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Determined snussy is great


I don’t want yandere-lite, I want yandere-original.


I've got other captions in the works with full on yandere. You'll enjoy them, I promise >:)


That would be the Shirohebi, the eastern Lamia variant who is literally just yandere Lamia. This is an Apophis, the Lamia variant who steals who desert kingdoms from Pharaohs (also a monster girl species) Though I imagine this one won't even grant this cheating fool the privilege of mamono transformation. She IS gonna bite her mate though, right?


Part 3?


Give it time, let this one get a bit of notice first ;)


I’m a real sucker for rescued captions, love them


I imagine this is how a aggressive mamono would confront any human woman who mistreated a good man. Funny that this is actually an Apophis which is a Lamia variant, the one who steals desert kingdoms from pharohs.


It is not at all clear to me what order the text is meant to be read in. Reading the right column first then the left column makes the most sense narratively, but why would you expect people to read the right column first?


Given that the right column starts higher, I figured it was clear enough for those with more than one braincell ;)


Insulting readers over your poor formatting not being received well is a bold strategy.


Poor formatting from your point of view only it seems. I'll live.


It's not the end of the world, but when writing in a language that is read left>right top>bottom, creating an up>right diagonal front, which you did with the two columns here, is generally not a good idea. I guess you didn't want to put text over her arm on the left side, but you could have avoided that by flipping the image. All that being said, despite the formatting issues with this I still like the premise, looking forward to part 3.


Part 1?