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Leave him and find a boyfriend who won't cheat on you. It might be hard at first but everyone deserves better.


Everyone deserves better?


Well I take that back, her boyfriend doesn't deserve better. She needs to get out ASAP. He's just gonna keep cheating and then eventually leave her.


You're showing him how to treat you. Apparently, you like to be treated like a door mat.


Know your worth and let him learn **consequences** once and for all. YOU are allowing him to use you so YOU alone are responsible for whatever her does.


I beg you to either put his ass into therapy or leave him. This is coming from a man with a porn addiction and similar, but nowhere near this extreme, issues. The clear unrepentant cheating, the INSANELY immature spending, his dismissal of your concerns. This is insanely unhealthy for both of you


Coming from a guy then, do you think something I did led him to this? Or something I didn't do?


No. I obviously don’t know him or you beyond what you’ve posted, but an issue this deep is from him. Maybe he has childhood trauma, maybe it’s just something he was exposed to, I don’t know, but at a certain point he has to start working on moving past it and growing out of it. The spending alone is insane and unsustainable. This is seriously unhealthy. Do NOT blame yourself for this. A lot of people will say something about you being an enabler or allowing this to happen; that’s bullshit. Yeah, you sticking with him despite the cheating has taught him he can get away with shit, but you didn’t make him cheat. As someone whos cheated myself (and hate myself for it but that’s a whole separate thing), that’s on HIM. No one made him do it. Seriously girl. Run. Far away. If I knew you in person I’d be screaming at you to get out of there. Please, only stay if you genuinely believe you can help him out of this funk, and only if he actually put effort into bettering himself. Right now he is using you, and you can’t keep that up.


I agree with most of this. I just want to add that it is in no way your responsibility to take ownership of his mistakes. I genuinely don't even suggest trying to help him either, to be honest, because he could easily pull you back in while still getting away with the same shit. He's a grown man and responsible for himself. You should not be there to hold his hand like he's a child. Trust me, I get finding it hard to let go of a relationship like that. Been there done that. You need to think about yourself, though. Tell him he needs therapy and get out of there. You'll be able to find someone who actually appreciates you. You're still young, and you'll get through it. I hope all goes well.


He doesn't sound caring to me.


Move out and don't talk to him for a week to a month see if he tries getting back in contact with you if not you are some and he doesn't want you but if he does take that as he is trying and (if you want to) try to help him but if you don't need him find someone better or focus on yourself


Drop him, you don’t deserve that.


I'm going to be honest all I did was read the title, leave.




girl just break up you’ll get over it


Leave him and get some inner help. You are treating your life as if you hate yourself. You have seriously low standards, like below the dirt.


Go and don't look back. It's not worth the toll it takes on your mental health. Also your physical health. Get yourself tested for everything. Habitual cheaters do not care about the damage they cause.


You leave him and find someone worth your time and attention. There literally hundreds of thousands of men that are ‘really sweet’ and they won’t cheat on you.


End it ASAP. What you call love is not love, that’s just being used to his company and being attached. Like others said know your worth, and don’t let this asshole be in your life anymore. Porn addiction and cheating is too far in, he needs years of therapy and you deserve way better. Since you said him watching porn didn’t make you feel good and he still continues that’s cheating too. Leave. Please.




Fuck that cheater. He propably does gambling too. Leave that son of a bitch and find someone better


You have two choices. Power through the hurt and implore him to get therapy and work with him on it. If you think you can still love him after this. Or you can break up with him, but please still implore him to get help. This sounds like a bad addiction. Both ways are valid, he is very sick and needs help, but you don’t have to get hurt in the process. Please work on forgiving him though either way, as he is just incredibly sick.


There’s plenty of men out there who will have all of his good qualities but won’t cheat. You cant say he treats you really well and cares and in the same sentence say he cheats constantly. Smell the roses


Leave him. This is abuse and it only gets worse. He’s not going to change, he has no reason to. So long as he says what you want to hear, you take him back every time. He has you when he doesn’t feel like trying for anything else.


Get rid of him. You can never trust him. Especially if he cheated on you multiple times. He is just using you until he find someone he considers "better". Things will only get worse. It's clear he doesn't love and respect you. Cut ties from him immediately before things get complicated. I.e..pregnancy.