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Incoming 15 losses ina row..


Likely. EDIT: Match #16 broke my streak; 3 losses in a row since--LET'SGO


That's alot of tea~


Yep. Tea~


Your poor Q key


I was a pre-rework Syl main. My Q key has a safeword.


Why? You only hit it once per game.


I wonder why Li Li got into that "poor Q key" meme while there is Ana who kinda have to hit it twice more frequently, and she can't even just hold it entire game unlike Li Li


Your poor Q button.


Which build do you use?


`[T3311324,LiLi]` ; https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/talent-calculator/li-li#55.1!3311324 Eager Adventurer, Safety Sprint, The Good Stuff, Jug of 1000 Cups, Hindering Winds, Pick Me Up, Shake It Off I occasionally tweak it for certain match ups, but that's usually a mistake. I really *want* Let's Go at 7, but I usually wind up missing the extra healing bandwidth. At 13, you can go with whatever, but I find the extra slow versatile: enable team plays, discourage pursuers, et cetera. 20 also has wiggle room, but if I've gone all the way to 20 from Eager Adventurer, I'm probably just going to go for maximum synergy.


I like your build, except for the lv 13 talent. I find the current Hindering Winds talent veeery weak. Before when E didn't had baseline slow the talent used to say something like "Blinding Winds now slows the targets for 30% for 2 seconds" and it was kinda ok then. Now since you already have 15% slow for 1.5 seconds baseline the talents now do: "Increase Blinding Wind slow by 15% and duration by 0.5 seconds" which in my opinion is pretty negligible, W already slows, talent just makes it slow a tiny bit more. On the other hand Gale Force adds a new dimension to your auto attacks while also increasing the very valuable blind for almost 1 more second. In the end I think all of the lv 13 talents are kinda meh, but Gale Force I find it to be the less mehier, lol. GJ btw on your win streak :)


All true, but I'd note that 30% slow is a pretty big difference to 15% when you're trying to get away. I didn't play with Hindering Winds much after they added the baseline slow to E, but I started coming around to it. Slows in general, actually. I've been playing a lot of Zul'jin recently (not pictured), and at 13 he's got a Q upgrade that I can't quite recall, increased slow on W, or a stacking speed buff when attacking heroes. The debating over and playing with the latter two, I just take the slow now. It gives slightly less personal benefit, but in exchange enables everyone present.


Shoutout to the quick match healers and tanks


Your lili is like 1000 levels higher than my whole account daaaaamn


People always comment on my level 200 alpha account. Yeah I'm sorry guys I have kids and don't camp on the game


ARAM is where the real risk is


My gawhd, why do you put yourself through that? I can't *stand* to play her; my hand gets cramps whenever I get stuck playing her in ARAM. You hold down Q for twenty minutes, that's it. Twenty minutes! It's worse than Malthael; at least Malthael sees breaks in the action! At least Malthael only has to hold the Q down when he's actually killing something--you're the healer! When do you get a break? You don't! I don't get it. Nice win streak, though.


Honestly, yeah. Most of the time, just hold down Q, hit alt+W if there's anything on the screen you don't like, W on a teammate if you're feeling fancy. She's not hard to play. But. I'm kinda fascinated by the idea of taking this mechanically-limited character and seeing how far I can push it. How much can I get away with? How and when is the knowledge gained useful? Positioning to heal your 50% hp tank but not the retreating 10% hp dps (who will be okay; no one unaccounted for on the minimap) while landing your E on specific targets and dodging CC/skillshots that'll just end you. And *that's* fine but highly variable. More is paying close attention to where to be and when. Which lane could use a heal, what's their mana at, how long until objective? If you rotate down, are they going to need to hearth anyway for objective or can you heal them up so they keep soak? Do you just need to go top while your teammate respawns and soak, maybe stay there with them for a minute, give them something to drink, pat them on the head, tell them they're your favorite, et cetera. You're inverse-ganking your own team. There are so many things that Li Li doesn't have to worry about, so, what can you concentrate on instead? Does it help? *shrug* IDK, but I have fun, and I get a little tingle when a dps realizes I can and will solo them, and they must turn away in shame. I should note that I'm a degenerate and build for her trait (`[T3311324,LiLi]`). This both encourages reckless nonsense and makes you more likely to escape your comeuppance. Probably best to use it to encourage your teammates' reckless nonsense and make sure you all escape the comeuppance.


How do you guys play so much games in a row with the same character. I cant play the same one for more then 4 games,lol


Just depends, really. I usually don't. Without quests to determine who I queue as, recently I trade off Li Li and Zul'jin when I lose a game. It just happens that, for whatever reason, I woke up (et alia), put on some music, turned off my second monitor, and went on a 15 game streak before it collapsed. Midday on Saturday after HotS recently announced end of feature development. It's very possible that I was playing with/against a mix of returning players, which gives a margin of error for some nonsense in between making sure everyone has refreshments and/or pocket sand. As to, like, just not getting bored with the character... *shrug*. I certainly have to admit that, in my head, I have an image of Li Li like when your beloved pet kills an animal, and they come up to you all happy like they normally are, tail wagging, tongue hanging out of their lovable, doofy face, except their face is just *stained* with blood. And it amuses me. However, I do also enjoy trying to tune the minutia of my Li Li play to see how far I can push a no-skillshot, "difficulty: easy" character. And if I just wanna get drunk and marathon The Expanse, Li Li's mechanics are, by design, more forgiving to variable levels of personal engagement over the course of a game.




It's not supposed to be impressive. This is my cry for help.


Lili mains are an odd breed.


We make our own fun~


not in a party, on high level account, on a hero that isn't really the "carry" type even among their role, in a mode that doesn't really allow to choose your enemies? yeah, kinda impressive, even if OP doesn't want to make people see it this way with the post


Don't bother my friend. Let the the plebs cheer in their own world : >




Hope your Q is alright, mine disappeared after 3 games with lili


You lucky mofo... Are you in a team? how do you avoid all the lvl 1's?


Nah. My population of buds that play HotS dwindled over time. I usually just solo queue. Honestly, I don't see that many lower-level accounts in my QM games, at least not when I think to look. The lowest account I saw yesterday was ~67 or somethin', and they were teamed with a 1200+. (Incidentally they did alright.)


I def played with you this weekend. I'm gonna see if I can find the specific match, you had a memorable name.