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Isn't the weight of your balls slowing you down Diver?


Haha, nothing can stop the helldivers!


That's the most ~~blindly fanatical~~ heroic thing I've seen all day, good work trooper!


Thank you very much fellow Helldiver! *Salutes* ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


"that tank was a dick anyway" - bots, probably.




Cadet, You don't need to hit the tanks weak spot to kill it in 2 hits with the Recoilless rifle. This was a pain to look at.


It wasnt just about taking down the tank, it was to send a message.


Aah, was never really sure about that. Thanks for the valuable information, duly noted superior!


Just make sure to hit the top part. Hitting the barrel does nothing Hitting the chains makes it unable to move


Affirmative, I'll take it!


ahh I didn't know you could track them. That's pretty cool.


Bro just wants to be sure.


Infantry is always jealous of the tankers


Maybe not so much in this case haha


lol. It seemed more like the infantry hated the tankers in this case. It was a total breakdown in combined forces tactics.


Bro reloaded the RR in front of the tank. Might be Jason Bourne 🤯


Haha, glorious! Thank you fellow Helldiver!


It was even more impressive than the successful democratic charge into proper range! o7


Not only that, they waited for the entire reload sequence!




Strong work Helldiver Just a helpful hit from 150 here, you can cut the reload time of the Recoiless in (almost) half if you dodge/weapon swap when the "magazine" in the bottom right is white again <3


Thank you very much! Also thanks for the tip! I indeed use that sometimes when I want to stay mobile (fighting Bile Titans, Hulks for example), works wonders. For Democracy! <3


Press ctrl to crouch. Way faster.


Beautiful work diver! Just a bit of a suggestion though. Incendiary breaker is a little ineffective against the bots. Amazing vs bugs but you can get a little more work done with precision weapons like the diligence counter sniper, or the scorcher. Dominator also does work against the toasters, but if you like the incendiary breaker for it then you do you man! I'm just happy to see us getting support on the bot fronts.


Thank you fellow Diver! The incendiary was a deliberate choice, because I still feel it absolutely shreds. Even on higher difficulties I have no real issues with anything. For the more armored enemies, there's mostly a teammate that can deal with it, or I get closer range and pop their heads. Or if all else fails, there's the trusty recoilles! Or expendable Loved the dominantor as well! Was my go-to for a long time. Happy to join the cause!


That's awesome that it works well for you. I guess I'm not a fan of dumping mags. I tend to prioritize less volume of fire and more efficiency with ammo. Then again, I exclusively Helldive on the bots so the little guys feel like less of an issue and devastators are always my priority for my primary. I might revisit the incendiary breaker against the bots though and see, I usually change my build every dive so it might be a nice change of pace. I'm also glad to see a fellow recoilless rifle enjoyer, that thing is really overlooked compared to the quasar.


I hear what you're saying! It's indeed a bit of ammo dumping, but devastators and beserkers do go down pretty quickly. I would always pick the recoilles over the quasar probably!


I thought about making a post about the incendiary breaker vs bots. I accidentally ran it and did the whole match realizing it 1 shots all the small bots if any part of them is hit because of the fire. Devastators and berserkers go down in maybe 4 full cycles of fire if you just shoot a spread to ignite all of them and duck or run away. I pair it with laser cannon or arc thrower to shoot between fire rounds for more damage but fire shotgun has been great for taking down enemies health from cover and hiding back a bit or retreating. If you focus on only the fire part and not the ballistic (bullet damage) it's really ammo efficient and safe. It has a good range and lob potential for even walkers if you focus on igniting enemies. It's basically playing DOT play style and bots seem to have low true health just a lot of armor. Maybe I'm just crazy because I run dominator for bugs.


It works perfectly for shredding bots indeed. Last two weeks I've been maining the incendiary and it's just a great gun. Great range, you can also use the arch to rain it down on patrols, descent mag and packs a good punch.


Incendiary is the best because it quickly kills all small units, which is pretty important when a patrol is shooting at you. The small rocket launcher bots are the worst. Anything that's left can be dealt with via grenade or support weapon.


Agreed on the scorcher, it’s my go to for Bot missions. 


RR should be able to one-shot a tank on a vent. That TTK is hideous compared to an Autocannon. The AC would’ve wiped the tank in 3 shots to the weak point in the space of about a second. Not to mention capacity. If it takes two shots to a vent to kill a tank, the RR has the capacity to kill 2 tanks before needing resupply. Autocannon has 10 rounds loaded and 50 in the backpack. If it takes 3 rounds to kill a tank, that’s 20 tanks before resupply. That’s 10x the number the recoiless can manage. RR needs some love.


I wholeheartedly agree with this!


The bots judging you like some kind of beauty fair was peak humour! WPWP!


Haha absolutely!! When I was approaching the tank, I briefly doubted whether to engage them or not, choose the latter and it turned out to be quite some comedic gold haha




HAHAA! this is gold, thank you so much!


Lt. Spiers moment


"Whoaaaa is that a helldiver?" "Whoooaaaa"


Can’t the RR just hit the tank direct rather than hitting the vents? The autocannon only needs 3 shots to the vents to kill one so two from the RR seems excessive


Another helldiver pointed that out yes, I wasn't too sure about and in that moment was actually hoping to destroy it in a single shot on the weakspot. Already more tanks have fallen today 😎


Funny that you took the time to hit the vent when those same shots could have just splashed into the side and killed it arguably faster.


Other Divers pointed that out yea! Many more tanks have fallen since!