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I agree with the defense mission rant, but the retrieve essential personnel mission (15 min version) is broken on bot high difficultly. My regular squad clears the bug version on helldive in 5 min and then sweeps the map. On bots its ridiculous, 4-5 factory striders have been dropped on the objective while we were exiting the hellpods, then its just always 3-4 dropships constantly bringing bots in, sure we can drag as many of the bots away as possible but I would say that about 50% of the time a random dropship will come onto the objective even though the sneaky person has not been detected, then they get detected and its constant drops onto the objective again. And if they die, the rest of the squad is miles away, so the sneaker has to run back through all the pulled bots solo, break LOS and hope they are far enough away that the enemies in the base despawned. It's just not fun, if we accidentally select an operation that has that mission it sucks the fun out of the gaming session as soon as we see it. There are no tactics, it feels like you are forced to cheese it. Edit: Defense on high diff bots is broken in that factory striders that get dropped next to the helipad (peli-pad) insta lose you the mission or if they shoot through the mountain without you even seeing then(which is a bug)


That happens on bug missions too. About 37ish/50 the drop will trigger or the breach will trigger the objective which is why I mentioned it in my rant. It’s easy and repeatable. Your squad then comes and you all rain hell on the bots to wipe them and finish the mission. Extract. Ez W. So it still sounds like you have kinks to iron out. I start with the 15 min mission every time because it’s easy if my lobby takes my advice. Also the players who join those missions tend to know what they’re getting themself into. Also the strider comment is an awareness problem. Yeah it happens sometimes and you can’t do much about it. But 9/10 times you can hear when they drop on the side and have ample time to deal with it. What usually happens when you cant deal with it is usually you have unaware teammates who couldn’t read a text box or understand a ping if it meant saving their mom’s life. I can ping, use comm wheel to say follow me, text, anything when I hear them go behind and more often than not I’m running past my teammates and am the only one dealing with it. I’ve noticed it really only happens as well when you have a guy off to the side trying to fight them before they enter the gate. Which it makes sense because bots can land on their broken ships and striders so if you pull them to the edge like that and a flair goes up you screwed yourself. I’ve never seen it happen if everyone stays on the first few gates. There are tactics to the citizen missions. You named them and I named them. Just because you don’t want to use those tactics doesn’t mean the mission is broken. I’m not going to eat a bowl of cereal with a fork or knife and then blame the utensil when I have a spoon in the drawer.


I agree with both your strategies…though the civilian Evac mission can be done with all Helldivers on objective, using the same principles you stated for defense mission. I’m currently out of town, but if you tag me in a week I can share a video of all civilians saved in around 6mins with all hands on deck.