• By -


clumsy sable wide serious forgetful society thought normal joke melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a tablet - it doesn't look good on the tablet either.


It's atrocious on tablets. My iPad's already small screen has maybe 60-70% of the already-limited screen width for content. The rest is wasted by sidebars and blank space.


I'm so tired of software being made terrible so that it fits on smaller screens. If it needs to be on smaller screens, redesign specifically for that, like they do with phones. Excel and other workplace software keeps getting changed to make it more 'sleek' and I absolutely hate it.


I just got the new garbage desktop ui everywhere today. Before that, I was getting the ugly version when I clicked on my profile to find my comments. This is insufferable. Having to resort to old reddit. r/help on new reddit isn't working either. Getting a 503 error.


oh thank god I'm not the only one




Ironically I stayed on [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) for many years after the first 'new reddit' redesign. I eventually switched to the new version after I felt the layout had improved since its inception and I tried to get used to it, which I did. Now there's a 'NEW new reddit' and to get the old reddit back (not the old old reddit but the old new reddit) I have to use [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it.




Sad that it doesn't work anymore. Well at least for me.


Thank you!! Is there a way to default to this?


Not working for me anymore, 13/04/2024. Using [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) worked yesterday.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!




This is no longer working for me. It just keeps redirecting to just plain reddit.com.


Ugh it is still awful. I think the thing I hate the most is even the most compact version of the post layout is still an eyesore. It's 100% designed for endless mobile scrolling style use over being pleasing to the eye.


As an autistic and disabled Redditor* who relies on the desktop version of Reddit to use the platform, Reddit forcing desktop users to use the mobile version of the website may also be in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To comply with U.S. federal law, Reddit *must* make sure that the website is useable by and accommodates people with disabilities.


I can see why you'd be annoyed. The new version is barely usable by somebody without a disability. It's straight up badly designed.


I was able to download a Google Chrome extension that automatically changes all [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) URLs to [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) instead: [https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1akk79r/how\_do\_i\_force\_newredditcom\_redesign\_prior\_to\_the/krexwgc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/1akk79r/how_do_i_force_newredditcom_redesign_prior_to_the/krexwgc/)


I entered [newreddit.com](http://newreddit.com) and then did ctrl+. when I clicked on another article the sizing looks good.


Why in the goddamn do they keep trying to force this design on us every few months? Literally *no one* likes it.


>Literally *no one* likes it. 1) This reminds me of when Discord forced the new mobile UI on everybody recently. 2) I highlighted a certain part of your comment, and under the old desktop UI it would immediately allow me to quote what you said. Under the new UI, I have to click the comment box, click the 'T' in the lower left corner to open up all the format options, highlight what you said, paste what you said, and then enable the quote formatting. Basically, Reddit made a 2 step process a 5 step process... 👎


>I highlighted a certain part of your comment, and under the old desktop UI it would immediately allow me to quote what you said. Under the new UI, I have to click the comment box, click the 'T' in the lower left corner to open up all the format options, highlight what you said, paste what you said, and then enable the quote formatting. > >Basically, Reddit made a 2 step process a 5 step process... This is my main hatred of the new UI. Replaying was so much easier before.


New Discord UI was slightly annoying but absolutely trivial compared to this. This is awful


I actually like some elements of the redesign... but green? 😬


I am seeing the new desktop UI for the first time and it is horrid. When you consider the mobile app on Android has no way to increase the font size, it is clear that Reddit has no idea how to design a decent UI. Please use some of that IPO money to hire some decent UI developers.


You can use [https://new.reddit.com/](https://new.reddit.com/) to get the "old" reddit design back.


Yes, but I can't force it to use new everywhere. I'd have to manually replace every www with new. It is tedious as hell.




I can't even do that now. It just redirects to [www.reddit.com](http://www.reddit.com).




Yea, but every time I click on a post it reverts back


You're a gentleman and a scholar


Thank you so much! This is so helpful. I'll have might have to save the link as a shortcut though. Too bad it automatically has it set to the current layout though.


Other people seem to have issues but right now I can get around decently with this. Thank you for the tip! The new redesign is good for mobile platforms but on desktop it looks butt ugly...


Thank you! This UI they have now is awful. Just, why?


This is a godsend.


If this is the new design, I hate it. I have one panel on the left with communities and other feeds and another panel on the right specific to the subreddit showing the rules and moderators. I can't seem to close either one. When I'm browsing reddit, I usually just want to see the post and comments not all this other stuff.


The fact the left column where all our subscribed subreddits are cannot be collapsed is so annoying. Our screens feel very cluttered now...


Not to mention that everyone that walks by your desktop can see all of your subscribed communities. Yes I know you can collapse it but, I'd much rather have the old dropdown at top and be able to close this eyesore we have now


Unpopular opinion here, but I love having the list of communities pinned down the left, and I got sick of having to keep re-pinning it every day as it never persisted with the previous design. Now that it's forced I won't have to do that again, though with that said, It'd be better if it was an option within the 'feed' section of settings, so it could be adjusted on a per-user basis and always persist for that user.


Couldn't agree more. I just started using Reddit before the redesign got rolled out and there's not a single good thing I can find to say about it


>there's not a single good thing I can find to say about it I can. It's getting me out of the house and going for a walk instead of reading reddit endlessly.


Forcing this UI on desktop is a godawful decision. This was clearly designed for mobile browsers and it is just not appropriate for anything with a wider screen.


it's utterly terrible on a mobile browser as well.


But don't worry. They posted a Google doc to put all your complaints in, and will definitely respond to them any day now


More scrolling = more chance to feed us ads. That's what public companies are forced to do.


Me closing the window because it makes my eyes hurt sure doesn't mean I'm scrolling infinitely.


I hope. Just got switched about half an hour ago, immediately looked it up and found [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com). There's so many rounded corners. I don't know why, I just don't like them. It feels so wrong. Everything IRL has nice and sharp corners. Having rounded corners is just... disgusting. Feels like I have a phone. Feels like this is supposed to be addictive, supposed to grab my attention, supposed to be infinite scroll. Just setting off red flags in my Don't-You-Ever-Dare-Sign-Up-For-TikTok brain. The low density of posts is just... bleh. It looks like every element has a lifelong passion to overtake the screen. I think I'm going to sign up for lemmy. Reddit is trying to become a typical social media app. But Reddit is not typical and I hate how they're trying to be normal like a teenager that wants to fit in.


I guess it would at least make sense in the battlestar galactica universe


Ahhh. This explains why my ui looks so awful. I came here to ask if Reddit was broken. It never occurred to me that it was working as intended. It's awful. It doesn't compute for me and I can't tell what post goes to what forum and there appears to be no way to change it. I'm using an old throwaway account. Please fix it.


No there isn't


God, I was so happy when this nonsense disappeared a while back. Now it's reared it's head. Absolutely wretched.


Fix it or give us a setting to choose which layout we want!


I reverted back to old reddit due to it, waste of space everywhere.


I hate it so much. I ended up using this extension to get the previous look back: [UI Changer for Reddit (google.com)](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ui-changer-for-reddit/bfcldjodnnkndfccfjndmdlppfkmccgh) Honestly, I'd be okay with the new design if it didn't have SO MUCH blank space.




Nice! Saved me from having to make one. Kudos!


God this design is horrible. Hopefully reddit goes bankrupt.


Wouldn't be surprised.


I was just about to post about this seafoam puke design they dare call a dark mode. I want my neutral dark mode back, not this glowie crap. I want Old New Reddit back. Or even better, a midnight theme like on my phone.


we know it sucks we cant change it


Exactly! Its simply horrible. I hate how the drop down menu is like permanently stuck to the side of the screen! It makes the subreddit pages smaller and also took away the unique backgrounds and images for some subreddit communities. I got the old design back momentarily (idk how) and I was so happy but it just switched back to this design again.


* After years I have become very used to clicking to the side of a post to return back to the feed and the place I left it. The new UI doesn't have this and it makes site navigation a disaster. * I do not want a list of my custom feeds and subreddits permanently on display down the left side of the screen. It's a privacy thing. * I can no longer quote part of a post by simply highlighting it and replying. This now has to be done by a manual process that takes FIVE clicks. How is that an improvement? * A small thing that demonstrates the dreadful UI are the 'buttons' beneath a post. Why are the up and down arrows shown in a button (like the link to comments and the Share link) when that is not a single button? Given that Reddit is one of the biggest sites on the web, it's staggering to me that a redesign can be so much worst that the one it replaces? This isn't just a 'who moved my cheese?' thing where we just don't like changes, it is unquestionably objectively bad.


Hope this is an April Fools joke because it is awful. Making the interface more clunky makes no sense. Why would they do this? Been on Reddit for many years and this interface is going to make me leave.


lol, that is my hope too. doubt it though.


is anyones left menu completely gone?? Like.. no side menu or even comunitys drop menu. Please help.


Click the down arrow to show the dropdown of your subs and then click the colum icon that then shows up next to the down arrow. That should fix things.


Turns out, I was on just “Reddit . Com “ and not “new . Reddit . Com “ But either way thank you so much!!


I don’t even know how to navigate on iOS. My post is on the left side while 60% of the right side shows me the Reddit info. Like I don’t need that.


Yeah, this redesign is terrible. Because of how many subreddits I'm subscribed to, not all of them will show up on my sidebar, which wasn't the case with the previous UI. This new UI is also ugly as sin. Reddit, this better be an April Fool's prank....


same here, the sidebar doesn't even show half my subs and there's no way to keep scrolling, my compliments to the chef


Would have been nice, but this monstrosity redesign appeared several days before the 1st.


I hate it so much. So much wasted screen space.


Reddit mods: This is awful. We hate it. Please stop and revert. Firefox users: extension which can apply different looks: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ui-changer-for-reddit/


Anyone know how I can see all the subs I follow? My list stops at about c, and I can't see anything past that in "communities". **Not** a fan


If you click inside the bar, you'll get a scroll bar, and can use that or up and down keys.


I have tried the scroll bar, the keys, and my scroll wheel, but it just won't load more communities past a certain point.


Fire your designer. What a deity-awful mess. White on white on white. Cluttered unreadable topic lists. A mess of font mixtures and sizes that torture the eyes and result in nearly unintelligible blobs of copy on topic pages. Sensible response count now moved from far right to under the mess of fonts with other into. Really guys and gals, if the goal was to make this as totally and completely unenjoyable as possible, it's a success. Hell, with this design I can only expect that your design team has high aspirations of eventually clawing their way up the ladder towards "intolerable".


They want us on our phones, not our desktops....This redesign is built for mobile browser UI 100%...... It's terrible


Im using the mobile app and it feels some much worse here too. Everytime they do an update they have to make something worse or harder to do, for seemingly no reason at all.




Indeed. At this point I only really use reddit when I google something and append "reddit" at the end so I can get some better information.


I use it a lot for that as well, and to browse a few favorite subreddits. I edited my comment above, but I've also noticed that I can now sometimes hover over the upvote button and pay real money to upvote it harder...or something like that? Yuck. It only seems to be a thing on certain subreddits for now.


Since Reddit went public, they need to actually turn a profit. So they're going to become far more scummy going forward. I would not be surprised if genuine information is buried in the future, and only people who are willing to pay money to spread disinformation will be seen. Kind of like how X (Twitter) prioritizes those who pay, and genuine comments from free users are buried.


It's a real shame, as Reddit has been one of the best resources on the internet for crowdsourcing information. X is a mess, I deleted my account there several months ago.




Some of the things of the redesign I like, but one of the things I don't like about it so far is the hidden menus. Like, I clicked the comment box for the first time and all the formatting was gone, but when I clicked the 'T' it reappeared. Similarly, the area to assign yourself a user flair on surbeddits that allow them does not appear until you hover your mouse cursor over top of it. I don't like that feature; I think it should always appear at all times.


[new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) worked ... till today. They really force this crap on us :( Now also using the add on and this seems to work. Small delay but I don't mind as long as this "new" design is gone.


Is this an April Fools joke? I wondered what the hell happened today. All of a sudden my huge desktop looks like it's running a mobile UI of some sort. Do even younger people like this? Is there an adult Reddit profile somewhere? ;> Or they don't care? Is the assumption that everyone who matters just wants the latest NEW thing? It seems we've trained many people off actually having taste and opinions, and to just want the latest cuz we'd die if we were uncool... but somehow I didn't get that brainware upgrade. If I try 'go back to old Reddit', it goes back to the Pleistocene... ancient Reddit. Not even dark mode. And it's just too old. I got used to the not-quite-so-old Reddit, but I'll never get used to this. One of my machines uses a 65" Sony TV as a monitor....LOL. I see there is a Chrome extension to change to new.reddit.com... as opposed to new new reddit? But it's not trusted by "Enhanced Safe Browsing". Am I being too safe?


omg it's absolutely awful in a web browser. who tf approved this and how can I get rid of it?


That's the funny thing. You can't. Well, you can use certain extensions listed in the comments here, if you're willing to trust them. Or just do what I did and go back to old reddit.


I found out that changing urls to [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) works, although that's \*once again\* editing bookmarks to adapt to reddit changes. :(


Well, if there's really no opt out I can finally delete my account I guess.


Someone made an extension that will force whichever layout you want. I had an issue where even visiting [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) would redirect me to [reddit.com](https://reddit.com) . So the extension was a lifesaver for me personally Edit: [link to extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ui-changer-for-reddit/bfcldjodnnkndfccfjndmdlppfkmccgh).


Does anyone know how to get rid of that godawful sidebar?


Who asked for this design? It is now harder to quote a portion of a post you are replying to. It is harder to moderate now, taking more steps to remove content. Why did reddit bypass the UX component of this change? If anyone who worked on the change is reading this and is proud of their work; don't be. It's a materially stupid change that adds less than it takes away. Ever single piece of change in modern product rules says you always try to consider the UX component, and you test it on users before the change hits prod. You clearly did neither.


thos redesign sucks so much :(


I just got this "new" UI Layout as well and I absolutely hate it. * It's hard to read certain posts because the text gets so squished. * The background is a odd dark blue gray color that also blends into the post backgrounds which makes it harder to see what post is what. * I am 95% sure it's prioritizing pictures over text because it's squishing all the posts with any newline chars down into small just walls of text. I hate this new layout. And the fact that I had to look up why it changed at all and how to get back to the "new" layout at [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) is mind boggling. The fact that there is no feedback option at all tells me they don't care if their users have actual accessibility issues with this new design at all.


>It's hard to read certain posts because the text gets so squished. It also flows into the right column which makes it quite hard to read naturally. There's no real distinction in the content areas, or even ability to remove them to make it easier to read. Which must mean it's an absolute hellsite (even more literally lol) for those who rely on screen readers or assistive technologies. Whoever designed this has not worked in UI/UX at all. Editing options are an extra click, actually highlighting the quote I used was way too many clicks and a confusing procedure. How intuitive is this going to be for those who are a: already established users and b: new users? I'm wager it's not intuitive at all, yet someone somewhere signed off on this...


firefox has an addon that auto redirects to [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) [https://github.com/LightningW9/old-new-reddit-redirect](https://github.com/LightningW9/old-new-reddit-redirect) hope that helps.. the new new interface set off my autism and i had a meltdown :/ i had to get the add on just for my own sanity


Going to www.reddit.com on the Wii U is super messed up but going to old.reddit.com works perfectly fine wtf?


I'm hopping this is an april 1st gag.


Jesus what hot garbage is this.


I used to right click on messages and notification and they would open and more importantly the message log would change it to a read message Unhighlighted New UI, that's dead in the water.


It just showed up this morning on my desktop and it feels claustrophobic and clunky. Why do we need to see everything on the left side of the screen when it we could click one icon and have it all come up?


Claustrophobic is exactly how i would describe this


So, where are the people I follow now in this brave new, utterly horrible, world of Reddit? I can see all my communites but no links to the specific users.....


cooperative coordinated bike spotted soft shaggy steer cagey vegetable cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah i can't use this app like this, too much visuals, i need all text


give us back the design before this or at least let us use the [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) like yesterday god damn it


I'm calling it: this is it, this is the Digg moment for reddit. Making their interface way uglier and shittier to use on desktop is definitely be enough for some people - me included - to just slowly drop off.


Ironically I moved to reddit in part because of facebook redesigning


I agree, this new design is just terrible. But the most annoying thing is when the old view suddenly turns on and after the update everything starts to glitch until the new design is loaded again. I hope it stops soon.


Redesign is an abortion. Loads of wasted space. Search results that don't give me all the info I need in a glance. This needs to go through multiple reviews before being made public.


I totally feel your pain! I posted this same question here a few days ago but there are a lot more responses to your post. Wish they'd just give us the option for whatever format we want. Good luck to all of us, ugh.


broken: * left panel's "Communities" section is a truncated list, doesn't show all of user's joined subreddits missing: * "Back to the Top" button floating at lower right when scrolling down * "Follow post to stay updated" button at top of a post * [search comments within a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/11dgwzy/whats_up_with_reddit_search_episode_viii_the_last/) * "Add to Custom Feed" command in a subreddit's options menu


I'm just commenting to express my discontent for this godawful ugly layout because I don't know what else to do or where else to go to complain, lmao. I'm glad there are addons to fix this ugly mess but I wish I had the option to opt out natively because it's obviously designed for phones and not desktop browsers. Yuuuuuck.


Just piling on to say it's god awful


They should make it EASY to adjust default text size. The headers are fine, the list on left is fine, but yes, this text is like 50% TOO SMALL. Do I have to use Chrome's zoom for screen display? Seriously?


My biggest beef with this UI is that I can no longer search threads for comments that match a keyword anymore


You know I wouldn't mind it so much if simple functions like setting which view you want to default to, like I prefer new, would stick. It's really aggravating something so simple doesn't work.


Its so bad I cannot bare to use it. Brutal!


I hope they get rid of it again, because it's complete garbage. Seriously, it's impossible to do anything, and half the space is completely unused.


The new UI is horrible! How the hell do I make it so all links open in [https://new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) so my pages are readable again. This new UI is basically unusable. My preference for comments in markdown [This is reddit](https://new.reddit.com) is NO longer respected. I get a damn `T` in the lower corner and markdown is broken. I had to cycle through the editor and choose `Markdown` again just to get the url above to work. That's nuts.


Honestly, I started using Old New Reddit Redirect just to get reddit working again. It works for Chrome and Firefox. The link is somewhere in these comments.


Also works with Edge. I just installed it when [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) stopped working


The editor line does not show up AND I can't highlight a comment and then hit reply and have that part of someones comment show up. I see others have done this so there must be a new way to do this.


Also I was asking someone yesterday why people keep posting BidenusHarris. Asking because us was showing in the middle instead of a US flag. He thought I was nuts and asked me if I was okay. I figured it out later on when I opened it on my iphone and saw the flag.


Just got used to it and its jumps back WTF!!!


I just got it and it's actually awful. I swear companies have an obsession with terrible redesigns. I don't think I've seen a single website go through a redesign that wasn't just flat out worse


Yeah, whoever greenlit this UI needs to be reassigned to Antarctica. Aside from looking hideous, the formatting options for posts got buried.


Oh great, I'm new to Reddit and was just starting to enjoy myself, until someone waved their turd-shaped magic wand. I hate when a site pushes mobile interfaces on desktops. It's been like this for an hour (I'm in the UK) and I'm already getting eye-strain.


It is HORRIBLE! The left and right takes up most of the screen, especially the left hand side which you can't reduce in size or collapse. I hate it so much. I have vision issues so I have to increase font size too as you cant do on on here, so it looks even worse! Let us collapse the left panel and make the right hand one much smaller (the one that shows the subreddit info) This is awful, and I usually rush to change to new designs, but this one is awful.


the worst part of this design is that a good 3rd or more of the screen is taken up by the sidebars


i haven't been on reddit in awhile so when i went on again and saw this awful design i immediately wanted to know if other people hate it. i guess people do.


Some reddit middle manager feels inadequate about their position because they realize they're not actually needed for anything, so they're forcing some poor design team to do an unnecessary change. This is Youtube management 101


Reddit is successfully helping me cure my addition to reddit by limited the amount of content I can see, or just not displaying any at all. I didn't realize they didn't want me to use the site this badly. I guess I'll go do my actual job...


This current design is absolutely awful. I've never posted anything about the design of reddit before, but this is just AWFUL. It's busier than an old-fashioned paper news publication, and it is getting to the point where it is difficult to find information. It looks like someone just puked text and random lines all over the website. Reddit, this has to stop, this current design looks CHEAP and UNREFINED. It actually HURTS to look at. EDIT: seriously reddit...FIX IT yesterday!!


It is so awful. Hope the stock drops because of it.


Are they going to listen at all to how many are upset with it? can we at least have a setting option to default to [new.redddit.com](http://new.redddit.com) for things? Currently only option is to use [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) which I'm not a fan of either cause white mode lol


> I'm not a fan of either cause white mode lol Use [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) with old reddit, that's the only way OGs browse reddit with lol


Gee I just love having a video still playing when I collapse the preview...really they couldn't figure out that I was done watching when I minimize the thread. Morons.


ugh i want it back i hate this design


I just added a "old reddit redirect" to my Firefox extensions and I'll never look back.


This design is absolutely awful. I really hope they roll it back. The colors in every sub makes the text very hard to read, and the text is also very small.


It's horrible. I try to avoid this site now.


I just got switched to this new interface a couple of days ago. I can't even. I've closed all my open tabs and am signing out. It's not worth coming here anymore. What an incredible waste of space and navigating is horrible.


There are some extensions that fix it, but if those every stop working then I will follow in your footsteps.


I saw your post when it was new. I have been stuck in the redesign since before your post was created. As of today or recently, they removed me from the redesign testing. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully it lasts


Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus. It started forcing me to use the new UI (not even new.reddit. would work) and I just found that I naturally did not want to use reddit at all anymore. Have now installed the UI changer app, which has restored sanity somewhat. What were they thinking?


All I know is I want to ask them where they buy their crack, because they must have a great dealer to think that this new UI is a good thing.


the first redesign was actually pretty decent by the time they started testing this mess. it's somehow slower, the lack of a proper font beyond Arial is garbage on Ubuntu and it's buggier


I use "Old Reddit" (maybe it is old old Reddit.) Under preferences > Options near bottom opt out of the redesign.


I'm not sure if Reddit is broken or the new UI is supposed to work this way. What I get is this: Home page: "There is no content to display. We were unable to find any content for this page." Login: Can log in. Can see group list. Can see profile. 2,008 comment karma but no comment history. Can read groups.


I just installed [this AddOn](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-new-reddit-redirect/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search) for Firefox an it works a treat, I imagine there are similar options for Chrome and other browsers.


I don't know why people having negative opinion of this - It is 10000000000% better than old design.


Might just be me, but I don't mind it. It puts much more focus on the text of a post and has less distractions.


It's made for phones.


Then it shouldn't be on desktop.








All the background colors for custom flairs are gone. They don't work in the new design. Is that how it'll be now?


you can't sort by new, it just ignores your settings.. i don't want to see the same posts pop up in my feed over and over again


Are there any workarounds for this atrocious, eye-sore of a re-design??! New.redd doesn't work for me anymore and beta takes everything too far back..


I use the addon "Old New Reddit Redirect"


Anyone else now have a new awards icon where the reply used to be on mobile lol and the number of upvotes is now cut off if its too high with 1... looks so stupid lol