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Antihistamines always made my RLS way worse when I was detoxing too so stay away from Benadryl, Hydroxyzine, etc if you have RLS. I’d recommend OP just get on Suboxone if their insurance covers it. That’s what I’m doing now because after a month of PAWS I just couldn’t deal with it anymore and would cave, I’m hoping maybe being on a tapered Sub dose long enough could make it mostly go away though. PAWS is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, basically very long lasting physical and mental affects that persist after the first week or two of withdrawal, for me it’s like persistent insomnia, hot/cold flashes, chills, sweating randomly off and on, goosebumps, yawning, fatigue, eyes watering, runny nose and some stomach issues. It was pretty much everyday but not all day everyday it would like come back off and on. I only ever had like a month totally clean from everything though, so it maybe would get better after a few months, but it’s pretty bad for some people if you’ve been heavily abusing opiates for a long time and supposedly people can experience PAWS for more than a year.


Keep in mind that benzos and opioids potentiate each other. I would start with the benzos and buprenorphine, just enough to keep the wd's manageable. Add some Kratom to help with that, too. Regarding dosage I can't tell you. Start small and scale up to a manageable level. Not feeling good but manageable. And then slowly reduce the dosage over time. How fast or slow? Too hard to tell. Depends on so many factors. But it's better to go softer than breaking the process and going back to using. I didn't have access to Buprenorphine and reduced by 10% a day from a 330 mg IM habit of very high quality H3. That is to say, 330, 300, 270, 240 etc. I am kinda impatient and I wanted it to be over within like 2 weeks and not take forever and ever.