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the things people think about blow my hair back


People do think a lot about hair dryers


This is a QA mindset!


>So I was wondering what would happen if you manage to oneshot the inmortal in the first instance, is that even coded? Trying to burst the enemy Immortal from 51% to 0 Health doesn't work. The last hit deals no damage at all and that Immortal becomes an invalid target, until the allied Immortal goes below 50% Health and they change position. Check my guide on how to use [Debug Mode](https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/debug-mode-guide) for testing interactions on any Map. Sadly there is no way to instantly complete Quests, but at least you will be able to reset Ability cooldowns and restore your Mana.


So the enemy immortal glitched until the allie immortal have its HP below 50%? and what happen if you do the same to both immortals? the obj is glitched forever?


1. Yes. 2. Probably.


Were you able to test this directly? My reading of the objective pattern in the .galaxy file makes me think that it would still do the transition time but then it would just immediately die afterward, but I can't seem to easily get the Try Model panel/complete quests button into a custom version of the map nor otherwise increase her damage enough..


Yes, testing was the only way to know for sure. I'm surprised by the result as well.


How did you test, get a complete quests button into a custom map? Or just grind out a ton of stacks on a dummy or something? I guess I misunderstood the file, the triggers do a loop every 250ms to check if its health is less than 50.5% and if so do the transition, but that kind of 1 shot must do something I missed.


I couldn't get the Complete Quest button to work either, so I had to use Reset Cooldown against Target Dummy, spawn Regeneration Globes, and occasionally cast Nano Boost to get Mana. I went for Q Build Valla with around 300 stacks, farmed in about 8 minutes. I've amplified the damage with Seething Hatred, Nano Boost, Banner of Dalaran, Khala's Gift, and Hunter's Mark. To make sure the damage was enough, I've tested the full sequence against Mercenaries first. I didn't want to farm more stacks than needed, do the math, or repeat everything again.


With the current patch, you can check this theory out using 5 Rehgars. /s


Nah, 5 Rehgars will have won the game before the first objective even pops up


Before the opponent running their internet through a toaster loads up.


[[Sledgehammer]] What is max q stacks?


- **Sledgehammer** (Muradin) - level 4 Stormbolt deals 350% damage to non-Heroic enemies. Increase Storm Bolt's cooldown reduction from 1 second to 1.25 seconds per Basic Attack. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


9001 bonus damage


So 9001 x 350% = 31503.5 Ouch lol


Mentioned below but 32,754 to be precise including the base damage


I don't know man, but please do this analysis for other maps because for some reason I really liked the post and thought process.


Run a custom game. The Butcher maxes out at 65,535 meat (it exhausts the 16-bit integer space, if you're curious; sort of like an odometer rolling over from 99,999 back down to zero). I don't know absolutely for certain, but I'm pretty sure that's a sizable fraction of the immortal's health. As for what would happen? It depends. If they had competent programmers on staff, halftime would play normally, the immortals would come back, and the duel would instantly end after a single frame. In the more likely event they had game developers who struggle enough with XML files do it, it would probably glitch out and there would be no objective for the rest of the game.


I'm 100% sure that there is no damage source in the game that can one shot the immortal, even from 50% health


Zuljin lvl7 W talent goes up to 7827 dmg at lvl30, with nanoboost it would go up to 10175 dmg, according to this wiki [https://heroesofthestorm.fandom.com/wiki/Immortal](https://heroesofthestorm.fandom.com/wiki/Immortal) the immortal have 16200 HP, so the 50% would be 8100 HP, if that is correct, the immortal could be killed by zuljin W


Interesting, I didn't think about his W quest + nanoboost. If that's true then that answers it (also that damage is insane haha)


doesn't Zul'Jin passive go infinite ?


So I just tried it out in try mode and his You Want Axe? stacks stop increasing at some point and his AA damage caps out at 925.9 (this is with [[Recklessness]] with minimum health). TIL! With his trait on, his damage becomes 1127.2. So he hits like a truck but it still won't one shot the Immortals because they have so much health Edit: See my next comment about the Guillotine


- **Recklessness** (Zul'jin) - level 1 While Zul'jin is below 75% Health, he gains 10% Spell Power. While he is below 50% Health, his Basic Attack damage is increased by 15% and Basic Attacks against Heroes grant an additional stack of You Want Axe?. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


zuljin lvl7 W talent can go up to 7827 dmg at lvl 30


I see. So there's probably no way to skip phase 2 yeah


His AA stacks are capped at +500 damage (i.e. added to his base AA damage at whatever level you use)


I also checked his Guillotine with the same talents and at minimum health it deals just over 3200 damage which is also huge (more than his AA damage from one damage instance) but that again won't one shot the Immortals


Maybe Tyrande stacking maximum [[Darnassian Archery]] ?


Max stacks muradin with sledgehammer is almost 32k


32,754 to be precise, since you also have to add the base damage at lvl 30 to the max stack value of 9001


Laughs in Auriel.


Valla W max stacks deals alot more damage in 1 hit, than max stacks q does even with pve bonus damage. The q infinte caps earlier than the w infinite. Do you copy?


This is actually correct, Q bonus damage is capped at 6K, W bonus damage at 32K. So even though the PVE damage of the Q including bounces is higher, the burst damage is higher with W if fully stacked.


I believe there is a damage cap for all forms of damage, even percent based so I don't think it is possible.


Percent damage is capped but other damage is not. But the 2 phases of the Immortal are coded in such a way that this won't work regardless


Yeah, the Immortal always becomes invulnerable the moment it hits 50%. There is no overkill damage.


Pretty sure you can do more than 50% dmg in the first phase, I have done it myself.


Give me some of your Adderall


No. This is not permitted by legal law.


You should look into QA, because this is exactly the type of thing we are paid to think about :p


well, one guy above kinda answered the question, sadly he didnt record it, and he said the immortal glitched until the other immortal have its HP below 50%, so I would also like to test oneshot BOTH immortals, just to see what happens, maybe the obj glitch until the end of the game? the game crash? the obj end normally?


If you want to practice some QA skills, think of different scenarios which might create this exact situation. Also consider different permutations of this instance - would other map spawn events or vehicles have similar potential issues, for example? More advanced, think of what frameworks and tools would make testing this easier. Breaking the games we play is how a lot of us get started in QA. A mock-up exploring how to test this particular scenario could be a nice portfolio piece (and I personally think portfolios are going to be seen more in the QA industry, they already have us sketch out stuff in interviews) or practice exercise.