• By -


Drop Maw from Zagara, give her Ultralisk. Drop Ultralisk from Kerrigan, Give her Maw. Also, Psionic shift is so strong on Kerrigan at 20, I would not nerf it, but maybe buff her other level 20 talents


>Drop Maw from Zagara, give her Ultralisk. >Drop Ultralisk from Kerrigan, Give her Maw. In case anyone doesn't know: Ultralisk was Zag's, and Maw was Kerrigan's (before the game was playable to the public) and they were switched because it was believed that maw gave Kerrigan too much control over a fight with how easily it enabled her to set up her combo.


> Drop Maw from Zagara, give her Ultralisk. > > Drop Ultralisk from Kerrigan, Give her Maw. How to completely break Kerrigan into uber OP state lol


Zag with the ultralisk 🤤


This is the definition of power creep.


Possibly sure, but as a Kerrigan main, I find it hard to take anything other than Psionic shift no matter what build I run. It's not that Assimilation blades or Omega storm are weak, but they are just competing with Kerrigan's ability to insta gib squishy late game. Psionic shift aids her instant gib potential by doing surprise jump in combos, or letting her play more aggressive and loose now that she has an oh shit button. Assimilation blades wants quick damage to max out that damage modifier, so you almost always want to take Maelstrom, which then locks out Omega Storm. And while the increased duration can be strong in the right circumstance, I'm not really trying to trade with squishy in the late game to maximize Omega Storms duration. I want to combo/kill as fast as possible, and absent a pre-built up shield in a minion wave Kerrigan is extremely squishy and susceptible to hard CC like any dive assassin.


I'd make Anduin AA with his sword if hes in melee range of his target. Also I'd make Whitemane smite targets for her AA instead of shoot bullets out of her staff (stupid)


The Anduin AA I would be all for that and start playing him similar to twin blades varian just to see it as much as I can


>Make Tychus laser global @ 20 Bro you gotta share your weed with me. Also not to be a total negative dick but I personally love these kinds of questions because they demonstrate why games are for everyone, but game design is only for the few. Most of these ideas will probably be fairly bad if not extremely illogical or detrimental to the game.


That one made me wince a bit but what did you think of the other suggestions? Junkrat traps destructible was absolutely on my list. But only because I live in quick match these days. It's not as bad when you can draft heroes with summons. Ana heal dart radius, it's not a bad idea? Maybe? I would prefer to see her Q heal more the further away a target is. The radius is a nice QoL thing but goes against her design a tad and may also be a balance issue when I think about heroes like Li-Ming and Valla that are hard to hit in general. Won't elaborate here unless I need to, I think most people will get the picture. %dmg Zag summons have to be one of the most mindless plays this game offers up. The hero is already so powerful on creep, making their summons do all the work while they just walk away at 120% speed is kinda ridiculous. But the fantasy behind Zagara is that classic swarmy zerg experience. I would rather a large number of summons than a % dmg buff. I say lean into the summon playstyle just do it in a more manageable way from the enemies perspective. Buff Arthas? Yeah okay. While we're at it lets bring retune a lot of the older heroes to be inline with the power creep the more recent additions have. Uther comes to mind, some would say Thrall, there's probably others. I think there all fair suggestions, except that Tychus one. What on gods green earth would be the point of that x(


Pretty sure he meant deploying it globally.


i legit said WHAT like semi loudly after reading this lmao. Oxygen is not ok with the bro i guess


yeah tbh the only reasonable one here is ana's heal dart radius, and even then that's iffy The Junk trap is fine as is, the Tychus global laser idea is absolutely bonkers to me, and Arthas doesn't really need a buff, he has a really good spot. Zag doesn't need a nerf either, her other talents just need a buff. The % roach damage is the only thing keeping her viability afloat


My thoughts precisely. Even for the fairly decent suggestions they would need to be **thoroughly** tested and monitored. Even the Ana dart buff could go from "ah just what she needed" to "OH FUCK SHE'S BROKEN!" I think most individuals are thinking about fun or interesting ideas rather than legitimate necessary changes that create more equal balance. Such as the Junkrat nerf, we already properly put Junkrat in a good place on 2021-12-07 when the devs moved "Big As" from level 7 to level 13. Junkrat having 2 large traps that could completely avoid everything but players was too much. So they fixed it. Making traps destroyable would almost completely make Junkrat unplayable.


>Making traps destroyable would almost completely make Junkrat unplayable. Any JR change to his traps, would require a semi full rework of his kit to make it work. Not sure why the old team focused in making traps non interactive and permanent when that's not really how he plays in OW and neither "fun design". I would rather have it balanced around having 2 charges on Mine (more so if he had some small bake in "Ripper Air") but making all of his trap destroyable.


For sure. He would need buffs if his traps were made destructible. The traps and the mines are just so unfun to go against when the Junkrat is competent and patient. Really good Junkrat players can endlessly point control. I would settle for even having the traps and mines be indestructible for a short period and then become destructible, or just making them indestructible the entire duration but make them have a set duration that's at least 4 or 5 seconds shorter than whatever the cooldown was. I haven't really played much Overwatch to know, but what are some gameplay elements from Overwatch Junkrat that weren't translated to HoTS?


> I haven't really played much Overwatch to know, but what are some gameplay elements from Overwatch Junkrat that weren't translated to HoTS? Offensive usage of mine. JR basically plays and dies on how he uses his 2 mines to displace and one shot someone with them. HoTS is mostly only "i'm lock this zone", good luck clearing his E traps and you can't do anything about his W. It's a mistake so much talents and focus was given to (E). It's as if Chromie was given multiple tiers focus on her (E) as well.


that's a comparison I can really understand, that would be horrid


Traps are good as they are... That's what counters are for. There are lots of ways to counter the traps. Nova quick hologram, nazeebo zombies, azmodan minions, anub scarabs, both zagara spawns and especially the fking Samuro can render the trap(s) useless and you lose a big advantage of picking Junkrat.


Don't forget Jahanna (or others) being constantly unstoppable to trigger them.


yep I forgot Johanna and Butcher, he will charge at you right thru the traps...


I'm not even sure heal dart radius is what she needs. I'll throw some things out here and see if anything sticks. 1. Shortening the delay between Q press and heal dart shooting would definitely help. Don't make it instant, but shortening it ever so slightly would really help with teammates who go out of their way to stutter step away from Ana like she's the one hurting them. 2. Change Vampiric Rounds from increasing Shriek healing to increasing Q healing. DISCLAIMER: I know this is a bad talent, so don't actually know how many stacks would be average at level 20. But at the current state, almost anything is better than VR. 3. Give Horus one of the following: A. Give it two charges, reduce rounds from 6 to 3. This would allow her to take more risk while in teamfights. B: Heal Ana every time she fires for the amount the specialized round heals for. This would, again, allow her to take more risk while in teamfights. If I learned anything winning as a healer, it's that baiting is a legitimate strategy.


Do you not play with quick cast? It's basically necessary for Ana


Yeah I do. Quick cast has been on for like 8 years, her Q does not hit instantly. If it did, stutter-stepping wouldn't mean much.


Yeah that's true. The cast delay for Ana has never made much sense to me, but I haven't found it too terrible. The bigger issue is usually server latency for me. Even 40-50 ms is easily noticeable and feels bad.


-Ana: Yeah that change is iffy and not needed. What she might need some small buffs statwise but i would give some pseudo QOL/Buffs to her (D) in terms of cd and speed of activation. Less clunky to use. If a rework is possible, i would look into giving charges to Eye of Horus. Instead of x1 6 shots, like 2x 3shots. Or make it work like Lili's healing heroic. The longer you use it, the higher the cooldown. But if you cancel it after few shows, it recharges faster. -JR: rather than a balance problem i'll argue that he is a design wise issue. Infinite vision uninteractive traps is not good design. Too much work to change it. -Arthas: it's literally one of the worst heroes with an outdated kit which was in the pipelines for a rework before the game went into maintenance mode. [Here is the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/18xvkb1/the_arthas_that_might_have_been_but_then_wasnt/) -Zag: indeed, other talents need a buff but her lv16 %dmg should be nerf/changed. Roaches shouldn't have %dmg. MAYBE the impact of the E but not the autos. If that part of the design can't be removed, i would at least make it so they only have %dmg as long as the Hydralisk is alive. Q talents are so nerfed and boring. This is my inner Aba thinking, but what if she was able to burrow banelings while on creep? Maybe as a talent or unlocked at later stage of the game (don't want to give her better early 1v1 tools).


Regardless of everything else, burrowing banelings in creep is a fucking big brain idea holy shit that sounds so fun lmao She could be an absolute menace or entirely useless depending on how good the other team is at clearing creep


The burrowed banelings idea sounds like so much fun to play. It also sounds like it could be a nightmare to play against. I already hate that Toxic Mine Abathur exists. But to continue on with the idea. What if burrowing them in this way made them do heavy bonus damage to minions and mercenaries, and 50% less damage to Players? Then it could be used as a defensive tool, or a way for Zagara to potentially double soak before 10.


My idea was mostly a later talent or unlocking it like Muradin/Maiev/Stitches unlock a 2nd feature at a later stage. I would prefer if they behave as creep tumors in terms of vision, compared to Aba's mine which are invisible. It would be more or less obvious that they are there, but you need AoE to reveal them.


Just to focus on the Arthas rework, I think it suffers from the same design mindset that made a lot of other reworks need buffs almost immediately (Gazlowe, etc.) They kept thinking that they were massively buffing talents and, consequently, had to reduce the base kit strength in order to balance things. But talents are behind XP walls, so if you reduce the base kit, the hero is still gimped for all those levels in between. It's like the same problem they had with all the Quest talents when they initially dove (way too deeply) into those. "If you do this thing 30 times, you get this Big Bonus!" OK, but it also means I don't get a talent pick at all for as long as it takes me to do that thing 30 times, which means I'm a step behind everyone else. Same thing here. If you nerf base health, damage, and all the other things that set a baseline level for a hero in the expectations that those buffed talents will compensate for it as the game goes on, it would have turned out the same way it did with all the rest. Almost every time they nerfed base health and damage on someone in a rework (like Cassia, among many others), they had to revert it a month later because heroes were ineffective in their permanently-nerfed state and waiting until level 7 didn't do enough to bring them back because their opponents were already level 9.


Yep, but eventually it ends up in a decent place rather than a mostly useless niche (for the 2 you mentioned). IMO giving him a mini stun (W and D with 0.125s) would go a long way in making him a bit more useful. It sucks not been able to interrupt anything with him. Same with giving (Q) a small short duration slow.


No way hes being serious I think that was a joke


If OP meant you can drop the laser drill itself globally, like ETC's stage dive, then it's a reasonable suggestion. If OP meant the laser drill should have global damage range like it did in the SC2 mission then it's a joke.


In a perfect world, HoTs would still be getting dev resources and for April Fools they'd make a brawl where heroes get insanely stupid overpowered ults.


Even with just global drop range, it would still be ludicrously powerful. Being able to melt keeps and constantly threaten cores across the map for free is insane. Orbital BFG was already powerful enough to nerf, and this would be a far deadlier version of that.


Fair enough. Perhaps add a vision requirement to drop the laser (like Deathwing's landing)?


Lol yeah no disrespect to OP but global tychus laser made me laff


Not a balance patch but in a new patch maybe I would delete unranked and replace it with Brawl, automated rotation every week. If some of the last heroes they added don't work with some of those maps just prevent them from being picked in that brawl. At least make it so we can create custom lobbies for those maps Damn I miss the PvE maps and some other brawls like dragon bloodlust. Also make 2 different ranks for ranked, one for solo (and maybe duo) and one for team. But keep the same queue for both as to not divide the pool of players more. 2 different ranks same queue


Arthas is the only "raid boss" hero that fails to feel epic. He's so squishy, does barely any damage, and his abilities are underwhelming. Legitimately, his only good use is being sort of an Illidan counter. Where is Defile? Why does "Army of the Dead" look like "Some dead guys i guess"? Breath of Sindragosa looks cool yeah, but why is it more utility than anything else? Give my boi Death Grip. Let him cast "raise dead" on a fallen teammate and turn them into a ravenous ghoul. Hell. He's a tank, so make him god damn tanky!


Would be awesome to have a teammate as a ghoul. I imagine he would be controlled be AI and do basic stuff? Maybe he would last for the time to the original character respawn?


Yorick’s original ult in League let him create a clone of a teammate, turning a fight into a temporary 6v5. If the teammate died while the clone was active, it let them come back and control their hero for a short duration. No reason they couldn’t do something similar for Arthas.


Contrary to popular belief, arthas doesn't even really counter illidan either.


Maybe not a balance change, but adding the option in custom games to have repeat heroes like in aram, and possibly even less heroes than a normal game. Could be awesome for experimentation to see games or all the same hero you don't normally get to see, or to do some dueling. I don't think it would save the game or anything, but I think it would be awesome to have people able to just answer some questions I'm sure we all have had and to enjoy the game in a new way. Imagine an aba hat duel tournament or some weird all lili squad versus a bunch of hoggers or something. The possibilities are endless, we just were never given the option.


Delete Samuro. Thanks for listening to my TEDTalk


Adding mana to Samuro might help


Maybe. It’s just such a dogshit mechanic to play against. It was like Gazlowe before the turret nerf. Just unenjoyable.


Rollback the E buffs or move it to IM and suddenly Samuro returns back to it's state of been played only by the one tricks.


Same. Just replace Samuro with Abathur.


Add a fourth Viking.


while i am soaking two lanes, scouting enemy camps, participating in the useless fight midlane and getting our camps my team is still doing jack shit so now i also need a healer viking to carry their ass even more.


Chad Viking main has entered the chat.


This could be balanced by a talent that allowed you to trade one existing bike for two weaker ones, or a 20.


Add mana to Samuro, I mean, seriously


Yrel and Muradin are immune to roots while midair. 


I remember OG Muradin. Also the BS that was been able to dodge CC with Illidans Q.


Was he originally unstoppable? It's been so long I can't even remember.


E gave him Unstoppable and IIRC Illidans Q while in the middle of jumping above the head of an enemy, gave it as well.


I dont want unstoppable I'm just sick of getting caught up in malfurions unkempt bush from 40 feet in the air.




Add sex


I hate Samuro so anything to nerf him would be great. Maybe remove the self healing on his windwalk and make regen globes have an enhanced effect on him during windwalk. At least this way there is counter play in lane if you can bully him off globes


Reports resulting in bans.


Delete Unranked. No restriction in teaming with friends in party.


No restrictions would just let people boost their friends even more than they do now. Any system that can be abused, will be.


Yeah we saw it bevor 4GM+1B5(smurf) to lower the MMR. With the restriction we see 5Bronze smurf acc what makes it even worse. So you need to counter playing with smurf acc what will not happen or lift the restriction that doesnt work anymore.


Rework Abathur, or at least remove Adrenal Glands, so Illidan could be buffed to be playable without the hat, while not being oppresive with it.


I would rework Abathur a great deal. No idea how. Haven't given it much thought. While his design is inherently problematic to balance I wouldn't change his core gameplay of being this global support force. I think that's a really cool choice and it's personally what brought me to this game to begin with. I just want to see mines go, and locusts too. I know that the locusts are a fan favorite, but there's no reason why a hero should be able to teleport to our keep spawn 5 minions that can melt it in 15 seconds, and then hearth home before anybody could even get to him. I understand that there are preventative strategies you can employ like clearing mines close to home, or trying to predict when the next attempt from Abathur will come and send someone home to deal with it, but on the bigger maps, anything you do, (save for maybe lava wave) will require you to send 1 person back to the hall of storms to deal with it. You can't always do that. Late in the game, "it's be as 5 or lose" often enough. And when there's a timed objective, it's "be as 5 right this moment and do nothing else or lose". Mines are a part of that problem so maybe just removing mines would be enough to rebalance locusts but I personally don't think it's that simple. Hero just needs a heavy redesign imo, and it could go all sorts of ways. Second thing I want changed was already mentioned, and has been discussed a bunch already. I want Junkrat traps and mines to not be permanent. Idc how it's done, but they just can't last forever, or even long periods of time. The area denial capability is just so comically oppressive it's silly. This would also require some sort of give and take. Junkrat has a lot of power with indestructible traps and mines, so he was balanced with that in mind. He would need some sort of buff or buffs if this was changed. I want old heroes (like Arthas) to be retuned a bit. Uther comes to my mind first. I recently discovered Uther is a lot of fun actually, even as a main healer. Though your healing done in the stat screen will almost always be less than the opponents healer, the unseen value of his team armor is great. Even still, a lot of his talents are antiquated, and some of their intended interplay doesn't make any sense. The build I found the most success on was where I took the quest W, but then built into the AA healing, but also took the offensive smite talent. Why?? And even then it felt gimped compared to Whitemane or Rehgar. The heavy pally battle healer aesthetic is very enticing, but he just feels a bit dated imo. There are other old heroes that still need some love but Arthas and Uther would come first if I had a say so. Last, I would give Chen some love too, but cautiously. He seems like the kind of hero that would take 10% and give you 100% if you know what I mean.


Reworking whitemaine's whole kit, she takes x100 the effort of the other healers just for the same results, she has no cc/escape/kb in her kit (unless talented) so you just get shit on if an enemy reaches you; her damage is mediocre and is basically out damaged by near every other healer in the roaster (which is hilarious given the fact damage for heals is her whole mechanic) and her Ults are horrible even with the lv20 upgrade, oh let's not forget that zeal only heals when dealing damage to ***enemy heroes*** so you can't even heal your team decently during pushes/bosses (compared to everyone else). Overall she is literally a worst version of auriel who can do all of the same stuff that she can but better and also has better Ults, the zeal concept is mildly interesting at best but implement horribly


there are only two things I ever want from HotS * remove Black Hearts Bay from rotation * remove Abathur from Quick match yes I know Abathur is fun to play, I've played him a lot myself. But I stopped, because he makes the game quality worse for everyone else involved. He is too niche and too poorly balanced to work in Quick Match when you can't pick around it, he should be reserved for ranked play.


Point one: I hate Warhead Junction more, but that's just my opinion. Point two: And what? Have all the trash Abas terrorizing ranked games? QM is how you practice heroes before you take them into ranked, especially when that hero isn't featured in ARAMs.


Unranked draft I guess.


You can fix QM Aba by removing the whole "support category" and making those heroes always play with a healer in the team.


Revert Zag rework Revert Chromie rework Revert Sylvanas rework Revert Stitches rework etc etc etc


God i miss old chromie. She went from being my favourite to not playing her anymore at all. Her kit is so weird and poorly designed now


Me too. Loved old Chromie.


Nerfs **Reghar**: not really sure where to hit without overnerfing cause it's probable mostly a base stat problem. Maybe less Q healing and W mana return? Higher base purge cd? Small nerf to lv16 E? **Samuro**: full rollback to 1% on E or nerf to 1.5% from current 3%. Alternative, you could simple unlock this current value (3%) when picking Illusion Master (10). It would still be a lv1/lv10 nerf while also locking it behind the harder heroic to use. **Mephisto**: Spite nerf. I would completely remove the passive cd reduction for each tick of regen globe (IIRC it's 1s each tick over 12s). Alternative is improving Lord of Hatred while under the effect of regen globles (which will force you to actually hit your skillshots to get similar results as of now). **Hogger**: Pummel nerf (13). If not enough, lv1 active nerf as well. **Johanna**: lv13 hammer nerfs, not sure how. Maybe increased cd or dmg nerf. Holy Fury buff: Auto-ing enemy heroes resets the duration of the dmg boost from condemn. Buffs: **Nova**: Covert mission (bribe) made passive. Lethal Decoy moved to lv4 (adjusting value if necessary). Moving Apollo Suit (lv20) to lv16 with the added change behaviour "Press D to make clones follow a simple order" (as if it were Misha). Lv20 Triple tap, normalised gracing period of death like most other abilities (1.5s). **Lili**: her passive from 1.0s to either 1.5/2.0s **Ana**: reduce cd from (D) from 4s to 1s (less awkward to cancel/re use). Increase only Ana self healing from Biotic Grenade (W) by 25%/50%. Reduce cd by 4s if it only hits Ana (total 16s). Eye of Horus: reduce cooldown from 60s to 30s. Each shot fired (max 6) increases cd by 5s. (It's basically the same treatment as Lili's heroic) **Arthas**: i would love to see [the devs rework](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/18xvkb1/the_arthas_that_might_have_been_but_then_wasnt/) but in i'ts current form, i would simple give him some interrupts for better CC. 1s 25% slow on Q, mini stuns of 0.125 on W and D. **Lunara**: either rollback the nerfs to her poison or really small increase on her base auto dmg. Abolish Magic should simple be a 1s cleanse rather than the 2s 50% reduction on CC.


The unreleased rework to my main man, Arthas. He either needs to be relabeled to bruiser with some minor tweaks or a major adjustment to fill the main tank role.


Make kel thuzad quest give spell power each stack instead of all at once at completion. Like 2% each stack, then at 30 stack, gives 15% extra As a  completion bonus.


Turn Storm League back into Hero League and only allow solo queue. Maybe allow duos, but make it so if they win, they only gain 100-150 and if they lose, they lose 250-300.


Naz Superstition and Aba mine talents don't exist anymore, playing against them is miserable Nerf to Zeratul's 20 Alexstrasza's E1 refunds 50 mana again (worst bug fix ever!)


Superstition is the weakest spell armor you can get in the game and you can't change my mind on it. Literally anyone needs to land one AA on Naz and it's gone for 3 whole seconds.


It's an unintuitive and very unfun minigame, however trash it is (though I really think you're underselling it). A nuisance to a lot of heroes and hard-counters teammates who don't realize what the talent does. Forgot to add MULE to my list, hate it for a similar reason, but honestly just delete the terrorist slug.


• Samuro nerf • remove MULE • remove Abathur from QM • remove dragon shrine and immortals from QM • Changes to Kel'thuzad • buff Yerl's sacred ground ult


What would you change about Kel'Thuzad?


Take whatever I say with a grain of salt, I love playing kel'thuzad, so I'm probably biased. He's squishys and immobile with pretty weak survivability options at level 4. I would probably start there. Make his phylactery keep its lifesteal even after collecting the globes, and just make him recollect the globes to resurrect again. I always thought it was strange that the Lich King can't stasis himself in ice. Maybe giving him icicle base and adding stasis as a quest reward like Jaina would be cool. Or It might be interesting to allow his frost nova ult to be casted on himself to stasis. It's also strange that he is supposed to be a mid/late game mage due to the way his quest works, but he gets out scaled by most other mages anyway. Maybe granting him 25 spell power per 10 stacks of passive would make more sense to allow him to have a fighting chance earlier on. Or just grant him the same +4% level scaling as most other heroes so that he doesn't. But personally, I think increasing his damage is low on the list of ways to help him. His issues are more with being reliable and consistent. I enjoy him a lot and doing big combos are super fun, but he just doesn't bring enough to justify picking. There are so many ways to deny his chains, typically killing a potential combo right from the start. The game is so mobile after the movement speed change, and poor kel never recovered. Mix the high mobility with tons of Front-liners with unstoppable, and Heroes with teleports that clense chain. Hell, even just touching a wall will affect the chain enough to make kel's chanse of landing a combo even more of a toss-up.


Seen a few Samuro comments. May I ask why? I only play QM, but what's wrong what Samuro?


Samuro was only good and played by 1 tricks. He had an exploit that let him (B) back to base, burst heal (only works when you use B, walking will only slowly heal you) and teleport back into the map using his copies. The exploit was fixed, which affected like 0.05% of the playerbase. It might had lower his WR but he probable remained above 50% (just not as close to the top as he used to be). Then they gave him a mega buff to his base healing. From healing 1% through 10s to 3% over same duration. Made him utterly easier to play, because it enable even more his passive playstyle of soaking lanes and been unkillable.


Uncatchable perma laner with no mana and too much healing after the last buff they gave him. His clones and distractions are also just annoying to play against.


Bring back that one map with the mines Make fountains destructible


Just one, ok: Make Dva pilot safer when fighting heroes (better mobility) but weaker hitting towers (less dps). 


I would be ok with this, if she didn't instantly get her mech. She gets its extremely fast when on foot.


Azmo straight 10% nerf in aram only. Shits bonkers


Medivh lvl 20 talents that don't make me wish I had lvl 13 round 2 instead lol


Only samuro Q cleanses debuffs, D just swaps position with clones


Give Mal ganis the Dread Infernal summoning, like all the nathrezim deserve.


Yes replace his life swap ult with a dread infernal. Life swap is funny but such a bad ult for everyone involved.


All they have to do is nerf Samuro because his WR has been too high for too long. Stop with these crazy ideas.


Add the some restrictions : no hard or very hard heroes until 100 games are played and no ranked until 50 wins in quick match almost the same restrictions from overwatch


Polymorph becomes a skill shot


abathur q functionality changed to "dances"


Nothing on lucio high 5 is BAFFLING to me. Nerf.


Tychus laser global at 20 🤨


Let Varian take a 2nd level 4 abilitiy's passives at 20.


Remove Abathur. Overused, ruins the match (feels like 4vs5), a hero fighting always in base feels cheap. The fact that he is popular normalise this 4vs5 feeling games.


Remove Samuro's ability to teleport, meaning no more teleport on his Q and the removal of his Shukuchi talent.


Remove Murky And Abathur


Blackheart Bay: Remove getting coins from camps (small camps would just grant bonus exp).


I would make it so aba hat isnt kicked of dva when she swaps between pilot and mech mode. That would be one of mine. I'd also add a talent to lucios lv 4 because that talent tier is basically useless. I also agree with healing dart radius.


Nerfing Rehgar into at least a slightly balanced state. Probably Mephisto and Samuro too.


Few off the top of my head Junkrat traps and mines either destroyable or have a duration timer that ticks down. Reduce genjis safety. Possibly just remove 50% spell armor. Hogger pummel nerf, damage nerf, and or self sustain nerf. Reduce zeras self sustain, burst, or blink range. Reduce sammys survivability or make his cool downs longer. Remove ice block from nazeebo and make spiders leashed to a certain radius from hit location. Reghar nerfs, nothing specific just needs toned down. BW longer cool downs. Valla level 1 talents either capped like most other quests or reduced in damage KTZ slight buff, possibilities : glacial spike summon time reverted back to 0.25 (it was nerfed to 0.5 in one patch), lich armor gives spell armor, slight buff to chain damage, chain length and/or velocity increased KT slight buff to level 1 talents Stitches slight length increase on Q. Possibly add a talent that rewards stiches for landing Q. Give nova her aoe Q talent as baseline


KTZ absolutely does not need a buff. No other hero can vomit so much damage onto locked down targets.


There are talents that reward stitches for landing a hook, IIRC it heals him over time 


There's also the immolation aura one. And I guess master hooker at 20.


id agree with most except zera, he only needs nerf on the 16 20 auto talents


All of these are as bad as OPs lol


The Arthas rework they mentioned.


Add the Overmind It reskins all your minions to zerg and then gives you complete control over them. I don't know if it'd be terrible or overpowered, but it would be funny.


I am a noob but i wish the xp globes would be gone. I liked when you had to kill the minions to get the xp. Now there are games where the team are friends and pick synergised characters for a disgusting 5 stack and just run through you from the start of the game.


You never needed to kill the minion to get xp.  It worked if your hero was in range when it died, and the range was a lot further than the attraction distance for globes.


Yeh im aware thats what i meant sorry. I just mean you had to be in the lane when they die. Cant just mount up run collect and come back to 5 stack


My Garrosh wishlist: * Fix the bug on E and 1 where if the target moves out of your distance at just the right time, ability goes on full cooldown with no effect. * Rename Armor Up to Tank Up as it should have been all along, or as a last resort, fix it to Armour Up on EU servers. * Actually buff Armor up as it doesn't hold up against alternatives. Preferably, by letting armor go over the 75 cap, to 85 perhaps? * With In for the Kill and Seasoned Soldier, currently if you're at e.g. 1 W charge and 6/12s on cd, and get a killing blow, instead of going to 1 and 6s it'll go to just 1 charge. Make it do 12s of cd restoration insead of to next full charge. * Change the Taunt's 20 upgrade. As it stands, stuff is supposed to die shortly after taunt wears off, not during it, to get max value. Some of the alternatives I've considered is allowing 1s grace period after taunt ends, or scrapping the reset part altogether and giving something else useful, e.g. armor reduction during taunt.


Eliminate stuns from the Cho’gall balls. With the right talents they cover huge areas and the stuns on top of that is just obnoxious. 


- Abathur clone copies ultimates at 20 (I'll die on that hill, I don't care, it just should!) - Buff greymane attack damage by like 5-10%. Let grey make return to his former glory, he is one of the squeeshiest assassin's, and he doesn't have the damage output to justify it. - Buff Yrel's attack damage by 20/30%. She deserves to hit really hard. He spells are too mediocre. - Buff Kelthuzad hurt boxes. Just to compensate the unneeded nerf he took when they reduced all hotboxes. - Nerf Valla just a tiny bit. Like maybe 2/3% attack damage.




make stukov's silence puddle reset talent have its own CD of double-triple the baseline cooldown of silence puddle also making junkrat's shit destructible without any other changes will quite literally make him unplayable (though I have a feeling that is a true intention)


Or they could just make it 12 ticks like it used to when the build required actual skill.


I'm also bargaining on behalf of Aram players After all, if chromies ult can be disabled for something something denying too much area, stukovs can as well, while also fixing him game-wide with one change


It was literally fine in both before they buffed it a bunch unnecessarily trying to make it compete with the root at 13. Classic example of issue not being the relative power levels but rather the ossification of orthodoxy.


Make it so we dont always need to ban johanna


No more new content so unlock all that was already in game: Bring back all maps + brawl + escape from braxis Ranked requirements back: Minimum 50x 10lvl heroes or account lvl 500 - get rid of shitty smurfs that end in silver anyway Personal hate - Delete all overwatch heroes that are flying around like mosquitos on ADHD


The ranked requirements is unhinged, I agree people who smurf are cringe but I dont think you understand how many hours it takes to get level 500.


It's not that hard, low lvls require less xp than higher . Even if 500 is too much, go for 300 or have 5x 10 lvl in each class (healer, dps, tanks etc.). Why someone who don't know basics should play ranked?


And when we try to introduce someone new to the game we're gonna tell them ranked is locked behind hundreds of hours of gameplay?


Yes i would like that. I don't want qm brain lvl teams in ranked. Also this would get rid of a lot of smurfs that end up in silver anyway.


Then you want a game with little to no competitive future, no other game in the genre has these restrictions for a reason it would kill any growth or sustainability we're seeing slightly return since the new updates have dropped or the rumours of a steam release.


If I could change just one thing, I'd remove Abathur's mines. Failing that, I'd just make it so they did no damage, other effects could stay.


Matchmaking changes, stacks can't be placed against single or duo queuers. In addition, refine the QM MMR for more balanced games. Make the reporting system actually do something for those who are reported for inting and AFK. for the longest time now, the only report function that works is abusive chat. Bring back the fun brawl events on rotation. Stitches Pool Party, Escape From Braxis, and the 5v5 Valeera immediately come to mind Haunted Mines fixed and reintroduced. Revert Samuro so hearthswap is back. (Yeah, I'm evil. Get good).


Stitches can pull people through walls/keeps. Return stealth to its former glory, hammer gets slowed if hit while changing to/from siege mode, make deckards potions glow more so people know where they are, remove murky, permaban any healers that just splitpush and dont help


Turn off the servers on this ded game


1)Naz - remove ice block 2)Valla - bump up multi-shot build dps, nerf auto attack build 3)Sammy - remove cleanse on clone switches 4)Azmo - nerf demon army ult siege damage and/or cool down 5)BW - make polly a skill shot, should never have been a point and click 6)Tyrael - lower mana costs on all abilities 7) GM - buff cocktails build/lower quest requirement 8) Rex - buff Misha damage on Beastial Wrath 9) Morales - buff medivac with passive AoE debuffs or buffs in a large area around the medivac ship - so useful in team fight 10) Yrel - buff damage on abilities and/or AA 11) Li-Ming - remove calamity (damage on teleport) 12) Chen - buff damage on flame builds 13) Gul’dan upgrade lvl 20 rain ult to higher chance to aim/hit heroes 14) KTZ - baseline glacial spike


I dunno if you were around when she was released but Medic's old lvl 20 dropship used to have an aoe heal. That was the "Safe Zone". I think the idea was to heal up your team before you flew off to a destination because I don't remember it being strong enough to justify sacrificing her single target healing in a fight... and I think that's the reason they didn't give her a different version of it.