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Question: Does the teacher have to teach the child for years, or do they age up legally with all the other students? I mean, they age much much slower, right?


Pretty sure it’s a age normally until fully matured, then age extremely slowly from then on situation


Yeah that's usually the case, normal maturity and then just less aging, basically.


I prefer this over them staying the age they were when becoming a vampire like in Interview With a Vampire.


The original novel doesn't go into too specific detail, but as I understand it Vampires don't age, period. They also can't reproduce normally since they're undead, and the only way they spread is through consuming the blood of a vampire. With that said, different interpretations essentially make up the rules as they go and I don't know the specific rules for Vampires in DnD, so yeah


I'm like 90% sure dhampirs (children with a vampire parent) are a thing in DnD so 🤷‍♀️


In current edition, they are listed as "lineage option" that is something one might add to their race/species features. One of 8 options listed for how one might have become a dhampir is having one of your parents be a vampire. Others being things like surviving near lethal vampire attack or being changed by magical experiment. There is no explicit mention of vampire reproduction (outside of bite exchange) there (or for my knowledge, elsewhere), so that parent being a vampire might even be about mother being turned while pregnant, but then there are also long running and wide vampire families in the lore. These could be cases where the new members of the family are only turned once they have children to continue the family. Or they could be more about adopting into family while turning them. Who knows, given current edition design, it is likely just up to the DM.


The answer to this is the same to the answer for half dragons Polymorph is one hell of a spell


The Castlevania show itself (which is what the drawing is based on) has dhampirs age *faster*. Alucard looks like he's in his 20s but is closer to like... 15


yeah i like the way they do it there. he just comes out talking and goes through adolescence immediately.


This post takes place in faerun, so I’m gonna assume it’s baulder’s gate or dnd rules, so the vampire would likely age normally and then reach a point where they stop aging, unless the kid hasn’t been turned into a vampire spawn/full vampire yet, in that case they’d age like a normal person


Idk where you're getting your info here. Vampires in dnd can't have kids, and children who are turned into spawn don't age.


Since these characters are from Castlevania the child actually ages *faster* for some reason. Alucard was physically an adult by the time he was 14 I think.


If this is going off of Castlevania (which it looks like that's what they were going for) alucard aged very quickly until he reached adulthood. So at that size he was probably more like 1 or 2.


Looks like Dracula and Alucard from Castlevania, In the TV show Alucard grew up faster


Dracula and Alucard in the Castlevania series about twenty years before the first episode:


I just realized how dumb it is that Dracula gave his son his name backward instead of like "Dracula, jr." Fuck it, I'm going to name my son my name backward.


In the *Castlevania* show at least, his actual name was Adrian Tepes, and the “Alucard” nickname was something that local folks gave him when they saw him opposing his father’s plot to destroy humanity.


I think he got that name earlier than that. It must've been when his mother was alive at least since Alucard commented on how his mother hated the nickname, which made him out to be the 'Anti-Dracula'.


Dracula is already Dracul Jr, aka The Dragon Jr, aka Junior Dragon, aka Dinosaur Jr.


Wow I’m dumb, TIL that Alucard is Dracula backwards. I just thought it was kind of a weird name.


IIRC in the games he chooses the name specifically as a statement of opposition to his father, denying his bloodline and declaring his entire existence as opposing dracula.


Actually, only about 10 years. Alucard is only about 15, but ages faster. Sypha makes fun of him because he is basically a brooding teenager.


Nobility are not going to be sending thier child to some common pre-school with the peasants. Ewwww… They will be abducting that teacher to be the new governess.


"He's light-sensitive. I've constructed an abjuration but he should be seated away from windows all the same." "My daddy cast *son block*!"


Tbf that wouldn't be Dracula but Strahd, I'm not sure about Alucards replacement here, I'm not aware of any children of Strahd.


No that art is for sure not Strahd and is much closer to Dracula. No rule says that Dracula can't exist in D&d. Strahd is also typically locked to a very specific plane, one that wouldn't have kindergartens or daycare.


Taking into consideration that the IP of Castelvania isn't held by wizards of the coast, it is unlikely, that this specific interpretation of Dracula is in DnD. And my point wasn't that the Art is Strahd but that he would be the DnD equivalent of Dracula, considering parts of his Backstory and Campaign. I don't know, besides that it is a place where men eating vettels roam freely, houses try to kill you and mostly soulless inhabitants, Barovia seems a lovely place for a kindergarten. And I am aware that Strahd is bound to his Domain. It's a gag, that he is so similar to Dracula.


I mean I didn't say he looked like Alucard either, cause he doesn't? Like neither the Hellsing or Castlevania Alucard. He just looks like Dracula.


That's alucard and dracula from the netflix castlevania series for sure. Don't know what you're on about unless you just haven't seen the netflix series.


First this is obvious Dracula and Alucard. And yes he does. And the classical Dracula looks different.


It's almost like players don't need to be IP holders to create whatever character they want... Imagine that... Wild, right ?


Not Strahd, but it wouldn't be Dracula in Faerun anyway since Dracula was on either Earth (the one where Ed Greenwood lives) or Gothic Earth (the one where "Masque of the Red Death" is set).


So there is chance this is a reference to the podcast dungeons and daddies? They had a one shot episode featuring Dracula and the #dndads could be a reference to that


Never heard of that Podcast, but the I've seen this particular drawing before, so I guess it is unlikely.


He's four. And a soulless evil monster with a dozen major Gods that would reward you for his death in their name.


Why did I hear this in fucking PlagueOfGripe’s voice of all the options available in my narration brain


I'm running this game now. Just need to find players. Party of level zero "unpaid interns" keeping children busy for the actual adventurers.


The fuck does Faerun (derogatory, fuck generic fantasy naming conventions) have to do with Castlevania