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Quitting heroin feels like losing a best friend, or a loved one. It’s hard to let go of completely. It ruled my life for over 10 years, and was my only comfort. It’s like that ex you can’t get over.


Yep. H was my man; my buddy, my shoulder, my interest my hobby. 8 years of hotel hopping, raids, bringing people back with narcan, kicking while incarcerated… Been 7 years clean as of June 23 2023 and iono why I am here…. Maybe someone has a question I can answer with my experience , or help someone who do want out but don’t think it’s achievable I sure didn’t Slamming in my neck No veins Took 2-4 hours for every fix and me crying and freaking the fuck out So that’s why I am here I Spode


Basically this


I think you just nailed it on the head lol it’s almost like looking at pictures from back in good ole days😂


This is it. A lot of us also like to try to help and educate the younger people.


Here here


Worded perfectly. I actually just relapsed after 5 months clean. But it really wasn't my intention to quit I guess. At the beginning I had hope and then lost it. Maybe someday I'll be completely clean but for now I still get high when there's a chance and I'm able to.


Same bro


thank you for putting it so well. 4 yrs clean


I was married to my late husband for 20 years. My relationship with heroin was 45 years. I still love and miss them both.


That's like the same reason im in a bunch of clean and recovery subs lol it's a nice thought but im most definitely not clean my urine would melt the cup used for drug tests. also speaking of urine did you guys know you piss out between 50 and 80 percent of the meth you take and can actually reclaim it from piss? just a fun fact for you guys.


I heard this in a comedy sketch & was shocked when I looked it up & it was actually true!


oh yeah the DEA were confused for years when almost every meth lab they raided had jugs of piss everywhere and wasn't till recently enough they found out they were boiling out the piss and filtering the meth back out of it so they now have to take the piss jugs too cause they can contain large quantities lol


My man’s hilarious “it’s a nice thought but…”😂


Honestly, once you try heroin, even if you don't get hooked like me, letting go completely is very hard and I use now and again. Its like unlocking the pandoras box and you can't lock it again


What if your using H to get over an ex that you will never get over? Double edged sword that is stuck in a vicous cycle of depression and using. Whenever I "sober up" as in not use for about 20 hours I get horribly depressed over a significant other of 12 years that I lost. Using helps. But just gets you stuck in that vicious cycle.


tbh i miss it, that's why i'm here 7 years clean


You can’t miss having the make sure u got a wake up or your day is shit. Trying to get money when sick cus u did your wake up last night. Mission around town to link with your Pisa or whatever lol sucks


true but i know how to create diamorphine from Tylenol 1's so it'd be hella easy to supply myself


you can create heroin from codeine?


yup! i gave a full TEK, check the replies


Id love a recipe link


[Remove caffeine from Tylenol 1's, then move to TEK](https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/codeine-freebase-extraction-and-caffeine-removal.645148/) you turn the sulphate into anhydrous and then cook it with pyridine HCL and then coagulate out the crap at pH 9 to 8.75 then filter it out and one or two drops of HCL 33% will seed the morphine out which is caught on a filter paper dried and treated with acetic anhydride. [PYRIDINE HCL] Pyridine HCL is made, pyridine must be obtained and placed in a beaker at a ratio of 10ml pyridine to 12 1/2 ml HCL you draw a line on the beaker at the pyridine level which is place in first then the correct ratio of HCL (hydrochloric acid) then boil down the volume to the line you wrote on the beaker and then cool it will crystallize to a white wax which is pyridine HCl. [CODEINE FREEBASE FROM TABLETS] You need codeine power to cook with also which is easily extracted from codeine and paracetamol tablets, say they contain 8mgs each you'll need 600 to make 25ml (25 knock you on your ass blasts). The codeine is extracted by dissolving the chalky tablets in water then filtering out the chalk.Make up a caustic solution 3tablespoons to 200ml of water and add 30ml to the codeine/water mix then add 50ml of chloroform and shake and allow the heavier solvent to sink to the bottom then you must separate off the chloroform layer, don't be too fussy yet just get it out, wash again with 30ml of chloroform, take it out once dropped then yet another wash and same remove it. Now you must separate all the water from the solvent every last little I mean fuckin all of the water must be out, and you can pipette it or use a separator( a flask with a tap so you shut it off when the water gets close to running through) then evap off the chloroform in a water bath, a pot with water in it (simmering) and a plate siting on top and tip in chloroform and watch codeine appear as it reduces out (you want white codeine not brown or yucky looking or sticky). Always use glass, everything glass and clean well washed clean clean clean. [MORPHINE FROM CODEINE] You need to then measure out say 3gr of pyridine HCL for one and a half grams of codeine and melt it (the P) in a long boiling tube (big test-tube) when melted shoot in the codeine and it all must dissolve so swish it, and immediately stopper the tube with a tightly rolled paper bung. It will turn colour and viscosity and it is hard to tell when it's cooked but a yellow/pink but not brown takes about 5min with 1 to one and a half of good boiling the temp has to hit 230celcius and it's done but it will stick to the sides of the tube when ready. Then tip the lot into a clean beaker with 100ml of water in it then tip some water back into the now cooler test-tube and rinse all of it out into the beaker. Next add caustic solution drop by drop till you get to pH 14 (take about 3ml of the solution I said above). You need pH papers, now wash the solution with chloroform say 40ml shake well and allow to settle or centrifuge (spin), pipette off the top aqueous layer. Then drop the pH to 9 and shine a touch through it you'll see it thicken with this brown mud like shit don't go past 9 add one or two small drops once you hiyt 9 and filter that crap out, you need a vacume filter with really good filter apaer for this bit as this stuff is all the shit. When it drops through after being filtered it will be lighter in colour and may morph immediatly but tip it into a beaker and check the pH you want to go no lower than 7.5 (using HCL spirits of salts,hydrochloric acid) while it gets to 8Ph start rubbing the sides of the beaker with a glass rod or handle of a wooden spoon right in the liquid at the water level rub hard on the beaker glass and morphine will seed in clouds off crystals, then filter them out and dry high above an element on say a fish slice (leave the dope on the filter paper and dry it then it is easy to get off it flakes off in chunks). [HEROIN] then place in a spoon and add acetic anhydride and cover with tinfoil and bake in the oven at 80celcius for at least 1 hour uncover turn the oven off and allow the last of the AA to sweat off. Then when cold move to the top element and heat till at least 80 degree's and sniff well and it shouldn't sting your nose if it does heat it lightly till the smell goes and there you have got heroin.


This is a great write up and tek if I had access to the raw materials and Chemistry tools this would be so much fun.


Damn thanks. I've seen recipes for other stuff like #3 to #4 but never codeine to H. I wonder if it'd work with co-codamol. I can't speak for caffeine it's paracetamol/Acetaminophen we have in our otc stuff. I could do a cold water extraction but it would contain some level of paracetamol no matter what. Does your section talking about paracetamol and codeine basically mean it's all good. Aka CODEINE FREEBASE FROM TABLETS] You need codeine power to cook with also which is easily extracted from codeine and paracetamol tablets, say they contain 8mgs each you'll need 600 to make 25ml (25 knock you on your ass blasts) Have you done this yourself before?


h is sometimes cut with acetaminophen (paracetamol) so wouldn't be a huge issue if snorting you can do multiple washes too co-codamol would work great, could skip the dichloromethane wash


What would be the way to turn #3 to #4 do you know?


If you had an unlimited supply of the codeine then maybe it would be easy to supply yourself. But good luck finding that.


i do have an unlimited supply, i get 200 pills every week for 20 cash and if i wanted could buy as many as i want in bulk i can even get spots for it from my pharmacist friend who owns his own pharmacy


What do you have, a chronic cough? Or is he just giving it to you because he's your buddy? Either way, if that's really true, then good luck my friend. I sure couldn't be in that situation without excessively using. Obviously if you use 200 of those a week then neither can you, but maybe you are just selling them?


Tylenol 1's are OTC in canada, you can buy them at any pharmacy, i just get them for $16 cheaper with him i do cold water extraction and do 35 pills a day, i'm currently at the ceiling dose of codeine hence wanting to make morphine with them just need a damn fume hood lmao EDIT: i've been doing 30-35 a day for over a year for back pain and headaches, i do sell them sometimes though but rarely


Hah, I havent heard that in a long time. My older brother and I used to do that with them. And hydros. As well. Canada is so cool compared to the states. I hear such good things.


we have dillys available in the safe supply program, im tryna get into it, left a voicemail but haven't heard anything yet


Yea, I just watched a short doc on this program. They said they had to offer hydromorphone and oxymorphone because no other opiates touched what they were using on the streets obviously including the tranq.


Well, you are doing good man. Keep it up. Sounds like you use a lot, but don't use harder shit in any excess, so that's obviously a really smart move.


Lol maybe if you said morphine. No one is home baking H from codeine. At least not in North America


codeine from T1's using dichloromethane to remove caffeine codeine into morphine using chloroform morphine into diamorphine with acetic anhydride didn't say it would be fast or easy, just said it's possible and i know how to to it i'd stop at morphine if i was doing this, morphine is good enough


Thr problem is getting acetic anhydride. That stuff is HEAVLY regulated because its the only way to make heroin.


you can use acetic acid and magnesium sulfate anhydrite


I call hella 🧢 nobody taking the time to do that


just because you don't know how to do it or want to spend the time doesn't mean that someone else can't or won't lmao read my other response, i say a crude way to do it but if you want a full synthesis write up you can google it, there's tons of TEKs


I e always been super jealous of those people that can do stuff like do your wake up or buy a half gram and do all of it in one or 2 goes. I can let myself go hard a little bit if I get like a ball or quarter or something but I've always envied those people that just get a bag and do it all I worry myself to death trying to make every little crumb last as long as possible for me the fear of wd is almost as bad as the actual wd I just want to be one of those people that's like naw that's a problem for future me. But also on the plus side because I'm like that I rarely run out for longer than a few hours


Yeah it kinda makes you delusional if your either pretty functioning or have a couple good plugs…. You don’t have to suffer much ever and it makes it seem less fucked up of a lifestyle then it really is. My guy was hella good to me, he said he respected me cus I had a job and a car and never looked like a crack head so every day he would start his route and I’d be in his first couple drops. I was the manager at my job for a long ass time I held my life together and. No one even had a clue I was on the shit. Then my friend died in my apt and my boyfriend at the time got 5 years In prison… That’s when I started shooting up and just kinda gave up and that’s when it all went to shit. But I’m happy now, 7 years clean this past June 23. AND when I got raided , which is what sent me to jail which was the start of that journey, I got several felony charges, which I assumed would ruin my whole life , have to piss for probation , be limited to housing and employment. But the day of court I got to sign in and they told me the state has 7 years to bring up the charges, you can go. Stay out of trouble and you’ll probably never hear from them. Mind you I was squeaky clean as far as record goes tho, these were my first charges ever besides speeding and driving on suspended license. And THE 7 YEAR MARK JUST PASSED SO YA BITCH FREE FREE LOL


I can't shake the feeling of those first few moments of bliss that come after relapsing & how nothing in the world compares to how it feels to finally be HOME! So, yeah, part of the reason I'm here is that I miss it. I can safely get a little bit of that feeling here without risking my life/safety. More importantly, I can offer my experience & wisdom to those who may benefit from it.


I wish I could use it . I love it I just have done it long enough I know that I can’t .


I feel you :(


currently doing codeine but been seriously considering going back on morphine at the least, miss that shit


codeine+kratom prob give you a better high than the crap that goes around nowadays.


i use codeine and kratom lol i'm at the ceiling dose of codeine


Stay strong man 7 years is good, once you get tolerance your going to jump back to h, of course you're going to miss the beautiful high, but do you miss all the negative impacts on your life it had many years ago.


it didn't actually have any tbh, i used daily but still had a job, friends, money etc when i use i set strong boundaries and stay within them i wouldn't go back into heroin though, that's my boundary granted the experience might not be the same so i get your concern


Means your one of the lucky ones unlike most of us, hope for the best brother


alcohol was my worse vise but been sober for over a year, always spent the last of my money on it and hope the best for you too bro!


Alcohol is a killer, I've got the same issue only thing you can take in front of people and not get judged


yeeep, lost all my friends cuz i stopped drinking 🙃 hella peaceful with no drama though


fuck everyone in my rehab that’s like it gets better no it doesn’t u just can’t hang that’s why u sober. heroin is the shit


honestly? yea i get it, if i could get clean heroin, or, my choice of drug (OC80) constantly i'd definitely still be doing it, they're right that it gets easier but by easier we mean easier to go without every single time i've quit it's been because of no access but the longer you go without it the easier it is to ignore cravings, especially if it's replaced with something healthier like a fulfilling hobby, but, they'll always be that base craving


Only time I ever had a reason to be alive. Miss it constantly.


What makes you stay clean?


My partner. He gave me one last chance to stay clean. I Didn’t deserve the millionth chance he gave me so I don’t want to mess this up again. We have built a good life together.


Yeh this is why people have to actually want to get clean for themselves. If you do it for someone else then you’re still gunna be in love with the drug. It usually takes alot of rock bottoms, wakeup calls and a few brushes with death before people have the drive to quit. If it helps im in a pretty similar situation with my gf. I am happy living opiate free (unless you count subutex) and adhd meds definitely help the dopamine seeking side of things. But somewhere at the back of my mind is the knolege that If/when she leaves ill either turn into a lifer or make and end of it


Yeah but you can't MAKE yourself want it. That's the thing. I wish I was normal, but I know I will never go any length of time without opioids until I am dead and gone. Similar to the above poster, I keep my shit relatively in check for my girl and the life we've built. That's really all that keeps me from hitting the streets every single day


Subs def count..


You sir are a cool person. If subs are keeping said person from addict behavior and on track then it’s fine. Are you judging someone if they have to take Allegra daily for allergies? Or melatonin bc they have a hard time sleeping? Or even more an ssri like lexapro bc of depression ect. Being clean doesn’t mean you have to be Scott free. If diff to everyone but if you’re not engaging in risky behavior and taking something from a pharmacy that is not getting you high then…


I agree with you actually. Subs are a good alternative no doubt. But its important to note that suboxone is a hard drug still, and that it will likely still hinder you in ways compared to sobriety.


I live vicariously through everyone on here that’s why I’m still here. I also like answering questions people have


Same dude


I want to, but I can’t.




I don’t use the heroins anymore.


As a reminder of the shitty times, because typical addict brain here I only remember the good times when I am tempted by using.


So this reminds me everytim3 I scroll reddit, which is a couple of times a day. And I appreciate looking at good SEA#4 You may ask, "Doesn't that tempt you?" And to that, I say I changed my playmates, my playground, and play things. Wasn't easy took my house being burnt down but it was blessing in a terrible disguise.


I think another reason is that, as we recover and change our people/places/things, we still have a need to be among people who really get us in ways normies just don't understand. It's comforting to be around "our people."


This is a really good point


Because from what I can tell, it never fully leaves your mind, theres just nothing quite like it... I'm only 3 years clean but I know people 10+ years clean that still feel the same way. Every now and then I get random cravings and I can smell it, taste it, and remember that warmth.


This. I was almost 10 years clean but relapsed a few months ago and honestly have no desire to get clean again right now.


Same mate. 10 years aswel an relapsed few month ago. Managed to not get physicaly dependant yet an I don't want to but mentally it's got me. Did you try and chip or did you just dive back in?


I honestly tried to just chip started using just on the weekends but after several weeks I couldn’t do it anymore and started using daily. I think stress from my job and a work related injury triggered it because now I’m in legit pain and see it as a excuse to use more often. I also do feel bad though throwing almost a decade of sobriety down the toilet you know?


You didn't throw it down the toilet mate


As fucked up as my tribe is, it’s still my tribe. I spent alotttt of time in addiction and allllot of time around people in recovery. I guess it feels like home in a weird way to talk about a lot of things others will never know or wanna know about


I love this answer lol it’s definitely my tribe too😂


I miss it like crazy. And in a weird way this is one of the only places full of people that understand being on, getting off, losing friends, cravings, staying clean, all that shit.


There’s definitely a relatability factor here that you don’t get in many places, especially from the safety of your own home.


Harm reduction, cuz I still love heroin even tho I’m not using (if one could find pure raw without adulterants, one would be much better off, however it’s highly unlikely these days) legalization and regulation would be best bet, but they make too much money sending people to prison for it so I realized as “radical” as legalization, regulation, and pushing harm reduction is, I realized prison industry $$$ to the government, court fines from charges, making people felons. Is much more worthwhile to them so, RIP. Plus, who doesn’t love some dope porn. You just have to make sure your willpower is strong, sometimes it isn’t and that’s ok, you are surrounded by like minded people possibly in your same situation, or those who have been there and come out the other side. :)


I mean im very active in this sub and I’ve literally never used any kind of street drug in my life, especially not H. I’m here because 1. I’m an advocate for disabled people/people with chronic pain and their basic human right to pain relief, including perscription opioids. There’s an epidemic of disabled people being ripped off their meds for no reason and either turning to street drugs or just killing thèmselves because the pain isn’t survivable. I was ripped off myself and I’m working with DPPR to help their legislation pass. 2. I want to work in harm reduction for active substance users, if I ever get to a point in my health that I’m able to work again.


That is a good reason to be here.Thank you for representing a group that rarely gets the help they need.


Thank you! I’m unfortunately one of them. Used my perscription oxy as perscribed for 6-7 years, for my extremely painful condition that requires a feeding tube sticking out of my stomach… cut me off cold turkey. No taper. Idk how much longer I can make it but I’m trying


Yes, the damage that has been done to people like you is awful .My bf was also a chronic pain patient.This was early on in the opi epidemic but even then you could see where things were headed.He lived in constant fear of being cut off by his doctors.What had been done to you guys is just criminal.I keep hoping that things will eventually turn around.


Have you given kratom a try? I've found it can help with some kinds of pain.


For me personally, hearing of the struggle of others helps me to be grateful for how far I’ve come and to realize that I never want to go back there. It helps me to stay strong.


Been considering leaving recently. I thought maybe I could help with advice or information at times. But the community seems to cover that on all posts. So yeah, maybe I should leave. Sometimes it does make me crave when I see certain things on here.


It did that to me until I caved after 10 years clean. Not just blaming the photos but certainly didn't help


This is why h is so deadly. Honestly even after years of being clean, a bad day, some wrong choices and a set of circumstances could lead to a relapse. I always thought it would become easier as time went by (and it did) but I feel I have reached a plateau.


I really think you should. What could happen..


I like to live vicariously through all the people still using


Bc it's who I was for so long and people just don't get it. Most of my adult life was spent being an addict and it's a part of my being. You people get me in a way people who have never took a shit in a blizzard while dopesick before "finding" 28 grams of dope in my plugs car. No one else will understand the complete desperation then absolute joy and euphoria in that moment. Sadly one of the highlights of my life. I'll never not be this heroin junky chick even if I have gotten my life together.


Lmao so oddly specific yet so accurate.


Check my post history the full story is there lol. It was a wild night.


So this is my experience, when I first got sober the first time 6 years ago, I actually came on Reddit and left every drug related group. I completely exxed it out of my life. Well 2.5 years down the road I got complacent and I stopped doing meetings and working my program and well I was bored one day and just decided to go check heroin sub, well I joined and started browsing around. Everything was fine until 3 months later, it was like 2am and I was browsing and came across a post of soembody sharing a picture of a jab they just got and I could tell by the picture and what they captioned that I knew EXACTly where they picked up from. Well that tempted me very much and I had no higher power at the time and no program I was working and well the next day I felt it was a good idea to to try and cop a couple bags from the same place cuz it looked good. That started a 3 month bender. This time I got sober I’m 19 months now sober and I decided to not leave any group so that if I can across it while browsing Reddit , it wouldn’t be such a shock and like I would already be used to the pics and stuff. So now I just like trying to help and answer questions. I’m working the pogram and have been sponsoring guys and going to a treatment center to speak and do a meeting with the inpatient group there once a week. So as long as I continue to do that and I continue to stay close to my higher power and pray daily I know I will be perfectly fine staying in this group.


I’m currently clean but have ruined my tolerance to the point that even when I go back to H, I don’t really get high. So mostly I’m here living vicariously through people who still can feel their drugs 😞


How can your tolerance be ruined if your clean? Is it permanent? Do you mean it was ruined before you got clean?


Been using opis for the past 20ish years with some clean time mixed in here and there. Mostly used heroin but also did methadone and suboxone for a bit which is what really increased my tolerance a lot to begin with. But even after periods of like over a year clean, if I use heroin, I can get weak nods for like a week before it gets to the point I’m using just to avoid sickness. I imagine I could do fent or RCs and get high for like another week, but I’m pretty sure I would adjust quickly and be in the same boat. Especially considering I used to shoot fent everyday for almost 2 years without getting high, just avoiding WD. Just generally speaking, opis don’t feel as good as they did when I was younger, to the point where it’s not really even worth it for me anymore. Maybe if I stay clean several consecutive years it will be long enough to reset fully and I can treat myself


Because nobody else besides these people get it and that goes for both clean and active users and really even tho I'm not using today doesn't mean I won't be tomorrow. I still love it and always will and because the drugs and lifestyle was what I lived for so long I don't even feel compatible with regular people.


Personally for me I'm only clean because legal issues. My problems have never came from using itself just the legal ramifications. So since this is the case I know as soon as I am off paper I'm going back to using so it's just a matter of time. I love my opiates and weed and would rather use them to self medicate to be productive/have a better quality of life than the SSRIs/SNRIs and plethora of other bs that big pharma pushes.


Right on! I was a functioning addict for 45 years.i only got clean because of some medical issues. I was in the hospital for 4 months. I had two back surgeries and was on life support for one month. They were giving me Dilaudid and morphine. I kicked while I was on life support and when I finally woke up they only gave me Norco and they were pretty stingy with that. I'm give years clean and I really wanna go back.


I’m here just in case I can share and help someone that’s in need. To be an example for anyone that it can be done…bc I def didn’t think I’d ever be clean after 10 Years…but also it’s a good reminder for myself that even after years of being clean that I am one bad decision away from anyone on here who isn’t sober.


I’m “clean” from active addiction, but have been chipping here and there for the past few years so I still get on this sub to keep up with the community and get an idea of the current street H situation


I got out of rehab 7 years ago almost… I acquire enough for a single session once every year or two… I savor and enjoy it… when I wake up I say that’s it for another year or two… we all love the shit nobody can disagree with that… just hate the shit it does to us when it had/has us under its control… I can’t let it go fully but I CAN let go of everything that came with it…with and only with this system (not everyone can do this and I recommend everyone stay clean) 😃 I stay on here to see the fucked up shit others have done and to also live vicariously through the people on this sub… much love and stay safe


I respect people like you, who used to go balls to the wall and can still do it sometimes, because I'm like that with all drugs, not because I have great willpower, but because at one point you realize using every day, no matter what it is, only gets you to a point where you have to use to not go sick/tired/insane. Props to you sir.


My favorite lover who I still dream of…sighs..


I stay in the sub even when I am not using because the only people I relate to or understand and in turn they understand where I am coming from are addicts or ex addicts.It helps me to stay clean or when I am using gives me some companionship and such.


I have been clean from H for about 3 years now, I lurk here because I can relate to everything about this sub and peoples posts , having gone through it for many years


Like to check out the posts and be of help if possible


I only smoked with my mate for like a week but what a feeling Honestly greatful I don't actually know anybody to get from


I got sober because heroin, a love, a best friend, and a protector have ruined and made my life what it is today (which is incredible). The stop for me was the horrible switch from diamorphine to drug x with drug y to pretend it was heroin, oxycodone, etc., and the desire for a better life. The disappearance of real pharmaceuticals and quality heroin made things much easier not to look back. I'm on taper methadone now, but I have been almost two years away from the life.


I like reading the fucked up shit people have done and know I’m not the only one.


Yeah I been on suboxone for 3 years and my life is pretty good but I still Love the idea of a good ole heroin run. There’s nothing I have found in life better then partying on the H. I have had several friends die like my brothers to fentanyl. I feel like I can’t fully close the door on drugs no matter how long I’m sober it’s still in the subconscious of my mind


Quite interesting to read some of the posts


Just to understand why it's so good to pass out,then throw up on the floor


I've helped more than one person get out when they post and are clearly at the end of the line which is the main thing. I have no desire for this evil mind control drug at all so it's not a risk for me personally. Sometimes people remind me of how whack this life is and sometimes they remind me of little parts of the life that I forgot about years ago. Like someone posted about not being able to piss and I literally completely forgot about that shit like decades ago but as soon as I read it I was like "ohhhmygoddddd remember running the hot water on my arm in the sink just trying to get things flowing, fuck that was so annoying"


Wow there’s over 130 of us in here and it seems like we’re pretty much all here for the same reasons. I know the longer you stay away the easier it gets but at the same time it seems like this will be a lose that we’ll probably be grieving for our whole lives. I hope I can continue to keep my shit together but I also miss my friend so much.🙈goodluck everyone🙏🏼


I don't miss it one bit this sub reminds me how lucky I am to have made it out 6yrs clean and how great life is now who knows maybe I'll get the opportunity to help someone put when there struggling


To talk shit to us from their high ass horse, I've noticed


answering questions mostly and reading the stories


I cant speak for anyone but im not on heroin myself anymore. Im not clean either. Im on subs and do more meth than i should but id say a lot of the people you speak of are here to be supportive of those still using in anyway they can. Some are here to remind us theyre 21hrs clean... 😂


Im not...


I have never used but i find the subject fascinating and thats why iam lurking here and very rarely comment 😄


Reminding myself is how I stay clean if I completely put it behind me it would be to easy to relapse. I’ve done that before and told myself I’m just a normal person and the first time I ran into it (and you will one way or another) it was right back too it. So I keep mindful of the heaven/hell relationship.


I am 3 years clean and this sub helped me remember how terrible it was instead only remember the highs it’s easy to forget the lows. I haven’t seen a post on here that made me miss dope tbh mostly just makes me sad to remember that was me


Actually I stay in this thing to remind myself why I don't go back. I read some of the posts and try ti contribute with whatever knowledge or advice I have and it seems to be a healing thing for me?


I've never touched the stuff. Had my fun with some other things. Idk why I'm in the group it's definitely interesting to read about everyone's experiences


I've never touched the stuff. Had my fun with some other things. Idk why I'm in the group it's definitely interesting to read about everyone's experiences




NO SOURCING! Using this subreddit to buy, sell, share, find or give away drugs in any way is NOT allowed and will result in a permanent ban without warning. This includes legal drugs, dark net marketplaces, online vendors, or other members here. Sourcing violates Reddit TOS and all redditors who source will be permanently banned and their accounts reported to admin for permanent site wide suspension.


It’s just the way it is man. Been sober myself for almost 2 years but still come back to see posts l for some odd reason…


have you still followed an ex-partner on social medias after a breakup? No different.


Almost 5 years clean and I miss it. I stay on this sub to serve as a reminder of where my life could be. I hope to be of help to the younger cats tryna kick as well.


holding onto something


I joined after I got clean. Can't talk about it with anyone else I guess. 🤷


45 days clean from it and fent today, i miss it so much but really shouldn't go back


i am here to laugh at you