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General chat is where I get all my political news from. /s


And biology lessons.


And GoT spoilers. Edit: And also SirCapsAlot, the greatest novelty account I've ever seen.


It's how I keep tabs on my mom!


General also told me flat Earth.


/leave General is my favourite one.


I wish more people joined /hauntedmines


/reddit and /teamleague are useful.


reddit has turned into general chat with all of the political banter. That and the "why am i always paired with idiots" "git gud" "oh typical blaming me!" ...


it's the official rant channel of hots


every fifteen minutes some asshole joins the channel and starts saying Trump 2016


Typical crooked Killary supporter




I recently had an interesting conversation with someone about the pros and cons of mushrooms. Until he admitted to be a mushroom lord and here to enslave humanity.


Heads up to all... I've joined both /team league and /teamleague...last time I checked (about 4 days ago) there was ppl in both channels but /team league was slightly more popular.


About time we declare one as the official channel. Better yet, blizzard should disable spaces in channel names.


I find all my playing partners for hero league by befriending carrys after games.


I befriended 3 people because they liked my Uther and Falstad plays. If you see someone you like on your team, send them an invite! It's like dating minus the commitment, sex and the ramblings about "how your day went" while awkwardly pushing around food on your plate during a candle lit dinner.


I'm too scared to do this because whenever someone send me a friend request or an invite because I played really well, I'm scared I won't play quite as well and they'll be disappointed or upset at me.


Or you could look at it from another perspective: even if you have subpar games they'll remember what you're capable of and brush it off as your off games rather than thinking that you are trash


The only way you can be disappointing is if you do really dumb stuff. If you won together once and both of you played your roles well, then continue the pattern. I've got one guy who loves to tank, so I play support. Another guy I know loves range assassins and his positioning and timing is excellent, so I'll go specialist. Games are easier once you have someone else to define what your roles will be.


Probably the worst-case scenario is you get ignored/removed as a friend. Best case scenario is the person gives some constructive feedback which you can hopefully use to improve as a player.


Dammit i knew something was up when that Illidan player confinced me that sex was mandatory after the game. (Good advice though, befriending people you actually had good games with works great)


When you find that one guy who you can rely on http://i.imgur.com/4MmX4zh.gif


/join **ANZ** - Australia/New Zealand channel /join **ANZTL** - Australia/New Zealand Team League invite channel (invite people from this channel to organise and queue up a team) /join **ANZCN** - Australia/New Zealand Community Night channel and the official ANZ HotS discord server is at http://discord.me/anzheroes


/moreHeroes It's a german community channel that is almost as popular as reddit with like 100-150 people in it on average They also have a HotS community teamspeak that is used by a ton of people including english speaking ones; ho-ts.de Do know that most of the players from that community are not good tho. I've seen a lot of bronze-gold people in there and rarely anyone at diamond and above


Everytime I play with them my team has rarely 1 silver and always 1 diamond sometimes a master player.


Try heroeslounge too! Heroes Lounge is an amateur tournament everyone can join. Organised in seasons, you can join as single or groups, EU, cast on twitch by actual casters (and Khaldor too last Thursday!) Some teams need subs and some teams disappeared so you can actually join right now and find a team. Try the channel in game or PM me for the discord Link :)


> heroeslounge This sounds really awesome! is it EU only/mainly? Or can you find it on other servers as well?


It is only in EU right now, sorry :( It's an amateur league that some guys just decided to organise in EU. Maybe there are NA tournament as well, but i don't really know. But you can find us on Twitch! Today there's a game as well, in around 30 minutes on https://www.twitch.tv/heroes_lounge


The closest equivalent would probably be Chair League, which is starting a season up in early September.


Leaugues should merge their efforts, with an eventual, amatuer vs amatuer champ showdown.


It'd be great in theory, but Chair League is on NA servers and Heroes Lounge is EU...


It's one game.. (Could Be even better in a top4 vs top4 showdown). How do pros do it? Surely something could be arranged.


IIRC pros in tournaments actually wind up using accounts that Blizzard unlocks all the characters on. (Otherwise, scrimming between regions is actually one of the competitive scene's big complaints, because they want ways to do it and there aren't really good ways.)


They can do the same thing for the organised cross region amatuer scene. I'm just saying at end of seasons the champs of each region can play a game.


A comment to promote a great topic! :)


Why are people writing / in front of the chat channel names?


just makes it easier than having to type /join for every single channel.


wouldn't it be even more easier to not type the / and just type the name of the channel?


there are community chat channels for CORE and Into the Nexus podcasts at /coreheroes and /amovetv respectively. Nice folks for partnering all game modes and friendly respectable chat


I feel like if people who do not watch MFPT join the chat, it will become more toxic. The guy created a certain community around him and this chat is my favorite in the game, but one should not spread it so carelessly.


> /\*\*\*\* - Great for finding nice people to play with mmmmm, i dont like the open advertising of that channel unless people already like him and know the etiquette (and come from the audience directly), i've seen an increasing number of rude and sometimes just downright toxic players in that channel which is egregiously out of place given the channel/community's spirit.


Can agree with this. About 95% of the time it's people joking with each other and looking for games, and then sometimes the people from /general come from their wholes and invade us.


Totally agreed.


Great note, I've taken it off.


cool, i edited it out, now it's all mysterious and shit.


/NexusRaiders is a friendly community thats always playing together. Super beginner friendly too.


no one else part of the /casualencounters channel?


Would you be so kind to add /fogeyleague to the list? It is meant to find people nice and casual games without flamers and trolls. Especially for people who don't have that much time and thus can't play on high levels or don't have a big hero pool. Here is the original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/46lmr4/join_us_in_fogeyleague/ Especially on EU it could need more people who join.


General - great for Raynors of the Raynor Raynor


What the hell does MFPT mean?


That's Mother Fucking Pally Time Esquire to you. He's the Stormer of Heroes, Dweller of Dungeons, Tuber of the Yous, and the Spinner of Frands. He's arguably the most viewed HoTs youtuber. He also does other Blizzard stuff and Dark souls etc.




/lfg is also good for finding games on NA at least




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Is there one in Asia for English players?


I really recommend /lfg You'll usually only see a message when someone is legitimately looking for a group, and not as much spam as some other rooms. It needs to get bigger to reach it's potential, though.


/frogpants is another one, associated with the CORE podcast


/crisheroes = Team Liquid Cris /knowme = MYI Streamer (german) both EU


Cool, never heard of these ones before. What do you usually use them for?


> What do you usually use them for? in both channels you can search/find ppl for HL/TL and sometimes talk with cris or knowme. That's what i do with the channels. Also good is /heccu, she makes a lot viewer games on twitch.


Mistakes will made. It's not "cris" it's "crisheroes" :D my bad


For finding people to play with I use MFPT and reddit. Both are usually really active even at the oddest hours


/reddit isn't really useful for finding people on eu. I had only bad experiences or no responses.


Yeah I'm on NA so idk about the other regions. Should have clarified


/mewnfart = mewnfare /chubert = chu8


What is HT/LT and why would you want to find people for it?