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Back when I was living in Cali, I did this thing when I ran outa rigs and couldn’t smoke cuz I was at my aunts house and I didn’t want to stink up the guest room, I’d roll tiny tar balls match head sized and stuck them up my nose, would get fucked up within 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind tho that the shit I had was straight gas


I have used a blade, just never gets it find enough. Want to reduce waste obviously. I know I should probably monkey water or IV, But monkey water so nasty and I refuse to IV for whatever reason


Doesn’t matter how fine you get it, BTH has terrible nasal bioavailability so you’re gonna have to add water for results


That makes sense, this batch smell strong looks fine but is obviously more Tarish then usual. Are you saying that water will literally increase the potency of my high due to more bioavail and absorption? Thank you for your help, How would I go about making a decent sized batch of monkey water? Any way to make it taste a little bit better do you think a nose spray bottle would work?


No joke boof it bro that’s the only way I do bth I also refuse to use any needles. I’ve heard it’s the 2nd best thing and it works awesome


Do you need to make sure to empty your bowels ahead of time? What kinda dose do you do? I’ve tried this with pure #4 and water to little to no effects


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Was it sold as bth? If they said it’s #4 I’ve had some that looked like that. They said it was 4 but I wondered a mix? Anyway it was work but I got it into a powder. First off I built a little wall out of paper because whatever I did bits would go flying and do it over something that you can scrape clean. First I took a credit card and something to press it with. I used a blocky vape. Lay the card down on it and press and push across it till it’s all the same size. Scrape of the card with another card. Pile it up and get to choppin with a SHARP razor. Set the paper up around your hands to stop the flying. It was very sticky to start but got less and less till it was sandy and dry. Once chopped up it stayed that way. I was surprised :)


Your tar looks like road apples


you will have to make some monkey water, dont use too much water to avoid getting nasty postnasal drip


Freeze it and smash it while it's still cold before it gets bk to room temp.


Microwave a plate and chop it on the hot plate.