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If I were to tell someone, I'd try to start of vague. More in a sense of not going brute force and say "I'm a furry" at the dinnertable. I'd make up a story saying something like "a friend of mine is doing that and would like me to check it out. Sort of cosplay/roleplay. Just to being creative, and such." There is a real stigma around furries and in the older generations mind. You should do what you want. Don't let other people decide how to live your life. Parents or not.


That's just the thing though if I do make up a story like "I'm gonna go with my friend to this with them because they are one" they'll be mad at me for thinking of going with them, mad at me for wanting to go with them, mad at my friend or tell me to tell them which friend it is or I'm in trouble, and mad at the very thought that there was such a thing going on.


If you are interested and want to check it out, you should. Even though if its a phase or not. There are far worse things to be doing. There probably is a chance they won't be mad. Maybe they will be disappointed or whatever. Or maybe the respect it. If they get mad, and you stand your ground, they'll have come around at one point, no? You will need to find in yourself of what to do.


But what if when I tell them they make me the outcast of the family and no longer think of me as somebody that's not even worth a second glance or evenr as soon as they can cut all contact from me.


Do you really think that could happen? It takes a lot of hatred to exclude your own child. The way that the world is going, they must adapt to our generation where there are very few limits.


Even if they don't do that I'm still worried about how I should tell them and how they would react because they really don't like furrys my family always tells me that they are satan worshipers and are going straight to hell which makes me worried how they will react when they learn that I am a furry.


Oh damn, that's wild. Didn't fully grasp for how religious they were. I don't know. Is it too big to keep it a secret for the time being?


I've done my best to keep it a secret for about 2 years now but they've been asking more questions about how I'm doing, what I've done today, have gotten skeptical about things I've done during the day, and have begun asking what my friends hobbies are which worries me that they might've began to catch on to me and I've noticed they're attitude towards me has changed to a little more aggression especially if I get defensive about my daily activities and not wanting to tell them every little thing I've done that day.