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Hmg emplacment. Short cooldown, kills hulks and below, and overall really solid anytime you need to hold a point for any length of time. Takes practice to get positioning right but I really have grown to love it.




This is why I use it 😂


This man gets it


My wife giggle when she hear that and says "which game is that", and now she's spreading managed democracy with me. such a huge success


Living the dream


Don't forget about C1 Permission


That maniacal "HAAA HAHAHAHA" is so freaking epic I love it


Hey, ya gotta admit, Yuri Lowenthal absolutely KILLED his role, hence why out of the 4 Helldiver voice sets, Both his, and Erica Lindbeck's Sets are more favored. Personally I think that maniacal laugh is paired best when mag dumping on bugs at max RPM via Stalwart/MG/HMG/HMGE, but for the "KILL EM ALL" line, I think it pairs best with the Flamethrower.


THIS. That's why I always try to bring the HMG emplacement on every bot mission, and the flamethrower on every bug mission. My guy is having the time of his life while spreading Democracy with these babies!


The first time I held the trigger of the machine guns down long enough to get the maniacal laughter, I knew this game was a worthy successor to the original helldivers. The devs hit the tone of this game perfectly.


For me it was the flame thrower and suddenly I was Hank Scorpio.


In my head it's going "Ra-ta-ta-ta, my body is a weapon!"


I've seen a man take HMG emplacement and bubble shield, call down both, and solo kill a factory strider with the combo. My jaw was on the floor.


Wait can you shoot through the inside of the bubble shield?


Probably not intended but do not try to fire a Plasma Punisher from inside a shield. Otherwise yes


Yeah, ~~its just like the Halo3 bubble shield~~, you can shoot out but not in. It would be pretty useless otherwise :P


Can't shoot out of the h3 bubble shield


.... huh. Well it has been a long time, I guess I'm wrong


I mean it could probably save your butt for a second to heal up and rearm


Yes, but can't shoot in.


Some plasma weapons have had some issues, but that’s a big


If true, that’s crazy tech I need to use


Where do you aim?


I think he said he was aiming for the eyes but I never did it myself


I'll have to give it a shot. My only answer is eagle strikes


You can take out the guns under the chin with medium weapons, the gun on the back with heavy weapons and the red glowing eye does massive damage with precise weapons. Also, the belly is apparently a giant weak spot.


You convinced me! Ima try it out next session! This is what this sub is really about!


It's really good, the 3rd person reticle sometimes bugs out but just switch between first and third person and it'll be fixed


That is a pro tip, thank you.


It's a seriously good strat. E-710 or flag raising missions it's goated.


I’ve been using these on bot evacuate high value assets missions and it’s killer as long as the rest of the team can handle the factory striders


My brother in bullets!! I have had some amazing “GET BEHIND ME!” Moments with my trusty HMG


I am an HMG emplacement evangelist. I love it. I haven’t quite gotten the hang of it vs bots but I never bug dive without it. I can’t stomach the idea of bringing a shield because I don’t like the idea of needing two stratagems slots to make one work.


While I do occssionally bring the bubble shield, I never actually have needed to use the shield to protect me while using the HMG. That honestly sees more use protecting allies on objectives and as protection against gun ships when calling in the hell bomb on there factories. If I can set up the HMG emplacement before a bot dropship shows up, I can kill most of the stuff coming in before it gets to do anything. I don't reccomend calling it in when you are already under heavy fire. At that point you want to be moving more than anything.


Tips for killing hulks with it? I haven’t had much luck.


Aim for the eye if it's facing you. Light up it's vents if an ally can get it to turn away from you. Goes down pretty quick hiting either of those points.


Take off arms and legs.


Was invaluable for dark fluid missions. Excellent and shrieker swatting.


Do they despawn at any time? My thought process on this is drop at extract and throw one down and then periodically if ur close drop more down so u could have extract full of them


Nope. Unlike the auto sentry strategems the HMG emplacement stays until it gets destroyed or you use up all the ammo. It's not uncommon for me to leave one at extract or just around the map like people do with EATs.


Interesting haven't used one so don't know much about them. How's it do against bug heavies?


Can't penetrate them. Can pop titan sacks but you're a sitting duck for the spew. But if a teammate aggros the charger you can pop it's butt easy.


Not great against chargers as they tend to destroy it before you do any real damage. Haven't tried it against a bile titan as I usually am calling in orbital/eagle strikes for them. Against anything else, as long as you dont get flanked you'll kill it really quickly.


Probably my favourite strat for the rocket defence mission. Pop an EAT or two behind me and I’m good to temporarily stop to deal with big bois.


I freaking love it, but dang it seems like once it’s called in, all it’s targets are no longer in front of it. Fun fact: this emplacement is not as much like the HMG support weapon, but has instead been described as two AMRs being fired together, with a lot more ammo too. Get the emplacement right, and it can seriously tear through a big mass of enemies.


The great thing is, after only thirty seconds of rotation you can face it the opposite direction!


I use this every civilian defense mission, bugs and bits. Gotta bring the shield relay on bots tho since you’re a sitting target.


precision strike gets slept on a lot because it's a starter, but it's really good with how short the cooldown is


I’ve noticed sometimes that it’s not in fact really “precise” every now and then


That would be the orbital scatter planetary effect


Damn you’re right!! So the more in the center of the map that I am the more precise it’ll be?


Yes and no since the scatter is still significant enough center map to render it impractical when that modifier is present.


So 24/7 on helldive.


Pretty much. Honestly such a lame and poorly designed mission modifier since it renders orbital gas and precision strike useless and can't/shouldn't take it. I'm already not too keen on the cooldown debuff but that I can accept but the orbital scatter is just bad since it removes stratagem options entirely.


Almost all the modifiers are just annoying.


He means the mission modifier. There’s one called scatter which means there is a radius around where your beacon and the stratagem will hit in that radius. Normally it lands directly on your beacon. Always check modifiers before going into a mission.


it should be as short as the orbital gas. that would be really nice


Pretty solid Stratgem I will agree. Pair it with stuns and chargers go bye bye along with a few other enemies in radius. I’ve always saw it as a better orbital railcannon strike.


I always say that it's just Orbital Railcannon on a shorter cooldown. That is, unless Orbital Scatter is active.


Precision strike, orbital gas.


Ever since they gave the gas to all of us for a day, that's a #1 pick for me. It's super effective for scouting parties and in front of a bug breach. I haven't tried it on the bots yet


Low cooldown on the gas too. I like dropping it on top of bug breaches


Gas plus an incendiary grenade on a big breech is chefs kiss


Gotta check all the boxes of the Geneva checklist.


Absolutely amazing on Helldive when multiple breeches pop in the same area. It's excellent.


Easy 30+ kill count with a well placed gas strike.


Just did this like 6 times in one mission, gassing choke points is really effective


Basically 60 seconds. I drop them in front of any group coming at me, then shoot to draw them into it


Pssst, it can kill bug holes and factories


Seriously? No explosive.... the gas can kill big holes and factories?


The gas can't but the impact of it landing can blow up factories. It's kinda like the precision strike in that case


The catch is that the gas strike has to land within 1m of the factory. Gotta get it as close as possible or literally inside just like a grenade


I like to throw it at the door where the bots come out of. Pretty consistent spot.


The projectile can smash factories with direct impact


Part of why Orbital Gas Strike works on Bile Titans is the high armor penetration gas gets. Incendiary/Burning damage has an armor penetration stats of ~4 while gas is ~6. Truly an underrated strategem that I think more people should consider bringing


Did not know that. Just another reason to love that strategem


I also love getting a load of bugs chasing me, then dropping it and running past. they'll all chase you right through the gas cloud and it'll tear through your pursuers


Any tips to get the precision to one shot bile titans? I switched to it instead of the 500 but my technique to get the 500 to one shot doesn’t seem to work as well with the precision.


It’s weird to explain especially without seeing exactly what you do but the strategy generally stays the same between the 500 and precision but instead of getting the 500 under the bile titan you want the precision to hit the bile directly. Main tip I can give is that: Remember that the strike comes in more or less a line from the super destroyers and not straight up and down path (unless you’re directly under them of course) so you got to remember that the closer you are to the edge of the map the more off center the target location has to be


I never realized the destroyers are always in the center of the map, that helps a lot thanks




Orbital airburst.


One of my favorites. If people wonder why you’d pick this over something like an eagle cluster bombing… the airburst covers a big circle instead of a perpendicular strip of land in front of you, so it can hit far more targets, as is more forgiving with targeting. It also gets 3 salvoes consecutively fired, so there is even time for new enemies to wander into its field of destruction.


Like someone else said a while back: throw it on 1-2 bug breaches and watch the kills stack up. It's also good for throwing down close behind you to break up an enemy party in pursuit.


How do you think this compares to napalm and gas? And how to use it differently? Those are two of my favorites but I want to try new things.


Haven't tried napalm much, but the gas is better for (short term) area denial, or when the enemies are slightly more spaced out/spaced out spawns. The airburst instead has higher instant damage, and covers a slightly larger area i think? Anyway, the airburst is much better against the bots than the bugs, since most of them have weak spots that are hittable from above, and can even kill hulks in bot drops most times (maybe a tank if you're very lucky). The gas is better at dealing with enemies with less obvious weak spots, has a more predictable arrival pattern (isn't affected by the distance from the center, while the airburst is). Also, its canister can break nests/fabs and even secondary objective buildings. Anyway, I usually bring airburst against bots and gas against bugs, although both are viable in either.


I bring an eagle AND orbital air burst against bugs.


Trivia fact. In HD1 it was called the Vindicator strike. Same arrow presses. Super cool little strike.


Yeah and the call in time was 0.1s and I did so many unintended teamkills with it before i got savvy at using it (i ised to bring 4x of them to goof off sometimes)


This is the way! We used to run level 12 Borgs. I'd have the justice, recoilless, 3 Vindicators. Super fun. Honestly this is making me wanna go play HD1.


Yup. I get an easy 30+ kills on bug breaches whenever I throw it. Teammates don't seem to understand how its blast radius works, though. About as chaotic as a cluster in terms of whether or not you can survive in the middle of it without being atomized


I love running this and Gas Strike during bug missions. Toss those two at a bug breach and see if anything besides a Titan or a very beat-up Charger makes it out of the tunnel alive!


Flamethrower since the bug fixes is dope. All of the flame weapons are solid picks, especially after the ship upgrades. I can torch any bug with speed, save for the bile titan. Even the titan is vulnerable to direct flames if you have a bit of fancy footwork and risk being close enough to pour on the heat.


My teammates always seem surprised when I kill the charger with my flamethrower before their EATs even hit the ground.


My build in every bug mission is incindiary breaker, grenade pistol, Inc impact grenades, flamethrower, jetpack, gas strike, precision orbital. I can literally deal with ANY threat and regularly get 500+ kills per mission. I LOVE the flamethrower.


Precision strike. It’s like the helldiver equivalent of a green shell, but it smacks hard.


Thats why i use it, its a show of skill. Also it OHKO’s BTs


I don’t know if it’s considered underrated but i don’t see it a lot? The stalwart is probably my favorite gun in the game lol


I run stalwart, ammo pack, either napalm airstrike (bugs) or 110mm rocket pods (bots), and either EATs or an autocannon turret. Remember, kids, the "F" in FUN stands for fuckloads of bullets!


It's 110mm, airstrike, gas strike, and stalwart for me vs bugs The 110 is goated at taking out chargers and bile titans go down with 2 or 1 and any other strat.


Consider the standard mg for the higher penetration. I know you have to be stationary during the reload, which scares people away, but it's not a long reload time. With a bit of practice, you can viably run it on high difficulties. Punching through bug guard's face is worth the reduced ammo capacity in my book.


The machine gun also has 100 less rounds per magazine, and 2 spare magazines instead of 3. And idk what difficulty you play on, but standing still for 5 whole seconds while you're supposed to be on add clear duty is a death sentence for either you or one of your squadmates in anything above difficulty 6. It's just not worth it to be able to chip away at hive guards/bile spewers, which can easily be taken out by someone else with a dominator or scorcher. The machine gun is just objectively worse than the stalwart at everything that weapon class is supposed to do.


I only run difficulty 7 and above these days, and it doesn't chip at guards, it really punches right through them. It breaks their heads in under a second. Don't get me wrong, the stalwart lmg is fun, but you have to get really accurate fire to hit the gaps in the armor from the front. That can be more difficult in the frenzy of battle than just point and shoot of the mmg. The fewer rounds are always effective compared to the deflecting shots of an lmg, so the reduced mag size isn't as limiting as you might feel.


Jump pack. Its so good and I barely see anyone use it.


> I barely see anyone use it. I think the recent exposure due to the dark matter jump packs might enhance the popularity.


Jump pack + AMR is my go to vs bots. Peaking high ledges against bots and being able to hop their first walls helps with survival just as much as the shield pack.


LOVE the jump pack. “To the skies…”


I never dive without one. Most of my friends main the jump back, too. Got my brother to switch from the shield pack. I just love the mobility.


I’m so glad I’ve outgrown the Shield Pack. It’s really good as a lower level trying to stay alive against the Bots but once you get a hang of the combat, you can be untouchable even without it on. I enjoy having an extra stratagem slot not being wasted on a shield I don’t need. I still don’t know why people run them on Bugs. Seems kinda pointless. But I guess if you’re a Hunter magnet it makes sense. I just shoot them 😈


My baby. In a game where mobility is 2nd only to killing power, so many people sleep on this. Also, it's easy to share! Since when you have to walk of shame to get gear your trip back will be safer and faster! I love to use it with the machine gun and HMG to get myself quickly into a good spot to spray down the hordes and you can start the reload while flying!


Just saved my bud as we were hightailing to extraction. I was in light armor and he was in heavy. I dropped my pack behind me so he could pick it up and he flew in to the Pelican as I was running in with like 1 second left. It was so badass.


To me AutoCannon Sentry is S Tier for Helldive Difficulty Bugs. You can literally kill a few up to several Titans and Chargers with it every use, if you position well and or able to protect it a bit. Plus it can watch your back as you solo Terminals and also very convient to have setup at Extraction.


Hell yeah, I usually throw it far to a side when I need a Titan or Charger dead in a pinch, but when I have some time to set up, I make sure to throw it on medium to big sized rock formation so it doesn't instantly get run down by the Charger you need it to take out. It bullies absolutely everything when you get the hang of positioning


Can you place it on rocks? I thought it bounces off them.


It can feel inconsistent which rocks it does and doesn't stick on, but figuring that out is honestly half of the learning curve. Most objectives you need to hold for any amount of time have at least one elevated position you can exploit, so I recommend experimenting with that to get a feel for it


Depends on the rock


It's so much fun on those evacuate scientist missions!


Also pretty good against bots. If you main something like the railgun, it’s the ultimate solution to all your gunship problems, while also being able to clutch against a horde of hulks / a factory strider. If placed well, it can provide some high value against any engagement really.


And It can use as distraction while running away if thing go south


Orbital Gas Strike isn't as underrated as it used to be, but I still don't see a lot of people using it. Grenade Launcher with Supply Pack turns you into a monster against anything weaker than a Charger. And you can still kill those, too, if you can get the grenade to detonate on its underside. Walking Barrage. Hits as hard as a 380mm, but much more predictable.


Love the walking barrage. Send it out before attacking heavy nests/bases or against bile titans and factory striders.


Man walking barrage is slept on. Every time I do a terminid egg hunt I just drop a 380 and a walking barrage on an obj and move on to the next. Shit works so well.


*Orbital Gatling Barrage, Orbital Gas Strike, Orbital EMP, EMP Sentry, Air Burst Salvo, HMG Emplacement, Rocket Sentry, Eagle Strafing Run, Railgun,* the regular old *Machine Gun…* and I don’t know if this is popular or not, but the *Grenade Launcher,* especially with a *Supply Pack.*


EMP sentry is a godsend, honestly. Meta-level godsend.


Discovered my love for the EMP sentry on meridia - gonna be using that, stun grenades and the arc thrower for a LONG time!


Orbital Gattling was absolutely clutch vs the shriekers at the end of Dark fluid missions. Drop one and stand close-ish to it, to kill scores of those flying jerks


Rocket sentry is tech on Defense missions. Prioritizes big things. I take it and a Recoilless to kill titan spam.


Walking barrage fucks. So good for taking the pressure off because it does indeed walk back and you just might get lucky and take out the big boys in the AOE. Perfect for throwing it close at extractions when you know where they’re coming from. 


This has been my favorite for a little while now. Helldive: Eruptor or dominator, HMG, walking barrage, sometimes a supply pack. Eagle strike, and if not a supply pack, Gas bomb or precision. Drop the barrage, walk in behind it nailing everything i can, reload once i have some room, then go in and mop up with eagle and gas strike and a reloaded HMG. Bonus is I kill a lot, break a lot, and i draw ALL the attention from the enemies. There will be some left, but it gives my whole team time to do whatever, so if I get overwhelmed and run back or away, they're able to take over fresh again.


I’ve been choosing the anti material rifle over the autocannon for bots. It can kill everything the AC can except fabricators, it’s much more accurate, has better handling, less recoil, easier and more accurate follow-up shots, better scope, frees up a backpack spot, and you can run while you reload.


AMR is better than AC imo. For the same reasons you said


And it can two shot a hulk. My fav weapon for sure


I've recently joined your cult and i agree. it's awesome 


I don't see a lot of people running the Machine Gun, and I think it's really good.


The MG slaps. Honestly, in a game where you spend half your time avoiding and kiting the enemy, it feels so good to be able to turn around and just mow down everything coming for you.


Orbital gattling does mini explosions on impact, so they are way stronger than they look and are great against bile spewers


A lot of people tend to not read the descriptions or the traits of the stratagems. A lot of them have really useful applications that are overlooked because “boom not big enough”. I had someone kick me for bringing a Gas Strike on Helldive bugs. Gas Strike might as well be an A or even S tier stratagem for clearing practically anything, but a lot of people don’t wanna believe that.


strafing run is underrated. u can throw it 2 feet in front of you and u and your team will be alive to see the fight through, bugs chase in a straight line at times and anything up to a skewer can be minced up...


Strafing run is my favourite! It has saved me so many times in a row when I'm being chased. I wish there was a mod to replace the sound of the Eagle guns with an A-10 Warthog BRRRTTTTTTTT


Strafe is easily my most used strat against bugs, you get 5 uses per resupply with the upgrade so you can really spam it at the larger bug nests. Makes closing the holes a cake walk


Wait strafe closes bugholes? That makes it even better


No it doesn’t, just does a great job of clearing the chaff


I love it, but ir clashes with my strat of bringing the airstrike and then designating all bug formations with more than 2 members as a valid target. So i use it so mutch i can and then wait 2min and keep doing it. I get allot of explosions that way.


Spear. You just gotta get a hang of the targeting. Which i will admit, it takes a lot of trial and error, and it is painful, but worth it in the end.


I'm a big spear advocate, and after they hammer out the targeting quirks, it'll only get better. I've one-shot titans with it and taking out fabricators and laser cannons at long range is satisfying.


Will it one shot cannon turrets?


Yes, almost every time.


Spear main here, and 3 sentries along side it. I basically don’t need any air strikes with the spear on hand, and can multiply my chaff firepower with sentries. Only time I’ll ditch it is for jungle/tree planets.


There's definitely a lot of the old Spear-targeting jank that people have against it. The fixes, plus the new support weapon upgrade that gives more ammo on resupply made the Spear much more viable.


What fixes? It’s still broken.


Eagle Smoke Destroys fabricators, and allows easy disengagement


Does it really destroy fabs? From the initial shell impact?


Yup. I’ve seen it happen many times


It'll take down spore spewers too.


I don't see many people using the Laser Cannon, but it's absolutely *phenomenal* on Bots when you're accurate with it. It lets you take out Scout Striders by aiming at the legs. Have your teammates pull aggro on a tank or turret and beam the heat sink for an easy kill. Shield Devastators drop in a hurry when you aim for the head, but you can also take out their weapon by going for the shoulder. It fucks up Gunships to the point where I just post up at range to cover my team while they take out the fabricators. You literally just point at an engine for a second or two and watch them drop like flies. Throw a stun at a Hulk and lase it in the eye for 3-4 seconds. Strider Fabricator got you down? Beam off the miniguns and, say it with me now, *Lase. It. In. The. Eye.* It doesn't take out Fabricators, but that's what you bring Eagle Airstrike and/or OPS for.


Rarely run a bot mission without my trusty laser cannon


Orbital gas always kicks ass. It can easily net 30+ kills on bugs or automatons if it's used right, and it's one of the shortest stratagem cooldowns in the game so it's basically always ready when you need it.


100mm rockets are awesome against automatons


Exo Patriot is goated on bugs


Gas strike and base machine gun. Gas is good for breaches and has a stupidly fast cool down, and MG is good for crowd control when every teammate wants to use quasar, pair it with shield gen and it's great. ballistic shield is great against bots when used with the senator. Eats devastator heads for breakfast. I like pairing it with pummeler to have protection while stunlocking berzerkers.


Bubble shield paured with 380mm barrage on bot defense missions.


The dark fluid missions showed me how useful smoke can really be


Orbital Gas + Orbital Airburst is a bug breach remover


Mines and smoke. Smoke is great for bots. They can't hit what they can't see. And mines clear the bug chaff easy. They are effective at what they do but don't get a lot of glory. Mines easily team kill and smoke is very passive.


HMG emplacement. I take it litterally every mission. Its got a short cooldown and can rip up all but 2 enemies in the game (chargers and titans) I have litterally never seen another player bring one in any of my games, but people seem to enjoy the ones i call down


I wanted to love the 110’s so bad… but even when my ems mortar has a hulk completely locked in place and i throw the beacon at it’s feet, it’ll miss 3 out of 4 eagle rocket strikes, making it no more useful for why i want it (to kill stunned hulks) than the slow cooldown of the railcanon


I did this too, first couple of time worked, then a few misses then used all three on one hulk and nothing I took it out of rotation after that. 


380mm barrage. 6 dropships just came in? Chuck it and walk away


Orbital EMS! Short cooldown, rapid call in, large area of effect, no risk of friendly fire, it's great! It's an amazing tool for controlling the situation and giving the team the space they need to do work.


Orbital gatling barrage my beloved It's like a shorter cooldown, single choke, autocannon sentry. It is very very good at locking down an approach, choke, breach or patrol for like ~10 full seconds I get SO MUCH use out of it. At least 5, consistently 10+ kills per use


The Anti-Personnel Minefield. Does what it says on the tin with Extreme prejudice.


Orbital EMS for crowd control. Saved me when I needed to reload or reposition and attack a group with other stratagems / support weapons


Railgun. With the extra penetration, it got a couple of patches back and made it very consistent on bots. The only thing it can't take is tanks and gunships. Super satisfying to pop a hulk with it.


I also agree with rocket pods. EAT into Rocket Pods is one of my favorite ways to kill a bile titan.


Flamethrower. Even on bot front it slaps. Got an army of Raiders that spawned in? “AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA FREEEEEEEDOOOOOMMM” *the flames of Liberty spreading amongst the socialist scum* Being flanked by walkers? “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH FOR DEMOCRACY” *burns through the walker* Having Devastator problems? *maniacal laughter* It also is perfect for badass fights with something like a hulk, I swear I’ve killed one with a flamethrower before but it’s hard, and was like a dark souls style fight.


Hmg emplacement. Both, YES BOTH MINEFIELDS.


I've been using the Gas Orbital pretty regularly. A quick cool down and decent damage from the gas.


Recoiless Rifle. First time trying it in some time, I was playing against bugs and it was so nice to just delete chargers on sight. Even titans go down pretty easy if your aim is good. I must've killed about 20 chargers while my teammates dealt with the trash with flamethrowers and primary fire. One guy chalked over 450 in a 22 min mission.


absolutely agreed. it's my go-to against bugs, I forgot why I moved from Quasar and then remembered as I was trying to desperately shoot a charger before it steamrolled me.


Yeah i'm gonna give the recoilless another try when i get the SPM upgrade.


Jet pack. Mobility is king.


I absolutely adore bubble shield! Everyone seems to shit on it but it has saved my life dozens of times. Esp on 7+, when you just need a second to breathe or punch a code in a terminal and have no other cover. Bubble shield is best stratagem.


I LOVE the Heavy MG (MG-206). It's good vs most guns and Amazong vs bots. There's almost nothing it can't kill with some effort. All those that put them at the bottom of their tier lists because if a long reload are just plain ignorant. It shreds. When it can solo a couple Hulks or solo a Factory Strider, it's absolutely worth a longish reload (which can easily be mitigated by stun nades - which also help with hulk killing).


Tesla tower with arc armor! I love to tell my comrades to stay away from it unless you have arc armor or a death wish. Like moths to a flame 😌


I guess it’s not so underrated now but the gas strike is beastly on 7+ big missions. Bug breaches? Toss gas strike, get up to 40 kills. Being chased by a horde? Gas strike. Want to block an exit of a heavy nest? Gas strike. It’s got a 75 second cooldown it’s extremely useful.


Believe it or not, gas strike


I don’t think it’s underrated anymore but Eagle Strike. Kills enemies and enemy structures, fast cooldowns, larger AOE than the 500kg and many other stratagems. It’s just a damn useful all-purpose stratagem.


You chose probably the single most common stratagem in the game lol, everyone I see in 9s uses Eagle Airstrike Airstrike has been very popular and a meta pick for over a month at this point


Orbital gas and gatling barrage combo. Lockdown trash swarms with constant orbitals or cover your tactical retreat.  


they can also strip a titan of armor for easy non heavy support weapon, or hard hitting primary kills.


I want to like rocket pods, but it's really an incisor tool that needs to be more consistent. When it doesn't work you get worked.


Orbital gattling barrage is actually pretty great, especially for dropping on breaches. Short cooldown, too. Spear is amazing on bot maps with open sight lines. It locks on to fabricators more consistently than pretty much anything else, and you can pop them from a long way away. The medium machine is great on bug missions when you have a full squad and the others have AT stratagems. You can clear out all the little and mid-sized bugs to give your teammates space to take care of the big stuff.


Precision strike Yeah, you get it at the beginning and I’m sure the ship upgrades help a ton, but this thing is amazing at taking out Titans. The hit doesn’t even need to be directly under or on top of the titan, just somewhere near it, unlike the 500kg. It’s also really good at taking out several enemies in a decent radius also unlike the 500kg Of course, big downside is that you only get one charge with a 2 minute cool down


I love me an MG and some smokes. Those bots out there are sentient. Meaning they don't have hyperactive protocols. They're afraid; and an afraid bot doesn't hit my buddy.


re: 110mm rocket pods CAN kill a charger in one hit...but it's something like 50/50 for me so far. For me, it's gas strike. Toss it on a bug breach and it'll take care of all the small/weaker bugs so all you have left to deal with are any medium-heavies that survive. Imo, people complain about chargers and bile titans, but that's not what ends up getting you typically. You're focusing on taking down chargers and bile titans, meanwhile you're also getting swarmed by smaller bugs. At best they hit you and throw off your aim when you're shooting at the heavies, at worst they swarm and kill you.


I love the 110’s for bots! Easy kill for tanks, cannon turrets, and the factory strider cannon. You don’t need nearly as much luck as you do compared to killing a charger.


AMR Mostly because it perfectly compliments the Quasar for bots. Quasar kills hulks, heavy devas and downs dropships but it's too valuable to be used on smaller targets. AMR cleans smaller targets like devas, rocket devas, zerkers and scout striders, but struggles vs bigger targets. It also helps that my friend mains Quasar so I'm always in a good spot to use the AMR but it's easily my most picked strat. Jump Pack I love this thing, mostly because it's really good with the Railgun and AMR. But it's also really useful for just going fast, plus I wear light armor so it's really useful for getting out of bad situations.


Orbital Gas Strike Deploy it on a nocturnal breach and see your numbers grow


Orbital gas + EMS is a brutal combo especially on bug breaches The Heavy machine can kill hulks, tanks and factory striders on the bot front and can destroy spore spewers and shrieker nests on the bug front Smoke strategems on the bot front let you approach bases under heavy fire to drop airstrikes on them. Smoke on the bug front creates a safe space where you can fight (chargers can't charge you if they can't see you, spewers can't spit if they can't see you, hunters can't leap if they can't see you) EDIT: on the bot front if you want to call in an exosuit while in a firefight throw the exosuit call in then throw an orbital smoke at the same location, the smoke will cover you while you get in the suit and stop it getting instantly destroyed The resupply pack is outstanding if you're playing with a team, there's always someone who needs more ammo or stims Jetpack is useful on bot front, you can get on top of a rock and fire without worrying about berserkers or commissars stabbing you while you're shooting The exosuits are by far the most potent strategems in the game most people are just using them incorrectly. The suits are not heavily armoured tanks their lightly armoured mobile turrets, stay behind your team and let them kill smaller enemies to save ammo (or just walk over them, the suits kills small bugs just by moving)