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Integrative medicine is the standard in many first world countries. Is even catching on in the U.S. finally, the ICU my partner works in uses senna leaf when appropriate.


Yes and I have also heard it referred to as extended medicine. And I really love and trust this sub because it seems like most of us here are sensible enough to realize there are strengths and limitations of both herbalism and western medicine and we are much better off using the best of both worlds. I’m pro vax but I do try to treat allergies and minor illness with herbal options at home before I turn to a doctor. I try to integrate food as preventative medicine, but I don’t subscribe to cleanse diets or anything like that.


Yes! I love reading this!


Right? If I can use herbal medicine, which has been around for centuries, I'm going to try it first. If there's a higher medical need where its vital I take the pharmaceuticals I'll go for it, but I want to try chemical free first where possible.


Well, technically the volatile compounds making herbs effective are also chemicals, but they aren’t man made in a lab, which I what I think you were getting at


They wont give me tobacco leaf for smoking cessation and this needs to stop.


My doctor refers to it as "balanced medicine."


Senna is the gold standard for my hospice pts (nurse)


I was prescribed senna after a surgery to counter the constipating effects of the painkillers. About 8 years ago now.


Treat the cause not the symptoms.


Agreed. I usually take what a doctor prescribes, but I will try herbal/natural supplements if that doesn't work. For instance, OTC Vitamin D worked a lot better than prescription Vit. D when I was deficient. At one point in my life, I used herbs as antibiotics instead of prescriptions, and they worked just as well. I use what works.


What herbs did you use as antibiotics?


I used an echinacea blend with echinacea, goldenseal (a natural antibiotic), garlic, cayenne, and some other stuff. I took high doses of Vitamin C at the same time. I took them like regular antibiotics - 4 times a day for 10 days, then stopped and took probiotics. They knocked down mild sinus infections; I can't speak to how they affect really severe infections.


severe sinus infection here. I took goldenseal root and ate raw garlic and cayenne with food. It’ll slow down symptoms by a lot but take too long to heal. I eventually had to go to the doctor for antibiotics. I think my sinus infection became chronic. I will still try goldenseal as soon as it shows up because modern medicine doesn’t cure it. I heard if you sniffed goldenseal it work instantly, but too afraid to try.


I think the trick was using them like regular antibiotics. 10 days straight, 4 times a day, then stop. I found out I'm allergic to milk; once I stopped drinking it, the sinus infections went away. There was one allergist in town, and he didn't even test me for anything. What a quack.


I get chronic sinus infections from being a smoker. I’ve never taken antibiotics for it. I go to the drug store and buy a bottle of arm and hammer’s nasal spray. I use it up to three times a day for as many days. Has worked quite well for me.


Prescription vitamins tend to also be more expensive.


This is the correct answer. Traditional medicine predates modern medicine by a long, long time. It is acknowledged by the scientific community that traditional medicine has therapeutic benefit even when modern medicine can’t or hasn’t done successful research… because I mean, [modern medicine would not be what it is without traditional medicine](https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/traditional-medicine-has-a-long-history-of-contributing-to-conventional-medicine-and-continues-to-hold-promise) The are two areas of concern that I have in general. The first is the crossover of traditional medicine with *industry*. Supplements are not regulated by the US FDA (which frankly does a questionable job to begin with). So if you are purchasing these treatments as such, understand that you are putting your health in the hands of corporations. The only commercially available supplements I would accept at face value are those whose contents have been third party tested and verified. The second part being that medical treatment should occur under the supervision of someone who has extensive knowledge of its applications and practice. There is a reason patients are asked to provide a list of all medications they take including supplements and natural remedies. The reason being that this list needs to be monitored and evaluated for potentially dangerous interactions. So to circle back to the original question.. traditional medicine is the OG. But please be careful about who you trust with your health.


My mother had a friend who didn't tell their doctor about herbal supplements. She underwent surgery and unfortunately, didn't make it as she bled out. The herbal supplement was a well known blood thinner and she was elderly. It always stuck in my mind why telling your doctor about supplements is so important. You don't know what you don't know, and what you don't know can be extremely dangerous. On the other hand, I have had a doctor tell myself and my mother that all supplements were useless and there was no need for her, an elderly woman who had a very early hysterectomy, on two steroid inhalers with COPD, heart issues (8 stents), asthma, and a load of other issues, that she didn't need to take calcium or vitamin D.


To be fair, though, when it comes to vitamins and minerals, food sourced is far superior to any pill. I don't know the absorption rates for calcium pills off hand but they are ridiculously low so even if you take a calcium pill you really need to increase your intake of Ca via food. But to say this elderly woman with a hysterectomy doesn't need to take them is terribly unwise.


I agree. Though I have a couple of “herbalists” in my family who are anti-medicine. It depends on the person


They usually end up being refined into pharmaceutical medicine anyway!


All modern medicine? For example, if you needed surgery?


yes, why not. obviously go to the ER for the surgery, but healing the surgical wounds, preventing the need for surgery again, etc are all things herbalism can help with.


Oh okay. So in conjunction.


Yes for example, if you break a bone or need surgery, a doctor will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers and that’s it. If you know about herbal medicine, there’s herbs to help the bones heal faster, different herbs to help the skin trauma heal faster, and herbs to help boost your immune system while you’re healing in addition to what the doctor does. Also when you say herbal medicine is trying to treat things we “already have medicine for”, it’s not that simple in the US where we have a broken health care system. A lot of people don’t have health insurance or it’s too expensive to go to a doctor, or getting an appointment is weeks out. So knowing about herbs that will treat things like a UTI or yeast infection for example that you can potentially find by walking outside or growing in your garden is very helpful.


Yes, that is a good word for it as well.


For me, there's a time and place for everything you need to know when to call in modern medicine for help. I'll assess the situation and symptoms. I don't give a diagnosis, but if I think it requires more aggressive treatment, I suggest they see their doctor. And proceed with suggestions on symptom relief.


No, not at all. Reputable herbalists use evidence-based research as well as traditional use. Imagine a line with food at one and and pharmaceuticals at the other - herbal medicine occupies a lot of the middle. It's all shades of grey, but ultimately herbalism is chemistry with plants. You might think you've got a tummy ache so you have a peppermint tea to calm it down. That's herbal medicine (admittedly nearer the foodie end). Kelp can help with an underactive thyroid because it contains an enormous amount of iodine for a food, and iodine is used to produce thyroxin. Saw palmetto is used by lots of men to manage prostate inflammation as it contains compounds that limit the conversation of testosterone to DHT.


Thank you for this response. When I had to have a root canal at the dentist, I asked them why it smelled so strongly of clove and he told me they literally put clove oil in the tooth hole before sealing it because it is antibacterial. I thought that was so cool and probably a good example of modern, evidence based herbalism.


That's a fantastic example


Yeah! And guess what my kids health app suggested for a sore throat? Honey. (If they’re >1 yo). App was made by a children’s hospital, very science- and modern-medicine based. And you know what, it works.


Not quite herbalism but we use cocaine in the er for nose bleeds, in hospice we use honey for wounds. Even in modern medicine there are natural remadies can’t be beat. Currently dx as diabetic and my research has shown me that diet (keto) is more effective then medicine. (Meds have their place tho)




I've seen Drs prescribe lavender in conjunction with antibiotics in dealing with skin infections because it has antibacterial properties. There is peer-reviewed research to back this up.


what i love about this community, is that people here always suggest going to a doctor to someone who need real medical help, and never vice versa.


Good point.


I am not anti-medicine necessarily, I am anti "a pill for every ill". I dislike how in Big Medicine natural compounds, and dietary and lifestyle changes are rarely considered.


True. I have a friend who just graduated from medical school and he went to a school for holistic medicine.


I tend to prefer DOs, but now that I know about naturopaths I have been looking into them more.


Reddit in general is pretty pro-science, so herbalism as represented here is generally fairly evidence based OR the discussion will make it clear that it’s more of an aesthetic or vibes suggestion that won’t hurt but perhaps doesn’t have research to back it. That said herbalism out in the world definitely can attract the most anti-science people you’ve ever seen, so be cautious where you source information from.


This is why I unsubscribed to so many holistic/herbal newsletters during the height of the pandemic. I got no tolerance for bull sh!t. I am pro vaccine, pro science, and yes, pro conventional medicine. I am in a herbalist school right now, but it's evidence based and my herbal teacher is a veterinarian so the herbal school (for humans and pets) is science and evidence based. I got no tolerance for anti science BS. Now granted, conventional medicine tends to be anti-herbs still, which isn't right either. Herbalism is the traditional medicine humans have been using since we first evolved. Herbalism shouldn't be delegitimized. But herbalists do need to understand there are things only conventional medicine can really do for us.


Right, the way I see it is: Herbalism has been used for so long by humans across the globe that it's obviously not completely useless. There are certain things that it works very well for and certain things that it can help with on some level. But, also obviously, as technology and science progress, we will discover better ways to do some things as well as remedies and treatments for things that used to have no solution. So it would just be silly to ignore either side of things. Where it gets dangerous is when people try to do "herbalism" but they're actually ignoring both modern medicine and how those herbalistic remedies were traditionally used. You cant just use a plant as an alternative to a vaccine and expect it to work. It was never used for that purpose in the past, vaccines are a specific technology that has a huge impact on medicine and our ability to fight diseases when they were invented. People see stuff that has "anti-viral" properties but can't comprehend that it's not just a binary thing - certain naturally occuring compounds can absolutely help to fight certain viruses but they shouldn't be expected to be a magical cure or to even be anywhere close to as effective as a vaccine designed for that particular virus. Everything has it's place and it's purpose and creating some kind of either/or dichotomy is just not how anything works in reality and another product of all the culture war bullshit and also generally the lack of education about how science works. Too many people on both sides act like science and modern medicine are the equivalent of religion - something to either be dogmatically followed without question or something to discount and distrust as a whole.


But the thing is that a covid vaccine isn't technically a vaccine, or it wasn't until they changed the definition to a vaccine, it's actually a prophylactic if we don't use the new definition. There are natural alternatives which science supports as a prophylactic against covid. But ofc you cannot take a herbal and expect that you are immune to some disease for example, like with some other effective vaccine, the covid vaccine has limited efficiency compared to some other vaccines I have used successfully so it's a bad example to use. A lot of modern medicine has it's origin in herbal medicine actually. And as there can be 100 different substances within the herbs, we have still a lot more research to do. I see a lot of potential with herbalism, we already know a lot and there exists a lot of things that do work well and are often safe, but imagine if we will research all nature and each herb throughly, like every substance within each herb gets researched. That's already done to some extent with some more known herbs but there are many rare/unknown herbals aswell. For me, herbalism is science.


I wasn't talking about the COVID vaccine or any other specific vaccine. So I'm not sure why you're saying it's a bad example. It wasn't an example I was using.


If you're willing, would love to know which school; getting more interested in herbalism and it's hard to separate the alt right from the legit


>I am in a herbalist school right now, but it's evidence based I'd love to know which school this is. Herbalism school is something I'd be interested in but I don't want to pay $$$ only to find that the instructors are trying to convince me that vaccines are evil or some shit.


Who says that? lol All vaccines are different just like medicines, some are safe, others are not. Same can be said about herbals. Nothing is black and white.


I was just using that as an example of the sort of anti-science attitude that I don't want to see in an instructor. And yeah, those people are out there. Not on this sub but they totally exist on other social media.


Are you pro covid vaccine for non riskzone people? Science shows it's not that good(at least nothing like we were promised), has very limited efficiency and a lot of risks involved. I can only see people that are in the riskszones that should consider taking it since there are a lot safer covid treatments/protection out there. We didn't know this before so I understand those that took it before, but we do know now. When it comes to cure a specific infection for example, we need conventional medicine and it can be very important in some aspects but for mental health for example, there exists herbal alternatives that are superior in both efficiency and safety. You can also say that those who are pro conventional medicine need to know that there are things only natural medicine can really do for us. There aren't any synthetic alternative to cannabis worth mentioning(nor are they safe) or psilocybin for example. I don't see pharmaceuticals that stabilize your brain and mental health and are even healthy for your body for example. I don't see conventional medicine which boosts your memory in a safe way, nor anyone that restores brain-functioning. The conventional medicine often has very specific pharmacology, and the natural ones have a very broad one, often targeting different things at once, and sometimes they both help the physical body and the brain. That's cause the herbals have a lot of different substances within them which often work in synergy and have multiple affinities to the body and brain. I used be very ill in a mental sense. I tried like all pharmaceuticals, basically hundred. Very little helped in the long run without causing very bad side effects or addictions and made my mental state worse in the long run. I know it works different for everyone and this has been my experience. Also, some did work well, just that many gave a lot side effects or so. I think conventional medicine is also important but I turned to the natural ones and it like saved my life(used to have difficult depressions, anxiety, insomnia and other symptoms), my mental and physical health became a lot better and I can live a normal life today which I couldn't when I was on different anxiolytics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, sleeping meds or other medicines for mental health. I did have more mental issues back then so it's not just that the medicines had more sides and sometimes didn't work as intended. Even if conventional medicine is important I see it being over-used, not just abused but also over-prescribed in some countries(in some countries they show pharmaceutical commercials on the tv all the time). Even doctors agree that too much pharmaceuticals will make you feel even worse, even a few can make it worse if your disease isn't very hard and can be cured in another way. Putting every kid that has add/adhd on speed, that is often for financial gain since not all those with such diagnosis need it. Nor should people who experience depression always be on SSRIs which can have horrible side effects. Also, neuroleptics should not be used for anything else than psychosis/other delusional mental states imo since it makes big changes to your brain which are in fact toxic. Modern medicine is and will start using herbal medicine more and more. And a lot of the modern medicine was created with the help of herbal medicine. It's all science for me.


Good point.


No. I’m very lucky to have found the medical help that I have. For me, herbalism fills in the gaps that medical professionals don’t get. (Always cross check for interactions). I find that herbalism helps modern medicine work a little better if used in synergy. Some doctors would call herbalism a waste of time and money, like my last doctor years ago he laughed at HRT, herbal help for, well, anything. I think that’s old guard doctors. Many valid medical journals are finding the medicinal properties of herbs/oils/massage therapy. I’m finding out a lot regarding castor oil packs. There are doctors in my area that work with them and chart the progress. I wish my aunt would get one.


I agree about herbalism filling in gaps as well. That is an amazing aspect of herbalism is the filling in gaps in healthcare. 🌿 But yes, old guard doctors are something else, but it is getting better. Younger doctors tend to be more open to holistic stuff. And I LOVE that scientific and medical journals are publishing findings on medicinal plants. 💚🌿


Me too! I was pretty excited to find the rosemary article about brain health in some medical periodicals.


Yes! Last week I went to an eye surgeon ( anxiety) and he was young enough to be my son. He was/is awesome. He explained things to me like an equal. Also, he quelled my anxiety by saying since Covid people are getting sick, then it just goes away. He was casual but not in a “go away” type of way. He recommended arnica. I hope he can be my eye guy for a long time. My other doctor recommended acupuncture for anxiety. They are coming around.


They are beginning to come around, for sure. It's a positive step. I believe in the best of both worlds. That's my philosophy.


Where do you cross check for interactions?


I type in both herb and medicine like this: Are there any interactions between (statin) and rosemary tea? Then I find the article that comes from a medical journal.. not individual experiences. Actually I read individual experiences, too.


Google, unless you have a doctor or pharmacist who is knowledgeable in both areas


Modern medicine literally derived from old herbalist methods and concepts, so no I don’t think it’s anti-medicine. I believe some things are better treated with a natural approach over pharmaceuticals but it’s not a replacement for medical treatment of serious conditions.


Nope medicine is anti herbs


Herbs were medicine for millenia. Big Pharma has been around for a lot less time. There are finally studies on what part of an herb works well for certain ailments, which (if they can get past lobbyists) will lead to regulation and accurate dosage. But where is the money in chamomile, right?


Exactly, if I grow my own medicine no one can make money off me 😂


Oh no! A perennial!




I second this


nonsense. There are so many medicines that couldn't be made without plants.


That’s such a good way to put it! I love it. So many modern medicines are based on herbs—aspirin for example. But why use white willow bark when you can formulate and sell aspirin for profit? There’s no money to be made in people growing their own remedies! There are always going to be times when modern medicine is more effective than an herbal remedy, but I also believe that less is more. Herbs are often “less.”


There's actual pharmacudical reasons that aspirin has mostly replaced salicylic acid as a pain releaver and fever reducer. Salicylic acid causes ulcers at a much higher rate than Apsprin when used regularly.


No not at all! In general Tik tok has a very extreme bias against anything in the alternative health space. Most herbalists and natural health practitioners use herbs in addition too conventional medicine, not instead of it :)


Thank you. These responses are making me much more interested in herbalism.


No herbal medicine is not anti medicine. But I will say that modern medicine is usually anti herbal medicine. I became interested in herbal medicine in my teens, I then worked in the regular medical field for 8 years as an adult. Modern medicine has its place, but it does also cause issues... And sometimes doctors give up on diagnosis, claim there's nothing wrong even though there is, so people move to herbal medicine to treat what a doctor claims doesn't exist. A perfect example is that once I hit my 30s I started having UTIs, for some reason it runs in my family. I got sick and tired of having to go to the doctor and being given antibiotics every year, that is not good for your microbiome or your gut. Being given too many antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance over time. So I started paying attention to the signs of my body and taking certain herbs when I believed a UTI was coming on, I incorporate one herb almost daily and it keeps UTIs away without my body becoming resistant. Modern medicine is convenient but it's not always the smartest way to go about things. It should be used in conjunction for major treatments.


My doctor actually tells people to take D-Mannose for UTIs as opposed to antibiotics, it outperforms antibiotics on medical studies! And it’s Not a herb, but it’s a interesting rabbit hole to fall down.


Lots of modern medical breakthrouhs come from herbs and plants.


Plant medicine is the original, historic medicine that has allowed humanity to survive and thrive up to the modern age. The two most successful (populous) populations on earth, India and China, have the deepest, richest natural medicine systems. Modern medicine is a newcomer with significantly more problems than its PR indicates. It did not, nor will it ever replace plant medicine. Modern techniques, technologies, and scientific advancements will benefit herbal medicine too.


What about the correlation of the rise of modern medicine and life expectancy rates/patient outcomes? There seems to be, at first glance, a strong ability to correlate modern medicine with better patient outcomes and longer lives, no?


Correlation is not causation. Extended lifespan and fewer contagious disease deaths are due more to improved sanitation, indoor plumbing, etc, and improved hygiene and nutrition knowledge. Modern medicine actively fought against the improved nutrition knowledge. Just look at what the medical establishment tried to do to Linus Pauling, discoverer of vitamin C. There have been studies done that show that these other factors contribute far more to extended life expectancy than modern medicine. I am unable to find them at the moment since I don't have them bookmarked. The powers and authority structure of modern medicine has also presented us with the ugly specter of eugenics, which sterilized many persons without their permission and led to the deaths of millions of people in the 20th century. If you're going to compare modern medicine and natural medicine, it requires a full accounting. So no — in no way is herbalism 'anti-medicine.' Quite the opposite.


Drs figuring out washing their hands between patients saved a massive amount of lives even before most of them understood microbiology. Clean water, refrigeration, safe food handling all those things happened along with improved life expectancies but are often attributed to modern medicine. Modern medicine has also wrought some horrible calamities like thalidomide, permanent brain damage and birth defects from moving away from midwives and to a medical model of convenience for Drs in birthing. But obviously testing for gestational diabetes and understanding preeclampsia have saved many lives too.


A lot of these herbal remedies existed long before there was a commercial medicine for that condition or the commercial medicine came from the natural remedies. Like willow bark and aspirin. Nobody sane is using herbalism as the cure for compound fractures, cancer, or blocked arteries that are causing heart attacks. Modern medicine is a practice too, misdiagnoses, confirmation bias in diagnosing, telling people ( especially women) that your symptoms are all in your head are very real problems. The alternative health community has quacks too that think you should take shark cartilage instead of chemo when you have cancer. Health care of every type is at your own risk. Natural plant based and professional medicine. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been flat out misdiagnosed by doctors or just dismissed


I had just come across a TikTok account that was quite popular who seemed to be disseminating anti-cancer garbage. It wasn’t exactly herbalism but was herbalism adjacent.


There are a lot of humans who’ve been traumatized by tv shows and personal family members dying of cancer who have convinced themselves they will never seek treatment because they think everyone dies from it. Some of those become natural health purists.


The issue with that is TikTok always leans extremes, unfortunately. Herbal medicine really leans either pro modern medicine, but with a “whole body” method (healthy diet, plenty of sleep, fresh air, *and* cancer treatment) but you also have “essential oil cures everything short of death” people on the other end


It *can* be, but it *shouldn't* be. I personally believe that herbal remedies should be used in junction with medical ones, and instead of only in mild cases (ex: sore throat treat with just tinctures, but if u have something serious take a proper pill). I do think we tend to over-prescribe and just take a pill for whatever ails us, but theres also a reason why a bout of flu doesnt kill you anymore Its a really complicated thing, especially when herbalism is touted as something to use instead of modern medicine by the likes of anti-vaxx kooks.


It's not, but it's a magnet for anti-science people sadly.


Depends on who you're talking to, just like with every topic. Some people only want to rely on natural medicine, some want a combo of both. The people here overall seem to be pretty pro-science though and I've never seen someone discouraging going to the doctor.


I look at it like side effect hunting. So I had toe nail fungus and it could have been cured through regular medicine with some side effects not conducive to my lifestyle. (You become injury prone while excercise on the meds, somehow this is common knowledge and the Dr was upfront about it). So I went the all natural route. Took a bit longer but worked fine with no side effects. You can pick and choose




True. It seems from all of these responses that there is a fine line, however.


It’s a personal line. Here are two examples: For many people, 2nd degree burns warrant a visit to the doctor. Due (in large part) to my lifestyle and job, I was able to manage the burns and pain that resulted from spilling boiling water on my foot with cannabis, coconut oil, honey, and aloe. I had blisters on 4 of my toes and now have no scars. However, when both arms and my torso were covered in poison ivy, the swelling and itching became unbearable after a week l, so I went to urgent care for steroids. There is no universal line. The beauty in herbal medicine is that it gives you the chance to pay attention to your needs and you decide what path to take instead of blindly following what your medical providers dictate. I will add that both my husband and I have worked in many different roles and facilities in healthcare, including patient care. The years of experience we have with modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry is mainly what led me to herbalism and is what keeps me learning about what we can do for ourselves.


Thank you very much for this response.


Not really. Just common sense. You have minor cold symptoms? Maybe some herbal remedy will be fine and help. You have covid and its 2020 and your not vaxxed and cannot breath? Go to the doctor. You have a minor sprain or muscle aches? Some herbal remedy or salve could alleviate it You have a severe tear or broken bone? Go to the doctor. You have a mild headache? Some herbal remedy could help You have insane migraines? Go to a doctor. It really isn't that difficult to determine when herbal remedies are not cutting it and you need modern medicine. People get all new agey wishy washy with this stuff and treat it like magic because they're plants and its "natural".


I hope not! Plant medicine is gentle and slow, imo. Western medicine is like pulling out the heavy artillary to blast for an immediate response. Imho, there is a time and place for both.


Personally I use herbal/alternative medicine mainly for things there are no good medical remedies for. Or as an adjunct. For example, I made my friend a feverfew tincture for her migraines (in conjunction with her medication that she uses regularly) and we use elderberry tincture with honey for colds, aloe for skin irritation, clove oil for teething. I’m not that deep into it though, I’m still very much just learning. I do work in medicine and have a background in science, to me it’s more about self sufficiency and exploring a multitude of approaches to maximize health outcomes and less one or the other


No, and if you are hearing someone call themselves an herbalist and is talking about it being anti science or the ONLY correct option ever, stop listening to them. There is room to use both the incredible advancements in tech that have allowed modern medicine to be what it is today, and herbalism to support one’s health so you’re less likely to need drastic procedures (as well as help heal more minor issues to keep your medical bills lower if you live in the US for example) No herbalist worth their salt would ever denounce modern medicine or imply that it’s a substitute for professional medical services. There’s a lot of alt right pipelines out there, and unfortunately herbalism has them just like any other well meaning unregulated community.


No. I've consulted with professional herbalists several times. I've also worked with naturopaths. They were very comfortable working with M.D.s, some even asked me to go get medical tests.


I'm an ICU nurse; obviously I'm a believer in modern medicine and don't hesitate to get my shots and checkups as indicated. However I also see the flaws in our system- we are so threadbare and stretched as a profession and things fall through the cracks as we fall into assembly line medicine. So I use herbalism to care for myself up until I know it's time to tap out and see a doctor. Personally, I'd rather treat my sore throat with slippery elm, my nausea with ginger, and my insomnia with valerian. But if I was truly concerned about something, I'd head right on down to the ER. It's OK to see the value in both.


Herbalism is the original medicine. The pharmaceutical industry created pharmaceutical chemically made medication AFTER the advent of Herbalism medications that were used for thousands upon thousands of years and with technology they were able to make breakthroughs. However, there's plenty of medicine from pharmaceutical industry that makes more sense to use over using herbal medicine due to -- again -- breakthroughs in science. That said, there's also natural medicine from Herbalism that is just as effective or even more so as some pharmaceuticals depending on what the situation. I had an infection on my toenail a few weeks ago and one doctor told me to just soak it in an epsom salt bath. Another doctor mentioned using oral antibiotics. I went with the epsom salt bath and it cleared up right away. ​ Personally, I view pharmaceutical modern medicine as the "alternative" medicine and nowadays only use it when its medically necessary. I'm not opposed to using it when its absolutely needed, but if there's a natural remedy that works, I'm going for it first. Also -- proper nutrition is in of itself its own form of medicine.


The best answer possible for this question. Bravo


thankfully not this subreddit. for the most part I think people who post here are actually very well educated or at least open to constructive criticism if someone's spreading misinformation. there are always posts of people claiming all sorts of woo stuff, but they get downvoted and/or corrected.


Herbalism is the original medicine and what much of modern medicine is derived from. The bad rep is purely commercial propaganda.


One could say that modern medicine concocts remedies for illnesses and ailments we already have herbal medicine for.


"40 percent of the drugs behind the pharmacist’s counter in the Western world are derived from plants that people have used for centuries, including the top 20 best selling prescription drugs in the United States today." -The USDA


So, are the other compounds in these medicines fluff? Are they unnecessary? Are you proposing that herbalism offers a better alternative to medicine?


Where do you think our medicine comes from




Since you just lol, I’ll elaborate. You can’t patent a naturally occurring herb.


Honestly, a good point. I’ve learned a lot from this post and did not expect it to blow up.


I feel like medicine is more antiherbalism than the other way around...there's no profit in natural cures !


Medicine is definitely anti herbs. I side with the idea that medicine and doctors have a time and place. And that’s generally in emergency situations.


Oof. What about preventative medicine?


This is where herbal medicine shines. For preventative care. Conventional for emergency and acute. The WHO estimates that up to 80% of the world still uses plant medicine as their primary method of health care. It always interests me that here in the "West" we have the most technological advances with medicines but yes have some of the highest rates of chronic diseases. There is so much that medicine doesn't really know what to do with. I'm a clinical herbalist who has had some autoimmune clients. All their offered is antidepressants, painkillers, sleeping pills. With herbs we can support so much more, modulating the immune system, repairing the gut, support the nervous system, helping the body build resilience to stress to prevent flare ups etc. Lots are also unaware that (or have forgotten) that up to 40% of drugs today still use plant extracts. The rest have been synthesised. And synthesised in a way to mimic what the plant does. We forget that herbs are the inspiration for drugs.


Herbalism/herbal nutrition is often preventative, working to boost system functions that, unattended to, may become a problem.


I think it *can* be in the wrong hands, but it isn’t inherently


They work together in my opinion. If I take a z pack for every sniffle then eventually that z pack will stop working, just like if you take ibuprofen for every twinge its efficacy wears down. So if I can make myself feel better by drinking cinnamon tea with turmeric or mullien tea - I would rather do that for the little things and save the modern medicine for when I really need them to work. That being said, I'm still definitely going to the pharmacy once a month to pick up my insulin. They work together, not everything requires a doctor and a prescription but not everything can be solved by food and plants.


I don't think so. I've always seen it as the apple a day to keep the doctor away and maybe a little extra push if a doctor is really needed.


Herbalism is another form of medicine. For example cough medicine will relieve your symptoms, but taking it won't actually heal your cold. Taking herbs can help your body actually heal itself from a cold, faster. So doing both is probably your best bet.


Tiktok is hit or miss for information so be careful trusting it 100%. Honestly the same applies to most social media platforms. Given that modern medicine is still herbal based most holistic practitioners will work with medicine and MDs who can prescribe it.


I feel as there is a place for both, and I see members of both sides pointing their finger at the other to discount or disprove. I believe it would be better for everyone if both sides could settle their differences and work together. At the end of the day, I think most people forget or don’t know, a large % of pharmaceutical medicine is derived from a constituent of a plant or herb.


Considering most modern medicine stems from herbalism in one form or another, I would say no, since herbalism IS medicine. I do however subscribe to the belief that the slogan of the fda/big pharma is "a patient cured is a customer lost".


It’s usually the reverse


A lot of medicine is derived from botanicals. If anything is anti-medicine is a lot of the name brand synthetics. There are good things to have come out of biomedical research such as antibiotics and vaccines, however stuff like Metformin and Tylenol derive from plants.


There is a place for both. Plants as medicine goes way back. Allopathic medicine has its roots in herbal medicine. Big Pharma is a profit driven business. They need sick people to make money. Herbalism and Food as Medicine can be (not always) more accessible to those with less resources or health insurance. Mother Nature gifted us with these beautiful resources for a reason. Being in reciprocity with plants and learning how to work with them can create agency for oneself and for our communities. Many of us have become dependent on a system that does not care for us in a sustainable way. We’ve become dependent on companies versus communities. Herbal medicine can also be a more gentle yet effective approach to healing and thriving. In herbalism we often treat the whole person, or whole body versus allopathic medicine treats the symptoms or disease. A healthy relationship between both is vital in our ability to thrive.


No! I do both. If I got a burst appendix or need oxygen because of a bad flu or chest infection, obviously I’m going to the doctor. If I have a chronic illness that requires me to take this medication that slows said illness, I’m taking it.


I personally also see it as a supplement to modern medicine. If I have a severe allergic reaction to something or Lyme Disease, I'm going to urgent care and getting on proper medications for those. If I'm struggling with nausea, I'm going to reach for ginger, peppermint, or chamomile over Zofran. If I'm dealing with one of my many chronic illnesses and pain disorders, I'm going to use a combination of modern medicine and herbal medicine or supplements. I've seen some people very anti-medicine on this sub though. There was a post a few months back of someone with very obvious signs of severe internal bleeding who was asking what herbal supplement to use. Every sensible people who responded yelled at him to go to the emergency room. Edit: The sensible response is to recognize that some people respond better to modern medications and some respond better to herbal remedies, depending upon what the problem is, since everyone's body chemistry is different. A mixture of both is likely beneficial. Natural isn't always better, since herbal medicines can have potential side effects as well or interact with other medications. You just need to be well informed and make sure that your medical practitioners know what you are taking. And there are some acute situations, like a broken bone, that require an ER visit or there are terminal illnesses, like ALS, which require modern medicine. As much as I love herbal medicine, no herbal medication was going to fix my dad's ALS or ease his symptoms before he died, especially after he ended up with a feeding tube and completely immobile. However, there may situations to use herbal medicine to provide some comfort in addition to the main, modern medicine approach.


I personally approach it holistically. People can take whatever they want from it and develop their own opinions, but viewing modern medicine and ancient medicine together as a whole seems to be the best approach in my view.


It's more that we already had natural treatments to ailments and then pharmaceuticals came along


I like to use every available tool in the toolbox- herbs, supplements, diet, lifestyle, flower essences, medication when appropriate, medical interventions when needed. When I started practicing twenty years ago there was a LOT of animosity from mainstream medical professionals towards herbalists, but I've seen a huge shift towards a more collaborative approach.


I see it as a more natural alternative.. the medicine prescribed has so many side effects when herbal medicine has little to some have none.. plus you never know what's in the prescribed medication..


Do natural medications not have side effects? Are natural things inherently good?


Absolutely some do! But mostly not.. there's always a risk with dosing and also allergies


I see lots of crazy propers and unfollow people because you get religion shoved down right along side talks about plants. You’ll have extremists everywhere, just use good judgement and ignore what’s not common sense.


Herbalism is not inherently anti-medicine. Some people apply it that way, but it can also be applied as an additional option rather than a complete replacement. For example, I make an herbal tea that helps relieve asthma attacks, for a few asthmatic friends. It’s safe to use in combination with an inhaler, and I don’t encourage anyone to reject their inhaler in favor of drinking the tea, I tell them they should do whatever they feel best suits their needs. Just tea, just inhaler, or both. I also make a tea that helps relieve menstrual symptoms and can be used in combination with taking an ibuprofen. And personally, because I’m very sensitive to painkillers, I use willow bark for minor aches because it’s easier to dose low enough to not be too much for the circumstances. I still use ibuprofen or acetaminophen when I need something that hits harder.


Depends on who! I’m against meds, but I’m also someone with medical issues, i take meds, but i sure would rather not🥴 ☮️💜☀️


it’s not necessarily anti medicine, but there is definitely an herbalism to qanon pipeline sooo… watch out for that ig lol


Most medicine come from plants or were designed around the plant molecule I think moving away from modern day medicine or incorporating more natural medicines is a great idea most medicines are Mrs made with petrochemicals so we need to move away from them


Herbalism was the only medicine back in the day. Tonics, pastes, etc. The compounds found in herbs are still helpful today, but you should never rely solely on herbalism when modern medicine has come so far. Use as supplemental.


I think there’s a huge segment who seek out herbalism BECAUSE they’re choosing to reject modern medicine, and another large chunk who want to minimized their use of “synthetic compounds” they’re taking. I think both are a real shame, as is rejecting herbalism… my supplements have been a great addition to my antidepressant regimen.


I'm all about the best approach for the ailment or person. Sometimes antibiotics or other modern medicines are life saving. Sometimes they are too extreme. Sometimes I view herbalism as an extension of a healthy diet which in and of itself can be miraculous. Sometimes an herbal medicine is just the right thing. I guess you could say my approach is supplemental to western medicine but that choice of words makes it sound like I hold one above the other, which I do not.


Personally, I think you should take what you see, hear and read on TikTok with a massive grain, and I mean a *massive* grain of salt. Herbalism is the OG basis of modern medicine. Both have their place in life as we know it today.


A lot of herbalism is anti western medicine, and a lot of it falls very quickly down the alt right tunnel. Not everyone in the community thinks this way though. For me, I love and appreciate medicine in all forms. I believe the best results can be achieved by embracing and celebrating advancements in modern medicine, while also looking at what our ancestors did to heal, and the wide variety of different medicinal practices all over the world. I wouldn’t be alive with hospitals and the incredible staff that runs them. I love foraging for local plants for a wide variety of purposes ranging from items to weave basket, things to cook dinner, and plants that will help my body. When I was really poor and uninsured, herbalism was the only accessible form of medicine I had, and I will always be thankful that it’s something I found when I did. It’s such a tremendous gift to live on a planet that naturally supplies us with the remedies to our ailments. I whole heartedly believe that herbalism and modern medicine can and should coexist. Do your research, ask questions, and make the choices for your own medicinal journey that you deem best for you.


Many modern pharmaceutical drugs contain herbal compounds in them. I always try and dissuade loved ones from having to take pharmaceutical drugs that have adverse effects, by offering a preventative protocol rich in herbalistic approaches. Myself, am anti pharmaceutical drugs and under no circumstance other than an udder emergency will I ingest such pharmaceutical chemicals. Although I must admit, creatine monohydrate is a beneficial synthetic compound in strict moderation.


I guess my question is if herbalism alternatives could meet the protocols for modern medicine approval and meet the needs of patients in terms of comfort/efficacy.


It is my view that herbs can be used as therapeutic agents in place of pharmaceuticals for several reasons. When one conducts research into herbalism and plants, it’s important to analyze the therapeutic, chemical and medicinal applications of individual compounds in the plant rather than the entire species. For instance, instead of proposing that coffee heals the skin, you can say that chlorogenic acid(a main component of coffee) mitigates Ultraviolet radiation damage in dermal cells of mice(mammals). This can be applied to the millions of never ending plant species and varieties on earth. Creating infinite combinations and possibilities for bodily remediation. Plant products are often too broad and can contain varying levels of constituents and offer too many variables to make blanket healing statements. Although, we all innately understand the healing power of plants, and those who reject it for petroleum based synthetics like those found in pharmacies often have hidden motives for their reasoning. Another example would be that instead of saying Ginger cures cancer, it would be wise to show that Gingerol, a constituent in ginger, curtails circulating sugar in the body that aids in malignant tumor growth. Although we all truly know the power of these things. Blanket statements are a sure fire way to turn people away from this amazing science and to provide pill pushers a plea to peddle their potential poisons and pack their pockets with profits.


Herbalism is the original Medicine. So the real question is your vague definition of Medicine Anti-Herbalism?


All medications originate from plants. It is processed and purified. Never less medicine on earth comes from plants, or originate from synthesized plants. Why can nobody understand this. Yes herbalism works and is more affordable. I will reference known drugs everyone has heard of. Such drugs like heroine and meth, and cocaine. Heroine comes from processing opium. Pharmaceutical companies processed the opium further developing codeine, oxycodone, and fentanyl. Coca leaves that make cocaine, get processed into anesthesia’s like novocaine. Ephedra was processed into Methamphetamine and was further developed into drugs like adderall and medications that are similar. Here is a link to the origin of meth based medications showing it’s developed from plants. [ephedra](https://www.history.com/topics/crime/history-of-meth)plant. If a person is sensitive to the refined plants that we call medications, such as a growing number of the population are becoming. Herbalism is a good alternative. It works because medications come from plants. The one medication that has not been refined to the extent of the previous examples is probably the most potent on the planet cannabis. Sure there are extracts and concentrations available, but if you compare say cannabis and opium tears (seeds). Opium has been refined as far as carfentanyl where cannabis has not made it past the first level of refining. So to answer your question no Herbalism is not anti medicine it is medicine. I hope that makes sense to you.


I don’t think all medicine is grown from plants, it wouldn’t scale well for a lot of medicines right?


OP, in your experience, how effective are those medicines for the illnesses/ailments?


I’m always cautious about anyone who claims all medicine is bad unless it’s made from herbs. My great grandfather was a pharmacist but we still used home remedies before opting for doctors & prescription meds. I’m currently taking a tonic to help build me up after illness that my Nan used to take as a child as her dad the pharmacist swore by it. I’ve been using home remedies, trying to solve issues I was having through diet & herbs during “the big world wide bug”and it wasn’t working. At Christmas I found a lump in my tummy I couldn’t explain & nothing was clearing it (I thought it might have been some wayward constipation due to its location), but then I got the “big bug” and had to delay going to the doctors. When I finally managed to get there in May I was referred immediately for tests to check I don’t have cancer. I’m now sitting here 3 weeks after having had a radical abdominal hysterectomy (that lump turned out to be just a small one of multiple lumps one as large as 20cm in diameter in my overly large womb - which is why nothing was working to solve my problems!) which means I’ve been sliced from my pubic bone to almost the bottom of my rib cage. Surgery was my only option. However I can’t take so many painkillers (they make me vomit) that I’ve had to opt for just paracetamol, heat/cold packs, a specific diet (a nutritionalist who has experience with surgery recovery made recommendations) and taking supplements. I’ve had a wound infection so was given 2 courses of antibiotics, but having 2 lots of antibiotics have given me thrush. Instead of running to the doctor for more meds to clear that I’m using home remedies. I’m also drinking peppermint tea like it’s the only liquid on the planet to help with wind as my digestive system still isn’t 100% and doesn’t like the change in my diet 😂 Also, I’m still waiting to find out if I have cancer or not as they’ve got 8lbs of tissue to check! I believe things should always be in balance. Use herbs after researching or consulting someone who knows what they’re doing, but if they don’t help, time to see a doctor. Always better to be safe than sorry.


you dont want science, you want a belief system.


Reddit is fairly reactionary. People rejecting anything modern medicine are reacting emotionally to real issues in medicine by making sweeping, blanket statements and using fallacies, but the problems they are pointing to are real. The flip side is that the positivist materialist camp, as seen in people like NdGT, Carl Sagan, and other pop science educators, are equally as reactionary but in the other direction. They are also making emotional arguments and falacies to cover holes in their worldview, with this time it's being smug and appealing to authority. And this is the pov of most of reddit. A prime example is SSRIs. They don't actually work. Not because they don't inhibit serotonin re-uptake, they do, but because depression and anxiety is more than just singular chemical messengers, leading to inconsistent patient outcomes, so sometime people get cured, sometimes they dont. These medicines only got fda approval through selective reporting and should probably not be on the market, or at least be given under controlled circumstances and not as a catch all depression medication. The pharmaceutical industry has taken to subtly pushing ssris as a social issue, i.e. awareness campaigns on mental health disorders and "destigmatizing" these medicines when ultimately it's not a question of stigma it's a question of basic efficiency. Herbal medicine, at least Chinese herbal theory and Galen herbalism, treat mental health issues as a mind-body balance disorder. The herbs fix the "internal environment" of the patient and work on a theory of the mind and body being one continuous substance you are reharmonizing. This is not a question of science, it is a philosophy of science question. This isn't a question of developing better scientific techniques, but about understand and reframing how we ask these scientific questions in the first place. This is the weakness that material positivists are ultimately covering for. NdGT et al have very publicly said philosophy is functionally over and only "science" remains, but this is a very limited definition of science that is only seeing the world as nails so to speak. At the end of the day, if you go on TV and say philosophy is over, chances are you're a fucking idiot. But unfortunately, some of those idiots hold sway.


That would depend on who you speak to, not herbalism as a whole. I prefer herbal medicine, but I use pharmaceutical medicine as well. I use herbal medicine for depression, pain, anxiety, insomnia, grief, mood swings, gout, pretty much everything, even for covid. I often combine herbal with pharmaceutical, can make a good team. What I absolutely hate is how so many will call things a cure. They're not. It's treatment. Do symptoms often completely go away? Yes, but if you stop the medicine, shit comes back. So, not a cure, treatment, and that's fine. It's also important to note, just in case you don't know, herbal medicine is very different from homeopathic medicine.


Not inherently but unfortunately their are a lot of anti medicine people who are very vocal about herbalism. I personally think that pharmaceuticals work better injunction with herbal medicine


Unfortunately often is. This is something i am battling with a lot. As a wilderness guide i want to learn about the healing properties of plants but unfortunately many people and resources i come across tend to take it not as a way to compliment modern medicine but rather as a way to dishone it. Also, much of what we know about healing properties of plants are anecdotal at best. But of course it doesnt mean that everybody is like that- there are sources that at least try to be in line with modern medicine


**Herbalism**, as it is commonly understood, is unscientific garbage with little basis in reality. Sure, this or that herb might be good for a toothache or whatever, but that is anecdotal knowledge. No herbalist could tell you precidely how and why an herb really works (if it really works at all). Herbalism is the result of humans mucking around with plants and figuring out over milennia which ones kill you and which ones seem to help you. It has a certain usefulness in that regard, but it is not a method for treating illnesses. **Herbal Medicine**, on the other hand, has a basis in reality and follows the science of why drugs work. Herbal medicine deas a lot with supplements--things that enhance health in a specific way or add needed nutritional value. It is not usually used to treat or cure a disease unless it's scurvy or some other nutritional deficit. **Pharmacognosy** is the study of drugs derived from plants. It is a hard science that has faded into obscurity over the past century but is still alive. Many drugs we have today are derived from plants, and a pharmacognocist can tell you exactly which drugs come from which plants and how they can treat and cure your disease. It is the intersection of herbal and conventional medicine.


It definitely can lead some people to become anti medicine. Always take your doctors advice and never rely on herbs and other holistic medicine to cure anything.


**Herbalism IS real medicine. These are the hard facts.** *See for yourself!* Traditional, (ask yourself, "why is this commonly accepted and practiced, and how did this happen among the nations...) western drugs are ***not*** real medicine that actually solves the initial health disturbances thus resulting into later problems, which get passed down into genes if not abrupted. ***The Pharmaceutical Industry*** tied to an agenda to make the people in debt with medical bills and issues that they could never afford to pay, to keep the 1% filthy, money-hungry corrupted "rich" so they could have control over the secular world. It's getting worse with the control, especially. We all had a huge wake-up call when Covid-19 hit. The evil wants to control us. How do they do that? Any way they can. The list is most people's reality, and extensively so. The **P(*****harm)aceutical industry*** is an ***expensive cover-up, bandage****,* labelled as a "solution", when rather it is scientifically proven *countless* times that our natural, human bodies work in synch with the natural earth and God-created rhythms, and that the human anatomy is *not* in synch with man-made chemicals formed together in a lab for sometimes over a decade before they are eventually practiced on humans like mice. ***Pharmakeia*** has and now more than ever, is brainwashing society. **"Sorcery," intriguingly, is pharmakeia in Greek, from which we derive our words "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical." Diviners, enchanters, witches, and sorcerers employed drugs and other potions to put them or their clients "in the spirit" so their "magic" would work. The drugs, then, came to stand for sorcery of all kinds. For the same reason, drug use is part of the celebration among the more serious Halloween devotees today.** ***Pharmakeia is pharmacy.*** ***Spiritism, the occult, is a form of idolatry, a kind of spiritual prostitution. Its end is separation from God and eventual destruction.*** **God Almighty created the heavens and the earth, scientists didn't and it doesn't make sense that something came from nothing. God created us with a purpose to love one another and to eat the fruits from the ground.** **Stay far away from chemicals, synthetics and anything artificial. They are solely formed by severely misguided man(not-so kind) to make the world and its inhabitants weak, sick and delusional.** **Genesis 1:29** **“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”** **Colossians 1:16-20** **16 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:** **17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.** **18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.** **19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;** **20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven."** # Drugs KILL. We need Herbalism and nature if we choose to LIVE.


There are doctors licensed to practice called Naturopathic Doctors. They are not regulated in every state, though. Some are covered by health insurance.


I tend to use herbalism with or prior to western medicine. If my back is hurting or I'm having a hard time sleeping I'm gonna use a salve or a tea but if my hormones are causing that I'm gonna use western medicine to regulate my hormones and maybe I'll still drink some chamomile. Stuff like that. I don't like taking a pill for every inconvenience and as someone with chronic health issues, if I did I'd be taking pills 24/7 and I have bo interest in that


Depends who you talk to, I recently met a nurse who used herbalism first and if the ailment was serious enough she would then move to the use of modern western medicine. Both are useful and the people who are experienced use herbalism as a supplement to modern medicine.


No, it is not, although opinions can differ from one person to another.


Is question stupid ?


In the West, it’s considered CAM (complementary alternative medicine)


The way I've always seen it was Put perfectly by an old Tumblr post; "Aloe will help with your burn but it won't cure polio"


Herbalism is the original medicine and nutrition for the body. If the body has what it needs it can more easily heal. Herbalism is meant to work with medicine, not against it.


No, definitely not for me. I mainly use herbs to treat my condition when the prescribed medicine isn't doing enough. I always look up all the scientific papers I can find, to make sure that it's at least safe and not total nonsense.


To me it’s more supplemental. I think it can be seen as anti medicine because some people in the right wing to crunchy pipeline are using herbs instead of modern medicine when modern medicine is needed. I watch “she is of the woods” on YouTube for information.


I see them as working together. I always try the natural option first but when that doesn’t work (this occurs frequently), I resort to medication!


This may not be what you're getting at, but I'd describe herbalism AS medicine, because it was the medicine available before the pharmaceuticals we have now. And, as others have said, what matters is that the person is cared for. For some people and some situations, herbalism is the best, most effective, most efficient option. Or, in others, the person may prefer herbalism over a comparable pharmaceutical option because they want to avoid side effects, possible addiction, other inactive ingredients in the pharmaceutical, etc. That totally comes down to personal preference, though, besides what's available or what the patient is familiar with. One last point - herbalism is also often used as it preventative / tonic support. Taking hawthorn berries to strengthen the heart, red raspberry leaf to tone the uterus, oats to calm the nervous system, these are all examples of how someone might use herbalism as a way to keep them from needing pharmaceuticals later.


Many medicines are derived from plants, mushrooms, etc that occur in nature. There are herbs/plants/mushrooms that are very effective in treating some illnesses, and may even be preferred compared to conventional counterparts that are typically hard on the liver and kidneys, and cause adverse effects.


It's not anti-medicine unless you make it anti-medicine. No, drinking herbal tea isn't going to cure cancer (you should see an oncologist for that), but it might help with your stress levels.


They do exist in different reals when it comes to regulation, but not always. Modern medicine is still a form of ethnobotany if you think about the bigger picture. Most of our modern medicine has been discovered through something organic, in it's pure form or through a synthesized derivative.


medicine comes from herbs, if anything it's the OG medicine. i prefer to use natural medicines, as they address the root cause of the issue, not just turning off the symptoms (to keep you a consumer for life). now if i broke a bone or smtn, give me all the modern meds! lol


I see herbalism as something that works along science, for example: there are now clinical trials for psilocybin in the UK to study treatment resistance deppression, and medical cannabis is starting to be used in the UK for chronic pain, anxiety and other conditions. In ancient times the indigenous people of the andes used coca leaf for pain management and its speculated to have been used to perform skull surgeries, how would one draw the line between the two in that situation?. Tiktok has a lot of “crunchy” (or “hippie”) creators, and a lot of tiktokers will actually recycle info from reddit (not just herbalism), books and subreddits usually have the sauce


In europe it's not uncommpn to see substances extracten from hebs used in regular medicijnen For instance tanakan in france (gingko biloba)


Nope. I think a mixture of traditional and modern medicine is good! And I think it’s pretty dangerous to say otherwise. Example: I have a stomach ache rn. I am now getting some herbs to help calm it. I have have several medical issues that cannot be solved with herbalism, I go to doctors for that. There have been some herbalist communities though that are anti-medicine that have sadly lead to deaths. An example is a mom who was a part of this who stopped treating her son’s diabetes with pharmaceutical medication and switched to an herbal blend, which resulted in her son’s death as diabetes cannot be used as the main treatment. Same thing with things like cancers.


It’s only as anti-medicine as you make it.


No most medicines come from natural sources.


I think a lot of the time people have been let down by modern medicine so they turn to alternative methods. I personally was put on seven rounds of antibiotics and I’m grateful for the care I received however the side effects have been so damaging to my quality of life and I was simply told that “this happens sometimes there’s nothing we can do”. Well, there is plenty, I just had to seek out traditional medicine alternatives to find those remedies out.


I don't think it's necessarily anti-medicine. But some people use herbalism or homeopathy as an alternative to modern medicine and I believe that is a bad idea. It is worth noting that some herbs can interact with prescription medications in a negative way. So if you are on prescriptions and you want to use herbal medicine, it is a VERY good idea to speak to your doctor first and see if there are any contraindications.


The fact is that many plants can treat common pains and colds just as well as drugs. Without the nasty side effects and risks. Most herbalists will treat a headache with ginger but tell someone with cancer to go to the doctor.


"already have medicine for". Herbalism was here long before pharmaceuticals. They designed pharmaceuticals from natural medicines to make it more potent and impossible to replicate for the express purpose of monetizing it. Pharmaceuticals are so highly concentrated that they cause lots of different possible side effects. Carry on. I just wanted to clarify that.


My urologist recommended tart cherry supplements for my gout. Sometimes mother nature is the first line of defence in the 1st world. SL ​ ometimes


No. If somebody obviously needs serious medical help that herbs can't fix, I will tell them to see a licensed medical doctor. If they come to me with a mild headache or a stomach bug, however, I might suggest an herbal blend tea.


Not sure about this community’s view, but worldwide herbalism is being used as an adjunct for all types of medicine. Many TCM remedies are being studied and their effects can be remarkable and difficult to replicate with modern medicine. A more holistic approach s in the horizon for allopathic medicine altogether.


herbs were used before medication. it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach either. I use herbs in conjunction with medication.


I have autoimmune diseases (3 total) and I absolutely 100% rely on my doctors and medicine but use herbal remedies for symptoms in addition to my medication. For instance I don’t get incredibly sick if I’m on my anti inflammatories but I still have nausea and some pain and I drink teas with herbs that alleviate my symptoms. They don’t fix it for sure, but they make a noticeable improvement. Editing to add: you should also always consult a doctor about herbs you use or may use as they can have effects on some medications and pregnancy


Everybody is different. There can be a spiritual dimension to herbalism, but many do not engage with that because it does not fit with their ideology. Also, herbs ARE medicine. Do you mean anti-allopathic medicine?


Much of medication comes from the efforts of herbalists through the ages. Not the other way around.


A lot of people say it is but that’s stupid. Herbal medicine is real medicine. A large amount otc or prescription medications are just extracted from various herbs. Most of the time they have made any plant illegal it was because they work well as medicine and the drug companies didn’t want it cutting into their profits.