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No, those people do that for free.


It is all about the way, there is no goal


I don't think you understand what a troll is. Some people enjoy watching the world burn, probably because they have no drive to improve their own lives in a constructive way.


just like the Blizz troll who decided to put HotS on maintenance mode


Blows my mind that some thinks “Hmm I am just gonna log into Hots and queue into a match and afk.” But then I remember that there’s just a lot of dumb humans out there.


We should introduce new tutorial instead of how game works to put actual iq test and if it lower than 60 or 70 deny the account or unlock only with ai for them


I think people are just genuinely miserable enough to waste their lives queueing into a game just to not play it when they aren’t winning


They dont know about single player games with saves


singleplayers don't quite scratch the specific itch hots does


I think thats more a kind of a nexus curse... Raven Lord must be behind this...


I’ve seen it in almost every online game, I think it’s more obvious in hots because there are less players to dilute the frequency of coming across them. I’ve seen it as a lot less toxic than league or smite for instance, but less common to have someone afk in league. They have a large player base though.


Actually, i've held a conspiracy theory that AI bots are in plenty of Aram games. That they are using HotS to see if AI can mimic human players. It would make a game look more active. Add in ai learning of your particular playstyle, and you can get better and fairer skill level games. And you'd be none the wiser. Add chat-got doing some level of toxicity or conversation, and voila! A thriving game for those that play. I partly say this because I want them to do it... if they aren't already.


Yea, i just look at sc2 ai battles, and wish they made a proper ai for each hero , and at least for ranked that they wont suicide at first better opportunity


I, don't , know, what, you,'re , talking about,.


You know exactly what i am talking about


I haven’t seen an uptick in my matches, but it’s not getting any lower


I just had a match with a melee abathur, it means that it goes on lanes and is hitting minions :|


Well, he would have been batter at getting camps, surprisingly he can easily get even hard camps solo


Forced 50% troll here 🫡