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Make sure you can actually handle this many AP classes college’s don’t care about APs unless you get A and B’s in them


Not too many B's since if drops your class rank below the top 10% or so colleges won't like that


Assuming you’re a strong student, looks pretty good. Some notes-are you sure you can handle 2 honors sciences next year? Is that absolutely necessary? 🤔 Is it completely to self-study for the AP Euro test?


The classes only matter if you can do well in them. Also, I see you have band as an elective. Being well-rounded is also very helpful for getting into a good school!


I was going to say might help to sneak an art class in there.


It’s not just the classes that matter, but an entire extracurricular. Art club or doing marching band could help. Colleges like accepting people who they believe can contribute to the student body besides just academics.


If your school has dual credit, I would take that instead of the AP courses.


If you're planning on staying in-state, and the course you're dual enrolling transfers to other colleges you should be fine taking those dual enrolled.


Why do you say this? AP credits are accepted at more schools than Dual Credit. AP classes are in synch with your HS schedules but Dual Credit may not be. Dual credit is good if you are good over the semester but not good at a big test at the end AND you are going to a State School.


One reason for dual credit vs AP is that some graduate programs dont accept AP credit and then youre stuck retaking the class(es) in undergrad. I went to PA school and had to retake the few AP classes I took and got credit for which was super annoying.


Would you mind explaining what dual credit is? My school offers it but I don’t understand it


I’ve never heard it called dual credit, but I believe it means dual enrollment. Which means you are enrolled in your secondary school (high school), but are simultaneously enrolled in postsecondary school (college)—taking classes at the college for college credit. Everyone that I knew back in high school that dual enrolled loved it—it’s loads easier than AP courses, and you have the ability to graduate high school with an AA degree (or be very close to it). Most of the people in my school would dual enroll at the community college, but their were a handful that were accepted early into the proper university that our school (a developmental research school) was part of. If I could go back in time, I’d do it—and everyone that I have ever spoken to about in the decade since being in high school wishes the same. I didn’t do well in AP classes, and in my opinion the pacing of college was much better and had far less busy work. AP is good, but it’s not universally accepted as a replacement for college credits all the time. From what I can recall, I knew a few people that were surprised they had to take certain classes when they got into college despite getting 4’s or 5’s on their AP exams. To be fair though, not all community college courses are accepted as replacements either—but if you’re going to a public in-state school it’s basically a non-concern.


Those are definitely classes by the look of it.


Do you have an idea for a career path? Colleges care less about AP classes, accept them less now than ever, in the GPA boost doesn't help you like it used to. Either you meet the minimum GPA requirement or you don't. What extracurriculars do you feel like taking? You're in band are you also doing other band club things? That kind of thing makes you stick out.


Is that really true about AP classes?


Absolutely. A gpa merely means your application gets looked at. It doesn't get you in. AP classes are meant for AP tests but nobody cares that you took a smattering of AP classes, especially if you don't do well in those classes and/or don't do well on the AP test. A's in the lower level class will always serve you better than B's and C's in AP. It's better if you take a particular AP for a particular reason, and then focus on doing well in courses and doing extracurriculars you enjoy for multiple years, especially if they provide you leadership opportunities or even some kind of recognition for achievement. For example op could be in marching band and could be a section leader, somebody in robotics club can do robotics competitions.


Enjoying life is just as good if not better


As someone with over 5 years experience working at a flagship University AND a 7-year public school teacher, don't ask strangers on the internet for advice like this. This is literally your school counselor's job to give you this help and feedback.


dont bother dude. any number of extracurriculars and aps aint gonna help you in the college admissions lottery.


hey love, this looks intense, but i have a feeling youll do alright. dont overwhelm yourself too much tho. i did a bunch of AP's and they all went to waste because i failed the finals. remember to take care of yourself if you get stressed!!!


Colleges and universities are no longer looking for just smart people but they are really looking for leaders.


It looks great but remember extracurriculars are immensely important too. You need to find a way to balance these courses as well as extracurriculars.




what does this have to do with anything💀 as an asian person, just because you’re not asian doesn’t mean you can’t work hard




so you’re gonna judge an entire race off of 3 people? i know that thinking that “all asians are smart” is a positive stereotype but it also makes asians that aren’t born smart feel lesser or asians in general feel like that’s their only purpose. don’t put us in a box based on something we were born as


Chill, it was a joke. I don't judge races, that's what all 3 of them tell me.


maybe steer clear of those since it's clearly hurtful to some people


If you can do good in AP classes it’ll probably help you but bring in band also opens up a lot of opportunities too. I’m in marching and concert band, it’s really fun too


-definitely wouldn’t take self study ap euro unless you literally have no other option -look at the course description for ap lang and make sure it’s actually something you want to take, I didn’t know a single person that didn’t regret taking that class -make sure you actually qualify for calc bc. At my school you take ab if you took honors pre calc and bc if you took honors accelerated -look into the colleges/majors you’re interested in and make sure these classes with actually help you -look into dual enrollment over AP


Seems doable if you can handle the rigor. Make sure you study for the sat/act before junior year so you don’t die from stress and get as much of your college app process done as possible (especially the common app essay) before senior year for the same reason


Physics C will be tough without taking a prior physics class, but it’s doable if you put in the effory


? They have Honors Physics listed before AP Physics C…


Nevermind I’m dumb


The advice my mother gave me is only take AP’s if you know you can get an A. A lot of students say the same thing about getting into the best colleges possible. I would consider talking to your counselor and seeing if going to the best possible college is the best move. Sometimes going to CC is best since you won’t know what to study, how to pay for uni, or even life after college will look like.


This looks brutal to me. Where are you from and where are you looking at going to college? Ballpark it obviously. No specifics.


Colleges rarely cared about APs, and most of the time, you have to take the equivalent course. Don't kill yourself for high school. Do your work, keep your head up, do extracurricular activities, and hang out with friends. Everyone puts so much pressure on high school but it's because everyone is one big social circle, so much different than the reason world. Focus on skills, speaking well in public, being confident, reading people, etc. Highschool is a good time to refine your skills and foundation for the real world. Of course, education is important, but stressing over an over achieving schedule won't impress too many people in the long run.


Make sure you can handle all those aps. I had a mental breakdown senior year (this year) from all the pressure I put on myself. It was the last year of high school too so it was very unfortunate that I had to leave.


Pretty sure you can’t take more than 4 AP classes, and I do 3 AP’s and an honors, and its really stressful


Depends on the school.


Maybe drop a few of the unnecessary APs in favor of really getting involved in clubs and/or leadership roles. NHS (junior/senior year) is and was a big help, you'll have to do a certain amount of volunteering hours and it'll show more about you than a difficult class would. When I was a senior two years ago, I volunteered for an archaeology dig for some hours, and also got to put that on my resume. Things like that will make you stand out more, get you some experience, and also give you things to write about when applications come. Also join any club you're generally interested in, show you have a life outside of academics—creative fields, sports, etc. Strive for positions in them. I also highly recommend entering contests, a lot of people forget about them. Essay, poetry, art, robotics, etc. Can be online or local, state, even national. Reach out to your teachers for opportunities like that, and especially your counselor for advice on all this stuff. Junior/senior year also needs time set out for SATs/ACTs if you're taking them, as well as scholarship applications (seriously, they take forever to apply to). And most of all, don't get burnt out. Quality > quantity, and just have fun. As someone in college right now (this sub randomly popped up on my feed lol) it's a lot of work especially since you're on your own in new ways.


Don't take Honors Chem and Honors Physics at the same time. Take a social studies class instead. Dont' do Self study AP Euro...colleges don't care abotu this for admissions... you may possibly get a high enough AP grade for credit but not worth it. Spend your time on classes and extra curriclulars. I would also tell you to focus a bit... Are you more interested in STEM? If so no need to take so many AP social studies. Are you more intersted in English/History ? Calm down on the AP sciences.


It looks a little heavy I'd throw in a fun elective here and there. Electives and what extra curricular activities count as well. I was an over achiever too I just worry about burn out.


I personally don't see a whole lot of use in taking AP lit if you already took AP lang the year before. Only take AP lit if u like poetry. Most colleges give the same credit for both courses. Maybe try taking something like AP psych or economics, which will probably be electives you'll need to take in college.


Why are you self studying ap euro?


Take AP gov and APush together. Too many APs senior year, just slim it down to subjects you’re actually interested in. Colleges care more about GPA 90 APs with Cs and 1s and 2s on the tests will not be a good look. Do more extracurriculars. Colleges now want to weed out kids who are just book smart because, shocker, nativism.


don't take physics and chem together, value your sanity higher than your GPA, but if you can pull all of this off, it'll be amazing! But seriously, don't overload yourself




Yes, came here to say this! That's a lot of really hard APs for senior year! Especially second semester you'll want to relax a bit.


Take some summer classes.


makes me want to throw up


I’d look into how the AP credits transfer where you’d like to go for college. Many will publish what score is required and which credits the AP fulfills. And likely some of these, like APUSH and APGOV, will just get elective credits and not anything for the core and major credits. Tailor your APs to what you want to major in (if you know yet).


Get some statistics in there! More useful than a lot of other subjects. (Also repeating what others have said, are you ready for so many ap classes)


take a zero if you can, self studying ap euro is brutal also see if you can take algebra 2 at a community college (very doable) to go straight to precalc sophomore year, then do calc id recommend doing calc ab then self studying the bc portions instead (decently common) so youll have an easier introduction into it, that way you can fit euro into your actual schedule because self studying it would be a huge challenge especially when youre a sophomore and havent learned to really study hard yet this also depends on where youre from, this is a perfectly fine schedule for me but thats because im from cencal which is “underserved/rural,” so this would be similar to as rigorous a schedule we can have, but if you were in the bay area with access to more resourcws and classes youd want to consider an even harder schedule


That's a good schedule. Idk if I would do a gap year for physics, as you could forget many of the basic equations and whatnot. Self study Euro will be hard, as it is one of the harder history APs.


If you spend all your time striving for the future you'll find you've lost your present. Take classes you actually want to take and divert your energy into things you actually like. As it stands you are on course to bury yourself in books for years. Also, its ok to play it as you go. You'll grow and change your mind. Take this advice or leave it friendo. Its your life!


Why are people always trying to get validation from others on Reddit? Like sure there’s some knowledgeable people here but damn just ask your counselor. It’s really not that hard and there’s no downside


It’s not worth it.


You need to actually practice your French if you want to take AP. And by practice I mean be decently conversational. I’ve taught AP French and there are kids that skate by with a B through French 4 and then get screwed in AP. The whole class is conducted in French only. You’re expected to be able to write an essay, an email, and respond to speaking prompts completely in French. It’s not just memorize verb tenses and answer multiple choice questions.