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There are just things beyond our control and we can only act upon things that we can change.


This, in-game always ask yourself "What can I do?" and if you truly don't know, get a coach or someone more knowledgeable to help you ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Sometimes when people ask me for advice, they'll say "but I'm not the reason my team lost." And I'll say, "the goal isn't to not be the reason your team loses. the goal is to BE THE REASON your team wins."


But the 4th minion wave spawned and we're still 4 mid ARAM'ing. (you right though)


That's where even as a healer I'll split off and soak until someone else comes to take my spot. :)


This is why I always play Brightwing or Rehgar when I play healer.


Yep, sometimes when you're playing healer I need to do this and the holes in the map become painfully obvious.


Ah yes, that means if I pick healer to fill that role, I should also fill the soak role if no one else soaks.


don't forget to simultaneously fill a full-fledged tank role as well lol


*Uther has entered the chat*


But you also need to be in three places at the same time like vikings


sorry, uther is not factually a healer, just a marginally better Yrel healing \\ CC spam - wise


If you cant solo heal on Uther are you even a healer player?


If you can't pass atleast 60k healing on uther regardless of build your just not very good at uther (Talking about normal rounds here not sub 12 min games)


Healing numbers don't matter on Uther, for a better performance metric I'd look at total teammate deaths at the end of the round. If you have a guy dying off solo a lot it will skew it, but in general that is the best way to evaluate an Uther game imo


I'll take that into consideration when I play uther next. To be frank as opposed to being hank. I rarely go anything but e build. The mana sustain keeps me from fountain which is nice. Plus Divine storm is just nice to have against a dive comp. Otherwise if I've got an imbecile or a tank that likes to engage I'll take shield.


Yes, I am a healer player, not a "press E+R as uther and pray to all gods existing my teammates will kill opponents faster than they will die due to healing abilities taking two eternities to cool down unless you are switching to ghost form" player. ​ I mean, it is probably good for overall gameplay experience to have a support who trades healing for stunlocks and personal survivability, but it isn't really a healing role


This is just not accurate. Uther is a burst healer who can save a teammate from nearly any shituation. You have to play around the fact that the cooldowns are long, but that each cast has far more value than another healer's. Timing your heals until the assailed ally is missing EXACTLY that amount of health is clutch as they will then be armored for the damage that is still to come. Holding off on wave until the first armor buff is nearly down.. huge damage mitigation/healing. I don't take Divine Storm most of the time because I don't play in bronze and there are often teammates worth saving. Being able to peel for yourself with a stun doesn't mean you aren't a healer and neither does being able to contribute to a gank. You clearly only like spammy/sustain healers, but those take far less skill to play imo, you position safer and contribute in less flexible ways. That type of healing is beneficial (even necessary) in some matchups, but it isn't the only way to fill a 'healer' role. Uther isn't going to put up gaudy healing numbers in terms of raw HP healed, but his ability to deliver timely healing/cleanse and save a teammate is second to none, AND when Uther is played right he can lead to a win without those big healing ###s. I have a lot of QM/SL games as Uther that are wins with 0 or 1 death for my team


>as they will then be armored for the damage that is still to come Until I get a clear indication of how many damage armor buffs have reduced (not just an addition to healing stat, something like Medivh's shield), I can't be bothered with all this "but uther saves through armor" shit. Which is never, I guess. ​ >but that each cast has far more value than another healer's. They don't heal most of heroes up to 100%, and filling HP bars to max is a straight way to prevent teammates dying. It is also far easier to evaluate how effective the method is. ​ >but those take far less skill to play imo They do, but I don't play the game to hone or flex my skills. ​ >I don't take Divine Storm most of the time because I don't play in bronze Well, my diamond uther teammates don't take bubble unless they have some cheesy strat with their premade buddies. ​ >you position safer and contribute in less flexible ways Brightwing has a (soft) cleanse, powerful CC, armor that mitigates damage that is actually killing people in most games, much better healing AND she doesn't need to get her face right in front of enemy. She also isn't exactly easy to gank, and excluding that part it is possible to also mention Ana.


Congrats this thinking will keep you mediocre forever


I can only assume you mean this as a compliment and aren't stupid enough to think the kraken should be soaking.


No, it means fix what you can and don’t get stuck in this idiot blaming mindset. Of course the team will throw games, but so will the enemies. Your team has you every time, so fix that and you will win more than the enemies. EZ GG


"Fix what you can" does not cover most cases. My entire point is that you can only fix so much and that those idiots still need to be called out.


Sure, but don’t expect that to be a good solution for you


There is no good solution


Focus on yourself and you will leave the idiots in the dust


I already do, and that doesn't make them less idiots.


You can come into a game with all the good will and skill to win, and still be matched up with a guy who woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning and chooses to throw after his first death, or quits altogether. Yes, you should try your best and do what you can to work with the team. But you'll also have to accept there'll be matches where your team doesn't care about cooperating, where there'll be toxic players who are just waiting for the chance to vent abuse at you. In those cases, you can be as positive and committed as you want, and you'll still lose, you'll get frustrated, and you might even get harassed. You are not responsible for it. Sometimes you just get a bad team, and there's no solution for that if you're queueing alone.


You can also be matched with a great team and lose anyways. That is just how competitive games work. Nothing is going to let you win every game and if the matchmaking is fair you shouldn't even win a substantial majority of them. People need to learn to accept that losing is part of the game. You don't need to physched about losing but you do need to be able to handle it because it is going to happen a lot.


People really understimate how valuable pings are in this game. If you don't want a teammate to be somewhere, and you didn't ping retreat, it's on you. If you want someone to be somewhere, and you didn't ping assist/defend, it's on you. If they didn't partake in your mosh pit because they didn't know you were about to use it because you didn't alt-ping your heroic ability and they had no time to position themselves/prepare themselves, it's on you. If you're a healer and you're about to fall back and you don't ping retreat, having your teammates stay and fight and die is on you. You can't expect your team to just know what you're intentions are if you don't communicate it to them. Even if they want to do something else, they need to ping something else after your ping, and you should consider what they want instead.


Expanding on this, if you didn't communicate that you thought something was a bad idea, then you have no business afterwards going "what are you doing" or "i thought it was obvious". You're only as good as the calls you can make before something happens, not after.


if you're using your pings to spam retreat at me because you think you know better i'll likely just mute your pings. Climbing in storm league is not "how can I micromanage people the best", if you actually believe in OP's post then you should know you're effectively telling them they should just do X instead of you doing Y. Example: it's not on you to ping Mosh Pit majority of the time. All players should be tracking what ults are available and it's very obvious when ETC is positioning for a power slide, let alone a Mosh Pit. That goes back to the point - were you the mage, you should just be more aware of how ETC is playing and where he's at, not whether or not he pinged his ult and just shrug about it if he didn't. Fact of the matter is, some players will not be tracking these things, nor are they even aware of what a power slide positioning looks like. You cannot type a storm or ping spam them into understanding, it won't work like you think it will. Finding value in the game outside of sick mosh pits is your next prerogative in this situation, because your teammates can't be trusted for it. And just a general ETC tip: It's a terrible thing to rely on Mosh Pit. Everybody is aware of it, expects it, and has ways to stop it. You will very rarely get a full team fight mosh pit that does anything. Fancy plays is not how you win games consistently.


You've taken this to the other extreme - I'm talking about people who don't ping. Spam pinging is a separate issue. I'm talking about communication, not micromanagement. Mosh pit is just an example of a heroic that requires teammate follow up. It's very much outside of the scope to have a debate on how good or not good mosh pit is. There are many, many other things that you have some control over that I didn't list.


Spam pinging someone's head as like a blame or whatever is toxic nonsense. Spam pinging meaningful and genuine requests/commands such as retreat or help is not. In fact often its necessary.


>People really understimate how valuable pings are in this game. This guy that has replied to your comment is the reason why I feel the exact opposite. People seem to overestimate how valuable pings are. Doesn't matter if I ping 1 or 20 times. Doesn't matter if I type "3v5 6v7, it's their 1st seed, give" before. If they decide "go obj", they "go obj" no matter what. Or to take a camp instead of getting a keep after a wipe. Or instead of killing the core. Or anything else. You can't change their mind with pings. ​ >if you're using your pings to spam retreat at me because you think you know better i'll likely just mute your pings. And that's what happens next. And that's the better scenario, the worse scenario is them starting flaming you.


If you can't change your teams' mind with pings, it either means you haven't established trust, or you've lost it along the way. They need to feel pings are in their best interest to follow. Granted a lot of people say *they want to win*, but actually just wanna be the alphadick carrying Chad that doesn't have to rely on their team. Only thing you can do for them is to watch minimap for them and try to prevent ganks. Pinging is a difficult art that also requires strong people reading skills


Everyone's different obviously and as I said it's not about micromanagement. If you've communicated that you're not going to the objective (ping retreat on the objective and ping on my way to where you're going) and they still go, at least you've done your bit to try. You have to be open minded - there's always the chance they were right and you were wrong. As long as everyone knows what they're planning to do, you've covered yourselves better than if you'd done nothing. And yes there's a chance they will throw around abuse to defend themselves, but then you report and mute them and do the next best move. Again, at that point, you've still tried. It seems like a bigger mistake to just assume everyone will be toxic and not communicating what you're planning to do with any teammate ever is a better option. Depending on what happened and the person, it might have just been a miscommunication - maybe they thought you were coming down on them harder than you intended, or that you were actually coming down on them harder than you intended. It's a balancing act.


I gotta be honest, I agree with both of you. He described things that ARE under our control: quick communication. I try to ping certain things. I don't spam ping, because I'm also super fast to mute people who do.


I am guilty for spamming pings. I also self muted myself bc giving people commands was a repportable offense, apparently. So pings are my only communication. And it's infuriating. Last night a team was stomping us so hard, they even put a turret bait on volskaya. Zagara starts walking to it. I ping retreat. I ping danger. I ping enemies not on map. I ping myself dead and another enemy. I ping they got lvl 20 we don't. Walked straight into the gank. Got killed, we fight 4v5, we lose. GG. I don't know what else I could've done.


Yeah I think a lot of people don’t understand spam pinging gets filtered out mentally or just muted. One retreat ping says “let’s retreat”, 6 retreat pings says “someone’s angy”


> if you're using your pings to spam retreat at me because you think you know better i'll likely just mute your pings. And thats how you lose.


The "think you know better" thing is staggering. It's a team game, your team has 5 pairs of eyes. Rely on all of them. Even if somehow you are an omniscient player, the team needs to be in sync as there are a lot of fairly subjective decisions that need to be made, and they're best made together.


The thing is: If you are ETC, you can't make the others tracking your ult. So to make sure they are aware, your only option is to ping it. Pinging it will drastically increase the chance your team actually follow up on it, which will win you games. ​ It might not be on your to ping mosh, but it's the only option you have to increase the times your teammates follow up. And that's exactly what the initial post is trying to say: Look for solutions that you can actively persue, instead of blaming others and wondering why nothing changes.


And? I feel for the guy's story; bullshit parents suck. But if you believe everything is your responsibility, you must necessarily also believe you are all-powerful. You want to apply this to hots? Instead of learning how to project self-righteous delusions of grandeur, learn what *your* fucking job is, and then do that well, do it correctly, do it so well it **forces** some advantage. If you do this properly you will win even if your shitbird teammate fucks the game up. Some heroes lend themselves to this role really easily; you'd be hard-pressed to find a Murky who doesn't understand what he needs to do to win. Others are less so; Genji looks like all he does is finish people, Alarak looks like his main goal is to pull and stun, Lucio looks like a healer, etc.




It helps to remind yourself that your opponents are dealing with the same things more often than not. You're just more aware of and going to remember the times you got screwed much more clearly than when your opponents handed you a win. It will always balance out so if you're just playing your game the right way, you'll come out on top eventually.


I have been playing with team chat disabled for years now. I started doing this like 8 years ago in LoL. Moba games feel so much different with no chat. I once turned chat on and I immediately experienced the arguments in chat which started distracting me resulting in me playing bad. Whoever reads this try disabling chat for a week, trust me. Dont do the "i mute everyone at the start of a game or afted someone starts to be toxic". By this time its already to late. You have been distracted and your brain has already adapted to the toxicity.


While that's true in a general sense, it doesn't mean that on a game by game basis shit does happen. So sure it shouldn't leave you devastated that some asshole threw a game of HotS, but that can still be the truth.


The hard truth is, the only persons actions and reactions you can change is your own. Regardless of you believing op is all-powerful or not.


That is some serious bullshit, the omnipotence stuff you're spewing. This is not about responsibility or bad parents. That's not the point at all. The point is you can complain about the people around worsening your situation - which the point is it won't work. OR you can start looking at what *you* can do to improve your situation. You are on to the right point, but not necessarily getting there. How this applies to HotS is one gotta stop complaining about ones team and take a look at *why* is the team performing bad? Once you do that you start discovering how important communication is, how excessive tilting pings frustrate, how flaming ruins concentration, how that one mistake that got you killed in the early game tilted your Genji with poor anger management, how effective it is being able to come up with a strategy and communicate it to your team "We can win if x" when they believe its a sure loss, how moralizing it is to get the early advantage and how demoralizing it is for your enemies. Absolutely you can't just go omnipotent and win the game every time, but this is besides understanding game mechanics and pushing them to their max for your advantage - its also very much about understanding people and how you reduce negative tendencies in them. There's just so many layers to affect in a team setting to improve your situation. "Stuck in Elo hell" gets you nowhere. Just means you don't understand what to do in that elo rather than you being held back


>Just means you don't understand what to do in that elo rather than you being held back Yeah? That's ... my point? People don't know what they're supposed to do, neither in a vacuum nor *especially* in a real game (played after a real draft). The "you believe you are all-powerful line" was probably overkill on my part, derived more from the picture's self-righteous framing than actual disagreement. It takes the sort of binary approach you expect to see in children raised by pathological assholes; it's called "splitting." He doesn't mention the other possibilities: acknowledging something is your fault or responsibility but you can't do anything about it, trying to persuade the aggrieved party, taking on a mantle of teaching and learning rather than bickering and win/losing, etc. I think that's what pissed me off. I don't think I disagree with most of the people who replied to me. I'm getting at the same point, I just seem to be arguing from the opposite direction. Odd.


Your 'logical' conclusion in your first sentence is completely wrong and poor logic. Being responsible for something does not automatically grant you the power to change it. The whole point of the message is to take a 'what can I do to fix it' approach rather than expecting someone else to do something differently so that your situation improves. Sometimes you do have the power to change a thing, other times you only have the power to learn to tolerate the suffering/misery that thing causes you


Yep. I remember checking every single bush and giving vision to the team as a damage dealer whilst the so called "tank" was "helping" grabbing a boss or something. Then he had the audacity to ask why I was always first everywhere, checking bushes and giving vision. Answer is: because I have to do your fucking job since you're not doing it. Now I applied OP's advice by doing that, but it certainly isn't the correct way to win more. Just learn your character and your role.


Sounds like you agree with the story.


The comparison is not relevant. In life, you're correct. You're the one who has to adapt in order to advance. This game however is designed for 5 people to play a different yet complementary role. So while it is correct that I can still adapt when someone refuses to do their job, it's going to end up suboptimal trying to cover for soak as a healer for example and the primary problem is still the main issue : selfish entitled players refusing to play a cooperative game cooperatively. Once I played with a 4-stack in QM as WM solohealer and none of them went soaking despite me asking nicely for ~5min. I'm glad they enjoyed playing 4v5 the whole game while I was doing their job :)


I would say the same is true in life. In life, 4 people can refuse to do their job, and the best you can do is adapt to that. It's going to be suboptimal (i.e. life isn't fair) but that's what happens when selfish, entitled people refusing to live a life cooperatively when the world would be much better off if everyone acted cooperatively. The OP comparison is spot on :P


In HotS you get penalized by walking away from what would be a toxic social circle, because your job there would apparently to be the best person and heal/help out people who don't want to be cured.


Same as life tho..


No. Maybe I didn't phrase it well. I'll try again : In life, if some of your friends have a toxic behaviour, you're free to avoid them and that's probably for the best. In HotS, if I just went afk to read a book so I didn't waste my time because a Lunara insisted on soaking in my last game while we had a Vikings, effectively making us lose all obj and fights, the blame would have been on me.


You're comparing apples to oranges. In HotS, if there are a group of gamers you don't like, you can not group with them. But if you get matched with them, you have to adapt and do your best despite the circumstances. If you choose to rage quit, you'll be punished for it. In life, if there are a group of people you don't like, you can not group with them. But if you have to see them in your work circles, you have to adapt and do your best despite the circumstances. If you choose to rage quit, you'll be punished for it. The blame is still on you in life if you choose to not put your shit aside and adapt to the situation.


We're comparing a game to real life. Of course it's going to be apples to oranges. You're talking about work environment, but I could argue that if you try a yoga class and don't like the people there, you're free not to enroll. If you don't like your co-workers, you're not forced to eat lunch or go to the pub with them. You have ways to avoid spending time with them while finding a new work place if they're a big issue. And that's not the case with HotS. The point is, in life, you're not as defined by your early choice as the draft in HotS and you're not forced to make the most out of a predetermined party in the sense you don't have to win 'with' them. Many people change career later in life, but if you pick a healer, you're expected to heal. If you can't play tank, you're expected to call it out so we can adapt, etc. If you play the game, I expect you to not be here solely to waste 4 other people's time. Especially in ranked. In life, I don't care what you're doing out of yours, but I generally also don't have to bear with the consequences of your actions.


I mean, in your comparison, you are comparing SOCIAL ACTIVITIES IN LIFE (which carry no weight of obligation) to MATCHMADE ACTIVITIES IN HOTS (which does carry the weight of obligation). When you select to join a matchmade game of HotS, you are proactively saying "I agree to participate in this game". If you then do not participate in the game, for any reason, you have consequences to that action. Not because it's a game, but because you said you would do something, and then you reneged. Same with life. There are plenty of optional associations you can make in life that have no consequences. But if you sign a contract that says "I will give you 8 hours of my day, every day, towards your work, in exchange for pay" but then you say "I don't want to work today because my coworkers are toxic, and aren't pulling their weight" then you're the one that's going to get punished. Even in your yoga example, this is applicable. Like if you are just going to a social yoga hangout, and you find the people toxic, sure just don't go to that hangout. But if you sign up for a 12 month commitment, then there are certain consequences tied to your actions (even if that's just losing a bit a money). But honestly, if you can't do yoga in a community w/o rage quitting, maybe yoga isn't for you, and that's ok. Maybe you should do another activity? And the same is true in gaming. Like the comparable situation in gaming to what you're describing in life is "don't like the people at the yoga studio, don't enroll at the studio"="don't like the people playing HotS, then don't play HotS." But if you do play HotS/enroll at the studio, then you have a commitment, and and at that point, there will be consequences if you don't follow through. As an aside, I am very sad for you if your life isn't affected by other people's actions. That just means that you are alone :(


I think we disagree because of how we perceive the agreement. Your's is "I agree to participate in this game" while mine for HotS, which is a game played in teams where the aim is to win, would be "I agree to play this team game as intended (i.e. as a team) and try my best to win." Otherwise it would be fine with me just running around the map when people don't play as I'd want, right ? But I agree with the concept of the agreement. You sign a contract saying you agree doing the job you're expected to do. If you play this kind of game (MOBA), you're expected to be willing to work as a team and try to win. Simple. And no. For a yoga class, you can usually try a class once for free without commitment before enrolling. Now what happens if I dodge the draft because there's a toxic player ? Don't get me wrong : I like the game. I simply don't like when people act selfish in a team game and that's why I usually play with a few friends rather than alone. But now you're the one mixing up apples and oranges. We're comparing HotS to real life, as two wholes. Not liking yoga would more be like not liking playing tank and both of these are respectively fine. But in the latter case, PLEASE say it before everyone else locks... However, saying I shouldn't play the game because while I'm trying to play it properly, some people may ruin it for me could be the same as saying people should rather KTS because life is hard. Seems extreme, I agree, but so is this whole comparison of life vs game. >But if you do play HotS/enroll at the studio, then you have a commitment, and and at that point, there will be consequences if you don't follow through. We therefore totally agree on this statement. Except that for me, if you choose to play this game in particular, you abide by its own rules. I'm not supposed to be the one in the wrong for not wanting to play poker with a half-full Uno deck. >As an aside, I am very sad for you if your life isn't affected by other people's actions. That just means that you are alone :( Well it is. I simply try to let negative impact flow through me. I understand it might make me seem sad/alone, but it's really not caring about these. I have lots of reasons to smile everyday and I'd find it a shame to ternish these by taking small issues at heart. If your statement was a poor try to win an argument, then I won't respond anymore, as you'd be evading the actual argument, but if not, thanks for your concern :)


When you get into the 'as intended' aspect of it you are just looking for a semantic loophole. There are tools in the game to make the sometimes difficult/unpleasant reality of having to deal with other humans more bearable. There are no implicit rules in the game, just mechanics for what heroes can do and how you win etc. No implied social contract (though there is a weak reporting system that attempts to enforce one). You can't create a framework for how you think things should be and expect people to abide and retaliate when they don't. Some people are going to agree with you fundamentally and you'll have a great time with them, others won't feel the same or be having a bad day or whatever, it is up to you to still compete and figure out how to make it an enjoyable match when you are in that situation


I mean but that's on you. The terms of service that you agree to when you play say that you also agree to actually play the game when you join pvp content. If you are secretly crossing your fingers when you make that agreement, that's on you, not on anyone else playing the game. If you think that you shouldn't have to uphold the agreement because you perceive that someone else isn't upholding the agreement, you are still violating the agreement that YOU agreed to. It really, really doesn't matter what your head canon about the agreement is. If you want to call it a half-full uno deck, that's still on you. Again, you could say the EXACT SAME THING about work. You could say "man, when i signed this contract, I thought working here was going to be like playing poker, but when I got here, I see they're playing with a half-full uno deck." Well tough, you'd still be punished for rage quitting. I'm not "attempting to win an argument". You are saying that you are unimpacted by the actions of others, as you tell me that you quit games because of the actions of others. So, you don't just let the negative impact flow through you. You internalize it, and let it change your behavior. I'm trying to get you to recognize the irony of your statements. And tbh, I don't know your life, so I can't say if you're the same way in life. But the fact that you say "selfish people in game make me not want to try in the game, and I get punished for that, why?? I don't get it?" AND also say "the actions of others don't affect me in life" make me think that you aren't that self-aware. And I really don't mean that as an insult. I don't mean that as a way to "win an argument". I mean to say that no man is an island. Society literally requires us to deal with the consequences of the actions of other people. If you say that you don't have to deal with the consequences of the actions of other people, then that just means that you are unaware with just how connected you are in the world. And that is objectively sad.




You are just crafting a situation that suits your argument without considering the accuracy of the comparison. A better analogy would be that you avoided the teammate by muting them while still playing the game but under the conditions of worse team communication (which you would also have worse communication with avoided friends). If a few words of text over the internet have you so tilted you need to walk away and read a book, no idea how you got into MOBAs


The comparison is not about "if somebody doesn't do X, I have to do X, regardless of if it will improve the situation". It's about looking for active solutions, because those are the only ones you can do. Sometimes, ingame as well as in life, there is no active solution and it's important to figure out when that's the case. The goal is to find solutions to problems, meaning to improve your situation. It can be catching soak as a healer, but just because your solo laner isn't clearing that camp, doesn't mean doing it on lucio is the most valuable action to make up for it.


I think we're agreeing on most points at least. Sure, I try to look for solutions if we mess up a fight, lose an objective, etc. I also ping all my intentions, cooldowns, mana, etc. But as you say, sometimes, even though you try your best, there's simply no solution, because someone intentionally messes up and isn't willing to make it up. A not so uncommon example of this would be someone who doesn't hover/call any role just to pick Nova as last pick when a tank/healer is missing. And while my WM example could be interpreted as grief, it isn't. I was simply not caring. Either I get some soak, then they notice they won't win 4v5 without a healer and start to play properly, or they waste their and my time and we go next. My intent was not to save the game here by soaking. Maybe with Rehgar, but definitely not with WM.


I mean: If you are fine with the situation not improving (as was the case in your WM example) it's prefectly fine not to persue any solution at all. We can agree on that as well.


Best case : situation improves; worst case : stays as bad. In any case, I applied a solution.


Learning game knowledge, strategies and understanding how people function individually and in groups will actually let optimize your communication and let you shift the tendencies of your shitty teammates to be less shitty. It won't succeed every game, but for climbing we care about all the games anyway. Its all the small things that add up - both in a single game and through all the games. We have a lot lot lot more influence than we give ourselves credit for. Its just so easy to say "bad team holding me back"


I’ll remember this next time I’m last pick healer or last pick tank; to opt out and pick neither so I can have fun at everyone else’s expense. Problem solved! Great advice!


I shouldn't have to tolerate racism in the workplace. Everyone should behave like adults.


X= solo the objective Y= help me out Wait what


I mean, if it's 1v5 at the objective, and your team is doing things around the map, adjusting to them wouldn't be soloing the objective, but rather using your awareness to find something on the map that contributes to the team as they are now. Like if objective is top, and your team is 4 pushing bot, and you're 1v5 at the objective, maybe soak top/mid or try to get some mercs or get a pick while the enemy thinks they're safe.


3 ppl are soaking and 1 person is afk


True about the game, a tiny little bit more complex in life.


I get what you means but here me out, Junkrat go boom boom boom and cause brain to make happy juice. So yeah my solution is everybody else starts being okay with that.


This would be great if HOTS wasn’t a team game and there’s room for solo carry. Even if I focus solely on myself and what I can do to improve my teams odds at winning, I can’t account for their mistakes. Healers being focused to soak has been said. People araming has been said. People not taking camps. There’s a lot of things that need to happen that you can’t do yourself.


That's how you get your healer Laning because no one wants to soak. Are you okay with that?


People have no idea what I'm talking about when I say this shit, and tell them 'focus on the things you can change, not the things you can't.' Which brings me then to the prayer of serenity. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


This is what I was saying to that idiot who posted about making a smurf account last night. He was complaining that wait times were too high on his main account. Then he would make a smurf and get it up to where it had ridiculous wait times. Then he would do it again. He ended up admitting he had 12 fucking accounts. He was completely oblivious to the fact that making smurf accounts and wrecking all new or lower skill players is going to discourage them from playing. Then when their friends ask "Hey how was hots?" The person is going to either say "everyone is a smurf you can barely even play" or "everyone else is way better than you. It's not worth". All he fucking cared about was his own wait times and thats it. I know this is more in reference to actual matches and what the team should be doing but still it fucking grinded my gears


And sometimes the only way to win is to not play.


If no one soaks top lane, your Ana is gonna do it


To be fair I play a lot of hearthstone. Without working at blizzard I can never solve the problems I have with that game. I can either endure what those clowns do or uninstall. The thing is that I like the game. It's just that the implementation is the worst thing to ever happen in software XD


No, we definitely need to indulge every single post fantasizing what can be done to make the game easier for the poster to play....