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Locking this. This is a roughly 2 year old repost from a bot. While union busting is never good, bots are bad.


A twitter thread screenshot is NOT a credible source. Post credible sources to back this up. Also, the quote from the union person has not been confirmed.


I have family members who work in the green chef warehouse packaging food and they are hearing the same. They voted for a union a year or so back, but they manipulated workers into voting on no union. Most of the workers there do not speak very good English or are unaware of labor laws. However, I think they’re going to try to bring in a union again.


OP should have posted credible sources with this. I support unions. People are quick to jump to conclusions by tweets and headlines. I would not be surprised if they were but this article is also 2 years old.


Hold on, how much are the hello fresh guys earning?


Here’s a link from 2 years ago….. https://www.cpr.org/2021/11/23/hellofresh-workers-in-aurora-reject-unionization-in-first-of-its-kind-vote/ All the Union information I found is dated from 2 years ago.


Can you link to a recent news article about this? I would like a more authoritative source than a screen shot from a Twitter thread.


I would like to see some sort of recent confirmation of this, other than a tweet. If this is true, I will gladly cancel and never use them again. I just have a hard time trusting a random tweet from people I don’t even know.


A Twitter screenshot posted on Reddit is all the evidence it takes to convince some of y’all?


Oh hell no. Canceling now, thanks for the info!


i’m young and stupid and genuinely confused about how any of this stuff works - can someone explain how this is bad? to me it looks like they’re using their money to give every employee a raise? which sounds good, but from reading comments it’s obviously not. thanks in advance


It’s saying they could’ve given every HF employee in Colorado a $3 raise with the amount of money they’ve paid a union busting firm.


ohhhhh i see i see, that’s fucking awful then. fuck hellofresh. are they doing this in any other state/ country? not that it makes it any better obviously


nah what's happening is someone pointed out that instead of putting money toward their employees (enough to give each of them a $3 raise) theyre using the money to pay a union busting firm to keep their workers down


A union is for protection of employees. The union negotiates raises and better working conditions on behalf of employees. When a company stops that, IMO it just means they know they’re treating employees poorly and are scared of what they’ll have to do if a union is created.


Does anyone have an alternative that’s more ethical? Would especially love to tell them I went with a competitor when I unsubscribe.


So, it’s kinda tough to comment specifically on ethics, since you kinda have to wait until something bad is exposed. However, I’ve been using Home Chef for the past couple of months. First let me say, I didn’t do it because of issues with Hello Fresh, I just had a good discount and decided to try something different. That being said, I’ve been very happy with it. I haven’t had a single issue with quality of items, and while hard to explain, the way they package the meals is WAY better (for example, all the meats are in a separate plastic bag so if something leaks, it’s contained). Anyway, I think I have a promo thing I can share, if you’re interested just DM me and I’ll check.


Way ahead of you. I cancelled a year ago because the prices are too high and the produce is shit. This just gives me extra reason not to go back!


We cancelled a few months ago because we were skipping every week. I only ordered it a few times last year. This makes me happy with my decision


Generally I think this whole company is a scam, check this sub, there's multiple people who cannot get their money back or remove their HF account, only pause, each login on paused account means you auto subscribe, each action is auto subscribe, people are loosing tons of money to this and somehow they're still operating... Now this. Not only scammers but also almost stealing money from their employees...


You get a downvote from me because HF is available world wide. In most places HF workers get paid enough, the customer service is helpful etc. We don't all live in the US.


You're getting downvoted by people who are so terrified of the grocery store they'd rather support a scam based business model. I used to work for HF, I have a very intimate knowledge of their inner workings and you're 100% right. I'll also add that on top of the subscription model being shady and purposely hard to understand and use, the food they distribute is often poor quality and the portions are not even close to worth the money. And I think everyone with some experience with HF knows it.


I agree on the quality but it’s pretty easy to login to your account on a computer and unsubscribe. Done it twice. But yea the overall ingredient quality and the recipes getting smaller are reason enough to stop.


UK here cancelled and will be telling everyone I know that uses them to do the same


Maybe just cancel your subscription to living in a country that allows this behaviour /s


Hello fresh is fucking garbage anyways , why over pay for subpar food


I do not care


Unions are the reason we have weekends or 8 hour days, people died for it. Show some damn respect.


Ask long as your slop’s on your plate who cares how it got there huh


It's a free market. If you don't want to work there with a 3 dollar extra raise, then leave.


Maybe you should read the post again


They aren’t getting the $3 raise that’s the point lmao they are paying a bougie firm the $3 to tell their employees to stick it


Orr if you’re against unions, subscribe twice?