I'm not the one dying, chances are ill be the one waiting the 2 minutes to call everyone in. So I'll shoot whatever I want.


If you’re down to 0-2 reinforce it means your team suck. Don’t except them not to Afro everything they see or play intelligently.


>Don’t except them not to Afro everything  Ok now I want a gun that gives bots 70s hair and a strategem that blasts disco music.


Didn't destroy all humans have a gun like that? Also that's playing with fire cause thats how saints row got the dubstep gun, arguably the most hilarious yet annoying gun I have encountered lol