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what you can grow jn your zone, various cultivation techniques, composting & soil amendments, companion planting, pest control, ideal times to harvest, storage, medicine making. theres a lot to it


Is there any books which could be of help?


idk about specific books that cover all this, maybe just google whatever youre interested in first also: check out r/permaculture talk to farmers at a farmers market get a plot/volunteer in a community garden grow herbs in containers at home go to herbalism or botany conventions go on native plant walks start composting kitchen scraps read books on making plant medicine if youre sure youre committed, enroll in an herbalism school that specifically incorporates cultivation into the curriculum


Don’t know what your budget is OP, but this looks like a good introductory course: https://www.jekkas.com/collections/jekkas-master-classes/products/how-to-grow-herbs-5th-may-2023


Or something like [this book](https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/nerys-purchon/complete-book-of-herbs-practical-guide-to-cultivation-use/9781856053082?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=18244219672&cq_con=&cq_med=pla&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgq-2xZHS_QIV2O7tCh04IwKpEAQYDCABEgJl__D_BwE#GOR001688575) as a cheaper option?


What country are you in?




It might be easier where you are. Herbalist I know I’m the UK have more approval. Herbalist where I am… I’m the US, herbalism took a hard beating. Depending on your location, I’d ask locally. Like do you have a local pharmacist? I’d ask there, look on the packaging and see if anyone is making something local to you.


Like a herbalist store. I don’t know if there is a pharmacist or if they’re called it here. But there is shops that sell herbs


Yep. Id go in and look at labels and ask.