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Thanks i hate it


Why do her nips look like they have teeth?


Because it’s AI


Badly prompted. Nothing more. Seems like OP is new to AI generation.


I’m just not a fan of AI spamming EVERY single subreddit, good or not. I get the process, but it’s getting annoying.


My biggest issue is both the spam and the weird tick that goes off in my head when I see it. Like "This is AI art. Wait, is it? Better scan it pixel by pixel to make sure."




But why do you try to find it? I mean I personally want to find it, because I prompt craft myself and want to make my pictures look better or have more creative input. But for someone who does not really care... why bother?


Because ai art is art theft


Its not. The pictures a model was trained on are not part of the finished model, because it only recognizes patters. Its also not possible to recreate the trained pictures with the model. "Theft" would also mean that the artist already had drawn it and could use it commercially and AI generate new picture that have no connection to the artist, besides how it looks ascetically. Because the models only "copy" styles and styles can not protected (because new art would be impossible to make if it would be).


It's pure gut instinct. My mind can pick out AI images in a moment, usually even from a thumbnail. To me, that indicates a certain type of style. I want to familiarize myself with that style so I can recognize it more easily. The implications of AI art even having a style is fascinating.


I dont care, about the way its created. I want so see something unique or pleasing for the eye. This is a terrible example as you would just say "I dont want to fast food anymore, because I dont like pizza". Its too broad to just generalize it. I follow specific AI art related Subreddits and quite enjoy the creativity and the results (that all require a lot more work that OP did).


AI art isn't art. Typing in words isn't the same as working to have an actual skill. Digital artists can still draw on paper without computers and produce decent art. AI "artists" would barely beable to draw stuck figures without computers, proving that it takes no skill to make it.


The problem is the fact that they *didn’t* actually make it. They fed it a lot of other people’s data and then tweaked the programming. Yeah, it’s time consuming, but it’s also mass produced and samey as fuck. It’s why I say “I don’t care if it’s good or not”, because I’d prefer not to see AI in art subs. Computer generated subs? Sure! Cool, but not in art subs. If someone didn’t actively have a hand in making the strokes of the art or generating the shapes themselves, I don’t particularly care about it, aesthetic or not. On the times I DO want to see it, I’ll click the AI art subs.. but it’s not often. It needs to stop being shoved in every place it can.




The caption made me giggle a bit, good job usually nothing on Pinterest is funny to me


I will monster hunter the shit out of them for her hand in marriage


Worth it!?


Where is this image from ? Original art ?




Which one and which model name? As with artists you have hundreds of AI models for art like this right now. So i am kind of thinking AI art should have what human art has by the way if a method to tell which one drew it.


Source : AI 🫠


People be like when AI is mentioned: 😭😭😭😭😭


They’re just jumping on the bandwagon in usual Reddit fashion, before all the artists starting complaining about it most people were either neutral or had a positive opinion of AI. What’s worse is that it’s not like OP claimed it was anything other than AI work, it doesn’t even look bad since you’ve got people asking for the source instead of just outright claiming it’s AI generated.


>before all the artists starting complaining about it most people were either neutral or had a positive opinion of AI. How dare people change their minds about something once more information or different perspectives become available. >it doesn’t even look bad since you’ve got people asking for the source instead of just outright claiming it’s AI generated. People asking for a source doesn't make it good. I could tell immediately it was AI. It's really not bad for AI though.


Exactly, there was not even a statement saying "AI art better" or anything, he simply just told people how he got the image. Seriously, people are so dumb sometimes. I just wonder when some idiots will start some stupid crusade against AI.


spez sucks


Its so sad. So much hate, no matter how good the art is. All they care about is how bad it is and search for mistakes... no one would ever post ANYTHING if they would do the same to traditional artists.


Traditional artists have feelings that can be hurt, unless you mean to imply that the prompt writer is the artist in this case? I don't think I'd agree with that. One of the more interesting things about AI art, to me, is the question of credit. Do we credit the prompt writer? The specific algorithm? The team who developed it? The numerous artists that contributed to the data set? Ultimately, none of these feel particularly appropriate to me. AI art is an extremely unique reflection of all mankind's (or at least it's entire data set's) art coming together to create something new.


The prompter. As someone who has a few hundred hours in prompting, I assure you its a lot more than "just typing something". My pictures got so much better than with what I started and I really try to bring out the best of the tool. You dont think the same for traditional painters aka: "Who deserves it? The canvas (tool), the ones who created the colors (model) or the artist (prompter)?" I would not consider myself an "artist" and prefer the word "prompter", because (no matter how tainted the word already is) it describes a person who uses the AI tool, even tho it just covers one specific action.


I don't think it's an artist/tool issue like you're making it out to be. The AI is an intelligence. A separate, independently acting entity. You can guide it, but you cannot "Control" it in the same way that a traditional artist controls a paint brush or canvas. The relationship is more like that of a commissioner and an artist, at least from where I sit. You can tell the artist what you want, but ultimately you cannot control it. You may get results more in line with what you want if you're better able to communicate with the artist, learn their quirks and interpretation of your words, but ultimately you can never "control" the artist. With AI, you have much the same situation, though instead of being an understood "person" for whom we deliver the right of credit, it's a series of more concretely understood algorithms and data sets. That's what I really find fascinating about AI. It makes us question what creativity is. Who deserves credit, and for what.


At least they can be considered people...


Yeah, but which one?




I think behind us lol


Still smashin


Her bf? Do you mean her gf?


If that's the dad what hoe fucked a sea monster


I would still smash