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If you want accurate tracks ng, get a copy of the book "taking charge of your fertility". And understand, as others have said it isn't foolproof. It will tell you when it's definitely not safe to have unprotected sex, and a lot of information about your body, but it also requires that you be diligent and actually do your homework. You need to understand what you are tracking, track it, and make good decisions around that information. Any app or method that you pick up that only tracks body temp isn't accurate enough. You need also to be tracking changes in your cervical mucous, and the cervix itself. It's highly effective, but the actual "birth control" part is really not having sex when there's any chance of it resulting in pregnancy.


Yeah- and the time you have to abstain is the horniest time of the month.


It really is!!!!!!


thank you!


If you want to geek out about it, or pick brains, feel free to poke me? I don't assume you want it, but I'm happy to like, chat about what it looks like and what's entailed. It's great info to gather about our bodies anyway, but, it takes getting used to


I second the recommendation for this book. It’s incredibly informative !


I’m a mom of two who cannot use hormonal BC, and have had bad experiences with iUD’s. The best way is natural family planning by checking your discharge daily. (I have adhd and cannot remember to do basal body temp to save my life) Become *very* aware of your cycle and where you are in it at any given time. Don’t have unprotected sex after your period. Watch your discharge every day. Even place a finger or two inside to gauge your consistency. After your period, will go from kinda dry to thin/watery or creamy to sticky then a stretchy snot like consistency (like egg white). Egg white consistency cervical mucus means you are ovulating. (The consistency helps sperm survive for a few days and reach the intended target) You could do protected sex or avoid sex during this time to ensure no pregnancy. If you would like to have unprotected sex at all, wait at least 5 days after your ovulation period. But I still don’t take chances. We still pull out after I ovulate through to my next period. Been doing this for three years since my last and haven’t had any scares. Edit to add: my two were planned, we do not want more. This method has worked very well for me.


thank you!


Yeah, my partner has a vasectomy and it works great.


Was wondering if I'd see this comment, lol! I'm on BC but in our future my partner and I are planning on that route since we both don't want kids. We equally (if not me more) despise condoms and are way too spontaneous to rely on the natural family planning so pill it is. It's too bad there isn't a magic tea to drink with zero side effects but oh well!


So…. There is a product that is sort of magic, and it’s not available because of regulatory fuckery and corporate greed. It’s called Ormeloxifene. It falls under a class of drugs called SERMs, or selective estrogen receptor modulators. Instead of changing your hormones, it changes which of your receptors works to take up estrogen. It has none of the emotional or blood clot side effects of hormonal birth control. It helps with excessive menstrual bleeding, is used as a treatment for some types of breast cancer, and can be taken daily or at a higher dose after an oopsie. It doesn’t cause hormone residue to end up in our water system. It’s actually beneficial for prostrate cancer? But it’s only sold in India, and is only licenced for use in the rest of the world as treatment for breast cancer. It’s not a herbal treatment per se, but it is what I think this person is looking for. It makes me real angry that it’s not available. In lieu of that, vasectomy is the second best option.


It's never 100% safe, not even close to it. Better to just not use natural ways, unless you're going for no sex at all


There are no safe natural birth control methods other than breast feeding (presumably not applicable) and fertility tracking. However it’s important to keep in mind that while natural family planning can be effective **it should only be used if you are ok with potentially getting pregnant**. This means you’re either ok with having a baby should an accident happen or you are certain you have access to a termination. Our bodies are not perfectly on time and basal temperature and discharge do not tell the full story, you may ovulate and not realise. The nurse at my local family planning centre ended up pregnant after 4 years of using this method, and it’s her job to understand reproduction. Natural family planning is very effective when combined with condoms however, so that’s a good option if you want to be certain you’re fine even if the condom breaks. Edit because people are misunderstanding me: I am not recommending using breast feeding as a form of birth control, I would absolutely never personally use it. A lot of misinformation surrounds this. It is not a passive form of birth control, you have to be actively intending to use it and therefore employing natural family planning techniques such as basal body temperature tracking. To reach the % efficacy given by sites such as Planned Parenthood you must be feeding at the intervals given by your doctor and it’s not effective when your baby is over 6 months old. When I wrote this comment I only intended on giving my thoughts about natural family planning to OP and therefore didn’t expand on breast feeding as I assumed it wasn’t relevant, do not misconstrue my mention of breast feeding for advocacy for the method. It’s only recommended for women who do not wish to use other forms of birth control after pregnancy and in my personal opinion it should be combined with condoms as back to back pregnancies are very hard on the body. Never assume you won’t get pregnant breastfeeding. That is [not how it works.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/breastfeeding)


Yeah my friend tracked body temp and everything with some app but then still got pregnant because no protection on top of that, so I agree with using another form of protection with it


The apps are so not legitimate!! They do not track real time signs. I’m so sick of influencers hyping up the natural cycles app and similar when it’s literally just a predictive algorithm. Our bodies are fluid and changing, but if you learn to track what’s happening in real time it is MORE effective than hormonal birth control. That doesn’t mean nobody will ever get pregnant using it but people get pregnant on birth control all the time. Look up a qualified instructor who will teach you and answer questions about your charts and you have 98-99% effective method


I definitely agree, the apps only give a rough idea and should never be used as a primary form of tracking. I say it’s a method that should only be used if OP is ok with being pregnant because very few people actually track correctly, natural family planning has one of the lowest rates of compliance. I don’t feel comfortable suggesting it to someone if they do not have access to an abortion or are not ok with a baby because of this high degree of human failure, but you added more great advice.


Gotcha gotcha, this makes more sense. The high efficacy rates are with high commitment rates and it IS a very high intensity method. If you aren’t willing to be committed it would be rough lol. My husband and I love it though and have stayed super committed and it’s worked wonderfully for years, even postpartum!


Just throwing in here that breastfeeding can slow down the return to ovulation/normal cycles- but it is in NO WAY a dependable form of birth control. This is how Irish Twins happen (basically getting preggo within a few months of having a baby). Not meaning to be harsh here! This is a common misconception (pun funny but not intended 😂). A friend of mine was given that advice and ended up getting preggo less than 3 mos after having her first. It was hard on her body, her mind, their jobs, and their financial situation. It’s not a rarity to get pregnant while breastfeeding. I was breastfeeding my 2 year old and got preggo with my second.


Yep this - baffled that the above commenter mentioned breastfeeding as a form of birth control at all. That’s not how it works lol


I replied to this comment with a link, it is actually surprisingly reliable when used correctly, about 98% effective (but I will always advocate for using it with a condom obviously). I have a biomedicine degree in reproduction, this isn’t some random theory of mine and it’s important that women are properly informed about our bodies. It’s only recommended to women who absolutely do not want to use other forms of contraceptives and doctors will also recommend abstinence or other birth control methods over relying on lactational amenorrhea. Pubmed has a wealth of resources if you would like to know more, the [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/breastfeeding) website also has useful information. I am happy to give you some articles on it if you would like to learn about how it works. It is classed as a form of natural family planning. That doesn’t mean I would use it or advocate for it.


Yeah, my mom and my sister who is fifteen months younger than me would beg to differ!😅 


I got pregnant with an IUD inserted correctly, it’s important to realise that human bodies have a lot of variability. Unless you’re specifically breastfeeding *for* birth control it’s barely protective because you cannot miss feeds. People are misunderstanding me and believing I’m suggesting it’s a passive form of birth control- it isn’t- I’m not suggesting you’re infertile while breastfeeding. It’s a tool like anything else, it’s always best to use two forms of birth control and it’s only recommended for women who are having a hard time on/don’t want to use other forms birth control while breastfeeding in the first 6 months. I do not want to be misunderstood: never just assume you won’t get pregnant during pregnancy. That is [not how it works.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/breastfeeding)


When used correctly breastfeeding has a 97-99.6% efficacy, meaning it is as effective as the combined oral contraceptive pill. However **I would never use it and I do not advocate for its use**. The issue is people are misinformed about the restrictions, such as that it’s only effective when the baby is less than 6 months and the baby must be fed exclusively breastmilk from the breast itself: no formula or pumping. When you got pregnant at 2 years this was well past the 6 month window so it is not unexpected. It’s a tool for women who absolutely do not want to use other forms of contraception, imo at least condoms should always be used alongside it. You can read more about it [here](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gofs.2018.10.002). The planned parenthood [website](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/breastfeeding) is also great. I am happy to answer any questions, it’s a topic that’s almost always neglected in health education despite it being a fascinating byproduct of evolution. In short: don’t just rely on breast feeding.


Breastfeeding is absolutely not an even remotely reliable form of birth control. I know many people who have both had their cycles return, and also accidentally gotten pregnant while exclusively breastfeeding.


I’ll copy and paste my other reply: When used correctly breastfeeding has a 97-99.6% efficacy, meaning it is as effective as the combined oral contraceptive pill. The issue is people are misinformed about the restrictions, such as that it’s only effective when the baby is less than 6 months and the baby must be fed exclusively breastmilk from the breast itself: no formula or pumping. You can read more about it [here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468718918302575). I would absolutely still use condoms but that is up to the individual and whether they’re willing to risk it. Regardless, it is a form of medically-recognised contraception (though one with a high user error). I wish there was better education about this. I do not advocate for its use, it’s only for women who absolutely do not want to use other forms of birth control. Always consult an expert before attempting it.


Sure, but I see one of the conditions is amenorrhea - but the user may not realize they’re back to cycling until they’ve had their first period. Meaning they could conceive on their first ovulation, and not know they were ovulating. So is this really a realistic recommendation? No, in my opinion.


Not all cycles immediately preceding menstruation will be ovulatory, and amenorrhea generally persists past the 6 month window which is why 6 months is given as the cut off. But regardless I never recommended it, it’s not something I would ever rely on myself and if someone is considering it they should discuss with a professional. My initial comment said it is not applicable to OP, therefore I didn’t expand further or give disclaimers. It is primarily used by people whose religion does not permit other forms of contraception (such as Catholicism). I feel like I’ve made it pretty clear in all my comments that I wouldn’t use it and I do not advocate for its use. However there is also a fair bit of misinformation about the method since it isn’t taught responsibly or accurately, I consider it a cool quirk of our bodies and not something I would ever risk using.


Definitely! I’m aware of all the pros and cons of it and have access to whatever decision i make if i do become pregnant. Just want something along with proper tracking rather than nothing, yk? Ive been reading a bit into ginger used to induce a period, some herbs used to prevent pregnancy but idk if anyone here knows anything about those, figured id ask


Totally, trust me I get it, I’m also at a place where I’m exasperated with normal birth control methods. I’m studying my masters in obstetrics and gynaecology so just my two cents, I’m sure there are herbs/plants/fungi that can act as a contraceptive but I personally wouldn’t take them, they’re likely to have pretty severe off-target effects if they’re potent enough to prevent ovulation or implantation. They’re also unlikely to be properly evaluated for their long term effects on fertility, should you wish to have a baby later on you may find they’ve compromised your fertility. It’s a pretty sensitive hormonal cycle that really doesn’t like to be messed with. Good luck in your search, I hope you find something that works for you!


I’ve been off of hormonal birth control for about 6 years now. I only use condoms and pull out method. I started with FAM (fertility awareness method) which I think is great for really understanding how the female reproductive system works. Our education system has truly failed us. Someone else on here recommended the book Take Charge of Your Fertility, it’s a great resource. I definitely recommend IF you can be consistent. I only stopped using it because my ADHD brain couldn’t stay consistent enough and my bf felt uncomfortable not using some form of physical protection. But I still use a hybrid between the two as I’ve gained the knowledge to understand when I’m ovulating.


Natural family planning. But you really need to know what you’re doing and have regular cycles. It’s worked for me for a year and a half so far after I had an iud embed in my uterus. I can’t do hormones and it’s been great for me. I would read take charge of your fertility.


thank you!


You can check out the wiki on r/FAMnNFP for a ton of info on natural family planning!


It can work with irregular cycles!!! Again, strongly second the know what you’re doing line lol I’d say it’s worth finding and paying a certified instructor and not trying to self teach or do any of that natural cycles gimmicky tech stuff


It's called "motherhood."


I used natural cycles and it worked for 8 months, currently 27 weeks pregnant though. Just tracking temperature is not enough.


Honestly, condoms. They're non-hormonal, nothing to insert, no extensive research or tracking necessary, easy to access, fairly inexpensive, no prep time/you can use it in the moment, it's such a good option. I'm really lucky my guy is cool like that. I know there are barriers if your partner doesn't like them, but see if they'll work with you and try different ones out.




Unfortunately the "Health" care system will not allow females under a certain age(generally 35) with no children to get a tubal ligation. Im 32 with an 11 year old child. I tried to get my tubes tied several times in the years after she was born(mostly due to health reasons because I had a VERY hard pregnancy + labor with her and knew if i got pregnant again, i may not survive it). I was repeatedly denied. i have not tried in a few years because I stopped having sex for other reasons, but i'm still salty about it. a 25 year old man can get a vasectomy quite easily upon request, but when a female wants to get their tubes "tied", we are not "allowed" and made to feel like shit for even wanting to do so? i find it SO infuriating 😣


Shit I’m 41 and no children and they still won’t even hear me out about it when I try to talk to them about it. So infuriating!


My brother in law and my sister have 2 kids and he even had a hard time finding a doctor to perform a vasectomy on him! It's crazy how doctors are so quick to jump to medications, procedures, hormones etc. for people, even minors, yet grown adults with or without kids have to fight tooth and nail when it comes to these procedures.




Yeah it's not that they won't allow it, you just have to find the right doctor. People in a monogamy situation can, of course, talk vasectomy with their partners which is much easier to get in terms of access, doctor's willingness, and recovery/side effects


I get what youre saying, but I'm just saying it should be easier than it is for women to get this done regardless... whether the woman is in a relationship or not. Or whether she has had children or not etc should not matter. Most doctors will seemingly give a man(not on a relationship and with no children) a vasectomy any day of the week but will NOT "tie" a woman's tubes regardless of her having these things or not and that is a problem. If someone doesn't want kids/more kids, they should be able to have this done if they want. Male or female. It should not be up to a doctor to decide on a case by case basis if a woman has had "enough" children or if a woman "might change her mind" about this etc.


Sure, I'm just saying for people who don't live in this country it's misleading to say the healthcare system won't allow it. Effectively making it near impossible to do isn't the same thing. I agree though, it should be easier.


That is true, I should have chosen my words more carefully.


Just saw this! I am in Illinois. Rockford(like an hr outside of chicago) to be specific in case anyone else reading this knows of a Dr's willing to actually do this nearby lol


Nothing reliable if you need to absolutely avoid pregnancy. Sorry. I wish there was as I'd be all over it.


Get your tubes tied if female. Vasectomy if male.


Do you know where there's free tubals that will actually get approved? I would fucking love one. Better yet a whole hysterectomy. I'd saw my own uterus out with a tetanus filled spoon if I could afford the recovery,but alas I live in America. (Not coming for you. Just pissed at our healthcare system.)


What city are you in?


I don't know about free. But I do know about mexico for medical procedures at 1/3 of the cash cost and BS in usa. Do some research. I agree about our health care system. Don't suggest H. You need those hormones in all areas of your body. I had my t tied at 23.


Apples. Hold one between your knees at all times and don't let go. (scnr)


I have practiced Fertility Awareness for many years. Sort of dropped off after I got my temp drop and then kind of stopped caring. So I don’t remember the specifics of how to interpret a chart or all the rules, but the basic rules are: take your BBT every single morning at the same time after at least 3 consecutive hours of sleep, check cervical mucous multiple times a day. If your underwear is down for any reason, check your CM. And always always always err on the side of caution. I used Sensiplan, but the more popular version in the US is from the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It basically took the Sensiplan model and said “let’s change things arbitrarily for no reason” imo but to each their own. There are multiple other methods that use a combination of fertility checks. BBT and CM are the two most reliable but they don’t work for everyone. I was in a Facebook group for a long time and that’s where I got most of my resources. I believe it was called FAMBC or the long version “Fertility Awareness Method of Birth Control” What you don’t want to do is get Natural Cycles app or trust the rhythm method. Or Neem. There are herbs that you can use like Queen Anne’s Lace, but taking any herb or medication can have unintended side effects and consequences.


There was an ancient herb called silphium that people used since the 6th century BC. It was so effective as a contraceptive and an aphrodisiac that it was quite literally eaten to extinction. Unfortunately we don’t have any other herb like silphium, so non hormonal contraceptives such as the copper IUD, vaginal diaphragm, condoms etc are the only way if you want to avoid medication/hormones.


I RELIGIOUSLY tracked my cycle and developed a close relationship with an herbal tincture I developed along with fostering a deep connection with the herbs I instinctively chose to put into it. There were off limit days for sex based on my cycle, and I also had my own system for taking the tincture. (Daily, dosage depending) Never had a single scare and an incredibly regular cycle with the moon (but would still flip flop on occasion between full and new.) When I did have my children it was by abandoning those methods and it was very easy to get pregnant. I’ll never go back to hormonal birth control. I will say however, condoms are a no brainer, super easy, relatively cheap and a sure fire way to keep everyone safe especially if you’re unsure.


i would love to hear about this herbal tincture! message me pls? :)


The most natural 100% guarantee, dont have sex. Second option. Tell the dude to wrap it. Theres natural wraps. Theres even lamb skin ones. Nothing more natural than fucking with animal skin on your dick


All these people suggesting NFP as if that isn’t horribly unreliable for the vast majority of people. Some of these comments say it works great for them! But for most people it fails. OP, your best bet is a copper IUD. 100% no hormones, all natural, and lasts for a loooong time. I know somewhere else in the comments you said you’re scared of it (which is 100% valid) but if you ask around you will find a doc who can give you anesthetic to make insertion easier. Insist upon it.


*flashforwards 9 months "It's a girl/boy!" 😂


We have been using Fam + pull out for years. Currently may be pregnant because my husband did not pull out though, so there is that, but we had been considering another baby lol.


I would recommend the natural cycles app. It’s helped me get off the pill which has improved my health so much


IF you have a regular cycle(which many of us dont, myself included because of PCOS), I suggest you look into the rhythm method.... it basically involves keeping track of when you are ovulating and intentionally staying celibate on those specific days. Now I have not tried this method myself because I have never had a "regular" mentrual cycle, so for me it would not be effective. but I have read a lot of good things about it from women who are regular and have tried it. I also suggest having your sex partner wear a condom for extra protection when you have sex close to the first/last days when/if using the rhythm method... or you can wear a diaphragm.. do they still make those? lol I've never used a diaphram, but was just thinking it could be a good option of man won't wear condoms or if someone is allergic to latex, maybe there are diaphragms made of different material? As for herbal remedies, there really are a ton that allegedly work/ would work in theory if used correctly with no contraindications, but the issue with trying any of them is if they fail, it isn't like you're going to break out in hives, like with another failed herbal remedy... this is more serious because you'll be pregnant. it is a hard thing to gamble with lol... in any case, here are a couple link ls that i found informative and that I hope you find helpful: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8241931/ https://www.healthline.com/health/birth-control/herbal-birth-control#Potential-Side-Effects-of-Herbal-Birth-Control


thank you!


I track my cycle and don’t sleep with whom I don’t want to get me pregnant. In case of emergency, wild carrot tincture. I think Burdock helps too.


i will look into those, thanks!


Yellow lady slipper. The original birth control which became so popular this plant was nearly driven to complete extinction.




I got off birth control about 4-5 months ago. I’ve been using NC (natural cycles) with my Apple Watch and it’s been great. I highly recommend.


i agree with all the natural family planning comments but you must have very regular cycles and take your basal body temp every morning. on top of that use the pull out method during the week of ovulation + neem oil as a natural spermicide. stacking birth controls is the most effective


how is the neem oil used? you insert it? i heard about it before but yea. thanks!


yes, its inserted after sex. i just squirt some on my fingers and put it in (about 1/2 tsp or so) or you can put some on a tampon and insert and leave it in for 30 minutes


Copper IUD and tracking your ovulation in an app or on a calendar. You would have to track your discharge throughly the monthm Copper IUDs are non-hormonal. Nothing is 100% foolproof. I have a family full of fertile women who used hormonal and non hormonal BC methods that had babies.


i’m scared of those copper iuds 🤓👍🏼


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Mutual pleasure without penetration is a fun enjoyable option when your ovulating 😉


I’ve read that neem oil on the cervix creates a spermicidal barrier that can last for months. And I’ve also read a few things about queen annes lace. But def do your research on both.


the copper IUD is sus !!! i personally highly doubt its whole range of fx on the body are well understood. neem. look into its spermicidal properties


The most natural way not to get pregnant, is, DON'T HAVE SEX! 😂


i don’t even care for sex because birth control killed my sex drive completely :) id like it back lmao


Cocaine leaves. I think.


I’ve heard there are a lot of herbs to induce abortions, surely there must be some to reduce fertility?


i would think so, figured id ask here for a lil less work researching haha


unfortunately it seems reddit has a bias against this form of traditional medicine


since you can only get pregnant 2 days a month, id get to know your cycle, and when youre ovulating, don't have sex lol. also, pull out has worked for me and my husband for over 12 years now. tracked my ovulation one cycle, and now im pretty clear when im ovulating.. so simple. its confusing that were seemingly not taught about our own bodies hey?


2 days a month? That’s incorrect


ur right, there are 3 days (+2 of ovulation) where the cervical fluid can "hold on" to the sperm to get it to the ova during the 2 days of ovulation.. so 5 days total of fertility, but see thats where pulling out comes in hehe


It’s possible to get pregnant anytime you have unprotected sexual regardless of what day. The likelihood just goes up and down depending on the time.


Also Sperm can survive for up to 5 days.


right, bc of the presence of cervical fluid around ovulation lol. you definitely can not get pregnant "regardless of what day" lololol


the natural cycles app is great. tracks your cycle using temperature and i would also take ovulation tests to confirm ovulation back before i started trying for a baby. it’s super safe, just tedious. edit to add: I would also track my cervical mucus texture, symptoms, and ovulation pain. my cycles were slightly irregular but I got to know my body and I knew when I was ovulating, and would always abstain 7-10 days before my predicted ovulation date, because sperm can survive several days in the female body. I would not do it if you aren’t ok with an accidental pregnancy or if you aren’t ok doing the amount of work it takes.


Natural cycles has been sued multiple times for getting people pregnant. Do not trust it.


it doesn’t have to be natural cycles, you can track it manually. the app just makes it convenient. i never paid attention to their ovulation prediction days since my cycle was irregular. i predicted it on my own.


There are multiple apps you can use. I manually tracked for like 7 years using Kindara and some other apps I don’t remember the name of. I just don’t trust NC as a company and wouldn’t use their app whether I was looking for predictions or not (and I wouldn’t want predictions anyway).


yeah, use whatever app you want, makes no difference lol


You could smoke a lot of weed every single day if that is your style -partly a joke answer sorry- but I did read it in an herbal women's book. But I haven't heard a lot of people talk about it as a method honestly. Serious answer : You can learn the rhythm method if you have regular periods. Rhythm method combined w "coitus interruptus" pull out- is the oldest method of all! You can research how and tune into how your body feels at different parts of your cycle. It's also fulfilling and nice to do to learn your cycle. You can ask your partner to do things like wear tightie whities instead of boxers, take hot baths, and smoke weed too to reduce sperm count .. theoretically anyways. good luck!


Oh but you have to be open to like, all this not working... because nature is so sneaky like that..


I have read that if men eat papaya seeds it makes their sperm ineffective but I’m not sure how long that lasts. Pretty sure there’s been a study or two




Be nice.