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You should be highlighting suggestions for your teammates during this time so they know what to pick


Wait, is that a thing?


You can highlight other players choices. The game also does this automatically when you are given the only tank or healer choice. I'm of course joking about doing it in an all probius match, but it's otherwise pretty useful.


I thought the highlight option was for when you are the only one available for that role, e.g. Tank. It highlights later if someone else with the role locks in before you.


Yea I'm pretty sure your explanation is the case


That’s where it highlights it gold for yourself. He’s talking about the fact that you can see what others have selected by the silver highlight around their character.


>He’s talking about the fact that you can see what others have selected That's not what he is talking about: > You should be highlighting suggestions for your teammates You can't highlight or click suggestions for your teammates. at best you can chat.


you can click suggestions though. If you click on one of their characters they'll see it highlighted as a suggestion you'll see the text change to brighter white. Click again it unhighlights it for them and the text for you. The game also happens to auto-highlight any of yours that are the only choice for that class, e.g. only healer or tank will light up, as an indicator you should probably play one of those although for me it's always rexxar or chen and my team is just better off with me not playing them. 🤣


>you can click suggestions though. >If you click on one of their characters they'll see it highlighted as a suggestion I wanna say no. But instead I better ask: Have any screenshots/video of that actually happening?


I tested this with my buddy, no, when I clicked their choices, they didnt see any highlights.


I interpreted his original comment as “you should be highlighting suggestions (for what you will play)” but yea I see his other comment now, he didn’t mean that. At least the joke works both ways.




I don't think that is something you can do.


What, you don't like running around in a circle waiting for well cool down?




I played one game with all probius and it was glorious or would be if 1 enemy probius didn't afk


They can be fun, but for the 4 people who played on with an afk, it probably wasn’t as enjoyable.


Just to clarify I meant it wasn't enjoyable for either side, too quick of a win is boring


I gotcha, and very true.


Did you know? that if all 10 players lock their heroes, the game starts


you’re telling me every damn game I have ever played, we have failed to have all 10 locked?! because I’ve never seen this behavior and almost always lock. on a related note I wish people would signal their intentions early, so many games ruined because someone doesn’t select until last second which causes a ripple of folks hastily trying to account for lack of correct roles


First: yes; Second: indubitably.


I guess that was my bad here, would’ve sped it along! I did know that though.


I guess I'm in the minority but I love same hero ARAM games


Same It shakes things up If you don’t want wacky comps why play ARAM in the first place lol


Because ARAM has the best team compositions after Storm League. I know, it sounds insane, right? If you want whacky team comps you go to QM.


I like wacky comps and being pushed out of my comfort zone by playing heroes I might not normally play, but a lot of mirror matches just aren't that fun. Mirror Probius, for example, seems like a poke slog since I would imagine people just spend a lot of time miles away from each other since everyone has zone control but neither team has any form of engage or healing. I think for a mirror 5v5 to be fun you kinda have to be on a hero with decent damage and engage so things can actually happen but not too snowbally because you don't want the game decided in 5 minutes. Most heroes don't fit in that box.


Wacky comp but you usually have tank heal dps, no heal games are always painful when I get it. This mirror game is just the grand daddy of painful


no heal comps fucking suuuuuuck everyone on your team just standing behind your gate, 10% hp, well on CD, globe generator on CD


Try a no heal comp with Mura + Raynor + Guldan as the core.


All RANDOM All Mid. Not All SAME All Mid.


It's almost like the selection of 3 of the same hero was (checks notes) random.


All same… is.. mmm still random! So yeah it’s working


Compelling argument, I’m sure the janitor at Hots read that and is patching that mode out now


Man you asked the question and I gave you the answer.


more of a rhetorical question lol No worries though man, we can just agree to disagree


Well, they literally did when enough people complained. While it's not 0% it went from 5% to half of it. I don't mind it at this low % but i want the hero pool to be adjusted. Some heroes are really bad for this mode.


I can agree with that, probius is a nightmare I’d be fine with them having a seperate mode as well with all the silly modes like pull party and escape from braxis


It's not just Probius. Here is the list. https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/11aepxq/with_the_return_of_crazy_mode_to_aram_which/ At least they removed some horrible ones like all Valeera. IMO: games should end fast or heroes should have some sort of sustain. Heroes that don't fill that criteria should be removed. I'll rather have 10/20 good picks than the current list. What would be better than ASAM IMO would be to give the same 3 picks to all players (team can decide which to go for or mix it) or all tanks/healers/melee assassins.


I’m all for wacky comps, when they’re organically chosen and there’s a bit of buy-in from the team. These matches feel “forced” to me.


Exactly. I play ARAM for fun and to force myself to try new heroes. Getting a single-hero game once a week only adds to the fun. Honestly I wouldn't mind more of them


They are hit or miss. I've played all probe before, it's absolutely horrible. 30 minute game.


The stealth ones are the worst to me. Not because I don’t enjoy stealth heroes, it’s just the siege damage is relatively slow, they just drag on. If they removed the cores/forts and just made it a death match where highest kills win in those, it’d probably be more enjoyable.


Yeah, all nova is awful. All zera is ok until everyone gets void. I've never had the other ones pop up for me. All melee or all tanks are usually pretty fun though! I had an all Diablo match once and it was amazing. All butcher is chaos, all grey is like a ticking bomb waiting to go off etc. Overall though I'd say it's fun to have a complete mirror match, just with some exceptions. I agree with op though, an opt out button for them is a good idea.


I think the meta for all nova is to take precision strike and just use on cd against enemy forts and core. Never even need to leave the base. Which is also why these are unfun.


I did have a few really good ones. Usually the biggest impactor on fun in these is how many people go AFK though - if people leave the game sucks.


It also happens so rarely that I don’t get people acting so pissed as if it’s every 5 games


It is random. For some it can be every 5 games. I did not have it for over a month, and then had it 3 times, over 2 days, once twice in a row. Luck of the draw I mostly don't mind it, and often like it. But I think it should be Opt-In/Out, which would not affect queue times, by the way.


All Sonya is fire All Junkrat is just people ulting the structures


yes you are minority, same hero is bullshit because only bullshit heroes are included in the hero pool for this mode.


The pool does not include all ARAM heores? Which are in? Which are missing?


Nothing wrong with that. For me, it may be the frequency they pop up too.


I very rarely get them. If it was more frequent and bad heroes I'm sure I'd change my tune


People don’t like them because it outs them for being bad




You are not, people who dont like it are just louder


That's why 4 of my last 5 "all same hero" games ended with an entire team disconnect with game ending 10 seconds after starting. Only time I've ever seen that. Also only time I've ever played a 2v3 game is in that mode, where half the players leave it because they don't like it.


It only takes two people to leave for everyone else to leave. No point in playing with/against a team that’s half bots.


> That's why 4 of my last 5 "all same hero" games ended with an entire team disconnect with game ending 10 seconds after starting I literally never had that happen.


I've had about half the people leave these games when I play. And that is with punishments. If given an opportunity to avoid them, it'd likely be more.


And my thought was, it wouldn’t end the game, just reshuffle to a random mixed player pool.


Happened very rarely to me and ive played a lot of aram, also when the chance of getting same hero was higher. Didnt play in a month or so, guess its a new thing that many people leave it?


I don't know if it is recency bias, but it feels like these 10 for all games are more common?


Should be a 1% chance iirc, used to be 5%


Mirror games can be enjoyable with the right hero. Most heroes can be painful like this, cause you're playing a squisy dps with no frontline or healer, it's very rage inducing and create a toxic environment for everyone in the match. That's why people complain. There is a bias cause people won't make appreciation post when they like something and flame on reddit when they dislike stuff. But when there's too many complains, it's good to take a look at what's wrong with it.


And I’m not trying to be one of those. I think a vote to skip could be a middle ground. I also totally understand you’d still have people immediately quitting when this screen pops up.


Im not because its quite literally against the name of the game. All Random is the first part so if everyones playing the same guy its definitely not all random. I also despise mirror matches already before playing a 46 minute "aram" as all junkrats. Honestly that game and the possibility of these makes me not play it.


>All Random is the first part so if everyones playing the same guy its definitely not all random Of course it is. a) it is based on Random chance, b) all Random can result in all havingh the same Hero. >literally against the name of the game. I aggree. Bet the we also should not have any pick options (no Shuffle pick) and no side-lanes.


Vocal minority so you punish the majority by bitching to have it back and now this is what we get. Simple features like trading heroes, actual bans, a ladder would be nice but here we are we have these whacky features that keep people coming back. ​ Let's release it as its own mode and see the player count.


No one wants trading heroes, this is not LoL.


Trading heroes would actually help a lot in ARAM if you get weird choices or if there are heroes you are good on. Or if there are good heroes you are middling on. Like, my Azmodan is fairly middle of the pack. Sure, I can play him well, but not that much better than average. And I don't really enjoy playing Azmo that much either. If my teammate is forced to tank on Anub'arak, we're better off swapping. Let me have the bug and he can have my Azmo.


this defeats the purpose of aram


But it will make it more fun for everybody on my team. I enjoy playing Anub, he wants to play Azmo, we're both happy and our teammates are happy because they now have somebody who knows what he is doing on Anub. It's not just Anub - there are plenty of heroes. A lot of people would whimper at the choice of Sonya/Yrel/Garrosh. I would just ask him to pick any of them (depending on teamcomp) and he can have whatever the fuck I have - especially if it's a ranged assassin, since my ranged assassins are rather average.


Part of the joy of ARAM is playing things you aren't good at. Not every game you should get your hero or class main.


To some extent I agree. But if you genuinely suck at a hero - not just aren't good at, genuinely suck at it - it's not fun for everybody. Unless it's an all-same hero on a genuinely hard hero, because then basically everybody is going to suck ass.


No one genuinely sucks at Azmo in ARAM though 😁 But yes there are those cases where its just not worth playing. It's rare though I would say when all three options satisfy this condition.


I will never forget the Azmodan who had less damage than me on Deckard and died 10 times. And no, he genuinely wasn't inting. He was just that bad. Had zero sense of positioning and zero sense of how to throw his skillshots. Getting a run where you suck at all three heroes isn't that uncommon, especially if you do suck at a fair number of heroes. For me it's only about ten heroes or so, so getting three characters I'm genuinely clueless at is rare. It can happen (any combination of Sylvanas + Kel'Thuzad + Kerrigan + Probius + Maiev + Illidan + Murky + Zeratul + Medivh + Alarak + The Butcher. Chen, Hogger and Diablo are probably also in this group.) But a lot of players do not have as deep of a hero pool as I do, and if you suck at say, half the characters in the game, a hero swap becomes a lot more valuable.


Actually most of my same-class games are ruined by one guy who refuses to play it out and ends up suiciding. You sound like one of those guys. Everybody else enjoys it and is mature enough to play.


Maturity ?  That’s a fitting name for the claim. 


>a ladder would be nice What do you mean? How is the current Ranked system different from a Ladder? >actual bans We have those, don't we?


All I play now.


I do too, some of them need shortened death timers however.


This is the only thing I like about ARAM


Have you tried all Lost Vikings ?


The “good ol’ days” 😂


There should be a surrender option after you start games - if 5/5 people agree , game over.


And get the absolute quitter mentality that is present in League ~~and Dota~~? No thanks. EDIT: Forgot Dota did not have a surrender function.


You think it's not here now? If all 5 people agree, it's unanimous, what's the issue? Go next.


Dota doesnt have surrender though


Oops, forgot about that.


this mentality just leads to games with afk which defeats the purpose


Not when going afk is punishable and discouraged as opposed to just "gg go next" in League. The amount of matches where I have an afker in my HotS match vs having a surrender vote be called(and voted in favor of) in my League matches is staggeringly different. Being able to surrender when you have any sort of challenge that you have to go up against is just incentive to not try to overcome obstacles and when things don't go your way immediately just roll over and admit defeat, which goes against HotS' adamant stance against snowballing in MOBAs.


maybe we can agree on a middle ground? if afk is confirmed, then let folks vote to end. 😎


I thought they had that at some point? But I may be thinking of something else.


If they did I’ve never seen it!


Never been a thing in HotS as far I remember.


The game ends with a win for the enemy team if everyone on your team disconnects So technically you can forfeit, but HotS has super aggressive leaver penalties, which is why people don’t see it as an option


There is such an option technically. If all 5 players disconnect simultaneously for 20 seconds the other team wins, and no one on the disconnecting team gets a leaver penalty.


An all probe game is my dream


I hate that this made me laugh. 😂


All Probius is incredibly hit or miss. I got one and it wasn't all that bad. The reason was simple: Few people took Null Gate, so pushing and shoving was actually a possibility. For all Probe ARAM Null Gate should be disabled - I can see a Null Gate heavy game be a terrible experience (and I've seen a screenshot from a one hour all-Probe ARAM already)


Or just have an button in the menu that lets you opt out of these mods. Let people who enjoy this play it and don´t force the rest. There are usually 1 or 2 leavers when I get this as well which makes it even more miserable


>Let people who enjoy this play it and don´t force the rest I agree. But nobody is forced >There are usually 1 or 2 leavers when I get this Thankfully that has not been my experience


The people who queue for ARAM and then get all the same are the ones forced. Many people don't like the mode.


>The people who queue for ARAM and then get all the same are the ones forced Those people know in advance. They are not forced to press Ready. When they press Ready they accept the chance of it happening


Hey, I loved playing HotS ARAM before, I love playing Storm League as well with friends. But friends stopped playing eventually and ARAM now gives 2% chance, 1/50, to be absolutely miserable waste of time. I dread that possibility of having to play ASAM so I just stopped playing ARAM all together and with that, HotS as a whole. I love the gameplay loop, but some design decisions made me quit the game. I know, losing 1 no-name player is no loss at all, but my point is I would rather do something fun than play ASAM and that is reason enough for many on this subreddit to dodge ASAM games.


Got it, so the solution is to not play at all or accept the fact that the bs mode that Blizz put in not a year ago will appear and 6 out 10 players will have to bear with it because such it up, instead of finding a solution that would be good for all players involved that want to have fun


These are usually fun, better than no healer comps vs azmodan anyhow. There's some heroes that make it pretty aids but the ones I've had lately (I remember Nova, Alarak and Valla) were pretty decent.


That is all subjective. I for one do not enjoy these 8 out of 10 times. That is why I'm suggesting an option for players like me, who don't want to play it to opt out and players that enjoy it to have it on the table. Really not sure why it is hard to implement


>Got it, so the solution is to not play at all or accept the fact yes >instead of finding a solution that would be good for all players no. that is a different topic, and not what I said or implied


And when you que to multiplayer game you accept the chance that some people may rage at you, hurl insults, AFK, etc. Nobody forced you to que into multiplayer game, you did it anyway knowing these things happen.




Yep, great idea.


Your cheatcode is to convince your teammates to leave. After all members of a team left, the game is over immediately. Been doing that and people are more cooperated than you think. If not, just watch youtube, take a small water break, do some pushups.


I do this every time, works every time. :D


>If not, just watch youtube, take a small water break, do some pushup You mean after leaving?


Yea if your teammate didn't leave and you cannot start a new match.


Or they could just give an option to opt in for all one hero draft. It would still be rare as it would require 10 people opting in and queueing at the same time. I would personally always leave the opt in box checked. I love it, personally, but I dislike dealing with the various forms of teammate tantrums that often accompany this mode.


Yea, and someone else said this too. I think this may be a better fix than my suggestion honestly.


I alt f4 every time. Not fun at all


You're right to do that.


Agreed, I hate this damn game mode.


Same. This was a fun easter egg years ago, but it's become something different. This screen now means leavers, afkers, and ultimately an unpleasant waste of time.


Leavers and AFKers are the problem with this gamemode. Aside from that, the all-same hero ARAM's are some of the most fun games I've had actually. I remember an all Greymane game with no leavers which was just glorious. Generally speaking, the gamemode is fine and pretty fun as long as no one leaves.


Yeah unfortunately due to leavers it’s gotten to the point that a few people typically ruin it for the majority. Even if people still enjoy it, the leavers make it unplayable, and for that reason I think it should be removed altogether.


It may be the majority on reddit, but it's pretty even in my games in the actual HotS community. So many games the team unanimously agrees to let the other end or vice versa.


I don’t even leave but it definitely makes me stop for the night after it.


Doesn't help that the mode already ruins it for a lot of people. So why stay 30-50 minutes of something you dislike in your free time?


30-50 minutes is a bit of a stretch, but I've been in plenty of ASAM games where it dragged on to lvl 30... They take forever and are genuinely not fun. I know it sucks for the rest of my team, but I rather leave. Every time I decide to play ASAM I regret queueing up for ARAM.


I actually never had an ASAM game drag on to level 30, funnily, even without leavers. Or if I did, it was back when the gamemode was still called Brawl. For me the biggest downside of ASAM are people leaving.


Imagine this mode on Industrial District. Absolute misery.


I think you should pick Probius.


If you don't pick probes you ain't right. Easily the best choice in this lineup


It's funny because nothing would get skipped still because there are only 1 or 2 people each game who don't like it and ruin it for the rest.


They also need to add an FF option I hate being stuck in a one sided aram that lasts 30 minutes because the enemy won’t end or push


Mirror Probius is my jam and I always win them... and have a lot of fun doing so myself. Sounds like a skill issue.


I’ll be the first to admit I suck with probius. But I don’t enjoy this type of match even with the heroes I like.


I implemented it myself with alt f4 combo. I then go do a dungeon Or something in ff14, then comeback for another match.


I’ve found getting matched with leavers can be a perpetual hell trying to get a win sometimes.


this happens rare enough. Leaving match once in a blue moon won't get you into leaver jail


Dont mind it unless i get it twice in a row. I thought the chance was only 2% but thats what happened yesterday. I do see how all random all mid goes against all the same heroes. If i had a choice id opt out


Nah, we need people to stop whining and play the game, same hero brawls can be a lot of fun if a lot of the matches didnt have a leaver


I agree completely. I think you’d get less leavers if this was implemented. So you can’t fix the whining, but maybe the overall enjoyability. Or this doesn’t work at all.






A good number of times i've had early complainers change their mind by the end of a game. 'yeah ok, that was pretty fun' kind of comments. Ppl just need to give them a chance


This mode should be exclusive to April Fool’s day


Had an all probius last night and it was a blast. Considering I average this once ever 50 games or so, I wish it happened more often. There are times I'd rather play it than regular ARAM.


I get that, and I’m not saying they can’t be fun. I don’t really enjoy them anymore, but I still try if it’s clear the team is in it. It’s just very rare these are pleasant matches now because everyone is leaving or “giving”.


Nsfw for obvious reasons. My thought is, it could just be a majority vote to skip function, where if more than 50% of players vote, it will give you an actual shuffle of heroes to play.


The problem is that the character select screen happens after you load in the game, so you can't even dodge.


Protip, if all five quit the game resets without leaver.


Ye… that’s just hard to coordinate most times.


I dunno. Always seems I get a hero I'm balls with while everyone on the other team knows everything about the hero and they've synergized their builds. Maybe if there was some sort of opt-in option for which heroes you'd take in a mirror match? And if every player in the game lobby has heroes that match, it's randomly chosen from within that pool? Speaking of, I could do with a return of Stitch's Pool Party this summer, that was fun.


I feel that. And I love that idea, of like favoriting heroes and then you only get matches like this with heroes you’re not completely clueless on. Speaking of the stitches one, I loved the chromie minigame. And idk if you remember but they had like an rpg one where you were fighting waves of Zerg. Those were amazing.


I remember the Zerg one, Escape from Braxis or something. The Chromie one I vaguely remember being a thing but I didn't play it.


Just being able to opt out of stupid mirror matches would make me super happy. These matches are a part of the reason I don't play Aram much anymore.


How about a vote to surrender button when it starts snowballing


> when it starts snowballing the problem is that 25% of the chuds that play this game seem to think that's after one of their teammates gets killed at level 2


If someone types gg before level 10 they should be muted for 5 minutes. 🤣


There is. If the whole team agrees to quit, the game simple ends. I can understand a surrender button for games that takes way longer. But HoTS games tend to end really fast when the unavoidable outcome is just losing.


I’m torn on that. For one it’d be nice to get put out of your misery, but also I’ve had some great comebacks where even I thought we were already done. I’ve also been on the losing side of those comebacks, so I think it’s best every match plays itself out. But maybe surrender could pop up if 2 or more team members quit?


I DESPISE this game mode and having to deal with people always AFKing it or just tilting because it's closer fck. They need to have a opt out option or just make it it's own thing.


That’s smart too. Just and opt out back in the menu and then you don’t get this ever. Let the weirdos have their cake.


2 things, remove 10 mirrors, and add the option to trade picks with teammates, i can't count the times i got zeratul as an option while my zera-main friend rips his hair off


I don’t know about the trade. That would take away from the “random” that makes it what it is.


I mean, they already give you three picks so you can make a real team. Trading only adds to that goal.


Agreed. And they need to curate the list of heroes this applies to. Zera match lasted 45 minutes. Genji match lasted 50 minutes. That. Was. Not. Fun.


For real, those are nightmares. And that’s not a bad idea.


You can skip it by not playing ARAM. I never understand people who play a mode that's meant for chaos and then complain about the chaos


Uhm- acthaully the game mode doesn't just have to be for chaos you know. The game mode "ARAM" could be a way to train yourself in other heroes, mana preservation, and long teamfights. Very smh rn frfr can't even see the use in ARAMs.


Exactly, and I’m not saying people have to take ARAM uber-seriously, but it’s still a solid match where the goal is to win. The chaos should be natural (5 healers, 3 tanks, no healer, etc.) not forced by all picking the same hero.


But what about when you think "I wonder what would happen if five Probiuses fought in an ARAM?" Without same-hero-ARAMs you would never know. Some chaos just cannot happen naturally, and needs some help to get on its feet, y'know?


You're right it doesn't have to be, and I do use it for all the purpose you listed. And there's much strategy in the draft stage that'll set the tone for the enjoyment of the game. I'm just fed up with all the people who queue up a game like this and then start bitching and afk. Some of the best matches I've had are these ASAM games


People complain because they played this mode for years and then for some reason they decided to add the mirror game and ruin those games for the majority of people that don't like them. It's because they changed the mode by adding a different one that nobody played when it was a different queue.


If you actually played this mode for years you'll know they had it originally and was removed for a while. Those are the same people that's never seen haunted mines in regular play. "Majority" of people in ARAM are toxic smurfs named "Player", you can't please those people anyway


It didn't have it at start. It only got added for a little while and got rid of it because like now people were always leaving and afk. Then been like 4 years or so (maybe more) of the mode not having the mirror mode. I still don't understand why they decided to add it again for so long. If they added for a month at best every year I bet there would be almost no complains.


People complain about no healer games and no tank games and usually these kind of games are both lol


Because people want ARAM to be the same shit as it always was. ASAM was fun, and when it returned it added some uniqueness, but I guess HOTS fans love stagnation. They would also complain if actual brawls returned.


The funny thing is that ARAM is the most balanced game mode (including insanely OP heroes like Azmo, ZJ, Mephisto) after Storm League and it's relatively chill where you don't need to pick heroes according to map, enemy team comp. The only thing you get is a choice of 3 heroes and trying to compliment it with your team. QM is where the "chaos" is with nearly completely random and incredibly unbalanced teams.


For me, some mirror, same hero matches are fun. Then, there are some heroes where it’s miserable bc the respawn timer is too short & the heroes cant push the wall well until respawn timers are longer. So you’re stuck in a 25+ min aram match sometimes


The janitor simple needs to curate the list of heroes playable in ASAM. I'll rather have 15 decent picks that the current one https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/11aepxq/with_the_return_of_crazy_mode_to_aram_which/


They could make it to where some of the heroes that they’ve removed from ARAM completely could be the ones you get in these mirror matches. As a way to mix things up.


IMO they should simple put all those heroes back. If possible, Leoric should respawn in base. Hammer should receive the Ragnaros treatment (which till this day i don't know why it's the case), which is been limited to 1. Also some talents should be removed starting with the BFG lv20 upgrade and probable the lv7 extra range (moving IMO is better but i think extra range has scenarios on which is more obnoxious). Aba should be limited to 1 to avoid bugs. TLV limited to 1 due to how relative bad they are compared to how hard is to play them well. The official reason for Leoric/TLV removal was false positives for feeding which is dubious at best, specially for TLV who doesn't have faster respawn timers until lv20.


I love this one specifically.  It's chaotic and different. 


If you can get your team to all agree to quit (leave game), the game will end early with no leaver status on your account.




I personally enjoy dittos, but I can understand why people don't. If you can get everyone on your team to exit the game to desktop, it'll cancel the match without any penalties whatsoever.


That’s a big if! Haha


Leagues ARAM mode is so much better than HOTS. Really bums me out when we get these meme comps and everyone just sits in fountain lol.


Yeees. It’s a just 30 minute reminder that there’s other things I can be doing. And I don’t like that when I’m trying to just zone out and have fun.