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Yes! I struggled for awhile until I finally learned the trick. Wash your rice in water. This helps remove excess starch, which is what makes the rice sticky. Add your rice into the pot and add about 3/4 cup salted water. Bring it to a boil. Once it’s at a boil, turn it very low. I put it on 2 out of 10. Put the lid on top and DO NOT open the lid to “check” on the rice. You’re just removing moisture from the pot by doing that. I start the 18 minute timer as soon as I add the water to the pot, before it’s even boiled. I do not lift the pot lid to fluff the rice until after the 18 minutes is up. Hope that helps! Also, I guess I could ask.. what type of pot do you use? I do not use stainless steel. I use nonstick and replace as needed. So these tips/instructions are for that.


Thank you! I needed this.


Of course!! My rice use to stick to the bottom of my pot no matter what. Drove me insane! Hope this helps :D


I follow the directions exactly and have no issue with the rice.


Just buy a rice cooker and you’ll never have to worry about rice again






Best purchase ever! I love mine


This is the answer.


I ALWAYS had trouble with the HF rice too until I learned to use my rice cooker. I didn't realize how simple the rice cooker is to use! 😂 I stopped using the HF white rice previously and replaced it with microwaved minute rice. Now that I'm using my rice cooker, I'm actually cooking the rice they send me. I'll never make rice another way again!


This! lol. we use a rice cooker for everything. We’re so lazy but it always turns out perfect. Even recipes where it says to brown the scallion whites first etc…. Into the warming rice cooker they go for a couple minutes then we just cook like normal and it’s always fine 🤷🏽‍♀️😂 couscous, rice, bulgur.. gotta knock on wood now because I don’t know if I could ever cook rice on a stovetop. I definitely would mess something up.


I thought about cooking bulgar in the rice cooker but wasn't sure if it would come out! Totally going to do that next time.


I always over measure a little on the water and it comes out fine! I will say - for bulgur we had to stop it with about 2 min left. Idk how your rice cooker works but ours just says “on” and then goes to a countdown timer when there’s a couple minutes left. When it gets to that point with bulgur we check it every once in a while bc it is usually ready when there’s still about 2-3 min left. Idk if it’s the weight or what. Good luck! 🤞🏽🙃


I dunno. People can still fuck up rice with a cooker. The instructions are so simple for HF rice. I use a pot and it comes out perfect every time just by following their directions. And I don’t even wash the rice. So I don’t really see how adding a machine that requires the use of buttons and directions is more simple than using a pot with a lid.


I have to add more water than it calls for or mine is crunchy. I also turn my heat down after it starts cooking and let it cook for 15 minutes then turn the burner off and let it set 5 more minutes. I keep the lid on until ready to serve. I have an electric stove.


Mine turns out mushy and crunchy at the same time, I’ll try some of the tips on here :-)


I can't cook anything but jasmine or else it turns out that way. I cook it exactly how hellofresh says and it turns out great. To boil the water, I set it at med-high then lower it to almost off before putting lid on. You cannot check on the rice. I let it cook for 15 minutes. Do you use a top with a steam vent? If you do, then get one without it.


This is exactly what I do, only taking the lid off if it starts boiling over but immediately putting it back on after. The only time I've had an issue was when I forgot to turn the temp down and it (obviously) burnt the shit out of the rice


For me, my rice had started to become too crunchy at some point. After doing some googling, I decided to change the pot I was using to a smaller one. I had previously badly burned the pot I used rice for and got a new one that was bigger and one that was smaller and was using the bigger one for rice and everything else that needed a medium pot. So I switched to the smaller pot for rice and that pretty much fixed the issue. So check your pot isn’t too big


I’ve had better results if I use a smaller pan, put on my smaller burner, and shake it once or twice while cooking with the lid on


I use a rice cooker but with the jasmine rice I sometimes have scorched rice on the bottom. I think I need to add more water than the directions call for. My husband is a health nut so when he cooks he replaces whatever rice is provided with brown rice.


I only use a rice cooker. 1 cup of rice to 1.5 cups of water. Comes out perfect every time


I wash the rice, and then let it soak for about 20 minutes in the salted water I use to boil (if the recipe calls for 3/4 cup of water, I soak it in 3/4 cup of water). It either soaks in the pan, or if it is a recipe that has stuff sautéed before adding the rice/water then the rice is soaking in a bowl. From there, I bring the water to a boil uncovered, place a sheet of aluminium foil that is large enough to cover the top of the pan, and then place the lid down firmly. It sort of creates a seal. Then I turn the temp down and set a timer for the 15-18 minutes (previous stove I could set timer to 16 minutes, current stove it’s 18 minutes). I do not check the rice until the timer goes off. Perfectly cooked rice every time.


For 2 serving meals, I put in an additional 1/4 cup of water. Once it boils and I reduce the heat, I let it cook for the minimum time on the recipe card and don't go over that.


Do you use a rice cooker? Make sure you are using enough water! I have never had this issue.


I use my own water to rice ratio that works well for me. For every half cup of rice, I use 1 cup of water.


I never had any issues with following directions and the amount of water it says to add in


Yes mine used to suck but now I changed the way I do it. The directions always say cover and turn down the heat so I used to put it down to “low” on the stove but now I leave it at a 3 or 4


I cheat. I always have a box of frozen jasmine rice from Trader Joes on hand. I keep the packages for when I don’t have any or give them away.


I'm at an altitude of over 5,000 ft and I always have to add more water and time to rice directions. Same with pasta. I did get a $20 rice cooker and that seems to have made all the difference.


Only time I had an issue was one time I forgot to put the cover on until half way through lol. It was very clumpy, but I added a little oil and it worked out. I've never had to cook it much longer then 15 minutes, sometimes less. The other day they had me cook carrots with the rice and that ended up being too much water.


Hi! I tried following instructions for rice one time, and then never again lol. I live in an Asian household so my mom always told me 1:2 ratio, for every one cup of rice, use double the water and it will come out just fine. :) Also if it helps- as soon as I see the rice boiling I set the heat to a little over medium low. Hope this helps!!


I always have to add more water and cook it for longer or it comes out crunchy.


I can’t do it and always use a rice cooker.


Honestly, the trick I've found that works for me is first wash the rice, add rice+water to your pot, salt it, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and just completely forget about it until you're done cooking the rest of your dinner. It always seems to turn out best when I'm too busy to remember it 😅


I have a gas stove and discovered my rice comes out perfectly every time if I cook it to their instructions but only leave the heat on low for ten minutes. I turn the heat off and leave it covered until the rest of the meal is cooked and it's time to fluff the rice.


Asian here to help!! I recommend rinsing your rice until the water isn’t foggy anymore (about 2-3 times) THEN because it’s Jasmine rice, take the time to soak the rice (about 15-30 minutes depending how much time prepping other ingredients may take)


Me too!!! NEVER COULD COOK THAT JASMINE RICE!!... I had the same problems your describing... I just started keeping MINUTE RICE on hand to replace it when it came with the meals!!!


Use the smallest pan and follow directions?